Yka Dictionary Yakan-Pilipino-English 1987 PDF

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Yakan - Pilipino - English

Compiled by
Janet Pack and Dietlinde Behrens


in cooperation with
Bureau o f Elementary Education
Institute of National Language
o f the
Ministry of Education, Culture and SporXs
Manila, Philippines

Additional copies o f
this publication
may be obtained from:
Box 2270
Mani 1a

Yakan-Pilipino-English Dictionary
50-21-1286-5.5C 82.120-864054N
ISBN 971-18-0051-9
Printed in the Philippines
SIL Press

This dictionary is intended for the use of Yalian schoolchildren, for

teachers, and for any other speaker of Yakan who is learning Pilipino or
English, or who wishes to refresh his memory of these languages.
Since it is intended primarily for speakers of Yakan the Yakan word
stands first in each entry in bold type, followed by the Pilipino, and then lastly
the English. Colons (:) separate the thee languages from each other.
e.g. ampu: ap6: grandchild
Synonyms are given and these are separated from each other by commas:
e.g. bahani: pangahb, waling-takot: brave, bold
Where the Yakan word has more than one meaning the alternative meanings
are given underneath the main entry:
e.g. batang:
-batang kayu: pun&: trunk
-batang sulat: abakada: alphabet, letter
-batang, mabeya': gusto: want
Yakan words, especially verbs, may have different. forms:
2.g. IQOSO'. mqkoso'. kinoso'an, takoso'an, pagkoso' etc.
These forms consist of s root koso', and affixes ng-. mag-.-in-.ta-. -an. pag-
etc. In this dictionary I have not given all the different forms of a word
because a Yakan speaker already knows them, and because in most cases
they do not change the meaning of the root. All the above forms of koso' may
be translated by some form of rhe verb hugas in Pilipino and by some form of
the verb wash in English. There are some exceptions. For exampie. under lahi
you will find the following entry:
e.g. lahi: tumakas: run away
-maglahi: magtanan: elope
-ngaiahi, Behihan: umagaw. agawin: abduct .
The forms lahi, maglahi and ngdahi have different meanings and are
translated by different words in Pilipino and English.
Since Filipino has a similar grammatical structure to Yakan. namely, its
verbs also consist of roots and affixes, I have given in most cases the root first,
followed by the affixes with which it may occur. The affixes are in brackets.
e.g. hugas (mag, in)
This neans that there are forms maghugas and hugasan and that these may be
inflected in the usual way according to the rules of Pilipino grammar:
e.g. maghugas: naghugas. naghuhugas, maghuhugas
hugasan: hinugasan, hinuhugasan, huhugasan
In English there are basically two kinds of verbs, those which form their
past tense by adding -ed or -t;
e.g. wash: washed
and those whose past tense is formed by a change of vowel:
e.g. fall: fell
I have given the past tenses of the second kind;
e.g. drunk (drank)
but not of the first kind since they are regular. Irregular plurals of nouns are
also given:
e.g. foot (,feet)

