A Way To Success Year 1 Students Book

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MT INS UeaS ee =e ic ry Pm ety LCC (en nc nal W WAY TO SUCCESS st Xapxie «@onio» BBK 81.2 Aura. Hawsansue audanna T92 YIIK SILI ‘van Haraais Bacwsioua inicreper#oxt ocniri i nays Yepaiton ZATROBCEEL Pexonenaonano Mixicrepersow ocnir i nayxis Yepa so ak HasvanbHO-MeTORIAHIt NOCiOHHK 21s cTyzeHTiB BINH HABYAABHHX 3aKaRiB SATIILEBA (auer Ne14/18.2—169.6 pin 16.07.2004) Hina Oxexeanapiona KAMMHIH Peuewsseerrw: Irop Muxostaiioni Tunowenkooa T.M., saviaysan Kaipeapi nepexniaay 7a antraiticbKoi MoBit Xapkisebxoro ryMantirapnoro yitinepenTery MOTEOBIE : ‘Mapiia Bosoanspinna xHix crocyHKax. 1) Y vac y poauui B Koxnoro € npisBuceKo, BOHM slyke KyMemHi. A ocb y mnKom ZiTH, B OCHOBHOMY MlisL1iTKH, AaloTb ome OHOMY NDIsBHCbKa, AKI MOKYTS OyTH oGpasTHBMMH, a iHoni mi npiseMcnKa SaMIMAOTECA HaBiTb y MOpOcAMX OCH. Unit 1. Hello! Nice to meet you. XL. WRITING QTE 26 4)_Look at the way we write d stal addresses in English. The name of the person you are writing to i aase™ (starting with his/ her title) piss Be uct # of the house and the name of the street was ck ( of the appartment is given at the end) a E23 City, state (in the US addresses e.g. Salem, conor 5 ‘ an —_ 08) a Zi? cote unite? Country (usually in capital letters) 8) Put these addresses in the correct order °) as if you were writing them in a letter or on an envelope. Find and correct the errors in the following address on the envelope. a) Mr Sunderland/ Oregon City/ 97045/ i & USA/ OR/ 192 Whitney Lane Miss Nancy Shafer b) San Diego/ CA/ 23 3° September Street # 9362, jackson street 47/ 96098/ Mr Kitzhaber/ USA Wheeling, il, 60090 ©) Mrs J. Lowe/ Princess Street/ London/ 93 S1.Catherine avente> EC! 7D0/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 103 AZ, 85040, Planter House/ #48 rao Martine d) 34 University Park Lane/ Ms Carmen, Brown/ Florida International University/ Miami/ 33139/ FL Ce peer aren fume ae PBeserbe the things that most peovle know Penni ge) eee ers eee petoer ery rina 000900 Pree ecg aa’ ple know about you ry few pect Peer reese tse [Describe some Things that very few Ps Petes) = roeerrnaent ese eos erga Beer r ast ed Four you and why? REARS IRIS i you like people to know about ¥9 rors Write your Letter. Fears Ta : ee SMe Rtg goat ops Peres ear ad eestor geet} ree ka Der eo rd eee metric interested your Tadd anything else you would like 10 S19 To your groupmates a Pees What would they like to Pome ocota 15 Unit2 == {The LEAD IN re are a lot of scientific, pseudo-scientific and just funny methods to find out what sort of personality you have. A) Methods listed below have been used to analyse people's characters for years. Match them with the pictures. physiognomy, studying people’s appearance tarot (reading cards) graphology (studying ‘one’s handwriting) astrology (studying the position of the stars, et. ‘when someone was born), eg. Zodiac horoscope, Oriental horoscope palmistry (reading and interpreting lines on one’s palm) ‘One of the new funny methods to learn more about your character is “Your personality pig” technique given below. What to do: 16 Very quickly — within five seconds — draw a pig on a piece of paper. Don’t worry about your style or lack of arti talent, just do it thinking about What your personality pig means: If your pig is drawn... + towards the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic. + towards the middle, you are realistic. + towards the bottom, you are pessimistic. * facing left, you believe in tradition, you are friendly and remember dates. + facing right, you are innovative and active, but lack a strong sense of family + facing front, you are direct and neither fear nor avoid discussions. + many details, you are analytical and cautious. + few details means you are emotional and a risk-taker. + four legs showing, you are secure, stubborn and stick to your ideas. + Tess than four legs, you are insecure or going through a period of major change. + the bigger the ears on your pig, the better listener you are! ©) Have you ever tried any of these methods? Which of them do you believe? Why? ———— Unit 2. Handsome is as handsome does ~~ Q. Sort out the words from the list below under the following categories: ae + shoulders + cheekbone + ring finger ankle + belly + forefinger = * face + neck + waist + bosom + breast index + back + thumb + knee + rostril + arm finger + hand + earlobe + buttocks + es + jaw + elbow + fingernail + palm + forehead savel + chest + mouth POC CH OES OE SOHO SHOES OSS OS OHE OEE ES ESO EESES 3 Label the parts of the body in the pictures given below. 4 Draw a face with some special marks given below. Describe it to your partner and let him/her draw it. Compare your pictures. 