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Supernatural Rules.

Below is the thrall wars Supernatural rules. Please note everything is subject to change at
any time.

Character development:​ These rules are a guideline for what can be achieved. A personal
growth story where a character develops new skills and powers is encouraged. Imposing
additional rules on ones character not included in this document is also highly encouraged.

Consent and supernatural RP: ​Supernatural RP is not for everyone. Players should
consider what their RP partners want and need before engaging in any supernatural related
Should a player express a clear OOC disinterest in any magical themes, they are well within
their right to deny its effects on their character or, to effectively “Stone wall” any supernatural
antics attempted.

Supernatural characters and powerplaying: ​Supernatural characters and abilities are

meant as a way to enhance and enrich existing characters and stories. They are not
intended to give one an advantage over others.
If someone wants to play a supernatural character purely to make their character “better”
than everyone else. They are doing it wrong and will most likely have their application
denied, or their supernatural rights revoked.

Similarly, supernatural features are meant to enhance an existing character’s personality

and motivations, not replace them. If your character turns out to be a boring plank of wood
personality wise, adding a pair of horns and glowing eyes will not fix that.

Supernatural sociology:​ On thrall wars, we try to encourage and maintain a general

philosophy that supernatural characters are rare oddities, myths and legends that most won’t
even know exist. The rules attempt to reflect and enforce this as much as possible. But we
ask the community to help as well, whether a supernatural character or not we want to
maintain the mystery around such beings. We encourage supernaturals not to flaunt their
gifts and oddities, especially in public places. Keep it a secret to be revealed in private or in
dire circumstances. Flaunting your power or oddities will not only lead to the novelty of
Supernaturals becoming stale OOC, but may also lead to your character’s untimely demise
IC, as you are burned at the stake for being a witch.
Applying to be a supernatural character
In order to play as a supernatural character, the following steps must be completed:

● Familiarise yourself with the rules within this document.

● Browse the currently available supernatural offerings available within the “Big book of
● If the character you wish to play is not currently available, see if your character can
be adapted to suit one of the existing archetypes. Small tweaks are acceptable, and
the archetypes are designed to be vague and flexible.
● If still there is no appropriate archetype, request it within the supernatural discussion
channel. Archetypes are created on demand and popularity. You may however be
asked to help flesh out the archetype and get invested in the process.
● Create your supernatural application, this should include the following:
○ Your character and their history, regardless of their supernatural abilities.
○ The selected character archetype you wish to play.
○ A section detailing the history of your character and how it conforms to the
selected archetype. Or how you would like to flesh out the character to
become the selected archetype.
○ Any requested deviations or twists on the existing rulesets.
● Send your application to the administrator in charge of supernatural applications.
● Wait for approval, this may involve some back and forth communication between you
and the administration team.
● Play your new supernatural character.

TW practices a simple rule for supernatural characters: They should be fully functional as a
character even if their supernatural attributes were not present. Seemingly ordinary
characters can become supernatural as their journey progresses. There is nothing stopping
them from awakening their abilities mid exile. Similarly, characters with pre existing
supernatural abilities may start in the lands with their powers suppressed completely and
must work to regain them.

For this reason we encourage characters to be created and played without the supernatural
elements before the application has been approved, with characters starting their journey as
supernatural being a very rare exception.
Supernatural General rules
Below are the general rules regarding supernatural characters:
● Only the pre approved types of supernatural characters are permitted. If you wish to
play a character that is not listed within this document you can suggest it to be added
or see if one of the existing archetypes can be adapted to suit your needs.

● Supernatural characters are by their very nature supposed to be rare and exotic. For
this reason the TW team may reserve the right to decline supernatural applications
based on existing population alone.

● The majority of supernatural characters invite conflict by their very existence. An evil
sorcerer or wild manbeast will be considered by most to be a monster or
abomination. Characters who chose to play a supernatural character open
themselves up to this deeply ingrained prejudice. For this reason playing as a
supernatural character will automatically enroll you into more extreme conflict
consequences and waive your right to avoid permadeath.