T h e Yakan alphabei used here consists of the following letters: -
a,b,d,e,g,h,i,j,k,',l,m.n.o.p,r,s,t,n,w,y.The raised comma o r apostrophe, ',
signifies glottal catch. All other letters hzve roughly the same phonetic value
as their National Language equivalents.
In writing Pilipicc 1 have followed the conventions of a grave accent f')
to mark final glortai catch:
z.g. ugali
and of an acute accent (') to mark a stressed syllable when it is irregular:
e.g. ash, mura
When both accents occur on the same syllable the result is an upside down v
(-1 :
e.g. lara
T h e Yakan vocabulary for this dictionary was collected during a two-
year period of residence in Badja. Lamitan, Basilan, under the auspices of the
Summer Institute of Linguistics, Philippines Branch. The Pilipino material
was taken from two excellent dictionaries:
English-Tagalog Dictionary: Leo James English C.Ss.R. Dept. of Education of
the R.P. and Commonwealth of Australia 1965
Talahuluganang Pilipino-Ingles: Jose Villa Panganiban. Maynila Kawanihan
ng Palimbagan 1966
May 1973
-amban kew?: saan ka nang-
galing?: where have you been?
abu: ab6: ash -inambanan, ta'amban: iwan,
abut: maiwan: leave (left) behind
-urnabut: umab6t: 1. extend. ambat ne: hindi bale: never mind
stretch; 2. be enough ampu: ap6: grandchild
-talabut: dating (um): arrive, get anak:
to -anak leila: anak: son
addat: ugalS custom, habit -anak dende: anak: daughter
adjak: lara (mag, in): play, have fun anan: alis (mag, in): take away,
agad: hintay (mag, in): wait remove
agama: relihiyon: religion anda: asawa: wife
agew: agaw (urn, in): snatch, grab, andang: luma: old
seize andel: tiwali (mag, an), asa (um,
ahat: kauntii a little an): trust, rely on
aka: sabi (mag, in), malaman: tell angkut: lipat (mag, i): move, shift
(told) ani
akila: arkila lum. in): rent -pagani: pag-aani: harvest
akkal: :sip. pag- sip: rhough? :n- antag: saan: where:'
tellect antan: hawak (um. an): hold (heldj
-ngakkal: d a y i !mag. uml. ioko -ngantan sara'. rupad ium, in),
(man. in): deceive. trick manungkulan: hold office. govern
a'a: tao: person, people apo: apog: lime
alal: sanssla (urn, in): be prevented arak: halos, kamantb: almost
alata',ata': kayamanan: wealth, asa': has$ (mag, i): sharpen
riches ase k
den: pangalan: name -palasek: pasok (urn): enter, go
aleng: uling: charcoal (went) in
ama: galit. m u r i (mag, in): be -inasek semmek: suot (mag, i):
angry, scold dress, put on clothes
am ban ase': habag, awa: pity, sympathy
-amban Lamitan: galing s a -malase': maawa: be sorry for
Lamitan: from Lamitan - ka'aseb-ase': kaawbawi:
pathetic, pitiful, wretched
asin: asi'n: salt ha'ul: kahan: chest
astel: gali't: annoyed, angry haldi: baide: bucket, pail
asu: aso: dog hales:
atawa: o: or -bang hap: gumanti' (in): repay,
atey: puso: heart pay back ,

