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A. Santos St., Buting, Pasig City

Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Department

The Effect of Mobile Games Addiction to the Mental

Health of ICT Students in Buting Senior
High School S.Y 2023-2024

A Research Paper

Presented to
Buting Senior High School Faculty

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements

for Senior High School Diploma

Rivera, John Christian

Sab, Aaron John
Sonon, Brian
Villafuerte, Steven Kurt
Zafe, Richard
Zamora, Jayson

Grade 12 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - G

S.Y. 2023-2024

Chapter 1 – The Problem and Its Setting 1

Introduction 1
Background of the Study 2
Framework of the Study 2
Statement of the Problem 4
Hypotheses/Assumption (depending on your research design) 4
Definition of Terms 4-5
Significance of the Study 6
Scope and Limitation of the Study 6-7
Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature and Studies 8
Thematic #1 8
Thematic #2 9
Synthesis 10
Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Locale
Participants of the Study
Research Instrument/s
Data Gathering Procedure
Treatment of Data
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 4 – Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
Chapter 5 – Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation



Over the past decades, technology improved widely. Mostly everyone just relies on the
technology to do their task because technology is very convenient now because it does its task
smoothly and accurate with just a little amount of time. Technology gave us a lot, example of this is
mobile games, Youth are now much more engaged with their more sophisticated smartphones, which
have high-quality graphics and gaming features. (MA Sayeed et al, 2021).

Study found that relative risk for depression in students with internet addiction after months
was 1.5 higher than students whose non-internet addicted. This suggests that any internet-related
addiction contributed to mental health issues including sadness and social isolation. (JL Wang et al.,
2019). People who were hooked to the Internet, particularly mobile gaming, acquired these types of
mental health concerns.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Mental Health is a condition of mental

well-being that allows people to cope with life's stressors, realize their strengths, learn and work
productively, and contribute to their community. People who have issues on their mental health, have
also issues on the factors that a good mental health can do.

Mental health problems became a big issue in our new generation, because of the changing
environment that we have. When pandemic started, many people developed bad habits that affect
their mental health and one of it is mobile games addiction. They’re too addicted to it that they might
develop risk factors that will affect their mental health. They can develop social isolation, they’re too
addictive to mobile games that their productivity is focused only on their phones and they forget to
socialize to other people outside of their home.

This paper aimed to show the effect of mobile games addiction to the mental health of ICT
students in Buting Senior High School.
Background of the Study

Mostly adolescents entertain themselves by playing mobile games, it explains the number of
mobile games that has dramatically grow in recent years. However, as a result of excessive and
addictive usage of mobile games, the mental health and well-being of a ones adolescent will suffer.
Anxiety, irritation, sleep disorders, tremors, sleeplessness, and digestive issues can all result from
phone silence (Z Babadi-Akashe et al., 2014). Many students suffer these factors because of the
absence of their mobile phones, they’re too addicted that they can’t live without using their phones.

The purpose of this study is to use standardized psychological test and questionnaires to
investigate the relationship of mobile games addiction to mental health indicators such as depression,
impulsivity, and suicidal ideation among ICT students in Buting Senior High School. Also, this aims
to suggest and try various interventions and methods that can aid the prevention or reducing the
addiction as well as improve the mental health and the quality of life among these students. The way
of gathering data in this research is by research questionnaires answered by our respondents and
related literature as our secondary data.

Framework of the Study

Researchers find a way of how they will describe and analyze how the mobile games
addiction can influence the psychological well-being and the function of a one’s person such as their
mood, cognition. Behavior, and social relationships. The input is to find selected respondents that
play mobile games. In this part, also will gather survey questions to identify the cause of their
attitude and behavior. During the process, we’ll be administrating the data of our survey and
analyzing it by the use of z-test and will receive the output we anticipated.

