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FTQ022 – Fenômenos de Transporte II – Período: 2021/2, Data: 01/06/2022.

Docente: William Costa e Silva

Name: Lincoln Carneiro Fabar dos Santos Junior Date: 02/06/2022 Matrícula: 21951586
Name: Marcos Vinicius Frota Date: 02/06/2022 Matrícula: 21850597

Types of Energy Transfer Lab Simulation

The following activity uses the lab simulation found at:

Click on the go button. You’ll be taken to a page that looks like the one below. Click on the box
labeled “Systems”.

First Simulation: Faucet

You’ll be brought to simulation of a faucet, water
wheel, and container of water. In the top right
corner, there is an “Energy Symbols” box. DO NOT
select this box yet.

Click and drag the blue faucet handle toward the

right to start the flow of water. Wait for 20-30
seconds to observe what happens.
1. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Mecânica → Elétrica → Térmica

2. a. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Luminosa → Elétrica → Térmica

b. What happens to the energy transferred when you have lots of clouds?

A energia luminosa é bloqueada parcialmente ou totalmente se houver muitas nuvens.

3. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Térmica → Mecânica → Elétrica → Térmica

4. a. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Química → Mecânica → Elétrica → Térmica

b. What kind of energy is converted to waste energy by the bicycle? Térmica

What force is causing this waste energy? Força de atrito

5. a. In the picture below, energy is being converted to light a bulb. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Mecânica → Elétrica → Térmica → Luminosa

b. What kind of energy is converted to waste energy from the bulb? Térmica
6. In the picture below, energy is being converted to light a bulb. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Térmica → Mecânica → Elétrica → Térmica→ Luminosa

b. What kind of energy is converted to waste energy from the kettle? Térmica

7. In the picture below, energy is being converted to light a bulb. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Química → Mecânica → Elétrica → Luminosa

8. Observe the energy produced between the two types of bulbs below.

a. What is different about the energy produced between these two bulbs (A or B)?

A lâmpada A converte diretamente energia elétrica em energia luminosa. Enquanto a

lâmpada B converte energia térmica em energia luminosa a partir de um filamento.

b. Identify the bulb (A or B) that produces the least amount of waste energy.

Lâmpada A
9. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Mecânica → Elétrica → Mecânica

10. In the picture below, energy is being converted to heat water. What type of
energy transformations take place in this model?

Luminosa → Elétrica → Mecânica

After observing different forms of energy transfer, which form or forms of energy have the least
amount of waste? Justify your answer with evidence you have gathered from the simulation.

A forma de energia que apresenta menor perda energética é a energia elétrica. Existem formas
de isolar a transferência de corrente elétrica por meio de um material isolante, assim, reduzindo
as perdas por meio da energia térmica.

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