● A character being an abomination will be all the justification another player needs in
order to treat said character as hostile. Attacking someone for the sole reason that
they are flaunting supernatural traits is an acceptable course of action.

● Some supernatural characters may require an in character journey in order to

develop their gifts and awaken their powers. Administrators are willing to help assist
in this, by playing pivotal roles and arranging scenarios to enable these events to

No character in TW is immortal, or immune to any form of damage done to their person.
Even supernatural characters can die, get hurt and feel pain. Even if they are undead or a
demon. Using supernatural abilities to power play or god mode will not be allowed.
Sorcery rules
Sorcerers may use the Thrall wars spells in PvP/RP, with the following exceptions:
● True face may only be used by occult (necromancer) sorcerers
● Face of derketo may only be used by Derketo Worshippers or demonic sorcerers.
● Religious spells (Life of set) May only be used by Godly sorcerers (priests)
Sorcerers may use magic within RP as long as they comply with the general magic rules

Spells and magic:

The general principle behind all magic on Thrall wars is: The bigger the spell, the longer it
takes, and the bigger the cost. All magic; regardless of the source of power will take time to
perform and in most cases, ask for something in return.

Spellcasting should not be risk-free and easy. There should be a cost to the caster relative to
the spell performed.

Spellcasting is not an instantaneous process and requires an extreme level of concentration

on the casters part. This means they will struggle to perform an incantation when under
stressful situations
● If attempting to use spells in dice combat, It is required to give the aggressor an
opportunity to interrupt a spellcast, through hand to hand intervention for example.

Spells are oral by nature, spoken words, a hum or a chant, a prayer or beg to a higher
power. It may be subtle and difficult to hear, but words are in some way spoken.
● Gags may be used to ‘silence’ a spellcaster, although this will have no effect on
passive abilities

Sorcerers are encouraged to maintain their own “Spell book” a list of spells they are able to
cast with a list of requirements and drawbacks. This should be included in their application
but does not have to be all inclusive. Spells can be learned as time progresses.

Using rolls to determine the success of a spell is always encouraged.


Magical disguises are permitted. If used, the caster should use the “disguised” status
provided by the RP mod.
Magical disguises can be detected with a standard perception roll, as well as a sorcery roll
from another sorcerer.

Restrictions on Magic
The below restrictions are currently imposed on sorcery, this list is subject to change
at the discretion of the administrators​.
Shapeshifting:​ Shapeshifting into a non-human form is currently not permitted.
Mind control:​ Mind control remains entirely consent based and the victim decides entirely
whether to allow an attempt, request a roll, or stonewall the attempt completely.
Mind reading:​ Mind reading of another character is not allowed, and can be considered
meta information.
Resurrection:​ Resurrection is permitted, however it is heavily restrained in what can and
cannot be done. Please see the resurrection rules for further details.
Teleportation:​ Teleportation is currently not allowed

Approved spellcasters:
Not every character within the exiled lands has the ability and aptitude in order to become a
In order to roleplay as a sorcerer, your character must comply with one of the following
Archetypes. This should be an integral part of your characters RP, and it is expected for a
majority of your characters story to revolve around this aspect. Being in touch with the
arcane arts is a lifelong commitment, there are no moonlight magicians.
For a list of all acceptable spellcaster types currently accessible see: Spellcaster archetypes

