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Page 1 of 14 Individual Portfolio Kiera Pullen Student ID: 20172581 Leadership

Development (MAN7066) Martyn Brown 11/01/2021 Word Count: Section 1: 549 Section
2: 2186 Page 2 of 14 Page of Contents Section 1 1.1 SWOT Analysis
…………………………………………………………………………………… . … . … 5 1.2 Future leadership
development plan …………………………………………………………… . … . … 6 1.3 References
………………………………………………………………………………………… . … . …8 Section 2 2.1

Irion he leaderent ……………………………………. 9 2.2 Refer ... …… 15 Page 3 of 14 Page 4 of 14

To complete the SWOT analysis (and in fact any part of this assignment) I had to deeply
consider what I know about myself. Often, personal reflections can feel awkward and
counter-productive; like an unwanted spotlight is being shined on you and highlighting
all your flaws.

Indeed, we as humans have an innate ability for fixating on the bad aspects of ourselves
– the things we missed out on or did wrong – rather than our positive qualities and
accomplishments (Tierney & Baumeister, 2019). However, reflections are critical in
allowing us to grow. There e mhings yself hat fcerain, something do know is that I am
characteristically prone to obsess over these negatives.

I find it easy to pick apart the things I have done well or spin neutral experiences into
negative ones, and I find difficulty in believing the positive reinforcement given to me by
others. I believe this stems from a considerable lack of confidence I have about myself
and my capabilities, and this lack of confidence makes it hard for me to find the
motivation to grasp opportunities and take risks.

Additionally, my self-doubt often leads me to overthink problems and consequentI ind

memions unning h mUsing GEmntelligence Questionnaire “mot and “otoneself were
both categories that I identified I needed to improve upon, scoring 28 and 25
respectively (Goleman, 1995). Thankfully, managing my emotions and being able to find
the motivation to complete difficult tasks are skills that can be learned.

As a hopeful leader of the future, developing these skills will be key if I am to preform
my roles successfully. Crucially, I will need to develop stronger self-esteem and more
confidence in my abilities. Given the current climate caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
the ways in which I might usually push myself to perform outside my comfort zone are
unavailable (e.g.,

engaging in extra-curriculars, volunteering, and trying new things). Instead, I have been
looking to find encouragement in those who inspire me (Campbell & Wolbrecht, 2006),
for example Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand PM, who I feel reflects the kind of leader I
wish to be in the future.

Additionally, I have been doing what I can – from home – to push myself and be willing
to take criticism or rejection as a constructive building block, by applying o gre hat
Iprhad t tgood”or e. These activities of course have a relatively short-term scope, and it
is difficult to say what specific things I will do in 5, 10, 15 or more years in order to
develop as a leader. I think that I have established the Page 5 of 14 undercurrent,
however, of what I need to do to grow: and that is to have more faith in myself.

Throughout my whole life the people around me have said that I am a great leader, and
that people look to me for assurand advice.Even Belbin’s Roles, Ianked highest as
“Chairan”despit fme closely o The ” Belbin, . ly,have t e mindset and the capabilities to be
a good leader, but I will not become the best leader I can be until I truly believe in that
myself (Reichard et al.,

2017). Page 6 of 14 Section 2: Inividul rectionn t inividul’s lede dvemt btemrary literature.
Humans, like most social animals, have those who lead and those who are led by.
Whether in small tribal communities or across entire countries, humans use leadership
to structure their soies.r

uneningf ‘learshipn wht as t be leaeaaned time and varies with place. As such, there is
truly no right or wrong way to be a leader and a wealth of academic research on
leadership has led to some mystification as to what leadership means (Gardner, 1993).

In this sense, thinking about the kind of leader I wish to be and how I plan on
embodying that is a challenging and deeply personal task that requires reflection on
myself, my principles and my motivations. It is important to me and the organisation(s)
that I work within in the future that I know something about myself, as only then can I as
a leader bcom thevenmlf.

ere may chlleecin th wo’s fur e leaders; social justice issues such as gender equality,
climate change, and the increasing digitisation of the social sphere are to name but a
few that I feel are pertinent to me and as such are explored in this reflective essay. To
know myself is to be better prepared to face these challenges head on as hopeful future
leaders such as myself are set to inherit a rapidly changing and complex world. The role
of women in management and how my gender impacts my leadership development.

