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Sec 1 Normal Academic General Science

Lesson Plan for 8th July (Friday) 2011
Subject: General Science Level (Class): Secondary 1 Normal (1N6) Class Size: 39 Leaning Environment: Classroom and white board Duration: 60 minutes (2 periods 0725-0830) Unit: Chapter 20 Photosynthesis Pre-requisite Knowledge Plants are able to make their own food through the process called photosynthesis Plant cells have chloroplast which contain the green pigment called chlorophyll (which traps light energy and enable plant to make food).

Specific Instructional Objectives At the end of the lesson students will be able to: State that plants are producers Write the word and chemical equation of photosynthesis State the raw materials for photosynthesis State the conditions needed for photosynthesis State the products formed in photosynthesis Instructional Materials Handouts for students Petri dish A piece of bread Decolourise leaf A piece of chicken Iodine solution Cardboards with words of chemical equation on photsynthesis

TIME TOPICS AND CONTENT ALLOCATED 10 minutes (0730-0740) Introduction Recap on plant cell that is different from animal cell. Students should be able to say that: - Plant cells have chloroplast which absorb light energy and enable plant to make food. Teacher will share that todays lesson is on how plants are different from other organisms such as animals and how plants make food. What are some of the materials and conditions that plants need in order to make food. Teacher to give instruction on todays lesson and the activities involved. Students will need to work in groups. Students to take out worksheet and get into their groups. Lesson Activity 1: Show students some pictures and ask them to answer the following questions in their group. Students should be able to identify that plants are food producers and they are found at the beginning of food chains. Thinking Activity Students will need to identify the relationship between the pictures and try to link them up using arrows. Students will also need to identity that the similarities between the two food chains, is that plant is at the beginning and they are food producers. 1 group to present their answers to activity 1.


10 minutes (0740-0750)

Power Point Presentation Handouts

10 minutes (0750-0800)

Power Point Presentation

5 minutes (0800-0805)

Activity 2: Part 1 Show students the diagram on photosynthesis and get them to answer questions 2a 2e in their group. Teacher to go through answer with class. Activity 2: Part 2 Students to go through activity 2 part 2 and given 3 minutes to write out the word equation as a group. The fastest group will have to find the words on cardboards around the classroom and paste them on the whiteboard. Activity 2: Part 3 Students to piece what they have learned about photosynthesis and put them into words. One group to share their answer. Activity 2: Part 4 Each group will be given 3 petri dishes: - A piece of bread stained with iodine solution - A piece of cooked chicken stained with iodine solution - A piece of decolourised leaf stained with iodine solution - 3 drops of iodine solution Students to complete the table Teacher summarise and emphasize: - Using the words iodine solution - Brown iodine solution - Blue-black iodine solution - Turned from brown to blue-black colour - Remained brown Teacher summarises and concludes learning. Students to write what they have learned (3 minutes) Homework (complete the quiz, go

Power Point Presentation Cardboards with words

5 minutes (0805-0810)

Power Point Presentation

15 minutes (0810-0825)

Petri dish, bread, cooked chicken, decolourised leaf, iodine solution

Power Point Presentation

5 minutes (0825-0830)


through the next lesson)

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