Using enchanted items in order to grant your characters supernatural feats is currently not
Resurrection and raising the dead:
Resurrection of dead characters is permitted, however it is incredibly restricted and difficult.
In order to perform the resurrection of a perma killed character the following must be
● A powerful mage is required to perform the ritual, this mage should be either a priest,
or a necromancer(or other appropriate type). A mage who spends his days learning
to set people on fire will not suddenly have a brainwave and learn how to restore the
● The mage must have access to the corpse of the deceased, the full corpse not just a
piece. Screenshots of the corpse retrieval will be required.
● The full corpse must be retrieved in order to perform a resurrection. Missing body
parts must be replaced. If the corpse is mutilated beyond recognition, resurrection is
not possible.
● A ritual must be performed under the guidance from an admin. An admin will
determine the required offering needed to perform the ritual and will determine if the
ritual is successful (There is a chance it will not be successful, usually based off of
dice rolls performed accompanied by quality RP and offerings. If a ritual fails, there is
no chance of a redo)
● The offerings required for this type of ritual will be incredibly excessive, as they are
not intended to be for everyone.
● True death: Inflicting true death on a character is possible. This can be done by
mutilating the corpse, or burning it to ash, in order to make resurrection impossible.
● Resurrection cannot be forced upon a player. This applies to both full resurrection as
well as necromancy.
Archetype: Sorcerer
This section details the types of sorcerers currently valid to play on Thrall wars, Each has a
different approach to magic, and restrictions on how they can be played.
The following acceptable types are:
● Religious priests
● Occultist casters
● Academic Casters
● Innate Casters
Religious priests
Priests and zealots may call upon their gods in order
to bestow their magical powers.

Players wishing to RP as a religious priest may call

upon the power of their god in order to perform
miracles and awe inspiring feats. This type of sorcerer
offers untold powers with little cost to the individual
sorcerer, but comes with it’s own set of restrictions
and rules.

In order to effectively roleplay as a gifted disciple to

your chosen god your character must follow these

Devotion:​ The character should be a hard-line

supporter of their chosen god, and follow their rules
and teachings to the letter. A god will bestow no gifts
to someone who worships them only when it suits

Religious offerings:​ Gods may require offerings in

order for the priest to retain their power. Offerings
could come in the form of sacrifices or practises and
are unique to each god.

Fall from grace:​ Should a character act in a way that does not fit with the theme of their
chosen god, they may "fall from grace" in which case they will lose their magical properties,
and will either have to repent or make up in other ways to regain their power.

A character can be a priest to any of the gods currently represented in Conan exiles. Gods
that do not currently have a major in game religion may be considered at special request, but
by default are not permitted.
RPing this type of character comes with the expectation that the typist has a deep
understanding of their chosen religious deity, and that their actions and RP reflect what a
die-hard member of their particular religion would expect.

Spells should be flavoured appropriately for their particular deity, for example Mitran priests
should have a focus on light and healing, where as a Jhebbal sag priest should be far more
focused on nature and animalistic incantations.
All priests can have their power suppressed with the ingame “holy choker” item.
Occultist casters

Occultists derive their power from another source,

mostly more nefarious than the rest. Occultists will
typically commune with a more powerful force,
referred to from now on as a "patron" This patron
will bestow upon them their dark power, but will
most likely ask for something in return.

Occultist sorcerers will find the least restriction

posed upon them about how and where they
practise their magic, but will also find themselves
the more adversely affected.

Occultist sorcerer examples:


Corruption will ravage the bodies of mages who practise this type of magic, and this will
manifest itself into the following:
● Physical weakness: ​The corruption will weaken the casters body. Causing them to
become more physically weak than most.
● Mental degradation:​ Occultists will find themselves suffering from paranoia and
other mental ailments as the corruption ravages their mind.
● ​Physical deformities:​ Occultists will find themselves slowly begin to be warped by
the corruption that plagues them, sprouting horns and gaunt bones, the colour fading
from their skin
The resulting will make the occultist appear vile and horrific to onlookers. Gods will abandon
them, Innkeepers will turn them away at their doorsteps.
Local guards will run them out of town, assuming they do not execute them on the spot.
Playing as an occultist style of sorcerer locks one into an antagonistic and typically "evil"
style of play and will revoke one's right to reject antagonistic conflict.
Being a half possessed demon spawn is enough justification for a character to fear, and
therefore seek to destroy your character.

Occultists for this reason should not brandish their powers brazenly in public. And make
efforts to hide and disguise their corrupted taint.

