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IB English HL I

Dr. Malashewski

Self-Assessment: Fall 2023

As we come to the end of the semester, I want you to take time to engage in some self-reflection.
Consider your growth so far this year as a reader of literature by responding to the following
questions. Aim to write at least one full page, double-spaced.

1. Broadly speaking, how has IB contributed to shifting your approach to reading and/or
thinking about literature? What work of literature that you’ve engaged with this semester best
exemplifies this change?
- IB has certainly challenged me to question literature and understand it on a deeper scale. Not
only have I thought deeper about the meanings behind certain works, but also the impact
literary devices and diction play in achieving a certain tone or message. Before this course, I
rarely paid attention to the voice of the author and failed to understand how their choices
could alter my experience as a reader.
2. What specific reading and/or writing skills or strategies have you developed / refined?
- The most significant skill I have been focusing on is writing concisely. I’ve learned that strong
writers do not need to write hundreds of words to convey one message. Rather, it is important
to be direct and clear on the point you are trying to make and learn to support that without
dragging on the issue.
3. Discuss some evidence of how you have developed as a reader and/or writer. What best
demonstrates your development as a learner and why?
- I feel my annotations demonstrate my ability to comprehend literature on an improved skill
and display my ability to question not just observe. Before this class, I was successful in
identifying symbols within text and hidden meanings, however I could never create
thought-provoking questions and question the author myself. By now challenging the author’s
choices and questioning the cultural context of their texts, I have grown as a reader which in
turn has helped me as a writer.
4. What skills and/or knowledge do you want to improve in, and how might you do that? Set 1-2
specific goals for next semester.
- The most important aspect I want to improve on is referencing texts more when attempting to
convey an argument to provide an added support and work towards a more reliable claim. I
also aim to re-read passages more to ensure I understand the topic I am learning and grasp it on
a deeper level. This way, I will be more prepared to writing about my takeaways and
establishing a strong understanding.


Submit this self-assessment as part of your learner portfolio (it’s on your checklist for check-in #2).

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