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Table of Contents

1. Nurturing the Soul

2. The Neglected Soul
3. The Power of Thought
4. Mindful Consumption
5. Creating a Positive Mindset
6. Soul Nourishment for Children
7. The Ripple Effect
8. Finding Inner Peace
9. Energy and Vibration
10. The Science of Blessings
11. From Limiting Beliefs to Empowered Mindset
12. Cultivating a Soul-Nourishing Lifestyle
13. Embracing Gratitude
14. The Journey Within
15. Creating a Soul-Nurturing World
Nurturing the Soul: The Key to a Fulfilling Life

Recognizing the Soul within Us

In today's world, the primary goal in life has become

earning money, fame, and power. We tend to forget that we are
souls, and our life's purpose is much more than achieving these
external things. Due to this focus, we neglect the nourishment of
our souls. While money and power are necessary, we also need to
nourish our souls to remain blossomed and vibrant throughout the
day, just like we nourish plants and trees with water and the body
with food and water.

The spirit within needs nurturing, and no amount of

worldly glory, power, or wealth will make one radiate beautifully.
The spirit within means the soul residing within us. Whenever we
think of who we are, we often see our physical body in the mirror.
However, spirituality teaches us that we are the souls living within
these bodies. So, let's change the perspective and say, "I am the
spirit who lives in this body, and I need daily nurturing."

In today's world, the primary goal in life has become

earning money, fame, and power. We tend to forget that we are
souls, and our life's purpose is much more than achieving these
external things. Due to this focus, we neglect the nourishment of
our souls. While money and power are necessary, we also need to
nourish our souls to remain blossomed and vibrant throughout the
day, just like we nourish plants and trees with water and the body
with food and water.

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The vehicle will not move if you do not put petrol in it.
The plants die if you do not water them. If we do not water plants
for 2 days, they start wilting. Today, we have started to wilt or
fade. Today we have started to wilt. Even on small issues, we start
becoming like this. This is also like wilting. The moment a
situation comes, we become like this. Somebody says a word or
two, we become like this. Let us just see what a blossomed rose
gives everybody. Fragrance and a smile. To blossom like a rose, to
be happy and make others happy, we need to nourish ourselves
with water.

As souls, we play a significant role in our actions

throughout the day. We generate thoughts, make decisions, and
put them into action using our bodies. The soul, as the driving
force, is responsible for these actions. Therefore, whether it's a
small task or a big task, the doer is always the soul. Once the soul
leaves the body, it can no longer act, and the responsibilities end.

If we do not nurture our souls and continue to carry out

our responsibilities, we may experience anger, upset, and a sense of
wilting or fading within. A weak soul is one that lacks
nourishment. Over the years, we may not have nurtured our souls,
but we have filled them with various wrong inputs from
information and media sources. This has led to an increase in
mental and physical illnesses, conflicts in relationships, and various
other issues affecting our well-being.

To lead a fulfilling life, we must prioritize nurturing our

souls. By doing so, we can overcome depression, improve our
mental and physical health, and cultivate beautiful relationships.
The influence of our thoughts goes beyond ourselves and affects
plants, animals, nature, children, and even our own physical body.

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Therefore, taking care of our soul's nourishment is crucial for our
overall well-being and happiness. By feeding our souls with
positivity and love, we can experience a profound transformation
and live a life free of unnecessary struggles and sorrows.

You Are What You Feed Your Mind

"You are the books you read, the movies you watch, the
music you listen to, the people you spend time with, and the
conversations you engage in. Choose wisely what you feed your
mind with. It means if you are watching something or reading. It
could be crime, it could be pain, it could be violence, it could be
torture. It could be any emotion that is not pleasant. Which is an
emotion of pain.

It is saying you are not watching that; it is saying ‘you are’

that. If we look at it at the level of the physical body, this body is
what we eat. Whatever a person eats, the air he breathes, the water
he drinks. So, what you feed your body, that is what your body is.
Feed could be air, water, food - Everything. It is what you feed.
That is what your body is. Now, what you feed your mind - That is
what you are. In childhood, we had heard - You are what you
think. Yes. Very true, you are what you think. But what you think
is based on what you feed your mind.

It is not saying that whatever you read, listen, or speak will

have an influence on you. It is not saying that. It is saying you are
that. Many times, we say - This thought arose, negative thoughts
go on, the moment a situation comes I start thinking negatively.
How am I supposed to think positively? I have two options -
Either to think positively or negatively. But why are only negative

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thoughts coming to me? In the same situation, how is somebody
else able to think positively?

Which means, at the same time and in the same situation,

why are two people's health different? It is because both of them
have over a period of time consumed different food, water, and
air. That is why their health differs. Similarly, why do two people
respond differently to the same situation? Because both of them
over a period of many years have fed different things to
themselves and stored them within. You are what you feed your

Filtering the Information Flood

Now if we check how the whole day goes - Our day begins
with the newspaper. Along with that, perhaps a news channel.
Next, we either get into the car, bus, or metro to go to work. We
put earplugs and listen to music. Each and every song that we
listen to, we feel we are only listening to them. If we just pay
attention that whatever we are listening to - Every word in that
piece of music is becoming a part of our personality. Because it is
going to become my vocabulary.

Whenever I am having a conversation with my wife or

with my staff and the kids are with me, they are listening to
whatever I say. Yes, they are listening. They are not just listening
to it. They are becoming that. They are absorbing everything.
Media, social media, electronic media, and print media: We are
flooded with information. And we are not filtering that
information. Whatever we are reading, watching, listening,
whatever somebody posts - we read it completely.

