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o n 0.2.

a fishblade hack of DARK FORT
by Greyson “ORB” Yandt
DARK FISH BLADE FORT is an independent
production by Greyson Yandt and is not
affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games
or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under
the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare
Games and Stockholm Kartell.
HOW TO PLAY this fishblade hack
Ready some paper, a pencil, and at least one d6 (six-sided die). For an authentic
experience, get a fish and a blade, and listen to Murmaider by Dethklok. Also,
remember that d6/2 is always rounded up.
You will need to track your Hit Points (HP), your coin (c), your Experience Points
(XP), if you are bleeding, to write down the items in your inventory, and to tally the
bulk of the items in your inventory for your Player Character (PC). You will also be
tracking the HP for your foes.
For items that have Δ uses, keep a tally of how many times that item has been used;
that tally is T. When you use that item, roll d6−T: on a 0 (or less), the item fails and
is no longer usable; otherwise, it works and can be used again.
Furthermore, you will be making a map as you go. For paths you don’t take, you can
leave little marks across the room’s outline to denote any unexplored paths.

For experienced players!
In combat, three conditions must be satisfied during each round:
> Each foe must have a turn taken against them at least once.
> Each PC must take a turn at least once.
> Total turns taken must be less than the total number of PCs and foes.
For example, there are two PCs and four foes. The first PC could take a turn against
all four foes while the second PC takes only one turn against one foe. Each foe has
had at least one turn taken against them, each PC has taken at least one turn, and the
total five turns is less than the six total PCs and foes.
To determine how many foes the PCs face, roll d6: on a 1, the number of foes is equal
to [the number of PCs]−1; on a 2–5, the number of foes is equal to [the number of
PCs]; on a 6, the number of foes is equal to [the number of PCs]+1. Then, make
separate d6 rolls to determine what each random foe is.
To keep things simple, pool XP and coin for the purposes of leveling up. When the
pool reaches [the number of PCs]×40 XP and/or coin, each PC levels up.
Optionally, with multiple players, if a PC is defeated, any remaining PCs can
resuscitate the defeated PC in one of two ways:
1. Spend an elixir to return a defeated PC to 1 HP.
2. Pray to the Water God. Sacrifice 40 XP to return a defeated PC to 1 HP. Then,
roll d6 as if you had re-entered an explored room.
If the second option results in negative XP, mark down that there is a cvrse plus
another for each -40 XP. Each cvrse counts as a PC for the purpose of calculating the
number of foes that the PCs face.

THE MERFOLK MURDERER enters the stage
Into the half-sunken and waterlogged fort, you go. But who exactly are you?
You are called Phishgutz—or something like that. (Gain 5 XP if the player names you,
and gain 10 XP if the player writes a backstory.) Begin with d6+14 HP and d6+14c, an
instrument of pain (roll d6 on Table A), and a piece of gear (roll d6 on Table B).
You may carry unlimited items; however, you only have 2 hands in which you can
equip items (e.g., weapon, scrolls), you can only equip one on [place] item for each
place, and some items have bulk (for every 5 bulk carried, you suffer −1 to hit).

Table A: Instruments of pain d, you

if unarme ma ge
1 d a
1. Saw or shiv (d6−1 damage; +1 to hit), 1 hand, 3c deal d6-
2. Pipe or club (d6 damage), 1 hand, 1 bulk, 4c
ro ck (d6+3 da
3. Dagger or knife (d6 damage; +1 to hit), 1 hand, 6c hit), 2 hands, 3 ge; -1 to
bulk, 0 c
4. Axe or hammer (d6+1 damage), 1 hand, 1 bulk, 9c
5. Sword or cutlass (d6+1 damage; +1 to hit), 1 hand, 1 bulk, 12c
6. Flail or harpoon (d6+2 damage), 2 hands, 2 bulk, 15c

