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SQ 3 R

The SQ3R Method

A proven way to sharpen study skills!
SURVEY: Like looking at a road map before leaving on a
trip, studying BEFORE you take a class is the
best way to begin your study.
QUESTION: Ask yourself questions as you read or study. As
Review Turn LOs READ Orally ask After you answer the questions, the material will make
material into written SHOs yourself taking more sense because the process will make an
PRIOR questions -- to find questions a break,
to class. impression on you! Impressions are more
using answers about study
WHO, to what you
meaningful and more easily remembered. Write
Review WHAT, your have just and your questions in the textbook's margins, on
learning lecture notes, or on note cards, wherever it best
WHEN, questions. read, notes
objectives helps you study and review.
(LOs) or WHERE, or to refine
lesson WHY, summarize your
purpose. and in your questions. READ: Read actively and with purpose; read to answer
HOW? own words questions you have asked yourself or questions
Page what you Continue the instructor or author has asked. Be alert to
through What read! to read, bold or italicized print. Ensure that you read
entire knowledge recite,
student everything, including tables, graphs, and
and/or Take notes and
handout information from text,
illustrations. These may convey an idea more
(SHO); take must you but write powerfully than written text. Don't just run your
notes on know? them in Prepare eyes over text!
your own questions
tables, and
diagrams. What words. that will RECITE: Stop reading periodically to recall what you read.
interim improve Recollect main headings, tables, graphs, charts,
Read procedures Underline, your illustrations, and important ideas or concepts
Introduction, must you use margin under-stan presented in bold or italicized type. Can you
Importance, execute marks, or ding and connect things you just read to things you
In This to highlight learning.
already know? Doing this periodically will
Lesson, and accomplish important
Summary. objectives? points.
increase your chances of remembering more!

Review REVIEW: Rereading is an important part of the review

glossary, process. The best time to review is when you
terms, and have just finished studying something! Go over
which are notes you have taken to clarify points. Before
familiar an exam, do a final review; don't wait just before
to you? an exam to begin the review process.
Identify Start early and make the review process continuous; study
needed. materials frequently. Before each exam, conduct a final review.

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