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Going to work abroad: an exciting opportunity or a

scary one?
Nowadays, more and more people going to work abroad and leave their countries
to find a better life. But what it is really like?
Going abroad in most cases is definitely a good opportunity to change your life
to the better side. The main advantage is, of course, the salary. For most kinds of
jobs the salary depends on you, and the place where you work. So if you are in the
right place – therefore, you can make more money. For example, the same IT
specialist in a third world countries earns at least 3 times less than in developed
countries. Big difference, isn’t it? Another advantage is that people expand their
horizons by knowing a different mentality. And this, in turn, is useful and interesting.
On another hand, there are also important disadvantages. Although people
will know a different mentality, they may not like it at all and feel very
uncomfortable. Furthermore, if person is going abroad all alone – for him it will be
difficult to adapt at the beginning.
To sum up, going to work abroad can help improve the quality of life, but for
this, you have to go through a lot of difficulties at the beginning.

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