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Today was a very important day for John.

For about four weeks, John tried to

translate a book. The unique style of writing and the fact that it was an ancient
book was enough for John to pay attention to. However, the translation process
was as painful as injecting pain directly into the brain. It was because all the
sentences in the book were made up of complex codes. Even a joke had a
profound meaning. Fortunately, John's patience was so great that he succeeded in
translating all his books.
At first it was curious. So when he found out that the book was a 'magic book,'
he became more interested in it. The author of the book warned that the magic
spell in the book has such a powerful force that even ordinary people can have
an enormous magical effect through magic spells. John laughed at the author's
warning. Who believes in magic these days? But he focused more and more on the
book. Well, magic was a fascinating study anyway!
There were many magic spells in the book The magic of making money, the magic
of making love come, the curse, the healing, the attack, etc. At first he thought it
was a joke, so John recited the magic spell of making money without any
preparation. At that moment, with a terrible sound, suddenly money began to pour
out of the air! At that time, John really thought he was going to die of money.
Using a barely returning spell, everything was turned to its original form. The
magic spell was real!
So what did John do when he found out? The answer is, he has begun to pay
attention to the magic of youth.
The magic of youth was the magic spell in the last chapter of the book. This
magic had the power to make users young and strong. When John examined a
little more about the principle of this magic spell, it was designed to exchange the
user's physical characteristics with the victim's physical characteristics.
'Exchanging physical characteristics?' John wondered. Who would use such an
order? Surprisingly, there was. Those who used this spell were ancient old leaders.
Afraid of death, the old leaders used this spell on the warriors of their choice. As
such, the old leaders were able to get hard muscles, strong physical strength, and
a little youth from the warriors. Perhaps it is to raise the authority of the leader.
Clearly, John never intended to cause trouble. At least he had no intention of
harming anyone. But this magic spell was so attractive to John. Because, like the
old leaders, John was born weak. John, a 21-year-old college student, has never
felt healthy for himself in his life. thin limbs and weak bodies like dry branches;
about 5'5" tall; pale skin. He had never exercised properly in his life. Only the fact
that he is handsome and that he is good at studying was the pride. But he saw
the best athletes and thought he wanted to be like them. In particular, he envied
his roommate Alexander.
Alexander was also a college student who attended the same college as John. He
was popular with many students as a good athlete. For John, however, Alexander
was just an ' arrogant athlete.' Alexander always bothered John. John couldn't
resist him at all. How can John beat Alexander, a 6'8" tall athlete like a
bodybuilder of 350 lbs? Moreover, Alexander's muscles were the body John
dreamed of. But today will be different. He had a spell.
On that day, Alexander returned to his room late in the afternoon. The clothes
were soaked with sweat, and the muscular body was exposed on the clothes. He
threw his clothes into the room and went into the shower. John watched Chuck
Alexander closely as he studied. Soon hot steam came out of the shower, and
Alexander's imposing body was visible behind the opaque glass partition. The
opportunity is now.
This magic spell only worked when two people were naked. John took off all his
clothes and went quietly into the shower. He calmed down and stood behind
Alexander with great tension. Oh, my God, he was surprised. He had never seen
Alexander so close. John swallowed a sting. The huge chest muscles and abs, the
huge height, made him look like a giant mountain

"What the fuck, you piece of shit. What are you doing right now?”

Then Alexander looked back and frowned. John had a hunch. Now! John shouted
the magic spell at once.
The moment John shouted the magic spell, suddenly everything around him turned
gray and began to move very slowly. Only John could maintain his color and move
as usual. Then a black smoke came out of John's mouth. The black smoke, which
floated through the air as if alive, opened Alexander's mouth and went into it.
John trembled with fear, but the magic spell kept shouting. If you finish your
magic in the middle, something terrible might happen. Meanwhile, black smoke
went deeper into Alexander. John could feel at one point what Alexander felt. He
felt 'connected' with Alexander.
John had a strong fear of what happened the next minute. Alexander's body began
to shrink little by little like a balloon! The thick Alexander's arms tapered like
branches. I thought I could hear something with my arm. John thought Alexander's
arm looked as if he were looking at his arm, and soon realized that John's own
characteristics were being transferred to Alexander's body. His thick thighs and
calves became weak as well. No more ten-pack abs, no greater chest muscle, no
deep-brown skin, no wider shoulders and back. Even solid cock and testicles have
been reduced to small pieces. Yes, in the same size as John's. The next thing that
decreased was height. Alexander became as short as John.
At the end of Alexander's change, a ball of jelly escaped from his mouth. They
came into John's mouth with no time to do anything. John swallowed the jelly of
light. He felt suffocated, but Jelly kept pouring into John's mouth. Soon after
swallowing all the jelly of light from Alexander's body, John felt hot. No, it was an
First of all, John's height began to grow. John looked at the mirror in front. He
was still thin, but now he is the same height as Alexander. Next was the muscles.
John groaned as he felt heavy all over his body. Huge mountain-like chest
muscles, broad muscular shoulders and back, ten-pack abs, deep Brown skin.
Arms and legs looked as if they were bodybuilders, and physical strength was
overflowing. Oh, my God, is Alexander always living in this feeling? John could
understand why he was arrogant. He felt he could do anything.
Soon black smoke escaped from Alexander's body and returned to John's. The
moment John gulped down all the black smoke, the world returned to its original

"Wha....What's this?! What's going on?!”

John saw Alexander. He was looking up at John with a terrified face. He felt as if
he were looking at himself a little while ago. John smiled a sizzling smile.

"Take a look at the mirror."

At John's words, Alexander looked in the mirror behind him. he realized what had

"You... you took everything!"

"Maybe so."

As surprised as Alexander was, John was very surprised at his strong body. There
stood a perfect bodybuilder, looking like John. No, it was John himself. John
himself, who gained Alexander's muscles and stamina. He raised his right arm and
bent his elbow. As the sleeping beast woke up, 22 inches of biceps rose. He
touched his biceps with his left hand. It was like a rock.

"put it back!"

Then Alexander shouted again. John looked at him. The high-pitched voice was
not threatening at all. Maybe Alexander felt this way too.

"If you don't put it back, I....!"

"heh, do you think you can do?"

John surprised himself. The deep voice seemed to be very threatening, even
though it spoke lightly. At the words, Alexander also surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to threaten you. But think carefully. do you think
you can ask for now?"
"That...that's not it, but..."
"I have the right to lead. So you have to obey me."

John reached out to Alexander. Alexander suddenly remember the actions he had
done. Yeah, I've been beating John up the ass. Alexander, who thought so much,
immediately closed his eyes. But unlike what he expected, John patted Alexander
on the head.

"I'm not you. I don't return violence to violence. But you'd better follow me for a
"What can I do?"
"I've got something to do first."

John turned the water on at once.

"Let's take a shower and think about it together."

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