Comp CH 5

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Ch 5 Introduction to HTML5

Q1:- Define www.

Ans:- www is often called web. It is the most unique service of the internet. The web is a network of
computers all over the world. All the computers in the web can communicate with each other. All the
computers use a communication standard called HTTP.
Q2:-Name the different components of web.
Ans:- the different components of web are
1. A uniform naming scheme
2. Protocol
3. Hypertext
Q3:- What is Internet?
Ans:- internet is a computer based world wide information network composed of a larger number of smaller
interconnected networks.
Q4:Define HTTP, Hypertext and Hyperlink.
Ans:- HTTP is used for communication across the net.
Hypertext refers to combination of text, graphics, audio, video and animation.
Hyperlink refers to a dynamic link upon clicking at which, a new web page or program open.
Q5:-What is web server?
Ans:- it is a specialized powerful computer used to publish pages on the web and retrieve information
requested by the web browsers. When a browser requests for a page, it makes a connection to the server
which in turn sends the content. Eg. Internet Information server, Apache Web Server.
Q6:- What is web browser?
Ans:- the web clients use software that allows to navigate through www and display web pages. Eg. Internet
explorer, Netscape navigator, opera etc. A browser fetches a page from the server through an HTTP request
containing the URL.

Q7:-Define Web site and web page.

Ans:- web site
1. This is a location on the web server.
2. Web site is collection of web pages. All the pages of the web site are linked through hypertext and
3. Eg. http://
Web Page
1. It is an electronic document on internet that can contain any text and graphics.
2. It also contains hyperlinks.
3. Eg.
Q8:-What is URL? Give its syntax and example.
Ans:- every resource available on the web i.e. HTML document, image, video clip, program etc. has an address
which is called URL/ URI. The syntax is
Protocol://domain name/resource

Q9:-How does www work? or

Q How does browser fetch the pages?
Ans:- web information is stored in documents called web pages. Web pages are files stored on computers
called web servers. Computer reading the web pages are called web clients. Web clients view the pages with
a program called a web browser. Web clients send the request to the web server. Web server receive the
request and send back the result in form of URL to the web clients.
Q10:- write the features of URL.
Ans:-the features are
1. URL addresses the web.
2. URL identifies the resources of the web like HTML document, images, videos etc.
3. URL makes resources available under a variety of naming schemes and access methods such as HTTP,
FTP, Internet mail etc.
4. URL directly logs into the server.
5. The basic structure of URL is
Q11:- What is HTML?
Ans: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a language which is used to create web pages. This language is
understood by all the browsers. This was developed by Tim Berners- Lee. HTML is a subset of SGML (Standard
Generalized Markup Language).
Q12:- Write the features of HTML.
Ans:- the features are
1. Html lets the user to publish online documents containing hypertext and hyperlinks.
2. It lets the user to retrieve online information through hyperlinks.
3. It helps the user to create forms for making online transactions, making reservations etc.
4. It helps the user to include video clips, sound clips etc. in their documents.
Q13:- Define SGML.
Ans: Standard Generalized markup language was the first higher level markup language. This language is not
supported by all the browsers. This is system dependent language. This language was used by dept. of
defence , US.
Q14: Briefly explain how you can use internet for your studies.
(Do this yourself)
Q15:-List the URL for any 5 educational websites.
(Do this your self)
Q16:-Define Protocol.
Ans:- Protocol is set of rules.
Q17: Full Forms.
Q18:- What does <!DOCTYPE html> means?
Ans:- This means that web page is written in HTML5.


Aman accesses a web page which gives tips on how to play the game. The URL is

1. Which server is hosting this web site?

2. What is the name of the file being accessed?
3. Name the protocol which is used in this url.

Note : Write the solution of this activity in notebook.

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