Conceptual Framework – Input-Process-Output

 Grade level  Analyzing results  The Effect of
using Z-test Mobile Games
 Selected students
Addiction to the
that play mobile  Adminstrating
Mental Health of
games survey
ICT Students in
 Survey Buting Senior
Questions High School

Theoretical Framework

According to the study of Ryan and Deci (2000), Self-determination Theory is a motivational
theory of personality, development, and social processes that investigates how social contexts and
individual differences support various motivational styles, particularly autonomous motivation and
controlled motivation, and how these styles in turn predict learning, performance, experience, and
psychological well-being. They said that SDT proposes that all humans should have these three basic
psychological needs- competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

In the study of GS Moran et al (2013), according to their respondents, they define the concept
of SDT which is the competence, autonomy, and relatedness as: autonomy is having the ability to
speak freely and realizing that one's job aligns with their ideals; competence demonstrated in
utilizing one's own experience as a tool to assist others; and relatedness is having the chance to
establish close relationships and exchange favors with customers.

Mobile games addiction can interfere these three basic needs of this theory, leading to a
negative possibility into our mental health. In relatedness, because of excessive gaming, we also
reduce the opportunities for social interaction. Because of addiction that we experiencing social
isolation. In competence, because of addiction that we forgot to socialize with other things. A person
became addicted that he/she forgot to be engage to other curricular activities. And lastly, autonomy.
So addicted that our responsibilities, we tend to put it aside or sometimes disregard it leading us a
piled responsibility. These are the factors that will affect on our mental health.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers intended to know the effect of mobile games addiction to the mental health
of ICT students in Buting Senior High School.

The researchers aimed to answer the following sub-questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?
a. Grade level
2. What are the changes to students because of mobile games addiction in terms of:
a. academic performance
b. socializing
3. Does being addicted to mobile games really affect the mental health of the students?

Hypothesis (for quantitative study)

H 0: There is no effect of being addicted in mobile games to the mental health of ICT students
in Buting Senior High School
H a : There is effect of being addicted in mobile games to the mental health of ICT students in
Buting Senior High School

Definition of Terms

The researchers define the following words to clearly understand the concept.

1. Mental Health is the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is
characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in
feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands
of daily life
2. ICT is one of the strands offered under Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track of
K-12 curriculum
3. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life
or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment
4. Graphics refers to any visual representation of data
5. Risk is to expose to hazard or danger
6. Addiction is a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-
forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and
typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon
withdrawal or abstinence
7. Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication
8. Excessive defined as more than necessary, normal, or desirable.

9. Adolescent (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult.
10. Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and
physical changes like increased blood pressure.
11. Irritation is the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or slightly angry.
12. Tremors is a neurological condition that includes shaking or trembling movements in one
or more parts of the body, most commonly affecting a person’s hands
13. Digestive is relating to the process of digesting food.
14. Disorders is an abnormal physical or mental condition.
15. Absence is a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not
present or does not exist: a state or condition in which something is absent.
16. Ideation is the capacity for or the act of forming or entertaining ideas.
17. Intervention is the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition
or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning)
18. Aid is to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end
19. Cognition pertains to the mental processes of acquiring, processing, storing, and using
information. It includes activities like perception, thinking, and problem-solving.
20. Competence signifies the ability, knowledge, and skills needed to perform a particular
task or function effectively.
21. Autonomy is the capacity for self-governance and making independent decisions without
external control or influence.
22. Relatedness indicates the state of being connected or associated with something or
someone, often within a family or social context.
23. Awareness refers to the state of being conscious or knowledgeable about a particular
issue, fact, or situation. It involves recognizing and understanding what is happening around you.
Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study is beneficial for the following individual or

