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By - Mr.A.D.Cholke
1.1 What is an Operating System
• A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and
the computer hardware.
➢ Execute user programs and solve their problems.
➢ Make computer system for convenient to use.
➢ Use hardware in efficient manner.
Computer System Structure
Computer System Structure

• Hardware
• Operating System
• Application Programs
• Users
Components of Operating System
Components of Operating System

• Kernel
• Process Execution
• Interrupt
• Multitasking
• Networking
• Security
• User Interface
Functions/Operations of the operating system
Functions/Operations of the operating system

• Resource Manager
• Process Management
• Memory Management
• Device Management
• Storage Management or File Management
• Protection and Security
Functions/Operations of the operating system
• Resource Manager
➢ Operating system is a resource allocator.
➢ The operating system acts as the manager of Input / Output devices, Memory
file storage space, CPU(Central Processing Unit) time resources and allocates
them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks.
➢ Generally, resources sharing in two ways "in time" and "in space“.
➢ In “in time sharing” resource, first one of the tasks get the resource for some
time, then another and so on.
➢ In "space sharing“ resource the users share the space of resource.
➢ The main difference between "in time" sharing resources and "in space"
sharing resources is "in time" resources are not divided into units, whereas "in
space" sharing resources are divided into units.
Functions/Operations of the operating system
• Process Management
➢ A process is a program in execution.

➢ A process needs certain resources, including CPU time, memory, files, and I/O
devices, to accomplish its task.

➢ The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with
process management.
▪ Process creation and deletion.
▪ process suspension and resumption.
▪ Provision of mechanisms for:
➢ process synchronization
➢ process communication
Functions/Operations of the operating system
• Memory Management
➢ Memory is a large array of words or bytes, each with its own address. It is a repository of
quickly accessible data shared by the CPU and I/O devices.

➢ Main memory is a volatile storage device . It loses its contents in the case of system failure.

➢ The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections with
memory management:

▪ Keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom.
▪ Decide which processes to load when memory space becomes available.
▪ Allocate and de-allocate memory space as needed
Functions/Operations of the operating system

• Device Management
➢The I/O system consists of:
▪A buffer-caching system.
▪A general device-driver interface.

▪Drivers for specific hardware devices.

Functions/Operations of the operating system

• File Management
➢ A file is a collection of related information defined by its creator. Commonly,
files represent programs (both source and object forms) and data.
➢ The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections
with file management:
▪ File creation and deletion.
▪ Directory creation and deletion.
▪ Support of primitives for manipulating files and directories.
▪ Mapping files onto secondary storage.
▪ File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media.
Functions/Operations of the operating system

• Protection and security

➢ Protection refers to a mechanism for controlling access by programs,
processes, or users to both system and user resources.
➢ The protection mechanism must:
▪ Distinguish between authorized and unauthorized usage.
▪ Specify the controls to be imposed.
▪ Provide a means of enforcement.
Views of Operating System

➢ There are two views of Operating system

1. User View
2. System View
➢ The operating system can be observed from the point of view
of the user or the system. This is known as the user view and
the system view respectively
Views of Operating System

User View System View

• The user view depends on the • The user view depends on the
system interface that is used by the system interface that is used by
users. the System.

• The different types of user view • The different types of System

experiences can be explained. view experiences can be
• PC, Mainframe, Hand held
• Resource Locator
1.2 Types of Operating System

Types of operating System:

1. Batch Operating System
2. Multi-programmed Operating System
3. Multitasking Operating System
4. Time-Sharing Operating System
5. Multiprocessor System
6. Distributed System
7. Real-time Operating System
8. Mobile Operating System-(Android & ios)
1. Batch Operating System
1. Batch Operating System
• The jobs with similar need are batch together and executed through
processor with batch or groups.
• Operator sort a job as a deck of punch card in to batch with similar needs.
• Eg. Jobs in Fortran batch ,Cobol Batch etc.

Advantages- Disadvantages-
1. In Batch Jobs are executed one after 1. Memory limitation
another it saves the time of loading a
2. CPU is often idle, because the speed of
the mechanical I/O devices is slower
2. During batch execution no manual than the CPU.
interruption is needed.
3. Difficult to provide the desired priority.
2. Multi-programmed Operating System
2. Multi-programmed Operating System
• Sharing the processor, when two or more programs reside in memory at the
same time, is referred as multiprogramming.
• Multiprogramming assumes a single shared processor.
• Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the
CPU always has one to execute.
• An OS does the following activities related to multiprogramming.
1. The operating system keeps several jobs in memory at a time.
2. This set of jobs is a subset of the jobs kept in the job pool.
3. The operating system picks and begins to execute one of the jobs in the
4. Multiprogramming operating systems monitor the state of all active programs
and system resources using memory management programs to ensures that the
CPU is never idle, unless there are no jobs to process.
2. Multi-programmed Operating System
Advantages Disadvantages
1. High and efficient CPU 1. CPU scheduling is required.
utilization. 2. To accommodate many jobs
2. User feels that many programs in memory, memory
are allotted CPU almost management is required.
3. Multitasking Operating System

