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Student Name Muhammad Usama Jamil (Fa-21-HND computing-009)

Unit number and Title Unit 16: Artificial Intelligence

Academic year 2022-2023

Unit Tutor Abdul-Rehman Ghazi

Assignment Title 1

Issue Date 07 December 2022

Submission Date 09 Jan 2023

Table of Contents
P1: Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business Process’ and ‘Supporting
Processes’?.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
P2: Compare the types of support available for business decision-making at varying
levels within an organization....................................................................................................................... 10
M1: Differentiate between unstructured and semi-structured data within an
organization............................................................................................................................................................ 14
M2: Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business intelligence
functionality:........................................................................................................................................................... 17
D1: Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software as a
mechanism for business processing:........................................................................................................19
D2: Compare and contrast a range of information systems and technologies that can
be used to support organizations at operational, tactical and strategic levels...............21
Slides:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
References:............................................................................................................................................................... 35
What is business intelligence?
Business analytics, commonly referred to as business intelligence (BI), is the use of data
analytics in the real world to make informed business choices. It is a general phrase that
encompasses many corporate information processing and management methodologies that
an organization may use.

Data analytics are used by business intelligence tools to help decisions in a variety of areas
of an organization's operations. Collecting data, processing, analyzing, visualization,
modelling, reporting, and forecasting are all included in this technology-driven
methodology. The firms are then given practical information to enable them to make
decisions more quickly and effectively than they otherwise could.
BI analytical programs are used by a hotel owner to get statistical information on average
occupation and room rates. Calculating the overall revenue earned by room is important. In
order to assess each hotel's competitiveness in various markets, it also gathers market
share figures and customer survey data. Management can provide discounts on room rents
by observing these trends over the course of a year, a month, and a day.

P1: Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business Process’ and ‘Supporting
What is business process?
A business process is a structured procedure used by a corporation to carry out everyday
tasks. Maintaining your company's organization and progress depends on its business
procedures. A company's utilization of a repeatable series of actions to achieve a goal is
known as a business process. Effective processes are essential for achieving your goals and
improving your operations. The purpose of a business process is to help your company
accomplish a particular aim. You may move forward with repeatable, predictable
operations in your company by using processes.
A good process meets three essential criteria:
Every process needs to be made repeatable. A method that you do not even intend to
repeat is called an action plan as opposed to an actual process. It's the line that separates
routine purchases from the purchase of an entirely new facility.
Processes must also be quantifiable so that you may evaluate their effectiveness. Phases of
an efficient process that track data allow you to assess performance and efficiency over
Processes with strict standards cannot hold up in real-world circumstances. To avoid
delays brought on by little alterations in the working environment, a process must be
adaptable to a variety of scenarios. If more significant or long-term adjustments are made,
a successful process should also be straightforward to modify.
Difference between business process and business functions:
Business functions and business processes are frequently misunderstood. Despite their
similarities, these ideas shouldn't be mixed together.
A business function is a group of connected tasks carried out by one department of your
company. A business function is made up of interrelated and challenging to distinguish
operations. For instance, managing and organizing your personnel as well as your hiring
practices are crucial corporate functions.
A business process, on the other hand, is a group of actions intended to produce a certain
result. The actions aren't always related to one another, unlike a function. Instead, they
band together to promote one particular outcome. For instance, your business could have a
procedure in place for worker retention that involves work from HR, maintenance, and
management with the goal of lowering attrition.
A business process is a group of loosely associated tasks with a particular purpose,
whereas a business function is made up of closely related actions with a general goal. Both
business activities and procedures are essential to a well-run organization. In actuality,
several functions will participate in numerous processes. In addition to many other
operations, the HR department would be involved in hiring, retention, and disciplinary
The importance of business process:
Business processes help your business stay focused, avoid errors, and increase employee
productivity. It is hard to guarantee that a task will always be accomplished in a similar
way without explicitly established processes. You incur the danger of inconsistent data
gathering, inconsistent legal paperwork that doesn't comply with legal standards, and
uneven quality of your products or services.
On the other hand, establishing protocols promotes consistency, allowing you to offer
higher-quality products, services, and customer service. When your company's business
processes are well-designed, it becomes more productive. When your staff members know
how to do things, they do tasks faster and with fewer mistakes.
Quality and efficiency are only two advantages of creating improved company processes.
Implementing business procedures has other benefits, such as:
Locating opportunities for improvement:
You must consider your present strategies while creating techniques and processes. During
the process, you will be given the option to both identify and address present problems.
For instance, if your procedures now rely on antiquated technology, you may upgrade them
to include more modern possibilities.
Decreasing costs:
By developing methods that are more efficient and speedier, you may save expenses for
your company. You'll conserve money on cost of materials up front and subsequently on
pay as your team utilizes less time on inefficient activities if you can identify ways to
eliminate waste.
Working towards long term goals:
The first step in revamping your current processes is to identify the tasks that your staff
must perform a part of their regular duties. You may develop new processes that include
actions that further the long-term goals of your company. If you make real progress toward
your goals every day, you have a better chance of completing them on time.
Example of business processes:
As an example, let's look at the hiring process for an HR department. The hiring process
involves various stages, beginning with advertising the job opening and concluding with
employee onboarding. The following is an example of a simple method, albeit it may vary
depending on the business.
 The HR manager publishes the job update.
 In a portal, many candidates apply.
 The HR manager evaluates the applicants and selects the best-fits.
 The chosen applicants are contacted for the recruitment's subsequent phases.
 At the very end of the hiring process, the ideal applicant is selected.
 There are wage and policy discussions.
 The candidate receives the offer letter and accepts it.

