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Mardi Haskell



Brand Strategy Final

1. Longchamps, a French luxury leather goods company since 1948, is naviga�ng the evolving
luxury goods industry. The company is in a unique posi�on of straddling accessible luxury (such
as Tory Burch and Kate Spade) vs. tradi�onal luxury (such as Louis Vuiton) and must cra� its
strategy accordingly. In addi�on to purses and bags, Longchamps has expanded their por�olio to
include clothing (2006) and shoes (2012). Below, please find the brand iden�ty framework and
ladder. The frameworks indicate that Longchamps, though mature, does have room to grow and
expand due to it’s posi�on high up on the ladder and posi�on in the market.

Longcamps is high up on the

ladder, indica�ng its ability
to extend the brand.
Longchamps has created a
cult-like following, especially
with their most popular line,
Le Pliage. Longchamps is
also a company to get
behind with their heritage,
environmental ini�a�ves,
and dedica�on to fine

Longchamps has �meless

products while being
dedicated to innova�on.
Owning Longchamps
products makes people feel
like they are a part of a club
while building trust by
commi�ng to quality and
fair pricing. Longchamps
also has existen�al and non-
existen�al values to
2. It’s most famous line, Le Pliage, appeals to both high end customers who use the bag more
casually, and also middle class customers who buy the bags as a symbol of status. While the
product line is so successful, Cassegrain and Delafona�ne should consider whether it is
enhancing the rest of the brand, or if it is beter off as a stand alone company. Le Pliage helps
with brand awareness and traffic to stores and other channels. On the other hand, Le Pliage
comes at a lower price point compared to their other products which could signal to consumers
that the other products aren’t worth the price. While the later is a poten�al reason to separate
the companies, Longchamps has built trust with their customers that they prac�ce fair pricing.
Other companies, however, are known for infla�ng pricing to create an exclusive allure. For this
reason, Longchamps should con�nue to carry Le Pliage and leverage popularity to expand the

3. Longchamps is in “maturity” stage, meaning their market growth is posi�ve yet slowing,
compe��on is reduced, and profitability is strong for their most successful products (Le Pliage)
(exhibit 1). For their cash cow, Le Pliage, maintaining market share while concentra�ng on
quality and �melessness, and maintaining price may be the strategy while thinking about new
markets to enter and high communica�on. In new markets, perhaps the ability to customize the
bags will drive customers to have fresh eyes and give loyal customers a reason to buy a second
and third bag. As for compe�ng in the space of luxury, Longcamps may want to think about
those products in the “growth” category. Longchamps can grow in this category by staying up
with the trends, and commi�ng to ar�sanship and cra�smanship. The brand is high up on the
ladder, allowing Longchamps to execute an innova�ve strategy. In the luxury space, perhaps
Longchamps thinks about crea�ng cross-body purses with their high-end leather. Or perhaps
crea�ng marke�ng campaigns that highlight REAL, LIVELY women being “bosses” in life and in
business. These pieces don’t require wild coloring, but women need and deserve dependable,
�meless, trendy bag that signals a certain status while complemen�ng a strong, lively lifestyle.
Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2
4. Cassegrain and Delafontaine know that quality may be a key differen�ator rela�ve to more
accessible luxury brands, but that being a func�onal benefit, is not the key that will allow them
to expand and grow to their greatest poten�al. In fact, the trust, cult-like following, �meless yet
innova�ve, and familial �es to the brand are what make the brand s�cky and will allow them to
expand into new parts of the world and experiement with new products. They do, however,
need to be careful not to be too accessible in terms of price and availability, while not infla�ng
prices for certain items in order to be “exclusive”. In order to achieve this balance, they will need
to highlight their dedica�on to cra�smanship and fair pricing.

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