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Ecological quality assessment and monitoring

using a time-series remote sensing-based
ecological index (ts-RSEI)

Chao Sun, Jialin Li, Yongchao Liu, Luodan Cao, Jiahao Zheng, Zhenjie Yang,
Junwei Ye & Yue Li

To cite this article: Chao Sun, Jialin Li, Yongchao Liu, Luodan Cao, Jiahao Zheng, Zhenjie Yang,
Junwei Ye & Yue Li (2022) Ecological quality assessment and monitoring using a time-series
remote sensing-based ecological index (ts-RSEI), GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59:1, 1793-1816,
DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2022.2138010

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2022, VOL. 59, NO. 1, 1793–1816

Ecological quality assessment and monitoring using a time-series remote

sensing-based ecological index (ts-RSEI)
Chao Suna,b,c, Jialin Lia,b,c, Yongchao Liua,b,c, Luodan Caoa,b,c, Jiahao Zhenga, Zhenjie Yanga, Junwei Yea and Yue Lia
Department of Geography & Spatial Information Techniques, Ningbo University, Ningbo, P. R. China; bNingbo Universities Collaborative
Innovation Center for Land and Marine Spatial Utilization and Governance Research, Ningbo University, Ningbo, P. R. China; cDonghai
Academy, Ningbo University, Ningbo, P. R. China


Ecological quality assessment is fundamental to revealing changes in ecological environments Received 30 June 2022
before the development of effective ecological conservation policies. The complex ecological Accepted 13 October 2022
environment can be assessed more reliably when multiple remote sensing indices are integrated, KEYWORDS
such as in the use of the prevalent Remote Sensing-based Ecological Index (RSEI). However, for Remote sensing; ecological
effective ecological quality assessment, the requirement of acquisition time consistency for images quality assessment; Time-
has become an outstanding issue for broadening the application of the RSEI. In this study, we series; RSEI; CCDC; Hangzhou
adjusted the RSEI to the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm that
predicts synthetic images instead of real images. Based on this algorithm, we mapped time-series
RSEI (ts-RSEI), which provide comparable results for tracing the dynamics of ecological quality at
any time. Our major findings are as follows: (1) The RSEI is very sensitive to the timespan of the
image acquisition dates, with the Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) of 0.111 (19.2%) when the
interval between dates exceeds one month. (2) The ts-RSEI from synthetic images is comparable to
the RSEI from real images, with the MAD of 0.075 (10.5%), which is superior to that of two real
images with the timespan of half-a-month. (3) For Hangzhou, the ecological quality was main­
tained for almost the past 35 years (the ts-RSEI changed from 0.679 to 0.705). However, special
attention should be paid to the spatial polarization between natural (“better”) and human-
dominated (“worse”) environments. The high temporal consistency and the capability of any-
time mapping of the ts-RSEI are expected to be of value to policy makers and authorities in
implementing effective ecological conservation measures.

1. Introduction
(Chen, Dong Liu, and Da Dao 2016; Wanyama, Kar,
The ecological environment includes all the factors and Moore 2021; Jianguo, Ning Xiang, and Zhu Zhao
that influence the maintenance and development of 2014). Given that urbanization is an irreversible pro­
an ecosystem (Walther et al. 2002). It is also strongly cess during the development of human civilization,
related to the value of the environment for human life the stresses on the ecological environment imposed
and socioeconomic sustainability (Song et al. 2018). by urbanization are unlikely to lessen in the short-
With the onset of the Anthropocene, the acceleration term. Therefore, the exploration of changes in the
of human activities has increasingly stressed the glo­ ecological environment under urbanization, and the
bal ecological environment. One of the most common formulation of plans to coordinate socioeconomic
impacts on the ecological environment is documen­ development within the capacity of the regional eco­
ted by Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC), an impor­ logical environment, have become core topics in
tant cause of which is urbanization (McDonnell and recent research on urban ecology (Johnson and
MacGregor-Fors 2016; Jianguo, Ning Xiang, and Zhu Munshi-South 2017; McDonnell and MacGregor-Fors
Zhao 2014). Over the past half-century, the unprece­ 2016; Verbavatz and Barthelemy 2020).
dented degree of urbanization has led to various Ecological quality assessment is fundamental to
environmental problems, including deforestation, revealing changes in the ecological environment.
loss of diversity, air and water pollution, land degra­ Initially, many countries and global organizations
dation and desertification, and urban heat islands were committed to establishing a comprehensive


Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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1794 C. SUN ET AL.

system for ecological quality assessment. For exam­ experience is involved, potentially resulting in differ­
ple, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable ent evaluation results.
Development provided a theme-based framework, The Remote Sensing–based Ecological Index (RSEI),
which explicitly reflected the linkages between socio­ which was proposed in 2013, can aggregate multiple
economic indicators (e.g. population dynamics, eco­ indices to rapidly and objectively evaluate regional
nomic conditions, and cultural traditions) and urban ecological quality (Han Qiu 2013). Four indicators
management targets (Bowen and Riley 2003). The were selected in accordance with the widely accepted
Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Pressure-State-Response (PSR) framework (Hughey
Republic of China proposed a composite indicator, et al. 2004): dryness, representing the pressures from
named the Ecological Index (EI), which integrated human activities; greenness, representing changes in
five ecological factors (biological abundance, vegeta­ environmental states; and humidity and heat, repre­
tion cover, water network density, land degradation, senting climatic responses. These indicators were
and environment pollution) as a technical criterion for integrated using Principal Component Analysis
ecological assessment (The Ministry of Ecology and (PCA), in which the weights were automatically calcu­
Environment, P. R. China 2006). Although the EI is lated based on indicator contributions, reducing the
carefully designed, the data required is commonly uncertainty of empirical assignments (Chen et al.
site-specific (e.g. based on field investigation or sta­ 2014). Since the RSEI was developed almost 10 years
tistical yearbooks), making its application to large ago, its robustness has been demonstrated in a wide
regions rather difficult. range of ecosystems (e.g. cities, forest, cropland, wet­
Compared with site-specific data, remote sensing land) (Guo et al. 2020; Xi Sheng and Han Qiu 2018;
has unique advantages in terms of synoptic coverage Shan et al. 2019; Xiong et al. 2021; Han Qiu et al. 2019;
and repeatability, enabling the collection of varied Yuan et al. 2021; Zheng et al. 2020).
spatial and temporal data with a broad coverage. However, several of the indices used for construct­
Thus, this technology has been widely applied in ing the RSEI are affected by intra-annual phenology.
ecological quality assessment (Zellweger et al. 2019; For example, the degree of changes in greenness and
Zhang et al. 2022). Previous ecological assessments heat during a year – typically rising to a maximum in
have focused mainly on an individual remote-sensing summer and falling to a minimum in winter – may
based index, which emphasizes one aspect of the sometimes be substantial over the interval of a few
ecological status of an area. Typical examples are days (LeVine and Crews 2019; Sun et al. 2021). To
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) reduce the errors caused by intra-annual phenology
and Land Surface Temperature (LST), which are and to ensure the comparability of RSEI results
often used to characterize vegetation coverage and between different years, the acquisition date of
the urban heat island (Buyantuyev, Wu, and Gries remote sensing images should be as close as possible
2007; Jun Xiang et al. 2011; Stefanov and Netzband (no more than 1 month, as suggested by Han Qiu
2005). However, in most cases, changes in ecological et al. (2018)). However, this requirement is not easily
quality are too complex to be adequately represented achieved, especially for widely-used medium spatial
by a simple remote-sensing- based index (Vaz et al. resolution images and frequent cloud-covered coastal
2015). Several indicators or models that aggregate areas (Sun et al. 2016). As a result, previous studies
multiple remote sensing–based indices were there­ were often faced with the following dilemma. (1) Most
fore proposed, including the Forest Disturbance of the relevant RSEI studies have only investigated
Index (FDI) (Healey et al. 2005), MODIS Global a small study area (typically less than tens of hundreds
Disturbance Index (MGDI) (Mildrexler, Zhao, and of km2) that can be completely covered by one scene
Running 2009), Permanent Vegetation Fraction (PVF) of an image (Xi Sheng and Han Qiu 2018; Liu et al.
(Ivits et al. 2009), and the Hyperspectral Flower Index 2021; Shan et al. 2019; Xiong et al. 2021; Han Qiu et al.
(HFI) (Chen et al. 2009). Even though these aggre­ 2018), while a larger region that crosses side-laps of
gated indices can reflect more features related to image swaths is currently difficult to investigate. (2)
ecological quality, challenges remain in areas such Most RSEI-related studies have assessed the ecologi­
as weight assignment (Han Qiu 2013); for example, cal quality using several discrete periods (typically
the weight assignment tends to vary when subjective with an interval of 5–10 years) (Liu et al. 2021; Xiong