awe': oo, op6: yes -hang la'at: gantihan: revenge

apa: matuto: learn balik: balik (mag, urn): c o m e back,
-binalik bissa: magsabing mulP
badja': a r a r o (mag, in): plough -binalik, turan: ibalik: return,
had ju' give back
-badju' dende: blusa: blouse balu: balo: widow
-badju'lella: kamisadentro, baro: balut: hila (um, in): pull
shirt banes: marami: a great many
bagat: seradura: lock bang: kung: if, when
bagap: kaibi'gan: friend Sangbang: galvetas: cookies
bagid: posporo: match bangka': bangka: boat
-5a i bagid: kasapuwego: match- hangsa:
box -lahi: race
baha: balikat : shoulder lip.) tribe
hahagi': 'sahagi (mag, inj: share -bans$: nation
h a h a . mag;: 5u;oilen hangun: ~ z m u k a w gun~ising:
. wake
bahan: gaw5 (urn, in): work. d o \woke) up
hahani: pangahas, walang-takot: hanta: kaaway: enemy
brave. bold bantuk: any& hitsura: appearance.
hahdii: bariles: barrel. drum shape, color
hahi': matandH: old baran: katawan: body
bak basag: m a l a k k : strong
-pabak: hi$ [urn. ma): lie down basak: palayan: rice-field
hakat: hiwi, sugat: cut, wound
-bakal: iron
bakuna: pagbabakuna: vaccination
-alambre: wire
ba'ahu, baha'u: bago: new
basse': basl: wet
ba'an: kamag-anak: relative
batad: mais: corn bentel:
bata': bati: young -bentel (Ian): diretso, tuwi'd di-
batang: rect, straight
-batang kayu: pun& trunk -bentel si bissa: tuwi'd: correct
-betang suht: abakada: alphabet, benmu: tabako: tobacco
letter bersi: bolo, matsete: knife (knives)
-batang, mabaya': gusto: want beteng: buko: young coconut
batik: anyaya (nag, an): invite . bettad: lagiy ((mag,i, an): put, place
batik-batik: bantdy (mag): watch betteng: t i y k : stomach
bat-: basa (um, in): read betteng, song, nganak: buntfs:
batu: bat6: stone, rock pregnant
bawaag sfna': bswang: garlic bettis: pai: foot (feet)
bawl: baboy: pig bewan: am6y (mang, um): smell
baya': bad
-mabayi1: gusto: like, want beutu: bangka": boat
-magbaya': mamahalzi: be in bibang: kaliwa": left
charge, have authority over bidda': ibi, magkiibb: differ, be
bayed: bayad: pay different
bayu: bay6 (mag, urn. in): pound bigi: but& seed
bayu': klase: kind bihing: tab? side
beddut: bunot (urn, in): pull up, -si bihing: sa tabi: beside
uproot hill%:kuwarto: room
begumbun: alikab6k: dust biln: aslil: blue
behe: bibrg: mouth bimbft: bitbit (mag,in): carry
bellli: dam& grass binaning: diliw, buliiw: yellow, gold
beliyu: hangin: wind, air binasa: parusa ,(mag, an): punish
bella: lut6 (mag, in): cook binihi: binhi? seed
beUk bili (urn, in): buy (bought) bingkok: baluktb: crooked, bent
-magpabelU: bili (mag. ipag): sell bira: lika (urn, i): turn round
(sold) . bfsm: kahit: even, even if
bengngl: bang6 (urn): sme!l nice bisu: bingr: deaf
bennal: tot&: true bissa: d i t t : speak, talk
-mo'o bisu: kumausap: talk to
biyabns: bayabas: guava
bohat: mabigit: heavy buwn': bunga: fruit
bohe': tubig: water buwang: prito (mag, in): fry
bo'o: dala (mag, ~ n ) :carry, bring, b u w s : big&, kanin: rice
takc buwey: uway: rattan
bono': buwibud: umikot, magpaikotin:
-mono1: patay (um, in): kill rotate, revolve, go round
-magbono1:laban (mag, um): fight buyu': hikayat (mang, urn, in):
bowet: bitin (mag, i): hang persuade
budjang: dalagd: girl, single woman
bugtu': sigurado: certain, sure
buhew: lubag (um): sink
buhslk: mabul6k: rc:, rotten dnddaii': dal? a little while, a short
bukag: ingay (ma, mag): noisy. time
make a noise dagang, magparagang: mangalakal:
bukut: likbd: back sell, deal in
bukut: malihan sa: except dagey: 1 x 6 (mag): play
bu'us: dahu': muna: first
-tapon (mag, i): throw out da'a: huwag : don't
-bun6 (mag, i): spill da'ag: talo (um, in): defeat
bulak: lupa: earth, land, soil da'ak: utos (mag, i): tell, order,
bulan: buwan: moon, month command
bulawan: ginta: gold da'awa: magpahindi? refuse
huli': puwi't: bottom dalum: karayorn: needle
bulu: b u i l j k : hair, feathers dangan-dangan: bawa't is8: each
bunglen.: banlaw (mag, an): rinse danganakan: pinsan: cousin
bunsi: ayaw: not like, hate danta': liwanag, ilaw: bright, light
bunut: bunot: husk dapu': may-arc owner
busel: masahe, hilot: massage daran: madalis: often
butas: datag: pantiy, patag: flat
-pabutas: daan (mag, um, an): dawa: dawa: millet
pass dawen: dahon: leaf (leaves)
-magbutas: magdiborsiyo: get dayahan: mayaman: rich
divorced dayil-dayi': magmadall? be in a
buwahan: lansones: lansones h u n y , hurry
debuhi': kagabc last night -magduse: magkasala: sin, do
dehelln: una (magpa, ma): go ahead wrong
deheng: tumigil, huminta: stop dusts': kasinungalingan: lic. decei:
delidak: laba (mag, an): wash the duwa': ilagay: load
clothes, do the laundry duwa'an: karga: load, cargo
delos: relbs: watch, clock duwa'i: babd (um): get down, get off
dembnli: huli, sa hull': last, behind
dembus: bua, lahit: whole
dempong: kalahati: one end. one
half ebbut: ap6y: fire
dendangan: is6 (mag): alone eddek: hasik, tanym: plant
dende: babae: Noman eddo': kuha (urn, i): fetch, get
di: sarili: self eggas: masunog: b u m
diblu: libro: book ekka: marami: many, a lot
dikf: maliit: small. little ella: asaa7a: husband
di'ilew: kahapon: yesterday eilet: sa pagitan: between
dinding: dingding: wall ellew: araw: day, sun
digalem: l06b: inside ellurr?: buhdy: alive, living
dyata': itak: up, above, upstairs engko: bunt6t: tail
diyawa': ibab6: down, under, enna': ligpit (mag, i): pat away
downstairs ensini':kanina: earlier, this morning
donga': bangon (urn, milg): get up esset: al~a!a (mag, e r l : think of.
duddag: mahulog: drop miss, remember
dugpak: magkasalubong: meet esso: busbg: full, satisfied
-at: and
-ng, sa pamamagitan ng: with, by
means of gaddung: berde: green
duma'in: hindi? not, no ga'i: hindi? not, no
dunga: mundo: world gdlang: galLng: bracelet
dupang: masam3. gago: bad, stupid gamut: ugit: root
durnl: b u m a b l : come down, ganagana: mamay3: later
descend gangu: tuya: dry
duse: kasalanan: sin, fault
gantf: hall: mrtgpahingi: rest
-pagnntI', m a ~ g e n t i ' : magpslit iiuagkan: kay2: therefore, for that
take turns, substitute rt-ason
g i n a n l i ' a n : magpalitan: change, hangkan-hangbn: tuw? every time,
replace every one
gapas: buiak: cotton hap: mabuti: good
gastu: gasti (um, in): spend hap: sa: to
gata': gata: coconut milk haren: hagdanan: stairs, steps
gatas: gatas: milk hatu: baka: maybe, perhaps
gawang: pintuan: doorway hatul: mabuti: good
giling: giling (um. in!: grind -maghatul: magkumpuni': repair,
gilirgan: gilingari. kiskisan:
' mend
mill hatus: d a h : hundred
gindew: malungkot : lonely hayep: hayop: animal
goma: goma: rubber hebba': mahulog: fall (fell) over
goyak: alon: wave helling: tunog: sound
g u b c l r ? ~ : gubyerno. pamahalain: hellu: halo: pestle
government hidjul: ingay (ma, mag): noisy.
eulangac: gubat: iorest make a noise
guna: gamit (urn, in): use higad: sa tab: beside
gunting: gunti'ng: scissors higtd: banat (mag, in): stretch
guru, pu: eur6: teacher hiket: ubo (urn, in): cough
guwa : h a n g : gawQ (urn, in): w x k . m a k c
-paguwa': lumiraw: c o ~ n z out, holen: holen: marble
appear hukum: hukom: judge
-magguwa', ngangguwa': palabas: hunit: mahirap, mahal: hard, dif-
bring out ficult, expensive