All occultists can have their power suppressed with the ingame “unholy choker” item.
Academic Casters
Another brand of magic is that which is learned.
Through extensive research into ancient
Acheronian and Lemurian writings, as well as the
finer craft of alchemy.
A character can learn to perform outlandish spells
and sorceries. This type of sorcerer relies on pure
book smarts over other kinds, and therefore has a
wide range of potential.
They can cast a wide variety of spells and potions,
based primarily on research performed by

This type of magic has little restrictions on what can be achieved, but one major drawback:
The sorcerer alone has little to no magical power.

Everything comes from their books or potions. For this reason a purely academic sorcerer
can't cast spells without their reagents and scrolls. Because of this. an academic cannot
perform spells on the fly.

Stripped of their ingredients and texts, they are nothing more than a normal person.
Academics should have a specialty that they focus on, for example alchemy. And confine
their spellcasting to this particular field.

Other spellcaster types may also adopt academic methods in order to enhance and bolster
their other powers.
Innate Casters

Certain supernatural creatures may have ingrained magical potential that will allow them to
cast spells. Further details on these will be highlighted within the particular supernatural
sections, but the above Magic rules apply.
Archetype: Undead
The undead archetype covers any character that can be defined as a reanimated undead a
creature that walks and potentially talks, but is not truly alive.

Playing as an undead character is possible and in most cases a living character will become
undead throughout their story, rather than starting their adventure as one.

Currently the following undead types are available on Thrall wars:

● Wight
● Vampire

Regardless of the type, the following rules apply to the undead:

Aversion to fire​: All undead fear fire, more so than a normal person, in the presence of a
wild flame thrust in their direction. Undead will take a debuff towards rolls to symbolise their
ingrained fear.

Unliving needs: ​The undead do not need to eat, drink or sleep (At least IC. There is little we
can do to resolve ingame mechanics.) They are immune to most poisons not specifically
crafted to combat the undead, and do not need to breathe.

Fear incarnate​: Death is what the living fear most, and a living avatar of death staring them
in the face may inspire terror in the living. Undead receive a bonus to Intimidation versus
living characters.

Unfeeling constitution​: The undead do not feel pain as normal people do, nor do they feel
fear. Whilst they are still aware of damage to their mental and physical self compared to that
of a normal person, it is numbed and far more tolerable. For this undead receive a bonus to
willpower and constitution rolls. They are also permitted to recover from wounds naturally
overtime, as their bodies would be less affected by mortal wounds.

Aversion to holy:​ The undead’s natural enemy is those gods to whom their existence is an
affront. Mitra in particular despises the undead, and therefore the undead will find
themselves far more vulnerable to spells cast by these kinds of priests (-5 on defense rolls
versus Mitran sorcery) Healing magic also does not help, but harms undead.

Undead not immortal:​ Whilst the undead may not be living and breathing, they are not
invincible. They can still take damage, pieces removed from an undead do not remain alive
when detached from the rest. Removing the head of an undead will render them just as dead
as any other person. For all undead on Thrall wars, removing the heart or the head is a
death sentence.
A Wight is an undead who retains its sense of
self. Most likely brought back to life shortly after
their death.

Appearance wise wights may vary, with the

primary factor being the state of their body at the
time of resurrection: most will have at the very
least unnaturally pale skin and faded colour of
hair. Some will be entirely decomposed, being
nothing more than a walking skeleton. Wights will
commonly have glowing blue eyes.

Wights are the product of necromantic

resurrections, the freshly dead brought back to
life once more. And as a consequence retain the
majority of their free will and agency (Although
the necromancer in question may have left some
lingering arcane shackles in place to keep their
new thrall in line.)

Wights are animated by magic, and should this magic wane or wither, the wight will cease to
be. Whilst they do not feel pain in the traditional sense, damage to their person will directly
affect the magical bindings that hold their body together, and this damage will feel like agony
to the wight’s mind.

As Wights are driven by magic. They need magic to feed their very existence. This will most
commonly come in the form of an enchanted artefact embedded into their body during their
creation that feeds the wight with a constant flow of magical energy. Should this part of their
body be destroyed, the Wight will die. They may also “feed” off of magical forces in order to
heal and sustain themselves.

