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Fundamentals of Marketing
Assignment No.2

Submitted by: Abdullah (SP22-BBA-047)

Submitted to: Ma’am Naseem Habib


Product life cycle__________________________________________________________________________________________1

There are 4 stages of product life cycle.

1. Introduction:
This is the stage where a new product introduces into the market. Sales are typically
very low as consumers are still learning about the product.
2. Growth:
This is stage where the sales are getting increasing rapidly as more consumers
getting to know about the product. This is great for a company to capture great
number of market shares.

3. Maturity:
At this stage sales reach its peak and began to level off. Competition is fierce and
needs to focus on to maintain their market share.

4. Decline:
Sales start to decline as the product becomes obsolete or new products are
introduced. At this stage company needs to think invest in the products or to withdraw
it from the market.


 Introduction:
● Product: Apple’s Air-pods

● About: Air Pods, Apple's wireless ear buds introduced in 2016, quickly gained popularity and
became a cultural phenomenon. Their sleek design and seamless integration with Apple
devices have had a significant impact on the market, influencing the true wireless ear buds
category. Subsequent iterations like Air Pods Pro and Air Pods Max have further improved
upon their features.

● Marketing strategy:

a) When Apple first introduced Air pods in 2016, they were a relatively new product in the
b) The company's marketing strategy focused on creating a buzz around the product by
releasing teasers and videos before the launch.
c) Apple also partnered with celebrities to promote the product.

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d) They offered a free trial period so that people could try them out before they bought
 Growth:
●Product: Tesla Model S

● About: The Tesla Model S, an electric luxury sedan released in 2012, has become a popular
and iconic electric car. It has contributed to Tesla's prominence in the market. With its long
range, sleek design, and advanced technology, the Model S is currently in the growth stage.
Sales are increasing, and Tesla is expanding its production capacity to meet the rising
demand. The Model S is expected to continue its growth for years to come, with Tesla
planning to release new versions to remain competitive. Overall, the Model S has been a
major success, establishing Tesla as a leader in the electric car market.

● Marketing Strategies:

a. More and more people are becoming aware of the environmental benefits of electric
vehicles. This is leading to an increase in demand for electric cars, including the Tesla
Model S.
b. Electric cars are becoming more popular as people become more aware of the
environmental benefits and the availability of new models. This is helping to drive sales
of the Tesla Model S.
c. Tesla is expanding its production capacity, which will help to meet the growing demand
for the Model S. This will help to keep the product in the growth stage for several
 Maturity:

● Product: Coca-Cola

● About: Coca-Cola is a popular, mature soft drink brand sold in over 200 countries. The
company invests heavily in marketing to maintain its dominant position in a competitive
market. While diversifying its product offerings to include healthier options, Coca-Cola
remains highly profitable and a household name.

● Marketing strategy:

I. Coca-Cola is a mature product that has been on the market for over 100 years. Coca-
Cola's marketing strategy focuses on maintaining brand awareness and loyalty.
II. They use a variety of marketing channels, including advertising, sponsorships, and
product placement, to reach a wide audience.
 Decline:

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Product: Blackberry phones

About: BlackBerry was a major player in smartphones, known for secure messaging and
physical keyboards. But it failed to adapt to market changes and faced competition from
iPhone and Android. A dispute with the Indian government also hurt its security reputation.
BlackBerry's market share declined and it now focuses on software for automotive and cyber

● Marketing strategy: Blackberry phones were once the most popular smartphones in the
world. However, the company's market share has declined in recent years due to competition
from other brands, such as Apple and Samsung.

a. Blackberry has tried to revive its brand by releasing new models with more features,
but it has not been successful.
b. The company has announced that it will no longer make smartphones, and it is
focusing on its software and security businesses.
 Conclusion:
Marketing strategies vary based on the product's stage in the life cycle. Introduction stage
builds awareness and generates excitement, while growth stage expands into new markets.
Maturity stage maintains brand awareness and loyalty, and decline stage reduces prices and
targets niche markets. The life cycle may not always be linear, and a product can skip or
regress to an earlier stage. Re-launching with new features or marketing strategies can revive
a product in decline.

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