Table B: Pieces of gear

1. Light armor (d6 protection), on body, 1 bulk, 10c
2. Heavy armor (d6+1 protection), on body, 2 bulk, 15c
3. Elixir (heal d6 HP), 1 hand, ½ bulk, 4c
4. Acid (d6 damage; on a hit, reduces foe’s protection by 1), 1 hand, ½ bulk, 4c
5. Random scroll (roll d6 on Table C)
6. Cloak of invisibility (use to successfully flee a room while marking that room as
explored), on back, Δ uses, 15c

Table C: Scrolls of power

1. Raging Fury (when you hit a foe, you hit them twice; this lasts for 3 rounds), Δ
uses, 1 hand, ½ bulk, 10c
2. Laser Beam (d6+3 damage; on a hit, reduces foe’s protection by 1), Δ uses, 1 hand,
½ bulk, 10c
3. Chitinous Growth (gain +2 protection for 3 rounds), Δ uses, 1 hand, ½ bulk, 10c
4. Vengeful Chains (foe suffers −1 to DS for 3 rounds), Δ uses, 1 hand, ½ bulk, 10c
5. Abyssal Gaze (foe loses d6 HP), Δ uses, 1 hand, ½ bulk, 10c
6. Water God's Omen (during the next real-time minute, the player may choose the
result of any one die roll), Δ uses, 1 hand, ½ bulk, 10c

Each round, take a turn to make a roll against a foe’s DS (Difficulty Score). After all
effects have been resolved, begin a new round.
To hit a foe, roll d6: if the result is greater than the foe’s DS, this is a success, which
means you hit the foe; if the result is equal to the foe’s DS, this is a tie, which means
you and the foe both hit each other; if the result is less than the foe’s DS, this is a
failure, which means the foe hits you.
On a hit, the attacker rolls for damage, subtracts the defender’s protection, and then
the remainder is subtracted from the defender’s HP.
If you take damage, you are bleeding—you can patch yourself after combat.
You can try to use an item (e.g., read a scroll, drink an elixir, throw some acid) or
equip a different item. To use an item, roll d6+1: on a success, you use the item; on a
tie, the foe hits you as you use the item; on a failure, the foe hits you.
You can also try to flee from a fight. To flee, roll d6: on a success, you leave the room
unexplored; on a tie, the foe hits you and you leave the room unexplored (if you
survive); on a failure, the foe hits you.
Anyone with 0 HP or less is defeated. You earn a defeated foe’s XP.

Table D: Weak foes

1. DROWNED SCVM: DS 2, 8 HP, 2 XP.
> Attack: vengeful grasp (d6−1 damage).
> Loot: 2-in-6 chance of d6 coin.
> Attack: rusting weapon (d6 damage).
> Loot: 2-in-6 chance of unbroken weapon (roll d6−1 on Table A).
> Attack: bone trident (d6+1 damage).
> Loot: d6+1 coin.
> Attack: bone shiv (d6−1 damage).
> Loot: 2-in-6 chance of a random scroll (roll d6 on Table C).
5. SHARKOBLIN: DS 3, 7 HP, 3 XP.
> Attack: too many teeth (d6 damage; if you are bleeding, d6+2 damage).
> Loot: 2-in-6 chance of a supply.
6. DIRE OCTOPUS: DS 4, 8 HP, 4 XP.
> Attack: tentacles (d6 damage; on a hit, add d6−1 latched tentacles (1 bulk
each) to your inventory (up to a max of 8 latched tentacles); if it is defeated,
remove all latched tentacles).