You may categories business processes into several "categories". Each organization is
required to develop one of four types of corporate procedures. The four factors are shown
below along with examples of how they might appear in actual life scenarios.
1. Operational processes
2. Supporting processes
3. Sales processes
4. Management processes

Operational processes:
Operational procedures are one of the most crucial elements of a business since they
directly generate and distribute products and services.
Product development:
The creation and ongoing improvement of your products is a part of the product
development process. This process varies depending on the company, but it adheres to the
same basic principles:
• The business has a chance to capitalize on a market opportunity.
• The development team suggests several solutions to the problem.
• A small number of potential choices are developed.
• Demos are tested to assess how well they work.
• The publication of one edition is created.
• The release's success is monitored.
The procedure is repeated each time the organization wants to improve, update, or create a
whole new product.
Now that your products have been created, it's now time to put them into production.
Manufacturing is often one of the most transparent and well-designed corporate processes.
Usually, it involves the following steps:
• acquiring materials;
• acquiring materials;
• turning the raw materials into a completed product by following a set of
predetermined steps;
• packaging the final
• turning the raw materials into a completed product by following a set of
predetermined steps;
• packaging the final product for distribution.
• the item's packaging and transportation to the pickup location.
You've undoubtedly observed how a company's operations may be improved by paying
careful attention to its production processes if you've any experience with the Lean
method, a corporate strategy that places a high focus on productivity and low waste.
 Depending on how your business is set up, the distribution process may or may not
be simple. Transporting items to an on-site exhibition is only one aspect of it;
navigating intricate international shipping restrictions is another. This process will
seem different for companies that provide both products and services.
 For instance, a service might be provided on your premises or at a customer's
location, while a product could be supplied to a shop, a distributor, or a customer
directly. Regardless of the business model you have, planning your delivery process
thoroughly will help you avoid wasting time, cash, and effort.
Supporting processes:
Supporting processes refer to business operations and divisions that seem to be crucial to a
company's operation but are not directly involved in product sales or delivery.
The current assets and liabilities of your business must be managed carefully in order to
maintain financial stability. Maintaining compliance with Internal Revenue Service and
other regulatory regulations also requires accounting. Maintaining copious records,
keeping careful tabs on bank accounts, loans, debts, and assets, as well as staying current
with regulatory obligations, are all part of the accounting process for many businesses.
Your organization needs the maintenance and cleaning staff even if they don't directly
impact sales. Instead, they do the required maintenance to avoid incurring additional fees.
They perform vital tasks that stop harm to your company's property and machinery.
Maintenance consists of:
 regular sanitization of your workplace.
 routine maintenance of manufacturing equipment.
Sales processes:
Businesses must sell their products in order to prosper; the sales processes are the steps
they take to ensure this happens.
The sales process refers to the steps a company takes to find a prospect and convert them
into a committed customer. The many steps which make up the total sales process are as
 Lead generation,
 lead validation,
 lead calling,
 negotiation,
 contract closure,
 customer retention is all included.
The design of every one of these subprocesses should complement your business strategy.
They complement one another to help you boost overall sales.
Despite frequently being a part of a lead generation sales subprocess, marketing is
significant enough to warrant establishing its own department in many businesses. In the
advertising business process, your goal is to boost brand trust and loyalty. Marketing
subprocesses may focus on several types of advertising, such as print ads, advertisements
on social media and web browser advertisements.
Customer service:
The customer support process is a part of the sales subprocess. Providing excellent service
to your current customers encourages them to make more orders from your company in
the future. Possible processes in the customer service process include learning about the
common problems that customers have, testing the most well-liked solutions, developing
original solutions for unusual situations, and following up later to make assured that
everything is operating as it should.
7 steps for business process lifecycle:
 Define goal
 Plan and map processes
 Set actions and assign stakeholders
 Test the process
 Implement the process
 Monitor results
 Repeat
Advantages of business process:
According to the Harvard Business School, a business method and its definition
institutionalize how work is done. Every participant in a reported business operation is
guaranteed to follow the same set of rules when carrying out their tasks. The time spent
training new reps is reduced by a business procedure. A corporate method frees up leaders
to handle extraordinary circumstances rather than ongoing operational problems. If a work
procedure is known for routine preparation, an operational problem can be identified more
quickly. Corporation processes allow evaluators to more quickly audit jobs to see whether
actions are in compliance with rules when a business is especially directed, such as a stock
financier organization. Communication between departments is improved by business
procedures since each division's responsibility is clearly defined. Additionally, following
procedures makes it easier to look for opportunities to save money. Each stage in the
process may be analyzed to determine whether it is necessary or completely unnecessary
and whether it can be completed more successfully over time.

Difference between automated and manual business process:

Auto business process: Manual business process:

It ensure businesses to carry out Manual process delivery is a reactive style

procedures more swiftly since bottlenecks of process execution that finds it difficult to
have been eliminated. scale effectively when demand changes.
Without delays, an organization may grow Errors, date discrepancies, and dangers are
to service more consumers and more likely to occur with manual processes.
Allows for accurate operating skills, Manual procedures are frequently more
minimizing mistakes and speeding up time-consuming and situation-specific.
The use of fossil fuels or paper is frequently Causes businesses to spend more time and
reduced, making products more ecologically money on low-value tasks.
Assists in capitalization on high value Paper is used more frequently in manual
activities by automating manual work. operations.
P2: Compare the types of support available for business
decision-making at varying levels within an organization.
Business management levels:
The term "Levels of Management" describes a demarcation line between several
administrative circumstances in an entity. The number of board levels increases inversely
proportional to the growth in firm size and labor force. A structure of leadership, the
amount of authority, and the level of prestige enjoyed by each administrative post are all
determined by the board's degree. The management levels are often separated by a chain
of command, with the founder or (CEO) at the top and operational managers at the bottom.
Lower-level managers report to middle-level managers, whose report to the top authority
in the company. Each manager carries out a range of duties and has different levels of
power and decision-making ability. The following is a list of the top three management