Multitasking, in an operating
system, is allowing a user to
perform more than one
computer task (such as the
operation of an application
program) at a time.
3. Multitasking Operating System
•Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more
than one computer task (such as the operation of an application program) at a
•The operating system is able to keep track of where you are in these tasks and
go from one to the other without losing information.
•In multitasking only one CPU is involved, but it switches from one program
to another
•Two methods for sharing CPU time to run to process simultaneously are:
1. Cooperative Multitasking:
➢ It lets the program decide when they wish to let other tasks run.
➢ Not good method, as it lets process control the CPU and never let other process to run.
2. Preemptive Multitasking:
➢ In moves control of the CPU to the OS, letting each process run for given amount of
time and then switching to another task.
3. Multitasking Operating System
Advantages Disadvantages
1. It helps in increasing the 1. It requires more system
overall productivity by resources e.g. large amount of
performing number of tasks at memory required for several
same time. programs(tasks).
2. It helps in increasing overall 2. To perform multiple task at a
performance of the computer time, CPU speed must be
system. high.
4. Time Sharing Operating System
4. Time Sharing Operating System
• Time-sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at
various terminals, to use a particular computer system at the
same time.
• Time-sharing or multitasking is a logical extension of
• Processor's time which is shared among multiple users
simultaneously is termed as time-sharing.
• The main difference between Multi-programmed Batch Systems and
Time-Sharing Systems is that in case of Multi-programmed batch
systems, the objective is to maximize processor use.
• whereas in Time-Sharing Systems, the objective is to minimize
response time
4. Time Sharing Operating System
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Provides the advantage of 1. Problem of reliability.
quick response. 2. Question of security and
integrity of user programs and
2. Avoids duplication of
3. Problem of data
3. Reduces CPU idle time communication.
5. Multiprocessor Operating System
5. Multiprocessor Operating System
• Multiprocessor operating system allows the multiple processors, and these
processors are connected with physical memory, computer buses, and
peripheral devices.
• Main objective of using multiprocessor operating system increase the
execution speed of system.
• There are mainly three types.
1. Each CPU has its own operating system.
2. Master Slave Multiprocessors. (Asymmetric)
3. Symmetric Multiprocessor.
5. Multiprocessor Operating System
• Advantages
a. More reliable Systems.
b. Enhanced Throughput.
c. More Economic Systems.
• Disadvantages
a. Complicated Operating System Required.
b. Large Main Memory Required.
6. Distributed System
6. Distributed System
• A distributed system contains multiple nodes that are physically separate but
linked together using the network.
• All the nodes in this system communicate with each other and handle
• Types of Distributed Systems:
• 1.Client/Server Systems
o In client server systems, the client requests a resource and the server provides
that resource.
• 2.Peer to Peer Systems
o The peer to peer systems contains nodes that are equal participants in data
o All the tasks are equally divided between all the nodes.
6. Distributed System
Advantages -
• Nodes can easily share data with other nodes.
• More nodes can easily be added .
• Failure of one node does not lead to the failure of the entire distributed system.
• Resources can be easily shared with multiple nodes.
Disadvantages -
• It is difficult to provide adequate security
• Some messages or data can be lost in the network while moving from one
node to another.
• The database connected to the distributed systems is Complicated.
• Overloading may occur in the network.
7. Real-time Operating System

• A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the

time interval required to process and respond to inputs is so small that
it controls the environment.
• The time taken by the system from input to output task is termed as
the response time.
• So in this type of OS the response time is very less.
• In real life situation like controlling traffic signal, nuclear reaction and
aircraft are the examples of RTOS.
7. Real-time Operating System
There are two types of real-time operating systems.
1. Hard real-time systems
• Hard real-time systems guarantee that critical tasks complete on time.
• E.g. Missile launching system, Satellite system, airbag system in car.