et al. 2021; Zheng et al. 2020), rather than continuous had reached 10.3 million, and the city has a regional
monitoring over a long period. However, for coastal GDP of 237.8 billion dollars (Zhang and Cheng 2019).
areas, where the LUCC may be rapid, ecological The region has a northern subtropical monsoon cli­
assessment at the above time interval appears to be mate with four distinct seasons. The mean annual
too coarse to capture key ecological changes, which temperature of Hangzhou is 17°C and the average
in turn potentially hinders the acquisition of accurate annual precipitation is 1450 mm.
and detailed information about changes in ecological Hangzhou was selected as the study area for the
quality. following reasons. (1) The city is within a coastal
Obviously, the high time requirement of remote region with frequent cloudy weather, with the result
sensing images for fair ecological quality assessment that cloud-free Landsat images are difficult to collect,
has become a factor that limits the broader applica­ especially from late spring to early autumn (Figure 1
tion of the RSEI. The recently developed Continuous (c)). (2) The city crosses the side-lap regions of Landsat
Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) technol­ image swaths (Figure 1(a)), and it is rarely possible to
ogy makes full use of the available observations from match a set of cloud-free images with near acquisition
time-series imagery and enables images to be synthe­ dates. (3) More than four fifths of the city are covered
sized at any time (Zhu and Woodcock 2014). The by vegetation (Figure 1(b)), providing favorable con­
synthetic image was proven to be very similar to the ditions for exploring phenology-induced
real image but free from the influence of clouds and uncertainties.
shadows (Zhu et al., 2015a; Zhu et al., 2015b).
Therefore, in this study, we adjusted the RSEI to the
2.2. Dataset
CCDC and mapped the time-series RSEI (ts-RSEI),
which is shown to provide comparable results for 2.2.1. Image data
ecological quality assessment at any time. The specific A total of 4348 available level-1 Landsat images
objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to quantify acquired during 1984–2020 were collected for scenes
the sensitivity of the RSEI for different timespans, 119/39, 119/40, 120/39, and 120/40. The number of
enabling an assessment of the significance of the ts- available Landsat images for each scene was slightly
RSEI; (2) to evaluate the accuracy of the ts-RSEI, in different, with a minimum of 1054 for 120/40 and
order to promote its widespread application; and (3) a maximum of 1121 for 119/39. The image distribu­
to reveal the inter- (intra-) annual dynamics of regio­ tion from different sensors is quite similar among
nal ecological quality, highlighting the values on fine scenes. For example, there were 518 images from
temporal scales. We found that the ts-RSEI can over­ Landsat-5 TM (1 June 1984 to 3 November 2011),
come the problem of the sensitivity of the RSEI to 432 images from Landsat-7 ETM+ (6 August 1999 to
timespans, and it has better temporal consistency 21 December 2020), and 171 images from Landsat-8
than previous RSEI-based methods. Overall, the ts- OLI (14 April 2013 to 29 December 2020) for scene
RSEI is of potential value to policy makers and autho­ 119/39 (Figure 1(c)). For each Landsat image, 8 bands
rities by providing an accurate evaluation of ecologi­ were used, including six optical bands (Blue, Green,
cal quality whenever needed. Red, NIR, SWIR1, and SWIR2), one thermal infrared
(TIR) band, and a Quality Assessment (QA) band.

2. Materials 2.2.2. Impervious surface data

Impervious Surface Percentage (ISP) data for three
2.1. Study area
periods (2000, 2005, 2010), with the spatial resolution
Hangzhou (29.2°–30.5°N, 118.3°–120.5°E), the capital of 500 m, were downloaded from the Geographical
of Zhejiang Province in China, is located 180 km Simulation and Optimization Systems (GeoSOS, www.
southwest of Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta This data was gen­
(Figure 1(a)). As one of the largest cities in the erated from DMSP-OLS and MODIS images. Numerous
Yangtze River Delta, Hangzhou has experienced studies have shown that ecological conditions are
rapid urbanization and economic development since strongly correlated with the ISP and that an increase
the early 1980s. By 2019, the population of Hangzhou in the ISP degrades the ecological conditions
1796 C. SUN ET AL.

Figure 1. Location of the study area of Hangzhou, and the Landsat image collection. (a) Mosaic true color image (R: 3, G: 2, B:1) of the
study area from four synthetic Landsat images for 1 July 2019. (b) Classification map for 2019 (overall accuracy: 85.7%, Kappa
coefficient: 0.82) illustrating the main land use and cover types. (c) Distribution of all available Landsat images collected from scene

(Yingchun et al. 2019; Xi Sheng and Han Qiu 2018; worldwide, and with the spatial resolution of 30 m
Huidong et al. 2018). The ISP data was correlated with (Jun, Fang Ban, and SongvNian 2014). We designed
the RSEI to provide a quantitative assessment of the a general sampling rate of 0.2, meaning that ~20%
model accuracy. of the total pixels of the study area were randomly
selected as training samples. This percentage was
2.2.3. Training data obtained from the manual of the CCDC algorithm,
The training data was collected from the and it has proven to provide the best classification
Globeland30 land cover maps ( performance based on the testing of different sam­ for the three periods of 2000, ple sizes of a training dataset (Zhou et al. 2020). To
2010, and 2020. These maps have been recently maximize classification performance, additional con­
accepted as a useful reference for land use studies straints were designed: there was no category with
because they provide 10 land cover categories (cul­ a sample rate <0.01 or >0.05, which ensured an
tivated land, forest, grassland, shrubland, wetland, approximately proportional representation of each
water, tundra, artificial surface, bare land, snow/ice) category. If the pixels for a category accounted for

