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The Godfather

Client: Aputure Date:

Project Title:

Audio (Dialogue, Voiceover, Sound FX) Visuals (Action, Props, Visual FX)

Michael walks into his dad’s at-home office,

he’s just a normal kid and his dad is a
normal guy. The world is gray and
desaturated, it has flat boring lighting, looks
like it is being shot on an iPhone:

Michael: “Hey Dad I got this permission slip

from school for a field trip can you sign it?”

Dad: “Let me see this”

He hands him the paper, Dad squints at it.
Dad: “I can’t read this can you hit the light”
Michael walks over to the light switch and
carelessly flips a black light switch labeled
with the Aputure logo.

*The Godfather theme begins to play* Suddenly we zoom into the paper and see
that Michael is going to the aquarium and it
will cost $20 for tickets. Dad sighs and sits
back in his chair, somehow, he is now
magically dressed exactly like Vito
Corleone in The Godfather. The room now
looks like it was light by a professional
gaffer He lets out a sigh and begins to

Dad: “I understand. You found paradise in

middle school, you had good grades, made
a good living. And you didn’t need a dad
like me. But now you come to me and you
say, “hey give me a permission slip and
$20 for aquarium tickets.” But you don’t ask
with respect. You don’t even think to call
me “Father.” Instead, you come into my
house, and you ask me to sign papers and
give you money.

We cut back to Michael to see him dressed

exactly a mobster in a suit and slicked back
hair he grovels and approaches his father’s

He kisses Dad’s ring.

Michael: I am sorry father--Godfather?

Dad: Good. Some day and that day may

never come; I’ll call upon you to do a
service for me. But until that day—accept
this permission slip as justice, on this
international ocean life day. He dramatically raises his hand to reveal a
signed and sealed permission slip and a
crumpled $20 bill he hands them to Michael
and Michael walks out of the room back
into the living room he looks around
confused wondering what just happened.
He walks away.

The camera blurs and we see:

APUTURE: Dramatically Different.


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