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University of Medicine and Pharmacy ,,Grigore T.

Popa'' Iasi

Faculty of Dental Medicine

Discipline of Anatomy and Embryology

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Subjects for the practical examination, first year, first semester

1. Spermatozoon
2. Spermogram
3. Ovarian follicles
4. Contraceptive methods
5. Chorionic villi
6. Placenta
7. Fetal period
8. Factors influencing fetal growth
9. Teratology
10. Diagnostic methods of fetal condition
11. Kidney development and congenital malformations
12. Urinary tract development and congenital malformations
13. Female genital tract development
14. Male genital tract development
15. Malformations of the genital tract
16. Trigeminal nerve
17. Ophthalmic nerve of Willis
18. Maxillary nerve
19. Mandibular nerve
20. Facial nerve
21. Development of the cephalic extremity
22. Frontal bone
23. Parietal bone
24. Ethmoid bone
25. Sphenoid bone
26. Temporal bone
27. Occipital bone
Teaching activity coordinator

Prof. Dr. Anca Sava

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