>5% of the total pixels, only 5% of the pixels would algorithm. The QA band for each image was retained
be randomly selected; and if the pixels for during the processing.
a category accounted for <1%, all available pixels Subsequently, we separated clear-sky observations
would be collected with no selection. from invalid or cloud-contaminated observations,
which is important for accurately describing the phe­
nology and other aspects of the land surface (Figure 2
3. Methodology (a)). First, observations with invalid data values were
removed. For the surface reflectance bands with the
3.1. CCDC algorithm
INT16 format, the valid data range was set to [0,
3.1.1. Data pre-processing 10,000]. The valid data range for brightness tempera­
Instead of using the original DN values, we derived ture bands was set to [2630, 3300] (i.e. −10–60°C),
surface reflectance (for the optical bands) or bright­ after considering the local climatic conditions.
ness temperature (for the TIR band) for all Landsat Second, cloud-contaminated observations were
images (Figure 2(a)). The acquisition of surface reflec­ removed using two steps (Figure 2(a)). The QA band,
tance for Landsat-5 and −7 images used the 6S radio­ generated by the Function of Mask (FMask) algorithm
active transfer model, which was processed by the (Zhu et al., 2015a), was initially used to filter clouds,
Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing cloud shadows, snow, and the Scan Line Corrector
System (LEDAPS, (SLC) off gaps (for Landsat-7 images). Despite this
tion/ofr20131057). The surface reflectance for filtering, there was a high possibility of observations
Landsat-8 images was obtained from the Landsat-8 with ephemeral noise (e.g. undetected clouds, cloud
Surface Reflectance (L8SR) system with an internal shadows, atmospheric haze, smoke) remaining within

Figure 2. General framework for mapping the time-series Remote Sensing–based Ecological Index (ts-RSEI).
1798 C. SUN ET AL.

the images, and therefore we employed time-series model used for model initialization with the
a multiTemporal Mask (TMask) algorithm to further TMask algorithm, the selection of the time-series
remove these outliers (Zhu et al., 2015b). The TMask- model depended on the number of clear-sky observa­
identified observations that deviated significantly tions (Figure 2(a)). If the number was 24 or greater, the
from the overall trend were only implemented at third time-series model (Equation 3) would be selected;
the initialization of the time-series models. if the number was >18 and <24, the second time-series
model would be selected; and otherwise, the first time-
series model would be accepted. We used Least
3.1.2. Model construction and change detection
Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
(1) Piecewise linear harmonic model
regression to estimate the coefficients for all time-
Land surface change is typically divided into peri­
series models (Figure 2(a)), because LASSO has been
odic intra-annual changes, gradual inter-annual
demonstrated to effectively reduce instances of over-
changes, and abrupt changes (Wang et al. 2022; Zhu
fitting by minimizing the sum of the absolute values of
and Woodcock 2014). Therefore, a piecewise linear
the coefficients and forcing a subset of coefficients to
harmonic time-series model was used to fully
zeros (Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani 2010).
describe the entire spectrum of land surface changes.
(2) Change detection
For each pixel of the Landsat images, the piece num­
The break days for each piece were determined by
ber of the time-series model depended on the abrupt
comparing time-series model predictions with clear-
changes detected, and at least one piece was estab­
sky observations (Figure 2(b)). We quantified the
lished for each band. For each piece, three candidate
deviations between the predictions and observations
time-series models, comprising a linear and
using the combination of two measurements: the
a harmonic segment, were used to describe surface
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Overall
Variability (OVar). The RMSE was calculated using the
ρði; tÞ1 ¼ c0;i þ c1;i t þ a1;i cosðwtÞ þ b1;i sinðwtÞ (1) 24 observations covered by the time-series model
which were closest to the detected observations;
X alternatively, all the observations covered by the
ρði; tÞ2 ¼ c0;i þ c1;i t þ an;i cosðnwtÞ þ bn;i sinðnwtÞ
time-series model were used if there were fewer
(2) than 24. The OVar is computed as the median of the
absolute value of the differences between each obser­
X vation and the ith successive observation, where i is
ρði; tÞ3 ¼ c0;i þ c1;i t þ an;i cosðnwtÞ þ bn;i sinðnwtÞ the smallest value that most of the observation pairs
are separated by more than 30 days. We used all
(3) Landsat bands, except for Blue and TIR, to detect
Here, i is the ith Landsat band; t is the Julian date; w is land surface changes. The threshold for change detec­
a constant representing the annual frequency (2π/ tion (15.1) was obtained from an inverse distribution
365.25); c0,i and c1,i are the estimated intercept and with the degrees of freedom equal to the band num­
slope coefficients, respectively, representing gradual bers. Given that ephemeral noise may remain after
inter-annual change; an,i and bn,i are the estimated nth data filtering, 6 consecutive observations processed
(n = 1, 2, 3)–order harmonic coefficients, representing together were used rather than a single observation
periodic intra-annual changes; and p ^ði; tÞn denotes for accurate change detection (Figure 2(b), Figure 3
the predicted surface reflectance for the nth candidate (a1)). Specifically, if the result was larger than the
time-series model. threshold for 6 consecutive times (Equation 4), a ­
The difference among candidate time-series models break day was determined as the date of the first
lies mainly in the complexity of the harmonic segment. observation (Figure 3 (a2, a3)); and if the result was
The more complex the harmonic segment, the better larger than the threshold for only a few times, the
the performance in capturing intra-annual variations. relevant observations would be further detected if
For example, the second time-series model they were ephemeral noise that should be removed.
(Equation 2) is superior to the first (Equation 1) in When no change was detected, new clear-sky obser­
describing bimodal characteristics. Except for the first vations were added to the time-series, enabling the

Figure 3. Mechanism of Continuous Change Detection and the Classification (CCDC) algorithm. (a1–a3) Process of capturing Land Use
and Cover Changes (LUCC) using a piecewise linear harmonic model, using the reflectance of the SWIR1 band as an example. The
green and blue curves correspond to different model pieces before and after LUCC. (b1–b3) Google Earth history snapshots acquired
from the periods labeled by the red rectangles in (a1–a3). The yellow pin corresponds to the location where the CCDC algorithm was
applied. (c1–c2) Synthetic Landsat images for 1 July 2010 and 1 July 2018, generated by model coefficients. (d1–d2) Classification
maps for Jul.1, 2010 and Jul.1, 2018, generated by XGBoost classifiers. The red cross corresponds to the pixel where the CCDC
algorithm applies.

time-series model to self-update over time (Figure 3 Here, D is the Landsat bands used for change
(a1, a2)). The procedure is as follows: detection; i is the ith Landsat band; residi is the
residual relative to the LASSO model; and RMSEi
X� residi
> 15:1ðfor 6 consecutive observationsÞ and OVari are the RMSE and overall variability,
maxðRMSEi ; OVari Þ
1800 C. SUN ET AL.

