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In the partial fulfilment of

Master of Science – MscIT Sem 5

L.J School of Computer Applications,

Tourist management system

Developed by: Guided by:

Name: Ayush Gupta Name of the internal guide
Enrollment: 21004500210043 Himanshu

Name: Divya Patel

Enrollment: 21004500210103
Name: Raj Prajapati
Enrollment: 21004500210123


Near Nagdev Kalyan Mandir, Near Sanand Cross Roads,
Serkhej-Gandhinagr Highway Ahmedabad – 382210
Ph. No. : 9099063417


This is to certify that Ayush Gupta, Divya Patel, Raj Prajapati of Master of
Science (MScIT), Semester V,
Roll No _16,33,41_ has satisfactorily completed his/her Project titled Tourist
Management in
Subject Name (Subject code) under the supervision of internal guide.

Internal Guide: HOD:

Name of the internal guide Dr. Jignesh Doshi

Date of Submission:


1.1 Existing System
1.2 Need for the New System
1.3 Objective of the New System
1.4 Problem Definition
1.5 Core Components
1.6 Project Profile
1.7 Assumptions and Constraints
1.8 Advantages and Limitations of the Proposed System
2.1 Requirement Determination
2.2 Targeted Users
3.1 Use Case Diagram
3.2 Class Diagram
3.3 Interaction Diagram
3.4 Activity Diagram
3.5 Data Dictionary
4.1 Coding Standard
4.2 Screenshots
5.1 Agile Project Charter
5.2 Agile Roadmap / Schedule
5.3 Agile Project Plan
5.4 Agile User Story (Minimum 3 Tasks)
5.5 Agile Release Plan
5.6 Agile Sprint Backlog
5.7 Agile Test Plan
5.8 Earned-value and burn charts

1. Introduction:
1.1 Existing System:

For example: "The existing tourist management system relies heavily on manual processes
and disjointed software applications, resulting in inefficiencies and difficulty in managing
tourist data effectively."

1.2 Need for the New System:

For example: "The need for a new system arises from the limitations of the existing manual
system, including data redundancy, slow processing, and a lack of real-time access to tourist
information. The new Django-based system will automate processes, provide real-time data
access, and streamline operations for a more efficient and user-friendly experience."

1.3 Objective of the New System:

For example: "The objective of the new Tourist Management system is to create a robust
platform that automates tourist data management, facilitates seamless communication
between stakeholders, enhances user accessibility, and provides analytical insights for better

1.4 Problem Definition:

For example: "The current system faces challenges such as manual data entry errors, lack of
centralized data storage, and an inability to generate comprehensive reports. These issues lead
to inefficiencies and hinder decision-making processes. The new system will solve these
problems by automating data entry, centralizing information, and offering advanced reporting

1.5 Core Components:

For example: "The core components of the new Tourist Management system include a user-
friendly dashboard, tourist information management, booking and reservation system,
interactive maps for tourist locations, feedback and review system, and an analytics module
for performance evaluation."

1.6 Project Profile:

For example: "The Tourist Management project aims to revolutionize the way tourist data is
managed and accessed. It involves collaboration with tourism agencies, hotels, and tourists
themselves. The project's scope encompasses the development of a comprehensive web
application utilizing Django, offering an integrated platform for efficient tourist

1.7 Assumptions and Constraints:

For example: "Assumptions: Availability of reliable internet connectivity for users.

Constraints: Budget constraints for development, limited timeframe for implementation, and
compliance with data privacy regulations."

1.8 Advantages and Limitations of the Proposed System:

• Advantages: "The new system will enhance data accuracy, optimize operational
workflows, improve accessibility for stakeholders, and provide a foundation for data-
driven decision-making."

• Limitations: "However, limitations may include a learning curve for users unfamiliar
with the new system and potential challenges in integrating with existing legacy

2. Requirement Determination & Analysis:

2.1 Requirement Determination:

For example: "The requirement determination process involved conducting interviews with
stakeholders, including tourism agency representatives, hotel managers, and potential system
users. Additionally, surveys were distributed to tourists to understand their expectations and
preferences. Information obtained from these interactions was analyzed to identify essential
features and functionalities required for the new Tourist Management system."

2.2 Targeted Users:

"The targeted users for the Tourist Management system include:

• Tourists: Users who will access the system to explore tourist destinations, make
reservations, and provide feedback.
• Tourism Agency Representatives: Users responsible for managing and updating
tourist information, creating packages, and monitoring bookings.
• Hotel Managers: Users who will use the system to manage room bookings, check-
ins, and customer feedback."

3. System design:
3.1 use case diagram:
3.2 Class diagram:

3.4 activity diagram:

3.5 Data dictonary:
User UserID int
FirstName varchar(255)
LastName varchar(255)
Email varchar(255)
Tour TourID int
TourName varchar(255)
Description text
Price decimal(10,2)
StartDate date
EndDate date
Booking BookingID int
UserID int
TourID int
BookingDate date
Hotel HotelID int
HotelName varchar(255)
Location varchar(255)

4. Development:
4.1 Coding Standard:

For example: "The development team will adhere to the PEP 8 style guide for Python coding
to maintain a uniform coding standard. This includes guidelines for formatting, naming
conventions, comments, and code structure. Additionally, the team will follow the DRY
(Don't Repeat Yourself) and KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principles to ensure efficiency
and simplicity in the code."

