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Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 2

Vocabulary a the weather was too hot there.

b a snowman after the snowstorm?
1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. c fun at the birthday party?
d all its food?
hailing icy lovely rainbow windy
e it was a lovely day.
1 There are little balls of ice on the step because
it’s .
2 It’s a day – we can have lunch in 5 Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienia zdań.
the garden.
1 do tornadoes happen here?
3 Drive carefully because the roads
a How long b How often
are .
2 We always go to the playground lunchtime.
4 It’s , so the trees are moving.
a at b in
5 Oh, look! There’s a ! It’s beautiful.
3 Her birthday is September.
a on b in
2 Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienia zdań. 4 did the snowstorm last?
1 There was fire coming out of the top of the a When b How long
mountain during the thunder / volcanic 5 I went to a nice restaurant 14th February.
eruption. a on b at
2 A tsunami / hurricane is a huge wave of water. 5
3 An avalanche / A tornado is a strong wind that
moves in a circle. Reading
4 Lightning / An earthquake hit a tree during the
storm and started a fire. 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz poniższe zdania jako
5 When the forest fire / snowstorm is over we’ll prawdziwe (T – true) lub fałszywe (F – false).
put warm clothes on and go outside to play. Joe’s adventure in a helicopter!
5 On Sunday, I went in a helicopter for the first time. I went
with my mum and the pilot. My mum went in a helicopter
Grammar with her father once when she was a child and really liked it.
The helicopter ride was a birthday present for me.
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki It was a sunny day, but there were a few clouds. My mum
w formie czasu past simple. was worried about the clouds. The helicopter pilot said the
weather was OK, so I didn’t worry. It was beautiful up in the
buy drive like stop worry sky. After about half an hour, it became very cloudy. Then
I heard the sound of thunder and I felt very frightened. We
1 The cat eating when its bowl was saw lightning twice. We decided to go back down to land.
empty. The storm got louder and louder and the rain made it difficult
to see.
2 Dad a new bike last week.
The pilot got us down to the ground. We ran through the rain
3 They going to the beach when into a building. The storm lasted for a while, but then the sun
they were children. came out. The pilot took us back up into the sky.
4 Mum about me when I travelled to I was a very happy birthday boy!
Africa, but I was fine. 1 It was Joe’s second time in a helicopter.
5 We to the shops because it was a 2 There were some clouds in the sky when they
rainy day. left.
5 3 Joe felt frightened at the beginning of the
4 Połącz połówki zdań. helicopter ride.
4 The storm lasted for a day.
1 My sister didn’t take an umbrella with her
5 They went back up in the helicopter after the
2 Did your brother build
3 Did the children have
4 You didn’t like Greece because
5 Did the dog eat

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 2
Listening Extra
7 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Frei o jej babci,
10 O czym mówią wypowiadające się poniżej
Doris. Następnie uzupełnij zdania.
osoby? Napisz określenia ekstremalnej pogody
1 Doris’s parents told the children i klęsk żywiołowych.
1 ‘The winds were very strong and they damaged
2 Doris and Marty saw . our house.’
3 Doris felt worried when . 2 ‘It always rains a lot here. But last week it rained
4 Doris’s found them. and rained. There was water in the streets, and in
5 didn’t want to be an my house.’
explorer after the adventure. 3 ‘We were skiing. Then the snow started falling
5 down the mountain.’
4 ‘There was smoke everywhere. I feel sorry for the
Speaking poor birds and animals.’
5 ‘I was in the living room watching TV. Then the
8 Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienia w dialogu. building started moving!’
Megan Hey, Liam. What’s the matter? You 5
don’t look very happy.
Liam Hi, Megan. I’m not happy – I left my
11 Napisz zdania z jednym czasownikiem
schoolbag on the bus yesterday. w czasie past simple w formie twierdzącej
i jednym czasownikiem w czasie past simple
Megan Bad luck! 1Poor / Real you. What was
w formie przeczącej.
in the bag?
Liam Well, there was my science 1 We’re hungry:
project … We / have / any lunch / because / we / forget / our
Megan That’s a real 2matter / shame. You sandwiches
worked very hard on that project! Did
you tell Mr Jones, our science 2 I’m worried:
I / lose / my phone / and / I / tell / my parents about it
Liam Yes, and he said, ‘Sorry to 3hear /
mind that, but you need to do it again.’
3 The children are angry:
Megan Oh 4yes / no! Never 5mind / hear. I’ll
come to your house this They / play / in the park / because / it / be / raining
evening and help you do a new cats and dogs
Liam Thanks, Megan. You’re a star! 4 The boy is happy:
5 He / lost / his tennis match / because / he /
practise / a lot
5 The girl is bored:
9 Wyobraź sobie idealny kraj i opisz go.
She / feel / sick, / so / she / go / to the party
• coś, z czego słynie,
• kilka interesujących faktów na jego temat, 5
• przynajmniej trzy określenia pogody. Total marks with Extra 55

Total 45

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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