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The First Professional Introduction

Enjoy study,Enjoy challenge
Enjoy Mathematics Science
Prof. Fei GAO

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Some rules for our class

◼ Please preview lessons before class.

◼ Please take notes.
◼ Please turn off your cell-phones.
◼ Don’t be late.
◼ Ask questions as soon as possible.
◼ Do homework by yourself.
◼ Hand up your homework in time.
Advanced mathematics is a primary course for college

In this class, we will introduce some basic concepts and

some useful tools of mathematics for your further study
or research.

Part one
◼ Theoretical basis of Calculus
◼ The Differential Calculus and its Application
◼ The Integral Calculus and its Application
◼ Learning calculus is a process; it does not come all
at once.
◼ Be patient, persevere, ask questions, discuss ideas
and work with classmates, and seek help when you
need it, right away.
◼ The rewards of learning calculus will be very
satisfying, both intellectually and professionally.
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
I. The Integers and the Rational Numbers
1. Set (集合)
Def: A collection of numbers which share the same property.

natural number 自然数

(positive, negative) integer (正、负)整数
rational (irrational) number 有(无)理数
positive number 正数 negative number 负数
real number 实数 complex number 复数
real line 实轴 origin 原点
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
I. The Integers and the Rational Numbers
2. The Four Arithmetic Operations (四则运算)
add subtract multiply divide (加减乘除)
sum difference product quotient (和差积商)
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
II. Inequalities
1. Intervals (区间)
{x a  x  b} = (a, b) Open Interval o a b x

{x a  x  b} = [a, b] Closed Interval o a b x

{x a  x  b} = ( a, b]
o a b x
{x x  b} = (−, b)
o b x

{x x  a} = [a,+) Infinite Interval

o a x
R = ( −,+)
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
II. Inequalities
2. Neighborhood of point a (点 a 的邻域)

Def : U ( a ,  ) = { x x − a   } = { x | a −   x  a +  }

We call a the center of this neighborhood, and  the radius.

a− a a+ x
Geometric Interpretation:
The set of point x whose distance from point a is less than  .

Def : U ( a ,  ) = { x 0  x − a   }
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
II. Inequalities
3. Solve Inequalities
Example1 Solve the inequality 3 x + 1  2 x − 6 .

Solution 3 x + 1  2 x − 6  3 x + 1  2 x − 12
 (3 x + 1) 2  ( 2 x − 12) 2
 5 x 2 + 54 x − 143  0
 ( x + 13)(5 x − 11)  0

Then the solution set is (−13,

11 .
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
III. The Rectangular Coordinate System
1. Cartesian Coordinate (笛卡尔坐标系)
coordinate axes 坐标轴 y

x-axis y-axis
quadrant 象限 o
x-coordinate y-coordinate
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
III. The Rectangular Coordinate System
2. Distance formula
Q( x2 , y2 )

P ( x1 , y1 )

o x

d ( P , Q ) = ( x 2 − x 1 ) 2 + ( y 2 − y1 ) 2
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
III. The Rectangular Coordinate System
3. The Equation of a Circle
(a , b)

o x

Standard form ( x − a ) + ( y − b ) = r
2 2 2

General form x 2 + ax + y 2 + by = c
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
IV. The Straight Line
1. The Slope of a Line (直线的斜率)

Q( x2 , y2 )
• rise y 2 − y1
m= =
P ( x1 , y1 )
• run x 2 − x1
o x

numerator 分子 denominator 分母
§1.1 Preliminaries for Calculus
IV. The Straight Line
2. The Forms of a Line
The point-slope form y − 1 = ( x − 3)
The slope-intercept form y = x − 1

The general linear form Ax + By + C = 0

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