Top level of management:

The top level of management, often referred to as the administrators or managerial level, is
made up of the CEO or managing director and the the board of directors, whose functions
as a committee of a company's stakeholders. It is common for the person in control at the
top of the organization to be the one who founded, started, and/or owned it. They also have
the most power and decision-making ability. People in this position define broad goals,
establish procedures, plan and execute projects, and guarantee overall success. They
delegate duties to various managerial professionals and oversee all departments as well as
lesser levels.
The usual responsibilities of top-level management professionals are as follows:
 Make decisions about the broad policies, programs, and strategic goals.
 Create budgets, timetables, processes, and other duties that are particular to each
department and discuss them with lower-level management.
 To fill middle-level management jobs, such as running a department, appoint or
employ executive professionals.
 Give different leaders authority over distinct organizational divisions and segments.
 To make crucial choices, consult with other senior managers.
 Organize public relations and brand management.
 Inform investors and stakeholders about your job performance via correspondence.
 Encourage cooperation by offering advice, assistance, and encourage to other staff
and managers.
Middle level of management:
The executive level of management, often known as the middle level of management, which
frequently consists of branch and department managers. These professionals work under
the direction of top management and oversee each division's operations. They perform
organizational and directing duties while supervising lower managers. In large businesses,
the middle level of management may include both junior and senior managers.
The following are the usual duties of professionals in middle-level management:

 Manage operations in accordance with plans, strategic objectives, and instructions

from senior management.
 Create initiatives and plans for the areas they are in charge of.
 Manage the recruiting and training of lower-level management, or assist in it.
 By interpreting and outlining policies, mediate communication between upper-level
management and lower-level management.
 Send information and reports regarding the performance of the team and lower-
level management, the budget, and other operational factors to the top
 Utilize metrics and reviews to gauge how well junior managers are performing.
 Encourage lower-level managers to perform better by providing them with support.
Lower level of management:
Supervisors, section officers, superintendents, and other executives often make up the
lowest level of management, also known as the supervisory or operative level. To manage
and oversee regular, entry-level employees, these experts frequently work collaboratively
with the human resources department. Their main duty is to plan and carry out daily
workflow operations that guarantee the project's completion and deliverables.

The following are the usual duties of lower-level management specialists:

 Employers should give duties to workers based on their skills and capabilities and
create specialized assignments and projects.
 Employees should be aided, instructed, and trained in everyday tasks while having
any questions addressed.
 Ensure that the production is adequate in both quantity and quality.
 Encourage teamwork among employees while resolving conflicts and difficulties.
 Higher level management should be informed of employee requests and appeals,
and employees should be informed of higher-level management's objectives.
 Write job descriptions, look at applicants, and conduct interviews as part of the
hiring process.
 If necessary, use the termination procedure and disciplinary measures.
 Assure that workers have the equipment, resources, and tools they need to do jobs,
order supplies, and keep workspaces organized and functioning.
 Prepare performance reports for each employee and team member and provide
them to top management levels.
 Make sure the objective and voice are clear to the staff.
Difference between business management levels;
An organization might have a significant number of managers with various titles, levels of
power, and responsibilities depending on its size. The following are some significant
distinctions between lower, middle, and upper levels of management:
 Top-level managers, who are frequently owners and CEOS, have total control across
an organization and oversee and manage every facet of it.
 Middle-level managers, who are frequently heads of departments, are in charge of
carrying out organizational goals' plans of action and supervising lower-level
 Lower-level managers collaborate closely with staff members to carry out assigned
tasks, meet deadlines, and oversee daily operations.
Why these levels are important:
In order for the procedures to be as effective and efficient as possible, it is crucial for a
leader to comprehend the distinctions between the three management levels. An
organization benefits from the three management levels because they divide it into logical
sections. Leaders may make sure they are devoting adequate effort to every aspect of their
business by doing this. For example, they may have the following departments to help
organize their tasks:
 Production
 Sales
 Marketing
 Research and development
 Quality assurance
 Accounting and finance
 Purchasing
 Human resource
 Information technology
Employees and leaders may concentrate on specific duties and develop into specialists in
specialized areas by categorizing and organizing the activities of multiple divisions. Each
person can focus on what they do best, allowing the business to create the highest-quality
goods, offer valuable services, and streamline workflow.
Sales professionals, for instance, are specialists at generating leads and persuading
customers to purchase things, whilst marketing professionals are skilled at interacting with
consumers through promotional content. Specialists in quality assurance specialize in
making sure a product is secure and beneficial for customers, in contrast to development
and research professionals who may be specialists in conducting a study and trials.
M1: Differentiate between unstructured and semi-structured
data within an organization.
Unstructured data:
Un - structured data lacks a predetermined data model or is not specified in terms of
organization, making it a poor fit for the a conventional relational database. Because of this,
unstructured data may be managed and stored on a variety of platforms, and businesses
use it in a variety of analytical & BI applications. In IT systems, unstructured data is
becoming increasingly prevalent. The amount of unstructured data in our surroundings is
far bigger than the amount of structured data. Data that is unstructured cannot be kept in
such a row-column database because it lacks a matching data model. Take an email's
content as an example. Businesses often abandoned unstructured data because it was
challenging to look for, handle, and analyze because it lacked structure. Unstructured data,
however, is now easier to process because to the proliferation of artificial intelligence and
machine learning.
Photos, video and audio, text documents, social media postings, satellite images,