Table E: Tough foes
1. MERFOLK: DS 3, 10 HP, 3 XP.
> Attack: bone club (d6 damage).
> Loot: d6 coin.
2. MER-SORCERER: DS 4, 10 HP, 4 XP.
> Attack: switch between dagger (d6 damage) and manta’s ray (d6+1
damage; if you are damaged, add d6 mutation to your inventory; at 20
mutation, you warp into a fishfreak, and your adventure ends here).
> Loot: d6+d6+d6 coin.
> Armor: has d6−1 protection.
> Attack: fishblade replica (d6+1 damage).
> Loot: d6 coin and 5-in-6 chance of unbroken sword.
4. CRAGROCK CRAB: DS 4, 12 HP, 7 XP.
> Armor: has d6 protection.
> Attack: meaty claw (d6+2 damage).
> Attack: psyscream (lose d6 HP; add d6+2 mind control to your inventory;
at 20 mind control, you serve the aberrant lampredator, and your adventure
ends here; if it is defeated, remove all mind control).
> Loot: d6×d6 coin in a nearby treasure chest.
6. TWIN-HEADED LEVIATHAN: DS 3, 10+10 HP, d6×d6 XP.
> Special: Each 10 HP represents one head.
> Armor: has d6−1 protection.
> Attack: corrosive fangs (d6+2 damage; hits once per head undefeated; on a
hit, reduces your protection by 1).


Draw a room where d6/2 paths lead further into the dungeon—you may place them
in any direction. Then, roll d6 to determine that…
1. You find a random item (roll d6 on Table F).
2. A weak foe (roll d6 on Table D) stands guard. Attack!
3. A dying mystic gives you a random scroll (roll d6 on Table C).
4. In the blackened mud, you see coin. Roll d6: on a 1–5, you find as many
coin; on a 6, you find 5 coin and roll d6 to find more.
5. You are filled with some kind of feeling—maybe it’s bloodthirst, rage, hate,
fear, or dread. Gain 10 XP if the player writes about this.
6. The entrance is eerily quiet and desolate.

Table F: Found items
1. Random weapon (roll d6 on Table A)
2. Elixir (heal d6 HP), ½ bulk, 4c
3. Supply (food, bandages, rope, warmth, light), ½ bulk, 5c
4. Random scroll (roll d6 on Table C)
5. Light armor (d6 protection), on body, 1 bulk, 10c
6. Cloak of invisibility (use to successfully flee a room while marking that room as
explored), on back, Δ uses, 15c

You gain 2 XP for exploring a room, including the entrance.

From now on, when you enter a new room, roll d6: on a 1–2, the room is round-ish;
on a 3–5, the room is square-ish; on a 6, roll d6 on Table G.

Table G: Unusual room shapes

1. Irregular cave 4. Skull-shaped
2. Triangular 5. Phallus-shaped
3. Cross-shaped 6. Fish-shaped

Then, to determine the number of paths leading from the room, roll d6: on a 1, no
paths; on a 2–3, one path; on a 4–5, two paths; on a 6, three paths. You may place the
paths facing any direction. (If you reach a dead end, you can still return to previously
visited rooms with unexplored paths. If no unexplored paths remain, you may leave
the dungeon even if you are not ready to level up.)
Finally, roll d6 on Table H to determine what’s in the room.

Table H: What’s in the room?

1. Nothing. Cold and exhaustion are setting in. Expend a supply or the player
writes about what pushes you forward; otherwise, you lose d6/2 HP. The
room is now explored.
2. Hazard. Roll d6 on Table I.
3. Oddity. Roll d6 on Table J. The room is now explored.
4. Weak foe (roll d6 on Table D). If you defeat it, the room is explored.
5. Tough foe (roll d6 on Table E). If you defeat it, the room is explored.
6. Just you. Angry. And full of hate. Maybe some other feelings. Gain 10 XP if
the player writes about this. The room is now explored.

