How Has Social Media Impacted Your Life and The Lives of Your Peers

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1. How has social media impacted your life and the lives of your peers?

2. What are your thoughts on the current state of education and how it prepares you for the
3. How does climate change concern you, and what actions do you think should be taken
to address it?
4. What challenges do you face in terms of mental health, and what support systems do
you think are necessary?
5. How do you feel about the current state of employment opportunities for young people?
6. In what ways do issues of diversity and inclusion manifest in your school or community?
7. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your education, and what changes would you
suggest for future preparedness?
8. What role do you think technology should play in the classroom, and how can it enhance
your learning experience?
9. How do you perceive the political climate, and what issues do you believe are most
pressing for your generation?
10. What concerns do you have about privacy and data security in the digital age?
11. How do you view the role of young people in social and political activism?
12. What are your thoughts on the accessibility and affordability of healthcare for young
13. How do you think your generation can contribute to environmental sustainability?
14. What are the main economic challenges you believe your generation will face?
15. How does the availability of information impact your worldview, and how can one
navigate misinformation?
16. What are your views on gun control and its relevance to school safety?
17. How do you think the current political and social climate affects your mental well-being?
18. What changes would you like to see in the education system to better prepare students
for the future?
19. In what ways do gender roles and stereotypes impact your daily life?
20. How do you see the role of arts and culture in society today?
21. What are your concerns about housing affordability and access to affordable housing in
the future?
22. How does immigration policy and discussions around it impact your community?
23. What is your stance on the use of technology in addressing issues such as bullying and
mental health?
24. How do you feel about the current state of global cooperation and international
25. What challenges do you face in terms of balancing screen time and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle?
26. How does the portrayal of certain groups in media affect your perception of diversity and
27. What are your thoughts on the impact of fast fashion on the environment and labor
28. How do you feel about the increasing reliance on renewable energy sources?
29. What role do you believe schools should play in addressing issues of social justice?
30. How does the availability of affordable higher education impact your plans for the future?
31. How has the #MeToo movement and discussions around consent affected your
32. What are your thoughts on the role of government in addressing economic inequality?
33. How do you think technology can be leveraged to promote civic engagement and social
34. What concerns do you have about the impact of automation on future employment
35. How do you feel about the accessibility of mental health resources in your school or
36. What are your thoughts on the affordability and accessibility of healthcare for
marginalized communities?
37. How do you see the role of social media in shaping public opinion and discourse?
38. What changes would you like to see in how schools address and prevent bullying?
39. How does the availability of affordable and nutritious food impact your community?
40. How do you perceive the role of young people in addressing issues such as racial
injustice and inequality?
41. What are your thoughts on the role of technology in promoting and hindering
environmental conservation?
42. How does the current state of political polarization impact your generation's ability to
engage in meaningful discussions?
43. What role do you believe schools should play in educating students about mental health
and well-being?
44. How do you feel about the representation of diverse perspectives in school curricula?
45. What are your concerns about the impact of social media on body image and self-
46. How does the availability of information impact your ability to stay informed about global
47. What changes would you like to see in how schools address and support students with
diverse learning needs?
48. How does the availability of affordable and reliable public transportation impact your
49. How do you perceive the role of technology in shaping political activism and social
50. What are your thoughts on the role of education in fostering empathy and understanding
among diverse communities?
1. What are three words you would use to describe yourself, and why?
2. How do you handle stress or challenging situations in your life?
3. What accomplishments are you most proud of, and why?
4. Can you recall a moment that significantly shaped your perspective on life? What did you
5. What values are most important to you, and how do they influence your decisions?
6. How do you prioritize and manage your time to balance academics, personal life, and
extracurricular activities?
7. Describe a book, movie, or song that has had a profound impact on you and explain why.
8. What are your short-term and long-term goals, and how do you plan to achieve them?
9. Reflect on a failure or setback you've experienced. What did you learn from it?
10. In what ways do you show kindness and empathy towards others in your daily life?
11. How do you define success for yourself, beyond academic achievements?
12. What activities or hobbies bring you the most joy and fulfillment?
13. What role do friendships play in your life, and how do you nurture those relationships?
14. Reflect on a challenging decision you had to make. How did you approach it, and what
were the outcomes?
15. How do you handle moments of self-doubt or insecurity?
16. Describe an experience where you stepped out of your comfort zone. What did you learn
from that experience?
17. What does the concept of "success" mean to you personally, and how has it evolved
over time?
18. Reflect on a time when you had to overcome a significant obstacle. How did you
19. How do you stay motivated and focused when facing academic or personal challenges?
20. What role does self-care play in your life, and how do you prioritize your well-being?
21. Describe a teacher or mentor who has had a positive influence on your life. What did
you learn from them?
22. How do you set personal boundaries in your relationships and daily life?
23. Reflect on a moment when you felt a strong sense of gratitude. What was the situation,
and what did you appreciate?
24. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts with others?
25. What are your strengths, and how do you leverage them in different aspects of your life?
26. How do you define "happiness," and what activities or practices contribute to your
27. Reflect on a time when you had to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal.
What was the experience like?
28. Describe a significant change or transition in your life. How did you adapt to it?
29. How do you set and evaluate your personal and academic goals?
30. Reflect on a moment when you felt a sense of accomplishment. What did you do to
achieve that feeling?

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