presentation, PDFs, open-ended survey responses, websites, and contact center transcripts
and recordings are all examples of unstructured data.
Instead of spreadsheets or relational databases, unstructured data is often stored in data
lakes, NoSQL databases, applications, and data warehouses. There is a wealth of
information in unstructured data that is already accessible and that artificial intelligence
systems can evaluate automatically. Because of technology, unstructured data is becoming
a crucial resource for organizations.
Pros of unstructured data:
Limitless use:
Unstructured data is very adaptable since it lacks a clear purpose. It may be used to several
forms. Unstructured data may be produced through social media postings, video, audio,
and free form text, whereas structured data is confined to Excel spreadsheets with rows
and columns. Because of this, unstructured data is advantageous for producing more use
cases and apps than structured data.
Greater insights:
Un-structured data does have an unmatched capacity to yield paradigm-shifting
discoveries. Since a company includes more un-structured data than structured data, it has
a higher volume of data to work with. Unstructured data may provide any firm a major
competitive edge, but it is considerably harder to analyze.
Cheaper storage:
Data lakes are where structured data is kept, and accessing them may be expensive and
time-consuming. On the other hand, unstructured data is kept in data warehouses, where it
is inexpensive to keep and simple to retrieve.
Cones of unstructured data:
Requires expertise:
Due to its ambiguous/non-formatted nature, unstructured data needs data science
understanding to process and analyze. This benefits data analysts, but alienates non-
specialist business users who may not fully understand complex data challenges or how to
use their data.
Data analytics tools:
A user can utilize Excel to extract insights from structured data. Traditional business tools
cannot be used to manage unstructured data. A company has to make the appropriate data
analytics tool investment if it wants to benefit from unstructured data. Tools for data
analytics are not all made equal. Data analysis is aided by several tools that use artificial
intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technology.
Hard to analyze:
Businesses have been using structured data for years, and it has been easier to utilize.
Anyone with a basic understanding of data may access and evaluate it. Unstructured data is
difficult to manage. To take it from its raw state and derive value from it, it needs qualified
data scientists and analysts.
Numerous format:
Unstructured data can be found in many different formats. When analysing and using
unstructured data from a number of sources, such as emails, social media posts, and
medical records, it can be challenging.
Semi structured data:
Semi-structured data is information that isn't kept in a database but has some
organizational traits that make it easier to study. Semi-structured data exists to conserve
space even if some of it may be particularly challenging to keep in relational databases.
There are three types of data: structured, unstructured, and a third type that effectively
blends the two. Semi-structured data is the type of data that has specific distinctive or
recurring characteristics but doesn't follow a strict structure in the manner that one would
expect from such a relational database. The content is still flowing as a consequence, but it
is easier to organize thanks to specific organizational features like semantic tags or
One such example is email messages. Even if the content isn't ordered, it does contain
structured information like the sender and purchaser's names and mailing addresses, the
time the message was received, etc. Another example is an image taken on a computer. The
image is not organized, but if it had been taken with a smartphone, it may have had
geotagging, a device ID, and a time and date stamp. The image may also receive labels with
such a structure, such as "dog" or "pet," after being saved.
Benefits of semi structured data:
Difference between unstructured and semi-structured data:

Properties Semi-structured data Unstructured data

Technology It is based on XML and It is based on character and
resource description binary data.
Transaction management Transaction is adapted No transaction management
DBMS not matured and no concurrency
Version management Versioning over tuples or Versioned as a whole
graph is possible
Flexibility It is more flexible than It is more flexible and there
structured data and less is absence of schema.
flexible than unstructured
Scalability Its scaling is simpler than It is more scalable
structured data
Robustness New technology not very
Query performance Quires over anonymous Only textual quires are
nodes are possible possible
M2: Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business
intelligence functionality:
Key features of bi:
You may easily create and produced a report using a straightforward interface without the
assistance of IT. Reports can be programmed to be delivered automatically on
predetermined schedules. To send reports when specific conditions are satisfied, create
built-in alerts.
When a certain requirement is satisfied, utilize conditional formatting to emphasize
specific cells in reports. You can filter, drill down, spin, filter, rearrange columns and rows
add totals, and more when interacting with different report views when interactive
reporting is included.
Advanced analytics:
Advanced analytics may be used to alter and examine complex data. Regression analysis is
made simpler by looking at the relationships among independent and dependent variables.
If you're unsure of how a choice may affect your firm in the future, conducting a what-if
study using historical data may help you predict potential results. You may use what-if
analysis tools to unbiasedly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each decision.
Scenario comparison with dynamic parameters is supported by modern BI tools as well.
Perform statistical analysis utilizing sophisticated features like kurtosis, kurtosis, mean,
median, mode, and more.
Data visualization:
Using visually appealing and interactive data visualizations, you may present complex
information in simple ways. BI tools like Tableau and Power BI can effectively display data
to create sophisticated representations.
Executive dashboards give the executives of your company a real-time view of your
business through the use of graphs, charts, reports, and other information reports.
Visibility and readily available graphics may help executives make more informed
decisions more quickly and efficiently.
Drill-up and drill-down abilities can be used to examine multidimensional, hierarchical
data. Other built-in capabilities like scaling, sorting, searching, tooltips, and highlighting
enable you to interact with the dashboards and find useful data.