1. Students. This study aims to inform the students what are the effects of mobile games
addiction to their mental health. This will help them how to handle their addiction and maintain their
good mental health. Furthermore, it will be an awareness for them to not be too addicted to anything.
2. Parents/Guardians. This study will help them understand how their children deal with
their addiction. It will also help them to know what is the best thing to do when their children are
facing their addiction and to improve their good mental health. Furthermore, this will provide
information that will help them guide or teach their children how to overcome their addictions.
3. Schools. This study will benefit the school by providing significant insight into mobile
games addiction that’ll help them to determine the effect of it to students’ mental health. In addition,
the findings of this study can be used to create an activity and conduct seminars that will help the
students fight their addiction.
4. Therapist. This study will help them to get a proper knowledge about how to handle the
behaviors and attitudes of individuals whose mobile games addicted.
5. Future Researchers. This study will help future researchers who conduct related research
on this topic. If their research is close to or almost the same as this study, they can use it as a
reference or source of relevant material.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study’s focused is to compare the effect of mobile games addiction to the mental health
of ICT students from Buting Senior High School. The study involved the population of ICT students
currently enrolled at Buting Senior High School. The researcher gets the respondents using purposive
sampling. The researchers used a questionnaire to gather data about their demographic profile and
mobile games addiction. Furthermore, the researchers determined if there is an effect or not in the
mental health of ICT students whose mobile games addicted at Buting Senior High School. The
accumulated data collected in this study were compared, analyzed, and handled with the utmost
This study is limited to the ICT students of Buting Senior High School. Moreover, the study
is limited to comparing the effect of mobile games addiction to the mental health of ICT students at
Buting Senior High School. Other strands and schools are excluded from this study since the focus of
this study is the ICT students of Buting Senior High School.
This research is being conducted for ICT students at Buting Senior High School, during the
academic year 2023-2024.



This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher considered in
strengthening the claim and importance of the present study.

internet gaming disorder.

Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has gained significant attention recently due to its escalating
prevalence as an addictive behavior. Research findings emphasize that adolescents and young adults
(AYAs) are particularly vulnerable to IGD, necessitating ongoing investigations to update the current
prevalence landscape (Gao, Y. X., Wang, J. Y., & Dong, G. H., 2022). Despite the concerns, some
individuals exhibit responsible gaming behavior, especially AYAs who adeptly establish boundaries.
Their strategic approach involves engaging in online games during breaks and weekends, prioritizing
academic commitments over excessive gaming to maintain self-control and academic success
(Dumrique, D. O., & Castillo, J. G., 2018).
However, the correlation between depression and online game addiction remains a serious concern,
particularly among adolescents in Manila. This issue is potentially exacerbated by the inadequacies
in the nation's mental health care system and the booming internet business (Ryan V Labana et al.,
2020). Furthermore, non-clinical individuals, especially the youth, grappling with technology
addiction are more prone to pre-psychotic symptoms, high psychoticism, and schizotypy. The
discomfort caused by these addictions may play a role in the development of psychosis among those
at risk (Forster, M., Rogers, C. J., Sussman, S., Watts, J., Rahman, T., Yu, S., & Benjamin, S. M.,
The widespread use of smartphones and the internet among college students has raised concerns
about problematic internet use (PIU) and smartphone use (PSU). Household dysfunction (HHD),
encompassing factors like parental substance use, mental illness, incarceration, and intimate partner
violence, emerges as a robust predictor of behavioral disorders (Forster, M., Rogers, C. J., Sussman,
S., Watts, J., Rahman, T., Yu, S., & Benjamin, S. M., 2021).
A study led by Nazia Darvesh et al. highlights the inclusion of IGD in the DSM-5 for further
investigation, and in 2018, gaming disorder (GD) was incorporated into the ICD-11. Caution is
advised when interpreting the wide-ranging prevalence estimates of IGD, considering the
heterogeneity in diagnostic methodologies. Achieving a comprehensive understanding of these
disorders requires consensus on the conceptualization of IGD and its measurement methodologies,
coupled with continued research on GD (Darvesh et al., 2021).

Psychosocial Impacts Online Game

Rather than being designed exclusively for children, these games have evolved to appeal to a broader
age demographic. However, public perception has long associated mobile games with negative
aspects, including disruptions to learning, fostering addictive behavior, and promoting violence.
Among enthusiasts of mobile games, K12 pupils stand out due to their lower levels of self-control
(Yuanzhe li, Zexheng Xu, Yu Hao, Peng Xiao, Jingyan Liu, 2022).

There is uncertainty regarding the circumstances in which these games are more effective and
motivating. Consequently, we explore whether informing young individuals about a game's focus on
mental health alters their emotional experiences. Explicit intervention goals may be seen as
restrictive, potentially diminishing autonomy and intrinsic motivation during gameplay. Conversely,
a depression intervention game openly addressing mental health goals could boost motivation for
players with heightened depressive symptoms, especially when personal relevance is considered
(Poppelaars, M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Kleinjan, M., & Granic, I., 2018).

