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" How Amul has leveraged the World Cup to expand its international
reach "


(2022 – 24)

Sarthak Sharma




Jagannath International Management School

Kalkaji, New Delhi

“How Amul has leveraged the World Cup to expand its international

Amul is an Indian dairy cooperative that has gained widespread recognition and popularity in India
and even internationally. The full name of the organization is the "Amul Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation Ltd." It was founded in 1946 and is based in Anand, Gujarat, India. Amul is
a cooperative of milk producers and farmers who are collectively involved in the production,
processing, and marketing of dairy products.
Amul is known for its range of dairy products, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, ice cream,
and various other milk-based items. One of its most iconic products is Amul butter, which is widely
used in Indian households and is famous for its catchy advertisements featuring the "Amul girl."

Research Objective: -
 To analyze how Amul has leveraged the FIFA World Cup to expand its international reach
and strengthen its brand presence.

 To identify the key strategies and tactics employed by Amul to effectively capture the
attention of global audiences during the World Cup.

 To assess the impact of Amul's World Cup marketing campaigns on brand awareness,
recognition, and sales performance.

 To compare Amul's World Cup marketing strategies to those of other brands and identify
best practices for leveraging sporting events for global brand expansion.

 To explore the potential long-term benefits of Amul's World Cup marketing initiatives and
their contribution to the brand's overall international success.

Research Methodology
To effectively analyze how Amul has leveraged the FIFA World Cup to expand its international
reach and strengthen its brand presence, a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and
quantitative data analysis would be beneficial. This approach would allow for a comprehensive
understanding of the brand's strategies, their impact on brand metrics, and the perceptions of global
Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis
1. Content Analysis: Analyze Amul's World Cup-related marketing materials, including
advertisements, social media posts, and website content, to identify key themes, messaging,
and strategies employed.
2. Expert Interviews: Conduct interviews with marketing professionals, industry experts, and
Amul representatives to gain insights into the decision-making process behind World Cup
marketing campaigns and their perceived effectiveness.
3. Case Studies: Analyze case studies of similar brands that have successfully leveraged
sporting events for international expansion, identifying common strategies and best
Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
1. Brand Awareness Surveys: Conduct surveys before, during, and after World Cup
campaigns to measure changes in brand awareness, recognition, and perception among
international audiences.
2. Sales Data Analysis: Analyze Amul's sales data before, during, and after World Cup
campaigns to identify any correlation between marketing efforts and sales performance.
3. Social Media Analytics: Utilize social media analytics tools to track engagement metrics,
sentiment analysis, and audience demographics for Amul's World Cup-related content.

Example: Amul's World Cup Marketing Strategies

Amul has consistently leveraged the FIFA World Cup as a platform to expand its international
reach and strengthen its brand presence. Their strategies have included:
1. Sponsorship of Football Teams: Amul has secured sponsorship deals with prominent
football teams, such as Manchester United, increasing brand visibility and association with
popular sporting icons.
2. Creative Advertising Campaigns: Amul has produced memorable and engaging
advertising campaigns during World Cups, often incorporating football themes and humor
to capture global attention.

3. Digital Marketing Initiatives: Amul has actively engaged with audiences through social
media platforms, leveraging hashtags, interactive content, and targeted campaigns to
connect with fans worldwide.

4. On-Ground Activations: Amul has organized various on-ground events and promotions
during World Cups, including contests, giveaways, and viewing parties, to create
immersive brand experiences for fans.
5. Local Market Adaptations: Amul has tailored its marketing campaigns to resonate with
local audiences in different regions, utilizing cultural references and local languages to
enhance brand connection.


1. Creative Advertising: Amul is renowned for its creative and witty advertisements, often
using topical and current events as themes. During major events like the Cricket World Cup,
they release eye-catching and humorous ads that connect their dairy products to the
excitement of the tournament. This not only captures the audience's attention but also makes
the brand more relatable and memorable.

2. Timely Campaigns: Amul's advertisements are known for their quick turnaround. They
are released in a very short time after a significant event occurs. This timeliness ensures that
the brand stays relevant and captures the buzz surrounding the event.

3. Broad Reach: The Cricket World Cup is a global event with a massive viewership,
especially in countries like India where cricket is a religion. By creating ads related to the
World Cup, Amul can reach a large and diverse audience, both within and outside of India.

The significance of leveraging the World Cup and similar international events for Amul is
that it provides a unique opportunity to expand its international reach and gain recognition
beyond India's borders. It allows the brand to showcase its creativity and connect with a
global audience, strengthening its position as an internationally recognized dairy brand.

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