Throughout my life I have often received comments from teachers, family and friends
alike that I a ‘connssu’ ovenaral leaerhapes soy aut to views girls (or perhaps it is just
me) but these terms always felt more clos eaedto u’, ‘arroat’ ad ‘bonp to mlf. I amt a in
thn onrtay an se - deprecation and neither is it a new phenomenon for women in
general, not just those in managerial or leadership positions (Bass, 1960, Andrews, 1984,
Cross & Madson, 1997, Dickerson & Taylor, 2000, Wolf, 2013 & Miller, 2017).

As a feminist, gender equality is extremely Page 7 of 14 important to me and the chance

for women to achieve success and occupy influential positions equal to that of men is a
goal I have not just for myself, but for all women. Even with these good intentions, the
role of women in leadership and management is still lacking when compared to their
male counterparts.

In 2018 the New York Times Glass Ceiling Index revealed that there are almost as many
men called John in American positions of leadership than there are women in total
(Bonazzo, 2018). Tellingly, the most significant discrepancy was at the executive level,
with women making up just 16% of boardroom members (Bonazzo, 2018). Despite this,
companies that have executive committees with more than 1/3 of positions filled by
women have net profit margins over 10x greater than companies with no female
executives (The Pipeline, 2020).

Clearly, the deficit of women in leadership positions and managerial roles is coming at
the expense of businesses and industry, so why does it persist? Women in leadership are
more likely to feel stress regarding their role than men are and are also more likely to
change their leadership style to ad reflect the internal and external expectations within
male dominated industries (Gardiner & Tiggemann, 1999).

These women are however perceived as being or (Nichols, 1993), and I find my own
experiences worrying about coming off as bossy or arrogant mirrored quite clearly in
this. Furthermore, women who choose to retain a more feminine outlook towards
leadership are overlooked and deemed as ineffective (Nichols, 1993). Herein lies the that
in leadership women are punished for being both feminine or masculine; damned if they
do, one steeped in culturally ingrained prejudice that gender equality legislation and
affirmative action has yet to overcome.

As someone who finds pride and strength within my gender, the challenge of entering
into a world that does not share the same respect towards women is a source of self-
doubt and concern. Page 8 of 14 Usin Blbinlf -Perception Inventory, my highest-ranking
team roles were revealed to be ‘Th Chaa’ lled eCo - oto and‘Th lan (Belbin, 1981).

The chairman is often described as being confident, mature, and reliable – all traits that I
frequently perceive myself to be lacking in ad thaescue witheef leaeip, Pt’ is a mre
feminine, nurturing role that I identify more closely with. I appreciate and embrace my
femininity and I do not believe that you must have a more masculine approach to be a
successful leader.

Ardin tolbinst,a qlitie be gode – a chairman – not despite my gender, but rather I believe
because of it. Female leaders globally have proven themselves to be capable,
conscientious leaders in the face of adversity (Garikipati & Kambhampati, 2020), pushing
back against the societal constraints and prejudices that they face.

I am unsure of the type of world I will face as a leader, no matter at what level, but I do
know that I will use my experiences and character as a woman as a tool to develop with
and gain confidence from, and of womanhood be a bind that holds me back. How does
climate change impact my outlook, choices, and rationale as a future leader? My
undergraduate degree in Geography has equipped me with an in-depth, up to date
understanding of the current climatic and environmental challenges that are facing this

In many ways my love of (and concern for) the planet has shaped who I am today; my
passions, principles, interests, and ambitions have grown around my consciousness of
the environment. The way in which my feelings regarding sustainability and climate
change can – if at all – slot into the dominant narrative on environmental issues in
business and politics will likely be a considerable challenge I face throughout my
development as a leader.

Thus far those in positions of power have seemed incapable of taking the radical and
necessary steps to try and turn the tide on climate change (Hulme, 2009). To retain my
advocacy for the environment and give thought to nature in every decision I make is a
key goal for myself in my development as a leader. Page 9 of 14 Authenticity – being
true to yourself and the morals that drive you – is a leadership style I hope to embody in
the future, and my genuine care for the environment will be a crucial part of this. (Ladkin
& Taylor, 2010).

However, authentic leadership is something that most of us strive for, but in reality rarely
achieve (Storberg-Walker & Gardiner, 2017). In practice, we are bound by the social and
cultural norms we are subjected to (Storberg-Walker & Gardiner, 2017). Therefore, world
leaders have historically been cautious and unsuccessful in bringing forward meaningful
environmental policies (Gifford, 2011), and it is only in recent years that public calls for
change has led to action (FHF, 2019).

