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1 Listen and number.

/10 marks

2 Listen and draw lines. /10 marks

Ben Alex

Sally Paul

Jack Kate

Lucy Ollie

Mike Rosie
3 Read and complete. /10 marks

1 Can you help me ch____________ a pair of sunglasses? I like these three pairs and don’t
know which pair to buy.
2 I o_____________ my clothes online because I don’t have time to go to the shops.
3 Grandma says she never used a credit card when she was young. She used to save
u_____________ for things.
4 Some shops d_____________ things to your house for free.
5 Jack wants to buy a new tablet, but they’re very expensive and he can’t a_____________ one
right now.
6 Helen bought some new shoes last week, but she’s decided to r_____________ them to the
shop because they’re too small.
7 Dad’s decided to h_____________ a car when we go on holiday to France next month,
because he doesn’t want to take ours.
8 Sam was really embarrassed in the shop because he didn’t have enough money to
p_____________ for his comic.
9 It’s best to t_____________ on clothes in the shop before you buy them.
10 Mum says I have to save my m_____________ if I want to get a small TV for my bedroom.

4 Read and write right, wrong or doesn’t say. /10 marks

Hi Nina,
How are you? I went shopping this morning with my big sister, Lara. She wanted to buy herself
some trainers because she does a lot of sport. She bought some really cool ones, but when we
came home she said they were too small for her. I told her to try them on in the shop, but she
didn’t listen to me! She also bought a raincoat to wear when she’s running in the park. You know
it rains a lot in England!
Lara bought me a really nice hoodie. It’s pink, yellow and green, and I love it. I want to wear it to
Grandpa’s birthday party later this week, but Mum says it isn’t smart enough. Lara also bought
me some new headphones, so now I can listen to music on my tablet. One bad thing happened,
though! I lost my sunglasses in the shopping centre. ☹ Mum says I have to buy new ones myself
– she isn’t going to buy them for me – but I haven’t got enough money.
1 Zoe and Lara visited the shops at ten o’clock. ________________
2 Lara needed to buy herself some boots. ________________
3 The trainers Lara bought weren’t big enough for her. ________________
4 Zoe suggested trying on the trainers in the shop. ________________
5 Zoe’s new hoodie is very colourful. ________________
6 Zoe’s mum wants her to wear her new hoodie today. ________________
7 Zoe’s grandpa’s birthday party starts later today. ________________
8 Lara bought some headphones for herself. ________________
9 Zoe lost her sunglasses when she was shopping with Lara. ________________
10 Zoe has already bought some new sunglasses. ________________
5 Order the words and write sentences. /5 marks

1 warm / raincoat / enough / isn’t / This

2 some / her / wants / to / weekend / costumes / Anna / next / for / hire / party
3 too / sunglasses / expensive / These / are
4 salad / Dad / some / dinner / for / made / chicken and / himself
5 save / We / to / to / computer / buy / up / a / new / need

6 Look and write. /5 marks

I / design / model you / make / a cheese
I designed the sandwich / ?
model____ _____________________
myself.______________ _____________________
Dad / buy / belt the window / close
____________________ _____________________
_ _____________________
Zara and Ollie / pay for / we / finish / project
pizza _____________________
____________________ _____________________

7 Read and write sentences using too or enough. /10 marks

1 The hoodie is £20 and I’ve only got £15.

(expensive) _______________________________________________________________
2 These headphones are really small. I prefer larger ones.
(big) _____________________________________________________________________
3 The orange juice wasn’t in the fridge and it’s warm now.
(cold) ____________________________________________________________________
4 These trainers are nice but they’re size 33. My feet are size 34.
(small) ___________________________________________________________________
5 You need to be 17 to drive a car and you’re only 16.
(old) _____________________________________________________________________
8 Look and talk. /10 marks

9 Read and answer. /5 marks

Total /75 marks

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