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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT PBC OD CHENE! Poy tac Seventh Semester B.E, Degree Examination, Jan./Feb, 2023 Digital Image Processing Time: 3 hrs Max. gris: 1] Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question fram euch modul Modute-1 « 14 Witha neat block diagram, explain the fundamcotal steps in image (0 Mas) 1b Explain the concep: of sampling and quantizatioe of an image. (05 Marks) Explain any four folds that ase digital image processing {08 Marka) or 2 4 Define 4, 8, nradjacency with appropriate examples. (ou starts) Explain the various distance measures used with suital starter a Consider the tivo image subsets ST and S2 as shown Mg. Q2 (c) for V = {1}, Determine Gi) Meaaiacent Pie.2 3. a. Explain n detail the bas Transformations used in image enhancement. (10 Marks) Define image enhapeeliigyg? ExJBin how arithmetic operators are helpful in image ‘enhancement uo stars) oR 4a Define histoge ized histogram. Discuss histogram equalization for contrast enhancement ‘ater » Jn spatial domain 3 Manis) sage having gray scales between (0, 9) perform histogram equa ization Fan ccqualization and draw the histogram of image before ans alter mage is shown in Fig. Q4 (6). [233 Al 4243 bi: o Fig. Q4 (6) (or Marks) Lora BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Mou Explain the derivation of °7 “or the eon 9s transform ofa sampled frxevo b. Explain homemorphic fier with procedure for applying the seme on 6 & White the properties of Discrete Fourier transforms, Discuss Butterworth Low as Hers and Gaussian Low Pa >a. Explain various Gradient spernrars ase b. Explain Globa! Threshoieiny using Otsu Explain the various appro Explain the baste oF ite 9s. Explain in detail the prinesor [Explain Huffman coding aimee 10. Explain Lossy and Lossless sompression, 5. Explain Arithmetic ending tochraque vit @ S S + BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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