A study by Juliane M. von der Heiden et al. (2019) suggests that excessive video gaming poses risks
such as lower academic and professional success, peer conflicts, diminished social skills, cravings,
loss of control, and other adverse effects. The classification of problematic video game play as a
behavioral addiction remains a topic of debate but encompasses issues like seeking, lack of control,
and negative consequences. Video game players' psychological well-being is linked to their
motivations for playing, with escape-oriented motivations showing the strongest correlation. Gaming
for distraction is associated with higher symptom ratings, lower self-esteem, and more negative
affectivity, regardless of psychological circumstances. Fulfilling basic psychological needs is crucial
in preventing addiction to online gaming, as individuals with met needs tend to be more independent
and less reliant on their surroundings. Additionally, an existential perspective suggests that meaning
and responsibility are fundamental to life (Alican Kaya, Nuri Türk, Hasan Batmaz & Mark D.
Griffiths, 2023).

While online gaming can address various needs, its transformation into addiction can have adverse
effects, especially on teenagers, impacting their mental health. Teenage addiction to online gaming
has been linked to a variety of negative outcomes, including poorer mental health, increased
psychoticism, anxiety, depression, strained family dynamics, lower quality of life, heightened social
phobia, poorer academic performance, and increased sleep deprivation (Batmaz et al., 2020;
Purwaningsih & Nurmala, 2021). In summary, the consequences of teenage addiction to online
gaming are diverse (Griffiths, 2022; Haberlin & Atkin, 2022).

Mental Health

Experiencing mental health allows an individual to effectively navigate life's challenges, reach their
full potential in learning and work, and actively contribute to their community. This crucial aspect of
overall health enhances both individual and societal capacities, enabling informed decision-making,
meaningful connections, and positive impacts on the world. Mental health is not only a fundamental
human right but also a pivotal factor for socioeconomic, communal, and personal progress (World
Health Organization, 2022).

National data on mental health services in the Philippines highlight substantial gaps and
inconsistencies in mental healthcare provision. The recently enacted Mental Health Act establishes a
framework for comprehensive and integrated mental health services. However, challenges persist in
ensuring easily accessible and affordable mental healthcare (John Lally, John Tully, and Rene
Samaniego, 2019).

Individuals grappling with mental health disorders bear a considerable burden, evident in missed
work days, decreased productivity, financial strain from treatment expenses, stress on family and
caregivers, and even mortality. College students, spending a significant portion of their later
adolescent years in educational institutions, are influenced by their ability to socially integrate into
academic settings (Jerome Visperas Cleofas, 2019).

Mental health encompasses a continuum of mental, emotional, social, and behavioral well-being,
ranging from positive to negative states. The mental health of children and adolescents has far-
reaching impacts on both immediate and long-term aspects, including physical health, chronic
diseases, health-risk behaviors, social connections, educational outcomes, and employment
prospects. Surveillance of children's mental health aids in monitoring prevalence trends,
understanding demographic and geographic variations, and informing decisions about prevention and
intervention strategies. The correlation between mental health, mental disorders, and various factors
like immediate and long-term physical health, chronic diseases, social determinants, social
relationships, crime rates, and access to resources is evident (MMWR Suppl. 2022).

Accumulated small-effect size risk factors over a lifetime gradually increase susceptibility to mental
health disorders transitioning into mental illness. Recognizing this process can inform various levels
and stages of specialized interventions to reduce risk, enhance protective factors, and bolster
resilience, especially during critical developmental periods. Bridging gaps in knowledge, policy, and
practice is essential, and future efforts should prioritize mental health promotion, early detection, and
interventions across clinical settings, educational institutions, and the community, with crucial
support from society and policymakers (Prof Celso Arango et al., 2018).


Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is garnering increased attention due to its rising prevalence,
particularly among adolescents and young adults (AYAs). Some AYAs exhibit responsible gaming
behavior, characterized by the establishment of boundaries and prioritization of academic
commitments, underscoring the significance of self-control (Gao et al., 2022; Dumrique & Castillo,
2018). However, the link between depression and online game addiction, especially among
adolescents in Manila, is causing significant concern, accentuated by deficiencies in mental health
care and the burgeoning internet industry (Labana et al., 2020; Forster et al., 2021).