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And while reading it we say - We are only reading it. We
don't say we are ‘becoming’ that. We say - We are reading it. We
are watching it. If we add another line to it today - "We are
becoming it," then we will stop. But these things cannot be
connected to our studies. If somebody is doing his Ph.D., Doesn't
it become a part of his personality? It becomes his knowledge, is it

Why are our stress levels and aggression increasing? Why is

our emotional stability reducing? We are fluctuating and getting
disturbed too often. We are feeling an emptiness within. The
reason for all this - What are we filling ourselves with? Over the
last 20 years, our exposure to information has increased. With
gadgets, with technology, with 24/7 media, our exposure to
information has increased many, many, many folds. Once it is
taken in, it gets absorbed inside. Next, our thoughts will be created
out of this information.

Early morning if you read that there was an accident here

or there, or about a bomb blast, or a fire blazing somewhere - You
read all this in the morning. When you read it, it became a part of
you. And then in the evening, if one of your family members does
not return home in time, you get back those thoughts - That
something wrong might have happened to your child. At that time
the thought that - Something good would have happened with him
and hence he is late - It cannot even come.

When you read a newspaper or watch on the news channel

that something wrong happened with a minor child, your mind
immediately goes towards the minors whom you know. Whatever
the media is showing to us is what is happening in society. So, the
media shows that to us. But once the media shows that to us at

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11:00, a very big population absorbs that. Then that incident
increases in society. Whatever incident gets absorbed, that gets
increased. Every thought created becomes a part of our
personality. We radiate vibrations of fear about our children that
nothing unfortunate should happen to them. Whenever the child
goes out to meet somebody, we will again create that thought that
he/she should be careful.

Worry, fear, anxiety will become a part of our personality.

But so many times there is no solution. What is the solution to
elevate society? That everyone's personality should elevate. Today
we eat organic food and drink mineral water. Start consuming only
organic information. If we start taking care of that, the quality of
information we take in will change. You may believe what you read
about someone or you may not believe it. But important is that
you consumed a negative piece of information.

After reading the entire thing, you can say you don't
believe it. Ok fine, don't believe it. But you have consumed a
negative piece of information. So, it is depleting your soul power.
The mantra of life is "I am what I feed my mind." When soul
power has not increased how will the mind create good thoughts?
Where is the source? We are talking about changing our sanskars,
thoughts, and attitude. Nothing of this can change till the
information we feed ourselves changes."

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The Power Within: Influence of Inner World on
the Outer World
The Impact of Outer World on Inner World

Since childhood, people have told us about individuals

who are well-informed, well-read, and well-versed. They said we
can talk to them about any subject, as they possess a vast
knowledge. Do we aim to impress people with the information we
have, showing off our knowledge, or do we prioritize taking care
of our inner world? Do we truly know what is happening in OUR
world? We recognize two worlds - the outer world and the inner

No matter how much information we gather about the

outside world, we cannot change it as it is beyond our control. We
might complain, criticize, and find faults in the outside world, but
can we change it? Our inner world is influenced by the outer
world. If there is violence outside, it resonates within our minds,
resulting in feelings of terror, pain, hatred, anger, and resentment.
When we read about events in the outside world and internalize
them, we inadvertently contribute to the outer world.

We contribute to the outside world by consuming

information through reading or listening, which shapes our
thoughts, Sanskars, and personality. This process influences our
aura or energy field, which remains with us throughout the day and
impacts the environment. Our energy field can also influence other
people around us.

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Merely being knowledgeable about the happenings in the
outer world through consuming news, songs, movies, and TV
serials affects our inner world and personality. As a result, we play
a part in creating the quality of the outer world.

While we complain about the negative happenings in the

world, we must acknowledge that we are responsible for
consuming and radiating that negativity back into the world. In a
sense, our complaints may contribute to the very issues we

Once we read information, we cannot filter it afterward. It

gets recorded within us like on a CD and becomes difficult to
delete. It undeniably has an effect on us. To counter this, we must
strengthen our willpower and practice self-restraint and self-
discipline. Instead of reading negative messages, we can discern
their nature just by looking at them, and then delete them before
reading. We need to cultivate this habit, much like not drinking
water and then filtering it.

Taking Responsibility for Creating the Outer World

Self-restraint, self-discipline, and willpower are essential

qualities. To illustrate, let's consider a party with ten families, each
bringing dishes from home. Some families provide healthy dishes,
while others bring unhealthy ones. We have the choice of what to
serve on our plates.

Reading anything negative, critical, or impure about

somebody depletes our soul power. Emotional weakness can be
attributed to consuming the wrong information, leading to a
"wrong diet" for our emotions.

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The environment around us significantly influences us
today, making us weaker emotionally. As we become weaker, the
world also weakens because of our contribution. Protecting
ourselves from this negative environment isn't just self-
preservation; it also shields our inner world and enables us to
radiate pure vibrations into the outer world, positively influencing

The outer world is an outcome of each individual mind.

Imagine five of us sitting together; that means there are five minds
in this area. If three of these minds are disturbed and we absorb
their disturbance, all five minds become disturbed and pollute the
environment with negativity. To combat this, we must protect
ourselves by not absorbing their negativity.

When even one mind protects itself in this way, it radiates

positive vibrations into the environment, effectively silencing the
other three disturbed minds. Instead of passively consuming the
happenings in the outer world, we can actively protect ourselves
and transform the outer world. Each of us possesses the power to
change the outer world by taking care of our inner world and
positively influencing it.

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