One Sentence Novels+Two Sentence Scary Stories

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Her eyes were like a september oak leaf, green, gold, brown and most definitely dying soon.

“I’ll see myself out,” she said after saying the wrong name at the altar.

She clutched her dog's collar while Dallin laid him in a hole. She would have cried if it was her
first death in the family, but this was the last.

As we both spun around the corner with weapons drawn, I saw he had a crucifix identical to my
mother’s, and I wondered which of us would hang on the right side of the cross today.

So she sat on her porch swing waiting for questions no one would ask, keeping stories no one
would believe.

She saw every billboard in Times Square with her face next to his, and wished she had listened
to her mother’s advice.

Alone in the front row of a ruinous amphitheater he thought he saw the Play of Life directed by
God, in all its tragic glory.

Her ID was in question, owing to the fact she was born one eon after the last end of time and
one infinite second before the beginning of the next.

Poor Today, since she was constantly being robbed by Yesterday, she never had enough to pay
her debts to Tomorrow.

She stared at the flashing neon sign outside the bedroom window, praying the blue and pink
flashes of Midtown would disguise her tears so he couldn't see them.

Scary stories
“Quick Hand me your weapon, there’s a patient on the loose!”said the other guard “and call it
in!”. Walters called dispatch immediately,the response crackled over the radio “Walters… you’re
the only one on duty tonight.”

The sailors stood solemnly as they stared at the biggest whale they had ever caught. Well, at
least the half that had bite marks in it.

She knew she should love him, which made her sigh loudly as she folded the insurance papers
and poured a drop of mercury in his daily black coffee.

“Go ahead, pick it up sport” he motioned to the ground where it had fallen. Todd sputtered and
gasped as he reached for it, desperately trying to put his severed eyeball back in his skull.
The boy clutched his dad’s hand while he attended the funeral. The father was too busy
mourning his only son to notice.

They told him the fish-spa would tingle a bit. He pulled his hand out only to realize he no longer
had one.

The sergeant stepped out of the tent to see Pvt. Johannas keeping watch. The private turned to
salute his officer, revealing the same buckshot in his forehead that had killed him the week

She stared down the dark hallway and felt uneasy, so she locked the apartment door behind
her. “Good idea” the stranger on her couch said, licking his knife.

You stare down your doppelganger, fists ups ready to take your life back from the imposter. As
you raise your hands into the light, you see a translucent barcode just under the skin of your left

Her date’s eyes seemed cold,and in the moment when he smiled painfully she was certain the
last woman’s hand he had ever touched was severed.

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