1) amoustache 8) a pimple/ an acne 2) a beard 9) freckles 3) whiskers 10) wrinkles 4) ascar 11) bags under the eyes 5) amole 12) laugh wrinkles 6) a birthmark around the eyes and 7) adimple the mouth Match the following explanations with the words from the box. 1) irregular, swollen, curving outwards eyes 2) (of @ man’s hair) growing less and less at the front of the head 3) clever and piercing (about eyes) 4) weak, fragile 5) bending the body forward 6) with a very thin waist in comparison to a chest and hips 7) short, turned up (about nose) 8) hooked as the beak of an eagle 9) untidy (about hair) > 17 — Unit 2. Handsome is as handsome does G Match the Ukrainian expressions with the English equivalents. a) Buropize Ha conui (BonOccA) b) umpoxo posminrexti (4) ©) kaulTaHoBe (Bozoccs) @ Mimkn nia ownma ¢) siacros6ypyeni (syxa) f) (Hic) 3 rop6uHKoIo 8) aMOuKH Ha moKaX bh) 3HeGapprene (Boxocea) 1) cyxe (Boroccs) D poskoci oui BK) (oGans4s) y BecHanKax D_ (Borocea) 0 naevelt m) 4eprosa nocmimka n) crpytka (ninunna) 0) = 3MOpuIKH P) oxaito pmumiransi (6ponn) q) Hacmiumysari (oi) 1) nponuxsuai (o4i) s) _cxpemtenti (pyxst) 1) Mutraanenoni6ni (ovi) u) umpoxonaenitit 7 MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL... » 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2?) 8) ) 10) mischievous 11) aquiline 12) finely plucked 13) slanting 14) slim/ slender 15) almond 16) shoulder-length 17) ready smile 18) freckled 19) folded 20) shrewd 21) dry wrinkles chestnut wide-shouldered sun-blanched far-set bags under the eyes dimples protruding bleached A) Sit down at the table and place a mirror in front of you. Look at yourself. To describe your appearance, choose the most appropriate answer to the questions given below. 1. Is your hair...? 3. What is the colour of your hair now? a) silky ) tangled ta) jet-black h) red b) thick 2) fluffy Sb) chestnut i) sun-blanched ©) receding hy) natural/dyed $e) sandy j)honey-coloured d) heavy i) curly/ wavy « = d)_ blond/ fair k) the copper ©) bushy J) straight $ ©) auburn with a few =f) white/ grey/ highlights 2 greyish 1) bleached 2. How do you wear your hair? +g) copper m) platinum blonde a) long/ short/ i) with partingon shoulder-length one side ‘= 4, What is the shape of your face? b) waved/curled/ —j)- with centre parting a) square ©) oval permed k) inatumbling = = b) round d) heart-shaped ©) smooth mane Z @) loose 1 ina free-style 5. What kind of eyes have you got? e) in plaits/ braids fashion | 13 Find English equivalents to the following words and expres: just read. posneceanTH korock sMinHTH Hactpiit noraHuit 20cKia wmpoKa nocmimka uuapa mocMiunKa cnpapkHe macra nisyanbunit KOHTaKT ns in the text you have + Kamoriannit + Bigo6paxarn no4yTTs Toro, XTO HocMixaeTbest uM Ginbuse TH nocmixaenics, 1M MACAMBiLEHM craeuy + nepekonanenii + TiaHMit aoBipn Cocececccccocccccoes 44 Match the idioms from the text (1—6) with their definitions (a—g). dD »v 3) 4) 5) 6) ? to feel blue to lift spirits to make the best of smth to let smth/ smb get to you to take the edge off smth to feel the urge to do smth to feel at ease a) » ° 4 ° fy 8) to make smth less bad, good, strong, cold, ete. to allow smth to make you feel annoyed or upset to have a sudden strong desire or need to do smth to make someone happier to be relaxed, especially ina situation in which people might feel a little nervous to accept a situation which is not very good, and do whatever you can to make it better to be sad and without hope — Unit 2. Handsome is as handsome does 15) Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the idioms from the 417 What kind of smiles do you previous exercise. Remember to put the verbs into the correct think the following people tense form. might have? 1) The sun was hot on my back, but the south-easterly wind \ 1) Mona Lisa in the fe the heat. portrait painted by 2) Pm under a lot of pressure at work, and sometimes it Leonardo da Vinchi me a bit 2) Snow Queen from Hans 3) Ifyou and don’t Christian Andersen's know who to talk to, phone Depression Hotline, 24 hours fairy-tale a day, 7 days a week. 3) a person who is told 4) They talked all through the night about a million small things. She felt as if she'd known him all her life, and with the first \ rays of the sun she suddenly _ to tell him all her problems. 4) 5) While my mother was in the hospital, I would write her a poem or draw something nice for her every day. It helped me to 6) Fred stayed very much in the background, but his soft, kind 5) eyes helped Kate to __ in the circle of his fellow-officers. 7) We are stuck here, in the middle of nowhere, but 6) the company’s good and we've got plenty of food to last us a couple of days, so we might as well laugh and it. 2 OCC CCS OOEE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEOEY 8) 1G Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special \ attention to the words and phrases in italics. 1) Susan smiled at him and waved. » 2) He was all smiles helping nursery school children splash out with water colours 10) 3) She broke into a wide smile as soon as she saw her grandson come into the room. 4) The teacher's words of praise brought a smile to Sam's face. 5) “I love this city,” said Frank, flashing a big smile. 6) When Alan announced his engagement to Stephanie, Kate somehow managed 10 force a smile hoping it looked natural. 