hadja: lang, lamang: only ibu: libo: thousand

hadje: rnalaki': big, large impen: ngipin: tooth (teeth)
haget: mahigpit: firm, secure indam:
haggut: magin6w: cold
-ngindam: humiram: borrow
-malindam, magpa'indam:
magpahirim: lend kaba'-kaba': paruparo: butterFlv
Indan: alaala: remember kabusu, kalabusu: bilangguar..
inday: aywan ko: I don't know prison
h e : ano: what? kabew: kalabaw: carabao
ingge: saan: where? kaddsyan: karinderiya: cafe
inggehin: alin: which'? kahaba': bawa't, lahat: every
ingket: tali (mag, an): tie. tie up liahagad: maniwald: believe
inin: ito: this (these) kaha': kawal? frying-pan
insellan, isellan: langi's: oil kahawa: kap6: coffee
inum: inom (urn, in): drink (drznh! kahan: kah6n: box
inusan: nagutom: hungry kakan, mangan: kain (um, in): ear
ipat: alagi (mag, an): take care of ka'at: sirs (ma): break (broken)
isab: din: also kalabasa, kabasa: kalabasa: squash
isi: ipasok: put in, fill kalas: rosas: pink
ishlan: paraalan, eskuwela: school kaldero: kaldero: pot, pan
isun: usap (mag, pinag): discuss kale:
ittem: maiti'm: biack, dark -pakale: 1) makinig: listen
itung: bilang (mag, in urn): count 2) sumunhd: obey
itu': ito: t!is (there) -takale: rnarini'g: hear
iya': NyS, mahiyain: shy. ernbaras- kamanakan:
sed, hshan~ed -kamanaknr? leila: paniangkiilg:
iyan: iyan: that (rhose) nephew
jambangan: halaman, t a n k : plant -kammakan dende: pamangking:
jan: dahilan: cause niece
jari: kamatis: kamatis: tomato
-manjari: mangyari: b e c o m e , kambing: kamrng: goat
happen, so kanawan: kanan: right
-makajari: puwede: it's possible. kanta: k a n t i (um, in): sing (sang)
can kapa: palak61: axe
-papanjari: lumikhd: create kapan: sahi'g: floor
jingga': morado: purple, violet kapatut: kapangyarihan: power,
jip: diyi'p: jeep authority
kapap: papaya: papaya kr-pak. ,lair ::;:ag, ptg--ar; split,