Wights are innate sorcerers. With a natural pull towards necromancy.

Vampires in conan exiles are all the descendents
of Akivasha. Humans that have contracted the
blood curse, and exchanged their humanity for
the blessing of eternal life.

Vampires share many of the common traits

amongst the undead, but have some unique
characteristics of their own:

Appearance​: Vampires are always pale of skin,

their eyes may be yellow in colour. Well fed
vampires will appear identical to a human, but
starved vampires will slowly become more gaunt
and feral, revealing their unholy nature.

Thirst for blood: ​Vampires require the blood of

mortals to survive. It is the only sustenance they
need. But one they need in abundance. They
most commonly extract this using their iconic set
of fangs.

Aversion to the sun:​ As creatures of the dark,

Vampires must shy away from the grace of the sun. Any touch of the natural light will cause
their skin to burn and smoulder. Ingame vampire characters should avoid the sun at all
costs. And exposure to it will lead to their own slow, burning death.
This should be reflected in game thusly:
Vampires should not go outside during the day whenever possible, If they are caught in the
sun the typist should make their characters priority to get inside as soon as possible.
Vampires may venture into the sunlight only if covered from head to toe in thick fabrics and
armor, this should still only be undertaken in extreme scenarios.
Whilst in the sunlight (concealed or no) Vampires are weakened, and receive a hefty
negative to all RP rolls attempted (-2 for concealed. -8 for unconcealed.)
Vampires are unable to cast spells or pvp intent during the day (PvP flee is fine. And they
may defend themselves)

Creature of the night:​ During the night, Vampires have heightened strength and reflexes,
and will get a +2 on all rolls during the night.

Bestowing the blood kiss:​ Vampires can sire other vampires. This can currently be done
using only one method: The vampire must drain the victim to the brink of death, and at this
point they must feed their victim some of their own blood, and the victim must accept
willingly. There is no “accidental vampirism” currently on Thrall wars.
Vampiric abilities:

Vampires are bestowed unique abilities from their blood, the following abilities are available
to vampires:

Blood feeding:​ If a vampire consumes the blood of a ​living human​. They can
instantaneously heal themselves of debilitating wounds. Ingame this means if a vampire is
wounded, they can feed from a victim to remove their wounded tag earlier than normal. This
will require the following rolls:
Heal: The vampire must roll heal to determine the effectiveness.
Above 15 = fully healed.
Above 10 = From injured to mildly injured.
Below 10 = No medical effect.
Constitution: The victim must roll constitution.
Above 18: The victim is unaffected bar some light headedness.
Above 10: The victim itself is wounded and must adopt the injured tag (no initiating PVP for 6
rl hours)
Above 3: The victim is rendered unconscious and incapacitated. They cannot fight back or
resist for the duration of the scene.
Below 3: The victim dies.
((blood feeding is the only vampiric ability usable in daylight))

Vampires may choose X of the following:

Shapeshifting:​ Vampires may shapeshift into a creature of their choice. This may only be
performed at night and not if the vampire has the wounded flag. Vampires may only ever
pick 1 creature to transform into and must do so in their application.

Vampiric charm:​ Vampires may attempt to hypnotise their victims. The extent and effects
should be determined with a Persuasion roll vs a willpower roll. A vampire may only attempt
this at night.
Only simple, short commands are possible, and the vampire should avoid making long term
and permanent requests. (For example: Lower your weapons = OK. Never raise your
weapon at me again = not ok)
The Vampire may make multiple attempts, and even on failure the victim will not be able to
tell that supernatural magic has been attempted. (although they are still free to act upon the
words spoken by the vampire, and potentially take offense.) However if the victim rolls a
critical, or the vampire critically fails. The victim will be aware that something is not right, and
further charm effects will be impossible for the duration of the scene.

