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Capstone reflection journal

Melissa Martin

The Capstone is a unique and demanding challenge. In completing it, what did you learn about your
subject? Your skill set? Yourself?

I learned that you haft to book for craft fairs way in like September for wall of the ones you are going
to do that year and it takes time to sell your art.

 How is your project relevant to you, the school or the community-at-large

It is important to me to do something that mean some thing to Me , that night don’t hate doing it is
and it allows me to make some money to live with important to the community because they need
more artists out there in the different communities

 How did you demonstrate the six Core Competencies throughout this project? (See attached Core
Competency sheet)


S- I am personally responsible self-motivated, and advocate for myself.

In business , I am very self-motivated. I just get to work and try to build on to what I have, and if
I am not sure then I ask for help but first I try to solve it myself.

S- I can express my needs and seek help when needed.

In business, I express my needs by talking to my mentor about what I need assistance with and
what I am comfortable with and what I am not so good at, like pricing. I ask for help when I
need help.


S- I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and collaboratively

for the benefit of other. I am always aware of my surroundings around me, and I can work
independently and work with others with out being distracted.
I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.

S- I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies
to resolve problems.
For example, in ceramics I had my big project started to fall apart and I planed to fix it today,
then when I come in to class it was all broken , so I started to build a different project and I will
try this later.
Capstone reflection journal

Melissa Martin


S- Perspectives can analyze and critique my work and my learning.

In my ceramics and owning a business well, I do my projects I analyze them and make
judgement calls what I need to do to fix what I need to fix or if it good I am critiquing my work
by seeing what is good or needs more work or needs fixed in any places. in panting I fix the
places that need it by covering up them with some paint and in ceramics I smooth over the clay
and add more clay. I can analyze and make defensible judgements, draw conclusions, and
consider a variety of.

S- I can analyze my progress.

By analyzing my projects like in panting, sewing, or ceramics I can see what I need to work on
better next time and what I think is good that I did of which I am proud.


S- I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence how
people think about topics.
In my ceramics class I produced a new idea. I created a big head sculpture so many people in
my class were amazed by how big it was.

S- I can take my ideas evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something productive out
of them.
When I do some art like a panting or sab thing like that at home I use the feed back given by
my family and friends, and Costumer to make things better or see if it is greet or if they think I
should make that thing I make in a bigger size.


S- I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned.
I used to be not good at sharing and reflecting my ideas and learning, but with a lot of practice I
have gotten better at this over time.

S- I can listen to contribute meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.
I listen very well and once gathered the information I can ask good questions, About what they
think of sab thing I made in my business or what they think is not good .
Capstone reflection journal

Melissa Martin


S- I can define my self in terms of my relationships to others and to the world.

I am not scared to be myself. I do not care what other people will think or say about me. I try to
do my best I can, like when I sell art and I get a bad review on a item I won’t let put me down I
will just say to them that I tried my best and I am sorry you think that way about my stuff I
have but I won’t let that stop me in selling my stuff. I will talk to others about what they think of
my stuff not just one person.

S- I understand what is important to me.

I know what is good for me I will also take feedback what I need for myself. To do batter in
selling art.
 What impact if any did your Capstone project have?

It had some impact on the animals it helped them by giving the money to the animal shelter and it
gave me some impact in this way because it made me think, can I actually make money on just this or
do I really want to do this or do I want to do some thing else, so It made me think a bit more about what
I could do after school .

 Thinking about the whole process and your finished product, what are you most proud of?

I am proud of that how much work I got done in that time.

 What was a difficulty you encountered and how did you solve the problem?

When I was tying to get in to a craft fair at the beginning and they were all should out and I couldn’t
get in so I want to all on line in Sated and selling to my family and friends .

 What is one thing about your finished project you wish you could change?

Made more sales so I would have had more money to donate to the spca and got in to a craft fair.

What advice would you give to a student who will be completing their Capstone Project?

I would say, Don’t give up it feels like a lot at the beginning but by the end you will think defiantly by
the end because I felt that well in the beginning but now at the end I want to do it again it gives you so
much information, If you want to stay doing that later after school.

 What source from your research helped you the most? (or least?).

Doing research on how to do a table and get in to a craft fair because I was not able to get in to a fair
Capstone reflection journal

Melissa Martin

 What is one thing about your approach to your project that you wish you could change.

I wish i spent doing less time doing on the paperwork and stuff on online and how much time I
researched I wish spent more time in making a lot more product.

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