Assignemnt 01

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Benha University Level 3 (Power & Energy)

Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra

Sustainable Energy Department Fluid power

Assignment (1) Introduction

1- State the main categories of fluid power.

2- What are the main components of fluid power system?
3- Compare between hydraulic and pneumatic system considering the
following properties (Operating pressure, accuracy of actuator movement,
actuator speed, component weight , system cost
4- State the variables that becomes easy to control in both hydraulic and
pneumatic systems
5- State the components of power group and their function in a fluid power
6- State the components of actuator group and their function in a fluid power
7- State the components of conductors group and their function in a fluid
power system
8- State the components of fluid maintenance group and their function in a
fluid power system
9- State the main categories of control valves.
10- The basic idea behind any hydraulic system is very simple: Force that is
applied at one point is transmitted to another point using ______.
a- incompressible fluid
b- Compressible fluid
c- Gas mixture
11- It's important for a hydraulic system to contain what?
a- Air bubbles
b- No air bubbles
c- Compressible fluid
12- Where can you look on a car to see a good example of a basic piston-
driven hydraulic system?
a- the power steering system
b- the instrument panel
c- the brake system
Dr. Mohamed Saber Sokar
13- The great thing about hydraulic systems is that the pipe connecting the
two cylinders can be what?
a- any length and shape
b- disconnected, yet still operate
c- filled with air
14- Fluids are distributed throughout a fluid power system by components
referred to as _____
a- Coils
b- Conductors
c- cables
15- In the pneumatic fluid power system, after the pressurized system air
has completed its work, it is exhausted to the _____.
a- Tank
b- Sink
c- Atmosphere

Dr. Mohamed Saber Sokar

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