Blood frenzy: ​Directly after consuming the blood of a victim (and assuming a roll above ten)
The vampire may receive a surge of strength and agility. This would translate to a direct +4
modifier to any physical roles taken shortly after the feeding has been performed.
Archetype: Beastkin
Beastkin are creatures who are more attuned with the more primal and animalistic spirits of
the world.
Their domain is that of beasts. And the archetype covers anything that may have more
animalistic traits than the regular human both mentally and physically.

Common abilities for such creatures include:

Night vision:​ Beastkin may have an uncanny ability to see well in low light conditions.
Making them far more effective hunters of prey during the night. (IC Night vision attachment
will be provided to beastkin archetypes)

Enhanced Senses:​ A beastkin’s senses are far more acute and sensitive than a normal
creature. Most notably sound and scent. If the beastkin is making a perception check that is
in some way related to sound or scent (hearing a distant noise or smelling something
unusual) They gain a +2 roll bonus on perception)

Memorising scent: ​Beastkin are hypersensitive to scent, and can distinguish one person’s
from another.
Beastkin can memorise the smell of a person they have come into close contact with. In
order to do this the beastkin must actively emote their intention to memorise the person's
smell, once memorised the beastkin will be able to see through any attempts at disguise
made by the targeted character and be able to identify them on scent alone.

Beastkin may be able to pick up the scent of people they recognise from objects and items
they have recently interacted with. This requires a perception check with a DC of 15. And
only works if the person in question has interacted with that object within 24 Real life hours.
The inverse of this holds true as well. Beastkin can pick up the scent of an object, and then
match this to an unknown scent of a person if they are to meet them within 24 RL hours of
acquiring the scent.
Examples of this: Beastkin may find a discarded item of clothing, using this they may be able
to identify whom it belonged to. Beastkin may find a campsite, and through scent figure out
who it belonged to once meeting the owner in person shortly after.

The Saggites are the chosen sons and

daughters of Jhebbal Sag. Born through the
ritualistic consumption of raw, blessed meat
under the supervision of a shaman or Priest.
These creatures are ascended amongst the lord
of beast’s disciples.

Saggites are created via rituals performed by

shamans. Almost always involving a trial to
prove one's worth. Either by physically slaying a
great beast in honour of Jhebbal Sag and
consuming it’s flesh. Or via a spiritual journey in
which one may have to face the most nefarious
machinations of one's own mind. ((The Jhebbal
Sag dungeon makes a perfect IC trial for this,
although it is not a requirement))

Appearance:​ Saggites retain the majority of

their humanity compared to other beastial
monstrosities. Most will appear to be completely
human at a glance, even if a bit savage.
If one were to look a bit closer however, they would notice the oddities that reflect the
Saggites true nature; They may have catlike, slit irises. Canine esque teeth or unnaturally
long and tough nails that appear more as claws, and perhaps more body hair than one
would expect.

Psychology: ​Saggites are still human, and therefore they act and talk much like a human
would, they would however tend to adopt more animalistic rituals and attitudes within their
everyday life. Perhaps developing a pack mentality, displaying their emotions with more
beastial gestures such as growls or snarls, and in general acting more animalistic.
New Archetype template:

Archetype name
Summary and lore​:
Describe a summary of what the new archetype is. Providing Conan lore references to justify
its inclusion here is a big bonus. Describe their origin, and general purpose.

Appearance and physical features:

Describe any physical differences between the supernatural character and a normal, mortal
exile. I.e shades of skin, physical deformities. Eye/hair colours. This should be dealt as with
“Musts, should and cans.” To define a list of physical traits. For example:
Vampires must have pale skin.
Vampires should have red or yellow, almost glowing eyes.
Vampires can have white, dying hair

Ingrained traits:
Gifts and Weaknesses that affect your supernatural character, for example: Weakness to the
sun, enhanced senses. There should be pros and cons to all supernaturals, having just a list
of bonuses will not be accepted.

Psychological effects:
Include some deeply ingrained psychological mindsets your supernatural may have to
endure. These may be passing urges or ingrained desires shared across the supernatural
family. For example a thirst for blood, or an uncontrollable temper when exposed to prey.
Again these should have both weaknesses and advantages.

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