Concerns about problematic internet use and smartphone addiction arise from the widespread use of
smartphones and the internet among college students. Household dysfunction emerges as a notable
predictor of behavioral disorders, underscoring the need for a comprehensive understanding of
factors contributing to internet-related issues (Forster et al., 2021). A holistic comprehension of
gaming disorders necessitates consensus on conceptualization and measurement methodologies, as
evidenced by the inclusion of IGD in DSM-5 and GD in ICD-11 (Darvesh et al., 2021).

The psychosocial impacts of online gaming extend beyond children, affecting a broad age
demographic. Mobile games, often linked with negative aspects, pose risks for K12 pupils with
lower self-control. Interventions openly addressing mental health goals may positively influence
players experiencing depressive symptoms (Yuanzhe li et al., 2022; Poppelaars et al., 2018).

Excessive video gaming is associated with diverse risks, including lower academic and professional
success, diminished social skills, and adverse psychological effects. Motivations for gaming play a
pivotal role, with escape-oriented motivations correlating with poorer mental well-being. Teenage
addiction to online gaming has multifaceted consequences, impacting mental health, family
dynamics, academic performance, and overall quality of life (von der Heiden et al., 2019; Batmaz et
al., 2020; Purwaningsih & Nurmala, 2021; Griffiths, 2022; Haberlin & Atkin, 2022).
Mental health is a fundamental component of overall health, influencing individual and societal
capacities. Challenges persist in mental healthcare provision in the Philippines, despite the recent
enactment of the Mental Health Act. Mental health disorders among college students affect various
aspects of their lives, including social integration and academic success (World Health Organization,
2022; Lally, Tully, & Samaniego, 2019; Cleofas, 2019).

The mental health of children and adolescents has broad-ranging impacts on physical health, social
connections, educational outcomes, and employment prospects. Recognizing the cumulative impact
of small-risk factors on mental health can guide interventions to reduce susceptibility to mental
disorders. Addressing gaps in knowledge, policy, and practice is crucial for promoting mental health,
early detection, and intervention across different settings, with essential support from society and
policymakers (MMWR Suppl., 2022; Arango et al., 2018).


In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research design, where the study will take place,
qualifications of the participants, the instrument, how the data will be collected, what statistical
treatment will be applied, how the data will be analyzed to come up with the interpretation, and what
are ethical considerations the researcher will follow.

Research Design

Cite the sources.

Qualitative Research or Quantitative Research
1. Descriptive (this method is to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a
given population or area of interest, factually and accurately)
2. Developmental (investigate patterns and sequence of growth and/or change as function of
3. Historical
4. Correlational (

Research Locale

The place where you will conduct your research.

Participants of the Study

1. List down the qualifications of your respondents (population, sample size

2. Sampling technique (stratified, convenience and/or purposive)

Research Instrument/s

The researcher will use the following materials in this study.

1. Survey form/Checklist/Rating Scale/Anecdotal Records/Questionnaire (self-made or
adapted, discuss the components, online platform, adapted, paano ang compute, anong modification
ang ginawa niyo)
2. Validated
Data Gathering Procedure

State your paragraph here.

Treatment of the Data

Quantitative (percentage, mean, at hypothesis testing) statistical

Qualitative (thematic analysis)

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Start your paragraph here.



This chapter presents the elements and concepts of presenting, analyzing and interpreting
data to answer the specific problems posited in chapter one of the study.

Sample Content of Chapter 4



This chapter presents the summary of the problems, the conclusions drawn from the findings
as well as the recommendations based on the conclusions.

Summary of the Problem

The study focused on


The salient findings of the study are as follows:



Based on the findings, the researcher concluded the following:



Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are recommended:



*Note: In alphabetical order. Please use the APA guide I forwarded in our GC.

*Note: The following materials are appropriate for an appendix:

Examples of material included in appendices are as follows:

 interview questions
 participant letters / forms
 surveys / questionnaires (if not your own work, these require copyright permission)
 supplemental tables / figures / graphs / image
 résumé

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