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Part 1 (2.

5 ms)
Complete the sentences
using the correct form of
the verb given in brackets.
1. We’re in the pharmaceutical research division. Currently
we _______ a new drug for heart disease. (develop)
2. As a rule, cuts in interest rates _______ companies to
create jobs. (help)
3. I’m on the 18.30 flight that _______ in at 21.25. (get)
4. So far this year we _______ over 10.000 units and it’s
only May. (sell)
5. When he finally retired, he _______ for the company for
20 years. (work)
Part 2 (2.5 ms)
Complete the sentences
using ONLY ONE word.
1. It wasn't my fault. There were proper ways to do things
and you _______ follow the procedure.
2. We always fly to Paris. Why don't we use the Channel
Tunnel _______ a change?
3. Our market survey shows consumers reported _______
highest rate of satisfaction we have ever had in the first
weeks after the launch of the new range.
4. The last meeting took place _______ 18 July.
5. _______ I am looking for is a job with more
6. The Citroen uses less fuel than the Audi, but of
course it doesn't carry as _______ people.
7. I've _______ heard that we’ve won the contract.
Congratulations everybody!
8. It’s too late; there’s _______ we can do about it
9. The short-term prospects are not good, but _______
the long run I think this project will be a good one.
10. Some of the smaller companies in the market will
probably be taken _______ in the next few years.
Part 3 (2.5 ms)
Complete the sentences
with the best expressions in
1. Eve can’t take the pressure of her job and I think she _____ (is
about to/is due to/is on the verge of/is to) resigning.
2. ‘We don’t have a burglar alarm.’ ‘Then it’s about time _____ (for
installing one/you install one/one was installing/to install one).'
3. The negotiation didn’t end until well after midnight, _____ (at this
time Ron was/by this time Ron was/when was Ron/which time
was Ron) already exhausted.
4. Why don’t you put _____ (any flower/any of the flowers/some of
flowers/some flowers) in a pot on the balcony?
5. It is the secretary’s job to inform all _____ (the concerned in the
project people/the people concerned in the project/the concerned
people in the project/the people in the project concerned).
6. ‘How come Brenda didn’t audition for the show?’ ‘I guess she _____
(didn’t have to see/needn’t have seen/must not have seen/should not
have seen) the notice.’
7. ‘I think I can find the information on my own.’ ‘_____ (In case of you
need/Were you to need/Had you needed/Should you need) any help,
just call me.’
8. The mountain village we are going to visit _____ (is famous about its
waterfall/its waterfall is famous/ is famous for its waterfall/whose
waterfall is famous).
9. ‘Should I bring anything with me to the seminar?’ ‘_____ (As
well/Unlike/Besides/Rather than) a notebook and pen, everything
will be provided.’
10.The air turned _____ (coldly/coldest/as cold/cold) as night fell.
Part 4 (2.5 ms)
Complete the second sentence so
that it means the same as the
first. Use the words in brackets.
DO NOT change the word.
Câu 4: It’s ages since we last had an order from CWP?
 We _______________________________ages.
Câu 5: After the conference, we can travel back together. (OVER)
 When ______________,we can travel back together.
Câu 6: How about having a game of tennis at the weekend? (SHALL)
___________________at the weekend?
Câu 7: The local authorities have finally opened the new motorway.
 The new motorway ______________________
Câu 8: Someone left this umbrella in reception.
 This ______________________

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