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Used to | Be Used to | Get/Become Used to

Exercise A – Circle the Correct Answers

1. I live in the city of Toronto. I have also lived in Tokyo and London. I [used to/used to
live/am used to live/am used to living] in cities.
2. When I lived in Tokyo, I [used to/used to eat/was used to eat/was used to eating] a lot of
fish. I don’t anymore though because there isn’t a lot of fresh seafood in Toronto.
3. When I moved to London, I [didn’t use to/didn’t used to/wasn’t used to] the British
4. It took me about half a year to [used to/be used to/get used to] it.
5. Now I like the British accent, even though I [used to/used to dislike/am used to
disliking] it.
6. My friend Roger [used to/used to be/am used to/am used to being] an English teacher,
but now he is a computer programmer.
7. When he first started his new job, he [didn’t used to like/didn’t use to like/wasn’t used to
liking] his boss because he was always angry.
8. It took him a while to [used to/be use to/get used to] him. Now, Roger likes him.

Exercise B – Fill in the blanks. Conjugate the verb as well.

1) In the past, Paola’s English ____________________ (be) worse. Now it’s much better.
2) I ____________________ (not/enjoy) studying when I was a child. Now I do.
3) I ____________________ (drive) in on snowy roads. I have done it for many years.
4) People ____________________ (communicate) more face to face in the past.
5) Many seniors ____________________ (not/use) cellphones. They don’t have experience.
6) John is not comfortable with his new job yet, but he is slowly ____________________ it.

1) My children ____________________ (stay) up late. I let them do it every night.

2) Tina ____________________ (be) nice. Now she’s not very friendly.
3) Australians ____________________ (drive) on the other side of the road, so when they travel
to North America, they might get confused.
4) People ____________________ (not/need) a helmet to ride a bicycle until the city passed a
new law last year.
5) It took Lisa a few months to ____________________ (live) with her boyfriend.
6) When John visited Saudi Arabia, it was very hot. He ____________________ the heat, so it was
hard for him.

Note: Grammar rules available at

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A = 1-am used to living, 2-used to eat, 3-wasn’t used to, 4-get used to, 5-I used to dislike, 6-used to be, 7-didn’t
use to like, 8-get used to
B= 1-used to be, 2-didn’t use to enjoy, 3-use to driving, 4-used to communicate, 5-are not used to using, 6-
getting/becoming used to
C= 1-are used to staying, 2-used to be, 3-are used to driving, 4-didn’t use to need, 5-get/become used to living,
6-wasn’t used to

Worksheet copyright Matthew Barton of

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