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BSN – 2D


Mrs. Uy is the mother of 2.5-year-old Benny you see at the clinic. She states, "How can I tell if Benny is
ready for toilet training? If he is ready, how do I start?" What will be your suggestions to Mrs. Uy?
Type your answers below.

Mrs. Uy may prepare Benny for this huge milestone far before they start toilet training, I will
suggest that they should gradually start getting their child ready for toilet training. Start teaching Benny
some toilet terms, such as 'wee, poo, and I need to go.' They can also start putting wet and filthy
nappies on the potty while changing the child's nappy, this will assist Benny understand what the potty
is for. A potty is easier to maneuver than a toilet, and some children find it less frightening. The toilet, on
the other hand, is where everyone else goes to wee and poo. Allow their child also to observe Mrs. Uy
or other trustworthy family members using the restroom and discuss their actions. Mrs. Uy may start
placing training pants on Benny once or twice a day to help them comprehend the sensation of being
wet. To avoid constipation, I will encourage them to hydrate always and make sure that their child is
consuming plenty of fiber, because constipation makes toilet training more difficult.

Moreover, Mrs. Uy can encourage benny to use the restroom if they are wiggling, passing wind,
becoming quiet, or moving away from you. However, don't make the child go. When Benny switches
activities, inquire about going to the bathroom. Mrs. Uy may, for example, advise Benny to use the
restroom before eating lunch. They can also allow Benny to get off the toilet if he or hasn't done a wee
or poo after 3-5 minutes of sitting on the potty or toilet. It's best not to leave Benny on the toilet for an
extended period of time, as this will feel like punishment. And also keep note of or tell tips to Mrs. Uy to
praise or cheer Benny on the toilet milestone because it’s a great factor to praise or cheer Benny for
making an effort, like ‘’Well done for sitting on the potty or toilet’’ or “That’s great Benny” etc. As the
child masters each step of the process, gradually lower the praise. They can also teach Benny how to
wash hands after using the toilet, to keep their child clean and hygienic. Lastly, Mrs. Uy or other family
members and or babysitter to pay attention to Benny if he says they need the toilet straight away to
help avoid accidents

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