3.1.3. Image synthesis and classification resulting classifier was applied to predict classification
(1) Image synthesis maps at any given date.
For each pixel, integrating the time variable (t:
Julian date) into the corresponding pieces of the
time-series models enabled us to obtain the predicted 3.2. RSEI construction
surface reflectance for each band (Figures 2, c, 3c1, 3.2.1. Index calculation
c2). For most of the pixels and for most of the time Greenness. Vegetation plays a critical role
this process works perfectly. However, between adja­ in natural systems as it participates in numerous bio­
cent pieces of time-series model corresponding to the geochemical cycles and contributes to the global
time before and after a change in the surface, there is energy balance (Yan et al. 2020). Greenness reflects
often a period when the observations fluctuate too many aspects of vegetation, including the number
greatly to enable the initialization of another piece of and type of plants and the growth and coverage
the time-series model. This means that some pixels conditions. The NDVI, which is based on the reflection
likely possess certain periods where no piece is avail­ features in the near-infrared and red wavelengths by
able. In such cases we used the break day closest to plant leaf surfaces, has been successfully applied to
the given date to determine an adequate time-series monitor and assess greenness across different scales.
piece. If the given date was earlier than the break day, Thus, the NDVI was employed to represent greenness
we projected the former piece of the time-series (Figure 2(d)), and it can be calculated as in Equation 5.
model backward to the given date to predict the sur­
ρNIR ρRed
face reflectance and brightness temperature; other­ NDVI ¼ (5)
ρNIR þ ρRed
wise, the latter piece was projected forward. In this
way, the image at any date after 1984 could be Here, ρNIR and ρRed denote the NIR and Red bands
synthesized. However, in our study, the images during from synthetic Landsat images, respectively.
1986–2019 were synthesized because a certain length
of time was needed to collect sufficient cloud-free Dryness. Surface dryness has two main
observations for the initialization and termination of sources: artificial impervious surfaces and natural
the time-series model. bare soil. As a result of ongoing urbanization, artificial
(2) Image classification impervious surfaces accelerate land dryness by alter­
eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) was used for ing biogeochemical processes and circulation pat­
land cover classification (Figure 2(c)). XGBoost is terns (Han Qiu 2008). Naturally bare soils, in the
a scalable implementation of gradient tree boosting, form of patches of bare land, areas of sparse vegeta­
which delivers high performance and accuracy com­ tion, or transitions during land use change, also cause
pared to other algorithms (Georganos et al. 2018). In dry conditions (Deng et al. 2015; Jamali, Ali Montazeri
our study, the fast histogram optimized approximate Naeeni, and Zarei 2020). Accordingly, dryness was
greedy algorithm was applied for tree generation and measured by the Normalized Difference Building
was assigned the values of 8 for the maximum tree and Soil Index (NDBSI, Figure 2(d), Equation 6),
depth and 500 for the number of trees. We used time- a combination of the Index-based Built-up Index (IBI,
series model coefficients and RMSEs as input features Equation 7) and the Soil Index (SI, Equation 8), taking
(Figure 3 (d1, d2)). Specifically, for each band, 8 fea­ both sources into account. They are calculated as
tures were extracted, including one feature to repre­ follows:
sent the overall reflectance at a given date by IBI þ SI
combining the constant (c0,i) and slope (c1,i) coeffi­ NDBSI ¼ (6)
cients, three pairs of coefficients (an,i, bn,i, n = 1,2,3) to
fully describe intra-annual changes, and an RMSE to 2ρSWIR1 ρNIR ρGreen
ρSWIR1 þρNIR ðρ þρ Þ
NIR þρRed Green þρSWIR1
measure the time-series model performance. IBI ¼ 2ρSWIR1 ρGreen
ρSWIR1 þρNIR þ ðρ ρþρNIR
þ ρGreen þρSWIR1 Þ
Therefore, there was a total of 56 features from 6 NIR Red

optical bands and a TIR band as input features for

ðρSWIR1 þ ρRed Þ ðρNIR þ ρBlue Þ
XGBoost. The training data from the three phases SI ¼ (8)
ðρSWIR1 þ ρRed Þ þ ðρNIR þ ρBlue Þ
were merged and inputted to XGBoost, and the

Here, ρBlue,ρGreen,ρRed,ρNIR, and ρSWIR1 respectively Heat. LST is a useful index for the measure­
denote the Blue, Green, Red, NIR, and SWIR1 bands ment of heat because it is closely related to the
from synthetic Landsat images. growth and distribution of vegetation, crop yield,
and evaporation from surface water. In this study, Humidity. The first three components after LST was obtained using an emissivity modulation
the Tasseled Cap Transform (TCT) have significant method, which has been proven to be accurate for
environmental implications, especially the third fac­ temperature retrieval (Nichol 2005). For the bright­
tor – Wetness – and it has been proven to be an ness temperature band (Tb) of synthetic Landsat
effective index to represent land surface moisture images, LST was calculated using Equations 10 and
(Crist 1985). Therefore, the Wetness component was 11.
considered to represent humidity (Figure 2(d)). Tb
LST ¼ (10)
It should be noted that the TCT was implemented 1 þ λTαb ln ε
using linear combinations of each band with the
empirical selection of coefficients, which means hc
α¼ (11)
that the coefficients tend to vary among sensors. K
Previous studies used true Landsat images with Here, h is the Planck constant (6.26 × 10−34 J-sec), c is
accurate sensor information (e.g. TM, ETM+, OLI) the velocity of light (2.998 × 108 m/sec), K is the
that established transformation equations that can Boltzmann constant (1.38 × 10−23 J/K), and λ denotes
be used directly (Baig et al. 2014; Crist 1985; Huang the central wavelength (μm) for the corresponding
et al. 2002). However, for synthetic Landsat images it TIR band (i.e. 11.48 × 10−6 for band 6 of Landsat TM/
is difficult to determine how to apply the established ETM+ images, and 10.90 × 10−6 for band 10 of Landsat
transformation equations because the information OLI images). Like the processes for averaging the
used for generating each pixel is likely to be differ­ coefficients during TCT transformation, λ was set as
ent. This relates strongly to the length and location 11.19 × 10−6 for synthetic Landsat images; and ε
of the piece of the time-series model used by a pixel; denotes the surface emissivity, referenced by (Nichol
this information may come from a single sensor if 2005), which varies according to the land cover.
the piece is short and acquired at an early stage, Specifically, we set ε as 0.97, 0.91, 0.92, 0.95, 0.99,
otherwise, the information can even be an integra­ and 0.97 for forest, grassland, artificial surface, bare
tion of the three sensors (e.g. the pixel generated by land, water, and other vegetation types, respectively.
the first piece of the time-series model was fitted by This process was easily conducted with the assistance
the observations for 2010–2016 when the informa­ of classification maps, which were simultaneously
tion from TM, ETM+, and OLI was involved, Figure 3 generated with synthetic Landsat images
(a2)). For simplicity, the initial Wetness from each (Figure 2(d)).
sensor was calculated individually based on pre­
viously-established transformation equations and
3.2.2. Index post-processing
then averaged to produce the final Wetness. Given
Except for the common post-processing method for
that the TCT is a linear function, the average of the
individual indices such as the water mask (Han Qiu
initial Wetness is equivalent to the average of the
2006), we used two other methods to preserve the
corresponding coefficients. Thus, the Wetness from
reality and consistency for the long-term description
synthetic Landsat images was defined according to
of ecological quality (Figure 2(d)):
Equation 9.
Wetness ¼ 0:1484ρBlue þ 0:3068ρGreen þ 0:2437ρRed Outlier modification. Previously, individual
þ 0:1886ρNIR 0:7184ρSWIR1
indices were directly normalized with relatively little
consideration given to outliers; however, a very few
(9) extremely large or small outliers were observed in the
Here, ρBlue,ρGreen,ρRed,ρNIR,ρSWIR1, and ρSWIR2 denote original indices (Figure S1a1–c1 of supplementary
Blue, Green, Red, NIR, SWIR1, and SWIR2 bands from materials), especially for a large study area or a long-
synthetic Landsat images, respectively. term study. If these outliers are not rectified,
1802 C. SUN ET AL.