2. Soft real-time systems

• In this type the meeting of time of not compulsory for every time and for
every task but process should get processed and give its results.
• E.g. Personal computer, audio video system etc.
8. Mobile Operating System
• Mobile operating system is one that controls smartphone personal digital
assistant tablet PC and information appliances.
• Mobile operating system also known as mobile OS.
• There are two types of mobile operating system.
1. Android OS-
2. iOS (iPhone OS)-
8. Mobile Operating System
1. Android OS-
• Android mobile operating system developed by Google. Primarily design for touch
• Android applications are developed in Java language using Android software
development kit.
• once Develop Android applications can be package and easily sold out by Google
Play stores.
Advantages - Disadvantages-
1. Android based on Linux. 1. Application quality of Android operating
2. It is provides reach Browser facilities as system not good.
well. 2. Complex layout and animations are Hard
3. Android OS is open source and it is cost to code in Android.
effective. 3. Android OS can also slow down if
4. Multitasking Operating System. installing more apps.
5. It is a flexible operating system.
8. Mobile Operating System
2. iOS (iPhone OS)-
• iOS Mobile operating system created and developed by Apple.
• It is Developed for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
• It is the second most popular operating system globally after Android.
• Advantages-
1. iOS provides customer service.
2. iOS has security which offer its user stay safe from external threats.
3. Performance is awesome and support multitasking.
4. iOS Support a vast number of application..
• Disadvantages -
1. No flexible only support iOS services.
2. The iOS is not open source.
3. iOS is costly Apps Development.
4. iOS is not customizable.
1.3 Command line based OS and GUI Based
• An Operating System provides an interface through which the user
interacts with the system.
• The user interact with the computer system through its user
• One of the most important function of operating system is
providing a user interface. Which allows user to access and
interact with the computer system.
• There are two interface of operating system-
1. Command line interface(CLI) based OS -
2. Graphical user interface (GUI) Based OS-
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS
1. Command line interface(CLI) based OS –
• In CLI user interact with operating system by typing commands or instructions on
a command line.
• various commands needs to be type for carrying out various jobs like creating
, deleting, editing ,renaming and printing a file.
• In CLI each command represents an executable program which is Run in the
command is type with proper parameter.
• There are two GUI based operating system.
1. MS-DOS-
2. UNIX-
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS
1. The user knows correct commands then this type of interface
can be much faster than any other type of interface.
2. This type of interface needs much less memory (RAM) as
compared to other interface.
3. CLI does not use as much CPU processing time like other UIs.
1. CLI are not user friendly because they require the user to
remember a lot of command.
2. command have to be typed correctly, if there is a spelling mistake
then ,command will not respond.
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS
There are various command line based operating system.
1. MS-DOS-
• MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system) is non graphical, command line
operating system created for IBM compatible computers.
• MS-DOS uses CUI(character user interface)or command line interface the
user interact with the computer with the help of predefined commands.
• DOS Commands are executed by a command line interpreter by translating
them into system call.
• Generally this interpreter outside the kernel so that kernel is not affected by
the user.
• some MS-DOS command include CD, DIR, DEL, EDIT, MOVE, REN,
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS
2. UNIX-
• Unix was originally developed in 1969 by group of AT&T
employees Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie ,Douglas Mcllory and
Joe Ossanna at bells lab.
• It is a CLI based operating system the Unix shell is a command
line interface similar to the DOS operating system.
• a Shell is program that provides the command line interface it
inputs command from user, interpret them and execute them ,
using the shell press enter user type ,command press enter and the
command is immediately executed.
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS

2. Graphical user interface (GUI) Based OS-

• GUI is alternative and more user friendly method to interface with operating system.
• GUI provides a rectangular area on a screen called windows. In which files, programs,
directory and system functions are represented as a small images or symbols called as icon.
• In addition various menus are provided by GUI.
• A GUI provides the window and Menu based graphical interface that can be operated by
using a pointing device like mouse.
• Mouse can be used to point and click on command button pictures or Icon execute the
command, open folder or run the program.
• There are two GUI based operating system.
1. Windows-
2. Linux-
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS

1. GUIs are easy to operate and provide better accessibility.
2. User can switch quickly between the task on the GUI interface.
3. GUI allows multiple program and its instances to be displayed
4. GUI is convenient and user-friendly.
1. It uses more Computer memory.
2. GUI become more complex if user needs to communicate with the
computer directly
3. Difficult to display all necessary control because of Limited
Windows space.
4. Slow speed because of long pointer operation.
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS

• It series of operating system developed by the Microsoft.
• Each version of Windows includes graphical user interface with
desktop that allows a user to view a files.
• Microsoft Windows is designed for both home computer and
professional purpose fast version of Windows includes Windows
3.0(1990), Windows 3.1 (1992),Windows 95 (1995),
• Windows 98(1998),Windows ME(2000),Windows XP (2001)
Windows Vista(2006),Windows 7(2009) etc.
• The Current version Windows 10 was release on 29 July 2015.
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS

2. Linux-
• Linux is UNIX-like operating system created by LinusTorvalds. Linux
each Freely Distributed Operating System.
• Today Linux is used by millions of people around the world
programmer can even modify the source code and create their own
unique version of the Linux operating system.
• Some of the popular version of Linux Red Hat Enterprise, cent OS,
and Ubuntu.
• Most Linux System provide either K Desktop environment (KDE) or
GNOME interface.
• GNOME stands for GNU network object model environment is one of
the oldest and most widely used Linux Desktop Environment.
Command line based OS and GUI Based OS
Difference between CLI and GUI-
1. It is a text based interface used to interact Including Windows icon and images It
with software and operating system by is visual based interface which features the
typing the ,commands. use of graphical images.

2. It is faster and difficult to use than GUI. It is slower and easier to use than CLI.

3. It consume low memory. it consume high memory.

4. In CLI Command have to be typed in the In GUI one can point and click on icon to
command line to execute them. execute ,commands.
5. Not much flexible. it is more flexible.
6. CLI is a less user-friendly. GUI is user friendly.
7. Examples: DOS,UNIX. Examples: Windows and Linux.

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