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Case Fact:
1. CavinKare, a successful innovator in the personal care industry,
has a significant presence in the hair colour market.
2. Indica Easy, a shampoo-based hair colour, has achieved over
50% market share in its launch geography.
3. The chairman, C. K. Ranganathan, is considering the future
direction for CavinKare's hair colour business.
1. How to sustain and further increase market share for Indica
2. Should CavinKare expand geographically with its
current portfolio?
3. Can growth come from other product categories, such as oil-
based or spray-based colours?
4. Should CavinKare consider targeting the male demographic
without losing focus on the larger women's demographic?
Problem Statement:
CavinKare needs to determine the optimal strategy to continue the
success of its hair colour business, considering factors like
geographical expansion, product diversification, and target
1. Market penetration and share.
2. Geographic expansion feasibility.
3. Potential for growth in other product categories.
4. Balancing focus on both male and female demographics.
5. Sustainable and profitable innovation.
1. Focus on consolidating and expanding Indica Easy's market
2. Explore geographic expansion with the current portfolio.
3. Investigate the potential of entering other hair colour product
4. Consider developing premium offerings for the
male demographic

 Conduct a detailed market analysis to understand the potential
for further growth in the current market and potential new
 Evaluate the feasibility and risks associated with geographical
 Assess the market demand and competition for other hair colour
product categories.
 Analyze the market share potential and preferences of the male
 Develop a strategic plan that aligns with the company's strengths
and market opportunities.

Based on the comprehensive analysis, CavinKare can make
informed decisions regarding market focus, geographic
expansion, product portfolio diversification, and target
demographics, ensuring sustained growth in the competitive
hair colour market.

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