Shaking off the traditional attitudes in leadership towards climate change will be a
significant undertaking for current and future leaders across all scales and will require
new, transformational approaches (Li et al., 2020). By aiming to become a
transformational leader, I hope to motivate those around me with a clear vision of a
more sustainable future bringing forth a cultural change across an organisation (Crews,

My choices and actions will feature a serious commitment to the natural world, and I
reject the artiothait uto‘themrket’ r seoue bsinetotathclimacrisis. believe that it is my
responsibility – both as a leader and an individual – to take a stand on climate change,
and by making bold, transformational leadership choices I can try to meet these
responsibilities as authentically as possible. The era of social media: my leadership
development in a new digital age.

Social media has changed the way we engage in day-to-day life and altered our
understanding and perceptions of the world (Fuchs, 2017). It is a driver of
communication, socialisation and change (Van Dijck, 2013). As a leader, this can be an
extremely useful or even dangerous tool. Some have argued that successful leadership
comes f romth itimcy wadb‘fowers’ or a community who share those same values and
beliefs (Eagly, 2005).

Leaders now have the ability to directly seek out individuals who share their opinions
and like-minded people can gather digitally to create socio-political echo-chambers
(Barberá & Zeitzoff, 2018). People can choose Page 10 of 14 what information they do or
do not want to engage with and consequently, a climate of increasing - rs and that has
taken over the world of social media.

President Donald Trump has been credited for and he is a clear example of a leader
using social media as a tool for spreading misinformation and inciting hatred, so much
so, that (Fung, 2021). Navigating the unstable social media environment that has arisen
over the last suggestion that successful leadership comes only with followership, and I
also do not intend to build digital spaces of misinformation and confirmation bias for
those who share my opinions.

I believe a leader is successful when he or she listens to different perspectives and

voices, and by encouraging yourself and others to critique the things you think you
know (Gardiner, 2018). I wish to be a leader in a culture where my decisions are
questioned and I am challenged by those Obama (Obama, 2020). Despite these
negatives, social media can be an excellent tool for outreach and connection between
leaders and those who follow their direction.

Social media can break down barriers in reach from others. Numerous academics have
stressed the importance of cultural leadership (Gardiner, 2006) drawing on the
participation of a diverse group of influences and I believe the culture of social media
should be included in this assessment.

Working as a team and sharing perspectives leads to greater success as a leader, and the
overall experience can be improved as the burdens of governance are shared across a
team of unique and motivated people (Kouzes & Posner, 2006). Gardiner divided the
concept of shared governance into six key characteristics: Page 11 of 14 (Gardiner, 2006).

I wish to use an affiliate approach to leadership, using shared governance to build

strong relationships with those around me (Goleman & Boyatiz, 2008). A leader should
be a part of a team, not someone outside or above it and I believe utilising social media
responsibly can meet these characteristics in a way that would not be possible

Digital leadership is something that future leaders are going to have to become more
accustomed to (Sheninger, 2019), especially in light of the changes to working
environments caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Harnessing social media to interact
with others appropriately and fairly, to expose yourself to new ideas, and to be held
accountable will be a crucial part of my development as a leader in a culture that
expects and demands more of me.

To conclude, understanding what leader I hope to be requires me to understand who I

am reflecting on how my experiences have shaped me and informed my understanding
of the world and what it is to be a good leader. Having confidence in my abilities and
embracing my femininity in an area with entrenched inequality, approaching climate
change with authenticity and a transformational outlook, and utilising social media as an
outreach and teambuilding tool are all ways in which I intend to develop my leadership
as I move through my life and career.

These are of course skills that cannot be adopted immediately and will require practice;
reflecting on times when I fail and building upon times when I excel. My future
leadership development will undoubtedly be met with challenges both personal and
professional and there is no answer in a textbook or academic theory that will be able to
solve them for me. Instead, it is up to me to use what I know about myself and what I
can learn from my experiences (past and future) to solve them.

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<1% - https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95945-0_4%C2%A0
<1% - https://vivo.colorado.edu/display/pubid_153755
<1% - https://openlibrary.org/books/OL29422839M/Digital_Leadership
<1% - https://www.growkudos.com/publications/10.1177%252F1523422317728731/
<1% - https://catalog.wakegov.com/Record/741337
<1% - https://my.execpipeline.com/audio/2349
<1% - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0196859914536647
<1% - https://books.google.com/books/about/Fire_with_Fire.html?id=TRPeJSpWj8EC

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