normalization using the maximum and minimum variable is automatically allocated according to the
values from the outliers would significantly bias the varying contributions, preventing errors in manual
data distribution (Figure S1a2–c2 of supplementary weight assignment (Chen et al. 2014). Therefore,
materials) and induce uncertainty. Therefore, we used PCA was used to integrate the post-processing indices
an outlier modification method using a percentile, of greenness, dryness, humility, and heat (Figure 2(e)).
which was set as 0.5 so that values exceeding the Note that in previous studies PCA transformation was
range between the 0.5% and 99.5% percentiles were separately implemented for each study period, result­
regarded as outliers and modified. Specifically, the ing in several PCA models with different weights.
values corresponding to the 0.5% and 99.5% percen­ Since the temporal resolution of synthetic Landsat
tiles were validated as the minimum and maximum, images can be set to a very fine scale, the weights
respectively. Any value less than (greater than) the for each period should be uniform to avoid any
validated minimum (maximum) was assigned to the detected ecological changes being induced by
validated minimum (maximum). A total of 1% of the weight differences. Therefore, we generated
values were modified during this process. a unique PCA model using the synthetic Landsat
images from all periods. All-time normalization. Previously, the The first principal component subtracted from 1
normalization of the original indices was conducted was taken as the initial ts-RSEI (ts-RSEI0,
for each study period separately, but this may be Equation 12), in accordance with the general recogni­
inappropriate. An index likely represents a long-term tion that higher values should indicate better ecolo­
trend, with the values from a later image overall rising gical conditions. To facilitate temporal comparisons,
or falling relative to a previous image by a certain we also conducted outlier modification and all-time
magnitude. This phenomenon results from climatic normalization processes to obtain the final ts-RSEI
variability, vegetation growth, or land degradation (Figure 2(e), Equation 13). All the annual images
(Zhu and Woodcock 2014). However, the true magni­ were merged to construct a single PCA transforma­
tude may be offset when such an individual normal­ tion model for which the percentage covariance
ization method is implemented. For example, the eigenvalue of the ts-RSEI reached 71.8%; the loadings
original distribution of NDVI values is distinct for the four indicators (greenness, dryness, humility,
between 1987 and 2017, indicating a potential green­ and heat) on the ts-RSEI were 0.713, −0.427, 0.540,
ing process over 30 years (Figure S1a1–c1 of supple­ and −0.128, respectively.
mentary materials). After individual normalization,
ts RSEI0 ¼ 1 PCA1ðNDVI; NDBSI; Wetness; LSTÞ
however, the NDVI ranges of the two years were
identical and the NDVI distributions was similar
(Figure S1a2–c2 of supplementary materials).
ts RSEI0 ts RSEIlb
Therefore, we used an all-time normalization method ts RSEI ¼ (13)
ts RSEIub ts RSEIlb
that uses two fixed boundaries (lower and upper) for
normalizing indices from all the periods. For a specific Here, PCA1 is the first principal component from the
index, the minimum (maximum) for the validated PCA, and ts-RSEIlb and ts-RSEIub are the mean lower
minima (maxima) from all periods was defined as and upper boundaries of ts-RSEI0.
the lower (upper) boundary. Therefore, although the
data range for a specific period may not completely
reach [0, 1] after all-time normalization, a reasonable 4. Results
distribution of an index can be obtained, from a long-
4.1. Sensitivity of the RSEI to the timespan of
term perspective (Figure S1a3–c3 of supplementary
To measure the influence of the timespan of observa­
3.2.3. PCA transformation tions, we calculated and compared RSEI differences
PCA is a multi-dimensional data compression techni­ based on pairwise cloud-free real Landsat images
que that can eliminate the effect of co-linearity with acquisition dates <32 days (~1 month). Scene
among the original variables. The weight for each 119/39 was selected to conduct the process since it

covers most of the study area; additionally, scene 119/ 16 days, and it reached 0.111 for the timespan of
39 has a variety of land use and cover types, such as 32 days (Figure 4(a)). Additionally, the RSEI difference
forest, cropland, and artificial surfaces, with relatively for each pixel became systematic as the timespan of
even proportions of these land-use types the pairwise image increased – the RSEI difference
(Figure 1(b)). was likely to be positive when the pairwise image
All available pairs of real Landsat images were was acquired after August, and vice versa. For exam­
collected during 1984–2020, including 2 pairs with ple, although the RSEI difference between the image
the timespan of 8 days, 4 pairs with the timespan of pair acquired for Sep. 17 and 3 October 2000 was still
16 days, and 5 pairs with the timespan of 32 days. For around zero, a larger number of pixels with a positive
the pairwise image with the timespan of 8 days, the difference were observed, leading to a biased normal
difference between their derived RSEI values was distribution (Figure 5(b)). The RSEI difference between
small, with 0.065 as the Mean Absolute Difference the images acquired for Nov. 3 and 5 December 1988
(MAD) calculated for each pixel (Figure 4(a)). The was normally distributed, but the center had shifted
RSEI difference for each pixel appeared to be random to a positive value (~0.09, Figure 5(c)). This rapid
and evenly distributed, represented by a normal dis­ increase in systematic differences indicated
tribution with the mean of zero (Figure 5(a)). a relatively high sensitivity of the RSEI to the timespan
However, the RSEI difference increased significantly of the observations.
when the timespan of the pairwise images was The RSEI sensitivity was observed to vary among
increased. The MAD of the derived RSEI was 0.094 land use and cover types (Figure 4(b)). For land use
between pairwise image with the timespan of types that change frequently, like cropland, the RSEI

Figure 4. Absolute difference distributions for the pairwise RSEI calculated using real and synthetic Landsat images. The absolute
difference distributions for the overall area (a) and main land use and cover types (b) are calculated using the pairwise RSEI derived
from real Landsat images with different timespans. The monthly absolute difference distributions for the overall area (c) and main land
use and cover types (d) are calculated using the pairwise RSEI derived from real and synthetic Landsat images. The mean absolute
differences (MAD) are labeled with dashed lines: blue for the overall area, green for forest, yellow for cropland, and red for artificial
surfaces. Gray numbers denote the image numbers used for calculation.
1804 C. SUN ET AL.