Table I: Dungeon hazards
1–3. CURRENT TRAP. Mark it on your map. To get to any other path, you must
cross the current trap and avoid the spikes. Roll against DS 4 as if unarmed; if
you expend a supply, you can add +1 to your roll. On a success, you cross; on a
tie, you take d6 damage and then cross; on a failure, you take d6+2 damage and
then cross. If you cross and survive, the room is explored.
4–5. RIDDLING PHANTASM. Guess even or odd. Roll d6 and compare the result
to your guess; if you were right, you solved the riddle, and you may choose to
receive either money (10c) or wisdom (3 XP); if you were wrong, the riddling
phantasm mocks you with a mind-shattering shriek (you lose d6 HP) before
disappearing. If you survive, the room is explored.
6. RISING WATERS. Mark it on your map. In this room and all rooms beyond
this one, you carry an extra 5 bulk as you have to move through deeper and
deeper water. The room is now explored.

Table J: Dungeon oddities

1–3. MURK-DWELLING MERCHANT. Most of its shadowy form lies way down
below, obscured by the dark depth of water here. You may buy any items listed
below, and you may sell any item for half its price (rounding down). When you
are done, the peddler recedes.
> Anything on Table A and Table B
> Supply (food, bandages, rope, warmth, light), ½ bulk, 5c
> Serum (remove d6 mutation), 1 hand, ½ bulk, 4c
> Body bag (ignore 5 bulk from items you don’t have equipped), 1 hand, 5c
> Haliburd (d6+4 damage; −1 to hit), 2 hands, 3 bulk, 15c
> Zweifïnner (d6+3 damage), 2 hands, 3 bulk, 25c
4–5. SECRET PASSAGE. Roll d6: on a 2–6, the passage leads to a room ahead of
you; otherwise, it leads to a room behind you. Roll d6+1 to see how many
rooms this passage bypasses. Mark this on the map; if it leads to a room ahead
of you, be sure to note how many rooms should be between the two rooms.
6. HIDDEN TREASURE. You find a random item (roll d6 on Table F).

In an explored room, you may take a beat. During each beat, you may either rest (if
you are bleeding, expend a supply to heal d6/2 HP; you are no longer bleeding) or
scavenge (if the room isn’t scavenged, roll d6: on a 1–2, you find nothing; on a 2–4,
you find a rock; on a 5–6, you find a supply; then, mark the room as scavenged).
After a beat or when re-entering a previously visited room, roll d6: on a 1–3, nothing;
on a 4, face a random weak foe (roll d6 on Table D); on a 5, face a random tough foe
(roll d6 on Table E); on a 6, the cold and exaustion are setting in (expend a supply or
the player writes about what pushes you forward; otherwise, you lose d6/2 HP).

You are ready to leave the dungeon if you have 40 XP or 40c.
You can level up in either of two ways:
1. Reset your XP to 0. You've learned from your successes, and you've learned even
more from your failures.
2. Get rid of all of your coin. You send it back to help the poor living in ruined
Träskland homes.
If you can do both, you may level up twice at the same time.
Each time you level up, roll d6 on Table K to determine what boon you acquire. Cross
that boon off of the table. If you roll a boon that you already have, acquire the lowest
available boon on the list.

Table K: Level-up boons

1. You find the Mighty Fishblade (d6+3 damage), 1 hand, 2 bulk, 0c.
2. HUNTER: You always have +1 to hit.
3. SLAYER: You always deal +1 damage.
4. BULWARK: You always have +1 protection.
5. BLOODTHIRST: After defeating a merfolk, mer-sorcerer, or merfolk
soldier, you can make an elixir out of its heart and blood.
6. VENGEANCE: If you are defeated, pause. If the player writes about how you
instead survived, you wake up with 1 HP after a few minutes. (Any foe will
have moved on.)

If every boon on the table is crossed off, you instead acquire the following boon:
7. MISERY: It’s the final one.

And you can die at peace. Of course, that means you win. Congratulations.

DARK FISH BLADE FORT is a dungeon crawler that can be played
solo or with a few friends. It is a hack of DARK FORT for the
Fishblade 2023 Game Jam, but it goes beyond the original material: it
gets rid of the pesky d4, adds rules for using multiple PCs, adds light
inventory management (inspired by Into the Odd), and it adds some
lite RPG elements just to give you something to think about.

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