4.2 Screenshots:

For example: "Screenshots of the system's user interface will be captured at significant
development milestones, including the completion of major features, key design updates, and
integration of critical modules. These screenshots will be compiled into a visual
documentation that showcases the progression of the system and can be referenced during
presentations, reviews, and final documentation."

5. Agile Documentation:
5.1 Agile Project Charter:

For example: "The Agile Project Charter outlines the project's purpose to develop an efficient
Tourist Management system using Agile methodologies. It defines the project's vision, which
is to enhance the tourist experience through streamlined management. The charter identifies
key stakeholders, project manager, and their roles, as well as the authority granted to the
project manager for decision-making."

5.2 Agile Roadmap / Schedule:

For example: "The Agile roadmap includes four two-week iterations. Milestones within each
iteration include completing specific modules like user authentication, booking functionality,
feedback system, and integrating third-party APIs. The estimated timeline for each iteration is
based on the team's capacity and sprint velocity."

5.3 Agile Project Plan:

For example: "The Agile project plan outlines our iterative approach using Scrum
methodology. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined: product owner, Scrum master,
development team, and stakeholders. Communication will be facilitated through daily stand-
up meetings and regular sprint reviews. Risks will be identified and assessed during sprint
planning and mitigated using Agile risk management strategies."

5.4 Agile User Story (Minimum 3 Tasks):

Present at least three Agile user stories, describing the desired functionality from an end
user's perspective.
For example:

• "As a tourist, I want to be able to easily search and explore various tourist destinations
to plan my trip effectively."
• "As a hotel manager, I want to receive real-time notifications of new bookings so that
I can prepare for incoming guests accordingly."
• "As a tourism agency representative, I want to analyze user feedback to improve the
quality of our services and packages."

5.5 Agile Release Plan:

For example: "The Agile release plan includes three releases. Release 1 will focus on core
functionalities like user authentication and basic search. Release 2 will introduce booking
features and an interactive map. Release 3 will enhance the system with feedback
mechanisms and analytics."

5.6 Agile Sprint Backlog:

For example: "The sprint backlog for Sprint 1 includes user stories related to user
authentication, database setup, and initial UI design. Each task within these stories is clearly
defined and estimated for completion within the sprint."

5.7 Agile Test Plan:

For example: "The Agile test plan involves continuous testing throughout the development
process. This includes unit testing for individual components, integration testing for
combined functionalities, and acceptance testing to ensure the system meets user
expectations. Testing tools such as PyTest and Selenium will be utilized, and both developers
and testers will share the responsibility of testing."

5.8 Earned-value and burn charts:

For example: "We will use earned-value and burn charts to track progress and costs. Earned-
value analysis will provide insights into cost and schedule performance, helping us stay on
track. Burn charts will visualize sprint progress, allowing us to manage workload and make
adjustments as needed."

6. Proposed Enhancements:
• Augmented Reality (AR) Integration:

Implement interactive AR technology for real-time tourist information.

• Multilingual Support:
Enable the system to operate in multiple languages for a broader user base.

• Enhanced Personalization:

Customize user experiences based on individual preferences and behaviors.

• Social Media Integration:

Incorporate features to easily share experiences and recommendations on social


• IoT for Smart Tourism:

Utilize Internet of Things (IoT) devices to provide real-time information and a smarter
tourism experience.

• Predictive Analysis with Machine Learning:

Implement machine learning algorithms to predict tourism trends and aid in decision-

• Improved Security Measures:

Strengthen the system's security through enhanced measures like advanced encryption
and authentication.

• Gamification Elements:

Introduce game-like elements to incentivize user engagement and make the platform
more enjoyable.

• Accessibility Enhancements:

Ensure the system is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by
adhering to accessibility standards.

• Feedback Analysis Dashboard:

Develop a comprehensive dashboard for analyzing user feedback and reviews to drive
continuous improvements.

7. Conclusion:
In this section, we will conclude the Tourist Management project:

• Summary of Achievements:

Recap the major accomplishments and milestones achieved in the development of the
Tourist Management system.
• Challenges and Lessons Learned:

Discuss the challenges faced during the development process and the lessons learned
from overcoming them.

• Impact and Significance:

Emphasize the significance of the Tourist Management system and how it addresses
the identified problems and enhances tourist experiences.

• Future Prospects:

Discuss potential future developments and advancements that can further enhance the
system and keep it aligned with evolving industry trends.

• Acknowledgments:

Express gratitude to the team, stakeholders, and anyone else who contributed to the
successful completion of the project.

• Closing Remarks:

Offer final thoughts on the project, its potential impact on the tourism industry, and the
importance of effective tourist management systems.


For a website:

Smith, J. (2021, July 15). How to Manage Tourist Information. Tourism Management

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