Figure 5. Differences in pairwise RSEI between real Landsat images with different timespans. The first and second columns are the
RSEIs calculated for the real Landsat images for two adjacent periods. The timespan between the first and second columns increases
by rows, 8 days for (a), 16 days for (b), and 32 days for (c). The third column shows the RSEI differences between the first and second
columns, with the outstanding differences labeled with land use and cover type. The fourth column shows a histogram of the RSEI
differences and the Mean Absolute Difference (MAD).

sensitivity was high, especially for a timespan greater events occurring in built-up areas, cropland, and
than 8 days (the MAD almost doubled as the timespan forested areas were introduced for qualitative assess­
increased to 16 days). For forest, an RSEI sensitivity ment (Figure 6). In a typical built-up area, inner crop­
began to emerge when the timespan exceeded land was converted to urban land during 2008–2011
16 days; but for artificial surfaces, there was no (Figure 6 (a1–a3)). This process was manifested by
obvious trend in RSEI sensitivity with increasing a decrease from 0.46 to 0.11 of the average value of
timespan. a clustered area of more than 1 million m2 in the ts-
RSEI maps (Figure 6 (a4–a6)). The capability of identi­
fying tiny LUCC changes in space and time for the ts-
4.2. Accuracy assessment of the ts-RSEI
RSEI maps was also evaluated. For example, several
The uncertainty of ts-RSEI maps mainly come from houses were continuously constructed in the crop­
two aspects: the RSEI model and CCDC technology. land areas during 2008–2014 (Figure 6 (b1–b3)).
Such pixel-level changes were accurately detected
4.2.1. Accuracy of the RSEI model by the ts-RSEI maps, with the value for 11 pixels
We evaluated the accuracy of the RSEI model using decreasing from 0.48 to 0.37 (Figure 6 (b4–b6)). The
both qualitative and quantitative means. Three LUCC ts-RSEI maps even captured the initial moment of

Figure 6. Temporal and spatial validation of ts-RSEI maps. Temporal validation was conducted for three typical sites – a built-up area
(a), cropland (b), and forest (c) – before and after Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC). Sub-figures 1–3 show Google Earth snapshots
before and after LUCC; and sub-figures 4–6 show ts-RSEI maps before and after the LUCC. Spatial validation was conducted on the
three urban parks (and adjacent areas) of Xixi, Xihu, and Banshan. Sub-figures 1–3 and 4–6 show Google Earth snapshots and ts-RSEI
maps, respectively.

quarry establishment in 2011 (Figure 6 (c2)), reflected of most of the points from the best-fit line indicated
by a large decrease in the average values of 6 pixels a good performance, with the coefficient of determi­
(Figure 6 (c5)). For the same land-use types, ts-RSEI nation (R2) for the three periods exceeding 0.5.
maps can differentiate in detail the values that reflect Several outliers are evident, probably due to the
the influences from different backgrounds. This was limited ability of the ts-RSEI maps to differentiate
validated by three urban parks and their peripheral values for the same land use with varying back­
areas (Figure 6 (d1–d6)). The ts-RSEI values for artificial grounds. The slopes of the best-fit lines for the
surfaces in the urban parks averaged 0.21, which was three periods are all negative (~-0.3), in agreement
~0.10 lower than those in the peripheral areas within with common sense. The changes in both the slopes
a 1 km buffer. This makes sense because parks have and intercepts (~0.5) of the best-fit lines are only
favorable conditions in terms of wetness and slightly different for the three periods, indicating
temperature. the stability of the correlation and the validity of
The correlations between the ts-RSEI and ISP for the RSEI model.
the whole area for the three periods (2000, 2005, and (2) Reliability of the CCDC algorithm
2010) were used for quantitative assessment. After We compared the difference between the ts-RSEI
generating and re-sampling ts-RSEI maps with the derived from synthetic Landsat images and the RSEI
same temporal and spatial resolutions, we used lin­ derived from real Landsat images with the same
ear regression to determine the correlation between acquisition dates, with the objective of quantitatively
the ts-RSEI and ISP (Figure 7). The limited deviations evaluating the reliability of the CCDC algorithm.
1806 C. SUN ET AL.

Figure 7. Correlations between the ts-RSEI and the Impervious Surface Percentage (ISP) for the years 2000 (a), 2005 (b), and 2010 (c).

A total of 74 pairs of comparisons were involved this MAD between ts-RSEI and RSEI for cropland was
process, in accordance with the number of cloud-free 0.099, which was intermediate to that of the RSEI
real Landsat images from scene 119/39 (Figure 1(c)). between real images with the timespan of 8–16 days
The ts-RSEI derived from synthetic images was very (Figure 4(b, d)).
similar to the RSEI from the real images. A normal The MAD between the ts-RSEI and RSEI was 0.082,
distribution with a mean of zero can be observed slightly higher than the MAD of the RSEI between real
from the difference between the ts-RSEI and RSEI for images with the timespan of 8 days but obviously
each period and season, indicating that the difference lower than the images with the timespan of 16 days
was probably random rather than systematic (Figure 4(a, c)). In fact, the value 0.075 of the MAD
(Figure 8). Monthly analyses further revealed an between the ts-RSEI and RSEI in summer may be more
obvious intra-annual trend for the absolute differ­ meaningful, since in most cases this season is used for
ences between the ts-RSEI and RSEI (Figure 4(c)). ecological quality assessment. Since the average RSEI
Specifically, the absolute differences were small dur­ of our study area was ~0.719 during summer, an MAD
ing summer (e.g. average of 0.060 for August) and of 0.075 corresponds to a 10.5% error, demonstrating
winter (e.g. average of 0.075 for January). However, the relatively high accuracy of the ts-RSEI derived
for the other two seasons, the absolute differences from synthetic Landsat images.
became larger, especially for mid-spring (April) when
the vegetation grows rapidly, for which the average
reached 0.095. 4.3. Spatio-temporal changes in ecological quality
The absolute difference between the ts-RSEI and
RSEI among the land use and cover types tended to Our methods enabled us to generate ts-RSEIs for any
vary (Figure 4(d)). Among the three main types, the time interval, and annual ts-RSEI maps were used as
absolute difference for forest was the lowest and an example. The synthetic Landsat images for Jul. 1 of
reached a minimum (0.036) during summer. The each year during 1986–2019 were generated. The
absolute difference for cropland was the highest and annual ts-RSEI maps revealed continuous changes in
usually reached a maximum (0.113) during spring or ecological quality during 1986–2019, and even subtle
autumn. For artificial surfaces, the absolute difference changes could be tracked (Figure 9). In general, the
was minor, and the intra-annual fluctuation was not overall ecological quality of Hangzhou was main­
significant, except for a slight increase during sum­ tained over the past 35 years, evidenced by the
mer. The MAD between the ts-RSEI and RSEI for forest change of the mean ts-RSEI from 0.679 to 0.705
and artificial surfaces was 0.062 and 0.078, respec­ (Figure 10(a)). Compared with only a slight change
tively, which was almost the same as that of the RSEI in the mean value, the standard deviation of the ts-
between real images with the timespan of 8 days. The RSEI increased substantially, indicating the likely

Figure 8. Differences between the RSEI and ts-RSEI from real and synthetic Landsat images with the same date. The first and second
columns are the RSEIs and ts-RSEIs calculated for real and synthetic Landsat images. Difference between the RSEI and ts-RSEI by
season and decade, including spring in the 1980s (a), summer in the 2000s (b), autumn in the 2010s (c), and winter in the 1990s (d).
The third column shows the differences between the first and second columns, with the outstanding differences labeled with the land
use and cover type. The fourth column shows a histogram of the differences and the Mean Absolute Difference (MAD).

existence of regional divergences in changes in eco­ the mean ts-RSEI from 0.736 to 0.825, which was the
logical quality. most prominent change among the three land-use
We then analyzed the changes in ecological quality and cover types (Figure 10(b)). The standard deviation
for different land use and cover types. Forest is wide­ of the ts-RSEI was almost unchanged throughout the
spread southwest of Hangzhou, with the minimum past 35 years, implying an overall improvement in
coverage of 62.0%. The ecological quality for forest ecological quality. Further analysis revealed that this
increased continuously, represented by an increase in increase was mainly the result of the progressive
1808 C. SUN ET AL.

