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Should Euthanasia Be Practiced?

- Euthanasia—the proper term for mercy killing—is the practice of intentionally

ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. This assumes the patients
are aware they are going to die, and in some cases, they must administer the
poison themselves. This is also called assisted suicide.

- Euthanasia should be practiced because, it reduces the amount of tragically

self-inflicted suicides, it gives terminally ill patients a painless death, and their
vital organs can be saved and used to save other patients.

- Euthanasia and assisted suicide, although legal in a handful of countries in

the world, are one of the most debated issues in the modern world,
particularly in countries where previously fatal illnesses or deficiencies ceased
to be so.

- In Latin America, the only country in which euthanasia - not assisted suicide -
is legal is Colombia, and limitations on practice illustrate the care with which
the issue is treated.

- Euthanasia is not a possibility for minors or for people suffering from a

degenerative disease.

- In order to "die with dignity" in Colombia, you must be of legal age and the
doctor must declare you terminally ill. In addition, you have to be conscious or
have stipulated your wishes in a verifiable way before losing consciousness
and who will take care of your death will be a doctor.

- Terminal diseases not only affect the body. The indignity caused by the
deterioration of the normal functions of our body can have painful
psychological consequences. Some believe that it is immoral to force the
terminally ill to continue living if they wish to die. They say that if the patient
thinks that pain and suffering is greater than the value of his life, the most
ethical course of action is compassion, that is, assistance to die in peace.

-To numerous people, quality of life is more important than the length of the life.
The patients who request euthanasia are going through unbearable pain that others
who had never gone through it won’t understand. The bystanders think it is better to
live, but the patients themselves see death as a way to end their intolerable pain and
to give them peace.
- Not only does legalizing euthanasia not significantly shorten life, it’s been proven
to actually save lives.In other words, giving a nationwide go-ahead for doctors to
legally end their patient’s lives actually halved the number of unwanted deaths.

- Most people would be shocked to think economics factored into their

life-or-death decisions, in America: According to CNN, one in every four
Medicare dollars spent goes to the five percent of beneficiaries in the last year of
their life. The upshot of this is often crippling debt for the families of terminally ill

-By allowing people to choose the how and when of their death, we’re guaranteeing
they’ll live what remaining life they have to the fullest, free from the pain of anxiety.

-When we think about death, most of us imagine passing serenely away surrounded
by our loved ones But death isn’t like that. Death is usually slow, painful, and
undignified. And by refusing people the “right” to end their own lives, we’re
increasing that pain and indignity to a horrifying extent.

The famous maxim “do no harm” is a summation of the Hippocratic Oath—an

ancient code designed to guide doctors in their actions. ”When a patient is in intense
pain or suffering severe mental anguish, our society could be doing more harm by
keeping them alive than allowing them to die. In extreme cases Tony Nicklinson and
Paul Lamb argued that any physician who didn’t alleviate their suffering when asked
was violating the principles of their oath—and allowing both great harm and a great

In some countries like Holanda and Belgium, euthanasia is legal, like also assisted
suicide; obviously, is a very restricted process. In those countries, children have the
possibility to make euthanasia since 12 years old; children between 12 and 15 years
old, need the parents consent, between 16 and 17 years old, need their and parents
consent; children with 17 years old, only need their consent.

In Colombia’s case, the last year was allowed that children since 6 years old, can
make euthanasia. In Colombia, euthanasia is called “Death culture” by
conservadores and religious people. Since was legalized in 2015, only 40 people
have taken the desition to die worthly.

We conclude that is better quality than quantity, that is, you can live 90 years badly
lived or you can live 50 years goodly lived. Of course, this is a suposition, but the
idea is be aware that we have right to die worthly and we all should think about this,
and should support euthanasia, some day we might need it.

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