7) “We're going to have a visitor,” said her mother, and Alice’s, face broke into a grin at the thought. 8) Joel gave me a smile and a big hug as I walked in. 9) [can always raise a smile — even on a rainy and difficult day. 10) Mrs Summerly’s face was wearing a welcoming smile. 11) Tell him how much it'll cost — that should wipe the smile off his face. 12) He turned around and threw me a radiant smile, 13) When someone gives you a sincere smile, return it — smile back at the person, 24 that people will live on Mars in three years’ time a student who is going to take an exam in ‘a subject he knows very little about a student who has just passed a very difficult exam successfully a grandmother who is watching her grandson making his first steps a person who is going to do something bad a person who has no real wish to smile but has to do it under circumstances person who is really happy to see you a tired shop assistant at the end of the working day | Unit 2. Handsome is as handsome does —— V. LISTENING 18 Yor ae aong 29 tat to one ofthe most SMILE famous songs by the American singer Frank Sinatra, who was very popular in the s. The lines of the song are mixed up. Listen to ‘the song, number the lines in the right order and sing the song with the singer. smile, though your heart is aching fou'll see the sun Through your fear and sorrow, ‘Smile, even though it’s breaking, — Come shining through ‘When there are clouds in the sky. You'll get by, if you smile Smile and maybe tomorrow For you. ____That’s the time you must keep on trying, Light up your face with gladness, Smile, what's the use of crying? ‘You'll find that life is still worth while Hide every trace of sadness, ‘Although a tear may be ever so near. 16__If you just smile. VI. SPEAKING 19 FIRST IMPRESSIONS Features of, ‘Man's ‘Woman’ A) When people meet for the first time they form an opinion of the other = Person. It may change later and the proverb says that appearances are deceitful. E Still this first impression plays an important role in people’s relationship. a Mark 5 most important features for you with “¥”. Is there any difference in - the criteria by which you os judge man’s and woman's appearance? Explain your choice using Useful Language box. USEFUL LANGUAGE B) Describe your first impressions of somebody. + I think ... is more important because.../ ...is not as important Say what struck you most as ... because and whether your opinion + In my opinion both these features are important but... changed later. + [f'we compare ... and ... we can see that... : + [believe ... doesn’t really matter .. because... + I wouldn't say that ... can tell a lot about... VII. READING 20) ver ow women don't use make- up. Those who do should know what their make-up can tell about them. A) Read the text given on the right and write out all up mentioned in 8) Write Ukra equivalents to the items in your list. Add at least 5 more make-up items to i tit, Explain what each make-up item i: used for. ol e.g. Mascara is applied to eyelashes and is used to make eyes more expressive. 21 Discuss the following questions. 1) Do you feel lost without your make~ up bag? 2) What do you keep in it? 3 Do you agree that make-up ¢: make-up can be sully 4) What does your choice of cosmetics depend on? 5) Do you wear different make-up for different occasions? 26 your eyeliner an¢ 5 shadow you choose about your personality than You SSS jou ic or Natural? Are Drama ‘Are you classic, dramatic ‘or natural? According t© the items of make- psychologists, the way YOU WERE 1d the shade of eve ‘say a Jot more ‘might think. Twouldn’t say that I'm much up girl. 1 mean aT don’t even at-each Oller even I'm Tost without certain prod who mascara and my eyes look Tike currants; no gloss and my tips erack up; no blusher and people ask if I'm ill. Whether Wf ake- and tested 1ook. We might extend © of a make-! a beauty editor an ‘own a foundation! But top or no, every year we styl? tome up to cosmetic COUREIS a hand over huge amounts of cash to those painted princesses ‘are beauty experts: ‘Of course, our interest in make ‘up starts at a young 28° jded our mother's make-up bag and as teenagers ‘we begged to be allowed (© ear it. Then, when our parents cae packed up by a recent MAX Factor As kids, Classic, finally agreed, we smeared ‘blues, greens and reds in very » Gnappropriate places. One of FY senrest memories i of my OIE showing me how to use eYe Shadow to highlight and define, I made me feel like a grown-up and 38 trough our relations closer. Now wwe could share eyeliner and sigele ‘As we grow older we Become ‘more comfy with our make= top routine, Whether we Rave fan overstuffed cosmetic DAE or the one reduced to the Bare ‘minimum, we tend to have @ tried it slightly for a big night out, refer to have Survey of 20,000 women, which sevated that we fal into, one OF three make-up types: nattraly airegic or dramatic. Their research, also discovered that make-UP €P peal a Tot about your personality s and lifestyle attitudes.

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