Figure 9. Spatial divergence of ecological quality in Hangzhou during 1986–2019 evaluated by annual ts-RSEI. For each annual ts-RSEI,
the date of Jul. 1 of the corresponding year was used.

Figure 10. Annual changes in ecological quality in Hangzhou during 1986–2019. The mean values (points) and standard deviations
(error bars) of the ts-RSEI are used to depict the ecological quality. Key turning points in ecological quality are labeled with the mean
ts-RSEI value. Changes in ecological quality are evaluated for the overall area (a) and the main land use and cover types, including
forest (b), cropland (c), and artificial surfaces (d). The area percentages for the main land use and cover types are shown as gray bars.

greening of the forest (Figure 11(a, b)). In recent years, RSEI construction (Figure 11(a)). The decrease in
the global greening of vegetation due to climate humidity was an important reason for this degrada­
change and CO2 fertilization effects has been widely tion (Figure 11(b)), except for the heat island effect.
reported (Chen et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2016), and the Based on our field survey, the poor management of
southeastern coast of China, where Hangzhou is cropland (Figure 11(f)) was responsible for the
located (Figure 11(e)), provides one of the most strik­ decrease in humidity and the degradation of the
ing manifestations of this phenomenon. ecological environment. There was a sharp increase
The cropland in northeastern Hangzhou experi­ in the extent of artificial surfaces, while the ecological
enced a general degradation in ecological quality as quality generally decreased with fluctuations
its area was substantially reduced (Figure 10(c)). (Figure 11(d)). Before 1999, the mean ts-RSEI for arti­
Specifically, the ecological quality for cropland gradu­ ficial surfaces increased from 0.244 to 0.286, after
ally decreased before 2014, after which there was which it rapidly decreased to 0.225. Despite a minor
a slight increase (shown by the decrease in mean ts- rebound after 2014, the ts-RSEI remained lower than
RSEI from 0.578 to 0.537), followed by an increase to the initial level. Given the relatively low vegetation
0.540. The ecological degradation of cropland is coverage, heat may be more important than green­
demonstrated by almost all the indices involved in ts- ness in the case of artificial surfaces (Figure 11(a)). This
1810 C. SUN ET AL.

Figure 11. Relative changes of the RSEI in relation to four relevant indices (greenness, dryness, humidity, and heat) during 1986–2019.
(a) Relative changes of the four indices among the main land use and cover types, measured by differences in normalized indices. Note
that the increases in dryness and heat represent a negative effect for ecological quality. Three typical regions with the four intervals of
1986, 1997, 2008, and 2019 are used to represent long-term changes in normalized greenness for forest (b), normalized humidity for
cropland (c), and normalized heat for artificial surfaces (d). Photos taken in 2019 of Hangzhou to illustrate (e) the global greening
phenomenon for the forest ecosystem, (f) the cropland degradation phenomenon due to decreasing humidity, and (g) the urban heat
island effect caused by high-density built-up areas.

effect was especially discernable after 2000 when quality (Figure 9). For example, the difference in
high-density buildup areas became prevalent, with the mean ts-RSEI between natural and human-
limited consideration given to greening facilities dominated environments has more than doubled
(Figure 11(c, g)). during the past 35 years (0.168 in 1986 and
It is noteworthy that the difference between increasing to 0.351 in 2019). This polarization
nature-dominated (e.g. forest) and human- implies that future conversions from a natural to
dominated environments (e.g. cropland and artifi­ a human-dominated environment should be con­
cial surfaces) has increased, as evidenced by the sidered carefully, because of the higher ecological
trend of spatial polarization in regional ecological costs that would be incurred.

Our methods also enabled us to conduct an ignore, and it may be even larger for the extensive
assessment at a finer temporal resolution (e.g. semi­ cropland areas (Figure 4(b)).
monthly), to explore intra-annual changes in ecolo­ The high sensitivity to the timespan of the observa­
gical quality. The synthetic Landsat images on the tions is a major problem for image collection, with
10th and 20th day of each month in 2019 were used side-lap regions of image swaths, especially, leading
for semimonthly ts-RSEI maps, the spatio-temporal to a small study area and few study periods in most
changes of which are shown in Figure S2 and S3 of previous studies. Given that Hangzhou spans 4
the supplementary materials. Landsat scenes, if cloud-free images were collected
for RSEI construction, only 16 images from 4 periods
(1997, 2000, 2010, 2017) would be available (Figure 12
5. Discussion (a)). In terms of a comparison with the ts-RSEI, two
points can be made. (i) The general trend of ecological
5.1. Comparison of different methods for
quality evaluated by the foregoing cloud-free-image
reconstructing RSEI
method was lower. This is probably because the
Our results demonstrate pronounced intra-annual selected images are from late spring (May). Although
RSEI changes in areas of high vegetation coverage; mid-summer (July or August) is the best period for
for reference, a timespan of 1 month will result in an ecological assessment, it is poorly accessible in terms
MAD of 0.111 in Hangzhou, equivalent to a 19.2% of image collection due to the frequent cloudy
relative error in the RSEI. This error is too large to weather. (ii) Only a minor amount of information

Figure 12. Comparison of methods for RSEI construction. (a) Performances of the three methods for RSEI construction based on
continuous change detection (our approach), cloud-free images, and median value composition. (b1–b2) NDVI image composed of
median values and its corresponding Day Of Year (DOY). (c) Mosaic image from two scenes of real Landsat images with near
acquisition dates.
1812 C. SUN ET AL.

