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1. Describe how organisms cooperate or compete to maintain balance of nature in the environment. Include how
do they adapt and survive in their interdependent relationships with one another

Organisms participate in a subtle dance between cooperation and competition to maintain the natural equilibrium
within their surroundings. Symbiotic connections, in which species benefit from one another and promote overall
ecological balance, are a clear example of cooperation. For example, flowering plants and pollinators depend on one
another for reproduction. On the other hand, competition results from creatures vying for scarce resources such as food,
territory, or mates, which promotes natural selection and increases the adaptability of species. In these interdependent
connections, adaptation is essential for survival; organisms develop features that optimize their fitness within their
ecological niches.

To effectively utilize resources or elude predators, species may evolve specialized roles or behaviors. Because of the
ongoing struggle between cooperation and competition, organisms are able to negotiate a dynamic web of relationships
and develop enduring strategies that promote biodiversity and resilience.

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