Data management:
Data management includes the preparation, blending, investigation, and cleaning of data.
By integrating many different data collections, you may create a new one.
Discover trends, patterns, features, and areas of concern in the data by investigating it, and
then utilize visualization tools to depict them. Use OLAP operations like drill-up, drill-
down, and slice and dice to make complex data analysis simpler.
Data integration:
A BI solution won't work if it can't connect to the available data sources. The right analytics
platform provides superior native connection to accelerate analysis regardless of where
the data is hosted.
You can quickly query the database without writing custom code. It should seamlessly
integrate with the actual data strategy without requiring further investments or disturbing
your current data architecture.
Connectivity to several platforms is made possible, including big data and e-Commerce
platforms, ERP and CRM software, and more.
Data mining:
Data mining is the process of dissecting data to find useful instances and nuggets of
knowledge. Organizations may analyze data from numerous sources to find trends using
the bundled product. Given the vast amounts of information that are currently available,
businesses use large data executive arrangements that may develop smart data mining to
provide them with knowledge to make informed decisions. Recently, associations have
benefited from the increased accuracy provided by information mining software. Executing
information-digging operations for a variety of firms is now much simpler and more
effective as a result of the continuous breakthroughs and enhancements in these kinds of
tools. Information control functions, such as drilling down to different semantic layers of
information, slicing and dicing data through organizing and separating, and a vast array of
others, which were previously exclusively reserved for knowledgeable knowledge
examiners and researchers, could now be made available to non-specialized end users
through an external device or within the application itself.
User-specific security:
let's say you would like to control who has access to what data sets. Your BI features and
apps must be able to be customized for individual individuals or groups of individuals that
are utilizing your BI system. Some systems provide user-specific data sources, which let
one application get data from a variety of sources according to the user.

D1: Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software as

a mechanism for business processing:
Application software:
A sort of programming known as application software runs in response to user requests.
Framework programming paved the way for application programming. High level
languages are widely used to create machine programming. In programming, there is a
special purpose for it. The fact that the term "application programming" has such a broad
definition is one of its most important considerations. That's pretty much it. Any client
software is commonly referred to as a "application" in this sense. Thus, the common
proverb "there's an application for that." The word "application programming" is
frequently used to refer to collections or packs of individual programming apps, whereas
the term "application program" is used to refer to a single application. This is because
"programming" is typically used to ask for many different programs, but "program" relates
to a discrete, quantifiable single unit.
Each piece of software that is installed on our mobile devices and computers has a certain
function. Prior to anything else, it's critical to comprehend how application software and
system software differ from one another. The coding and programming used by the
different parts of the device to interact with one another is called system software.
Every second, millions of orders and instructions are transmitted from one component to
another, and this communication is made possible by the system software. Additionally,
because everything takes place inside the device itself, the user of the device doesn't really
directly interface with or utilize the system software.
Application software, on the other hand, is that which a user directly employs in order to
finish a certain task. There are many distinct benefits and drawbacks associated with this
form of software, which must be installed individually on a device and frequently contains
interfaces that allow communication between both the machine as well as the user.
Benefits of using application software:
 Their one and only advantage is that it precisely satisfies customer expectations.
Client understands that he must use one explicit programming to complete his task
since it was expressly prepared in light of one rationale.
 Businesses that make use of it could limit access and think about methods to keep a
closer eye on their activities.
 Constant updates by engineers for licensed application development were given
under the pretext of health. The engineer also sends workers out on a regular basis
to deal with any potential problems.
 The likelihood of viruses infecting handcrafted initiatives may be low as long as the
business that supports it can restrict access and should provide you with a plan to
safeguard their location as well.

Drawbacks of using application software:

 For engineers, creating application programming with clear objectives may be quite
costly. In particular, if significant effort is used on a service which is ultimately
worthless, this might have an effect on their expenditure and source of income.
 Application programming, that is utilized often by many of us, carries a genuine
danger of being infected by a bug or other malevolent projects when it is made
available online.
 The development of them necessitates constant, time-consuming contact between
both the designer and the funder. This slows down the entire growth process, which
might be harmful in some situations.
 A particular company venture's e-programming program is unlikely to be closely
coordinated with the other well-known programming. This may prove to be the
toughest challenge for some offices.

Examples for application software:



DATABASE SOFTWARE Oracle, MS Access etc.

SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel

MULTIMEDIA SOFTWARE Real Player, Media player

PRESENTATION SOFTWARE Microsoft PowerPoint, keynotes

ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE Customer relationship management


SIMULATION SOFTWARE Flight and scientific simulators

D2: Compare and contrast a range of information systems and

technologies that can be used to support organizations at operational,
tactical and strategic levels.
Bi techniques:
First off, with the help of these technologies, anybody can now do data discovery, which
was previously only possible with the knowledge of sophisticated analytics professionals.
Furthermore, these tools provide authors with the knowledge they require to accomplish a
variety of goals, including growth, the quick resolution of pressing problems, the
centralization of all author data, the forecasting of future results, and much more.
The Sisense business knowledge gadget could perhaps be appropriate for you. Anyone
inside the author association may manage enormous and complicated datasets as well as
analyze and visualize this data without the involvement of the author IT division thanks to
this simple-to-use tool. It allows you the option to combine data from several sources, such
as AdWords, Google Analytics, and Salesforce. Additionally, because it uses in-chip
technology, information is handled much more quickly than on other devices.
Dundas BI:
Dundas BI is a versatile, browser-based business intelligence solution that enables users to
instantly connect to a wide variety of data sources. It provides excellent visualizations in
scalable charts, tables, and graphs that can be seen on computers and mobile devices. Users
may also create custom reports, drill down, and analyze specific performance data. Dundas
offers assistance to businesses of all sizes and in a variety of sectors.
Microsoft power BI:
An online business inspection tool set called Microsoft Power BI goes above and beyond in
terms of information depiction. It contains brand-new connections that let authors step up
their game in campaigns and lets customers identify slants continually. Microsoft Power BI
may be accessed from almost anywhere because it is online. Customers may also integrate
their apps, deliver reports, and maintain continual dashboards with this software.
 Top level management are using strategic decision/unstructured data.
 Middle level management are using Tactical decision/ semi structured data.
 Low level management are using operational decision/ structured data.
Strategic levels:
Effective managers achieve more than simply figuring out how to make money and sell
things. In addition to managing the routine tasks of selling, they also consider the big
picture and make decisions that will move the firm in the right direction. When the goals or
mission of an organization drive decisions, this is referred to as key fundamental
leadership. This type of fundamental leadership controls decisions, tailoring them to the
organization's goal. Chiefs must think about potential future circumstances, which calls for
creative problem-solving. These circumstances will determine the direction a company will
take. For instance, the manager of a dog food company notices that dog owners demand
more high-quality, fresh foods rather than kibble that lasts 10 years on the shelf, even if
such kibbles provide a similar dietary advantage. The mission of the company is to sell the
best dog food possible and to be the greatest organization in that regard. The manager
decides to relocate the organization's goods to emphasize freshness in order to adapt it to
changing wants and needs of its clientele. True, this means a shorter usable lifespan, but as
dog owners are more than prepared to pay extra for fresh, high-quality food, it also means
a higher total revenue.
Tactical levels:
These options correspond to the use of key options. They work together to develop
divisional strategies, streamline workflows, establish communication channels, and secure
resources including labor, supplies, and money. At the executive level's core, these
decisions are made.
Operational levels:
These options reflect the undertaking's standard business practices. They briefly see the
skyline before becoming blank. These decisions rely on the facts in light of the
circumstances and don't call for a lot of commercial judgement. Lower tiers of management
make operational decisions. Data frameworks should be focused on the process of
administrative fundamental leadership since the data is necessary for assisting the director
in making wise, informed decisions all around.
Difference between strategic, tactical and operational levels:
Strategic levels Tactical level Operational level

Long-term decisions are Every day, tactical decisions Operational decisions are
strategic ones. are made. not made regularly.
When it comes to future These decisions are focused These decisions are based on
planning, these are taken on the near future. the medium-period.
into consideration.

The company purpose and These are chosen in These decisions are made in
vision are taken into accordance with operational accordance with both
consideration while making and strategic decisions. strategic and administrative
strategic decisions. considerations.

These are connected to the These have to do with how These have to do with
organization's overall workers work for an manufacturing.
counter planning. organization.

These relate to These pertain to the welfare These are connected to

organizational development. of workers in an manufacturing expansion
organization. and production.

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