was provided by the cloud-free-image method and 5.2. Implications and limitations of the ts-RSEI
there was a slight distortion. The method only
revealed changes in ecological quality over 20 years The most significant contribution of this study is to
within 4 discrete time slices, instead of providing propose the use of ts-RSEI time-series to assess the
information for tracking annual changes in ecological ecological quality using the RSEI. Essentially, the ts-
dynamics throughout the 35-year period. The rapid RSEI was constructed by adjusting the RSEI to the
increase in ecological quality after 2000 is more likely CCDC technology, which provides a comparable
caused by differences in image acquisition dates (clo­ degree of ecological quality assessment. This compar­
ser to summer after 2000), rather than being a true ability comprises two aspects: first, the ecological
reflection of reality. Additionally, the band reflectance assessment can be conducted at a fixed time (e.g.
from side-lap regions of a mosaic image usually Jul. 1st of each year, the 10th day of each month),
showed a slight overall bias, even if the acquisition avoiding the errors from discrepancies in timespan;
dates of the images were close (9 days, as shown in and second, the index post-processing enables the
Figure 12(c)), which also introduces some degree of long-term trend (e.g. of vegetation growth, land
uncertainty in RSEI construction. degradation) to be reflected by the ecological
To overcome the problem of the poor accessi­ assessment.
bility of cloud-free images, several studies have The reason we selected the RSEI as the indicator for
begun to evaluate ecological quality annually or ecological quality assessment is because it has been
biennially, using image composition methods. used in numerous regions worldwide. For China, the
A representative method is the median value com­ RSEI was applied in Fuzhou (Xi Sheng and Han Qiu
position, which uses all available images to calcu­ 2018), Xiamen (Liu et al. 2021), Wuhan (Zhu et al.
late indices, after excluding observations 2021) cities, and the Xiong’an new region (Han Qiu
contaminated by clouds and shadow; the median et al. 2018) for evaluating ecological quality. For the
value for each pixel is extracted and used to com­ USA, the ecological quality for Minneapolis, Dallas,
pile an integrated image as a foundation for RSEI Phoenix, Seattle, and Chicago was compared using
construction (Wang, Hao Zhao, and Jian Sheng the RSEI (Firozjaei et al. 2021a). For Europe, urban
2020). Although the related indices generated by surface ecological poorness zones in Madrid (Spain),
the foregoing method appear to be spatially con­ Rome (Italy), Lyon (France), Hamburg (Germany),
tinuous (Figure 12 (b1)), the annual RSEI between Ciechanow (Poland), and Budapest (Hungary) were
adjacent years fluctuated tremendously (Figure 12 identified using the RSEI (Firozjaei et al. 2021c).
(a)). This was caused mainly by the large differ­ Given the potential for the inter-regional application
ences among the dates corresponding to the of the RSEI, the international research community
extracted median values (Figure 12 (b2)), which may be interested in adopting the ts-RSEI for tracking
was a more serious problem before 1999 because long-term changes in ecological quality using time-
few annual Landsat images are available. Given series analysis. Additionally, the CCDC algorithm is
that the individual RSEI for a specific year may highly flexible in that it not only matches the
involve a certain degree of error, it is arguably Landsat images but it is also readily applicable to
unsatisfactory to use the median-value-composite other images, such as Terra/Aqua MODIS (Tang et al.
method to assess the general trend of ecological 2019) and Sentinel-2 MSI (Giannetti et al. 2021). In the
quality. Similarly, MODIS products, produced by near-future, the combination of the ts-RSEI from dif­
maximum value composition, were usually used ferent images is expected to cover the ecological
to monitor large-scale ecological quality (Han Qiu quality monitoring at multiple geographic scales: con­
et al. 2019; Yuan et al. 2021). Despite their high tinental or national scales using MODIS derived ts-
temporal resolution, the collection of sufficient RSEI, regional scales using Landsat derived ts-RSEI,
valid observations is not always easy within and local scales using Sentinel derived ts-RSEI.
a short timespan (e.g. 16 days), especially in coastal Since the ts-RSEI was constructed according to the
areas during summer. As a result, the data for core concept of the RSEI (i.e. PCA transformation
ecological assessment using MODIS products are using the same remote sensing indices), the ratio­
still likely to omit some years (Han Qiu et al. 2019). nale for the use of ts-RSEI was determined to a large

extent by the RSEI. Our results demonstrate that the 6. Conclusions

uniform greening of the forested area was the main
The high sensitivity caused by the different acquisi­
reason for the maintenance of the overall ecological
tions time of images has become a barrier to the
quality in Hangzhou (Figure 10). It should be noted
widespread application of the promising Remote
that the greenness was only measured by the NDVI
Sensing-based Ecological Index (RSEI). By modifying
in the RSEI (the PCA loading of greenness was 0.713).
the RSEI to the Continuous Change Detection and
and whether the greenness can reliably reflect the
Classification (CCDC) algorithm, we have mapped
ecological quality of the forest needs to be rigor­
time-series RSEI (ts-RSEI) using synthetic Landsat
ously validated. This inevitably raises the issue of
images, which enabled us to monitor the dynamics
the rationale for the selected indices and weights.
of ecological quality at any time. Our results con­
For example, Yang et al. (2020) proposed
firmed that the ts-RSEI from synthetic images was
a Comprehensive Ecological Evaluation Index (CEEI),
comparable to the RSEI from real images, with the
which substituted the NDVI for the Vegetation Cover
relative error of only 10.5%, which is significantly
(VC) and Vegetative Health Index (VHI), for evaluat­
lower than the RSEI from the two real images with
ing the ecological quality of the Guangdong–
the timespan of half-a-month. Compared with pre­
Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area of China. The
vious RSEI-reconstruction methods (e.g. cloud-free-
CEEI may be superior to the RSEI given that more
image, median-value-composite), the ts-RSEI has out­
indices were used to evaluate the greenness (Jian
standing advantages in terms of temporal consistency
Hui et al. 2021; Firozjaei et al. 2021b). Additionally,
and accuracy of assessment. However, the subjectivity
using the same indices as the RSEI, Firozjaei et al.
involved in selecting indices and weights and its
(2021a) developed a Land Surface Ecological Status
ambiguous significance may be disadvantages for
Composition Index (LSESCI), with the weights calcu­
the use of ts-RSEI.
lated using Ridd’s V-I-S triangle model, and con­
The ts-RSEI should be useful for policy makers and
firmed the high efficacy of the LSESCI in
authorities in providing an accurate evaluation of
discriminating ecological quality between bare soil
ecological quality whenever needed, in order to facil­
and urban areas. Nevertheless, given the indices
itate ecological conservation. For example, the phe­
used in the above studies were derived from remote
nomenon of spatial polarization of ecological quality,
sensing images, our proposed method can be easily
especially for deteriorating human-dominated envir­
transferred to these indices since the CCDC technol­
onments (e.g. farmland, artificial surfaces), should be
ogy enables the synthesis of images at any time.
of concern to the local government of Hangzhou. The
Another issue is the indicative significance of
method of using synthetic images to construct ts-RSEI
the ts-RSEI. This indicator, which is composed of
has proven to be flexible, and it can be applied to
multiple single indices, can comprehensively mea­
other images (e.g. Terra/Auqa MODIS, Sentinel-2 MSI),
sure the general trend of overall ecological qual­
and to other remote sensing–based ecological indica­
ity, while the indicator itself may be more
tors (e.g. CEEI, LSESCI). Therefore, we expect the ts-
ambiguous compared to other indicators such as
RSEI to be extensively applied in the future.
area or temperature. Nevertheless, the ts-RSEI-
based ecological assessment for an area can con­
tribute substantially to exploring continuous Disclosure statement
changes in ecological quality, such as changes in
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
the ecological balance resulting from different
land use and cover conversions, and ecological
improvement/deterioration derived from long- Funding
term natural changes. Only by this means can
a rational plan be formulated for balancing This work was suuported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China [41901121], the National Natural Science
urban development with ecological conservation,
Foundation of China-Zhejiang Joint Fund for the Integration of
which would be of great value to local authorities Industrialization and Informatization [U1609203], the National
and policy makers. Natural Science Foundation of China [41971378, 42206236],
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