h p e , ngape: gising (urn): wske ck divide

kappa]: bapor: ship kesuwa': pulot (ma, nlzka): find
krrangat: gana, sigl2: fel1 like Leyn~ut:bulhng (um). whisper
karga: karga: baggage, load keytan: patrng: shark
karut: sako: sack kimbu: nankibugha: be jealous
kasap: magasping: rough l i h e : kabys: clam
kassa': garap6n: jar, bottle kimmat: aTa (um, an): think, intend,
haram: katam: plane expect
katas: papel: paper klput: makip6t: narrow, small
katei: katC itch kite: mikita: see (saw)
kawin: kasil (pag!: wedding kohap: hapon: afternoon
kayu: kahoy, punong-kahoy: wood, kok: ulo: head
tree kokko': kila, lika: crooked
kayu': bagay: item, piece kole': malus6g: well, better
keddew: magbalak: arrange, make kole': magawa, magtagurnpay:
an appointment manage, succeed
keddut: magulat: surprised. startled -ga'i tako1e'-kole': pilyo: naughty
keg: tuwi (pagka): joy, happiness kopras: kopra: copra
kehet: maglagar? cut. saw koral, ngoral: matigas: be stiff, rigid
kekehet: lagari: saw koso': hugas (mag, an): wash
kekkeb: kagat (urn, in): bite kubul: libing (mag, i): bury, grave
Lellong: leeg: neck kuwe': katulad sa: like
kellu: garnas (urn, in, an): weed kuwe'itu: ngay6n: now
kemmut: lam6k: mosquito kuhi: pinapayagan: allowed,
kemon, kamemon: lahat: all permitted
kemuwe: mulP: since kuhita': pugitsi: octopus
kemunti': kamote: sweet potato kuhun: kugon: cogon
kemuntr-kayn: kamoteng-kahoy: kukut: kam6t (mag, urn, in): scratch
cassava, manioc kukut lahing: kayod (mag. um, in):
kennn: isd3: fish grate
kennel: malarnig: cold kulang: ilan. kulang: few, shori of
kenya: ibi, magkaibi: differ. dif- kulayit: petromaks: p r e s s u r e
ferent lantern
Irulitis: rebentad&: fire crackers lakkes: rnabills: quick
h l t i : magpagupit: have hair cut la'at: masam2 bad
kumpaniya: kompaniya: company la'i: dooon: there
kudt: narangha, bulaw: orange la'it: tahr (urn, in, man): sew
hnsi': sus? key la'uk: d a m : viand
kupad: talop (mag, an): peel, pare fa'us: tul6y (mag, i, magpa): go on,
kupung: bal6n: well continue, proceed
bra': kabayo: horse Ida: maanghdng: hot, spicy
hral: k u d : pen, corral ldan, Ian: d a m : path, way, trail
kusta: pato: duck lalem: malalim: deep
kutu: kuto: louse (lice) laley: pinggan: plate
kuwit: balst: skin, bark (of treci lmba:
kuya': tsunggo: monkey -pilyego (papel): sheet (of paper),
page, leaf
-piraso (salamin): sheet
lambo: mdunod: drown
laba: murang-mura: a good bargain lamma: mahini: weak
hbanos: guayabano: guavano lampa: lag2 (mag, i): boil
labey: daan (mag, um, an): pass lampung: m a g a h : light
labi: lal6: more landes: malakas: heavy
labo': patik (urn): fall (fell) landing:
-palabo', pabo': tal6n (urn, in): -palandingan: paliparan: airfield,
jump down airport, landing
-ngalabo', ngabo': ihulog: throw lanes: malantd: wither, withered
down, throw out langew: langaw: fly
ladjab: malapad: wide, broad langgung: kabrt (mag, um, i): join,
laha': dug& blood be joined
Ishat: bayan: place, country langi: langoy (mag): swim
lahi: tumakas: run away langit: langit: sky
-maglahi: magtanan: elope langkew: matab: high, tall
-ngdahl, Uehihan: umagaw, Imgo:
agawin: abduct -1ango (we'goyak): maduwal:
Iahing: niy6g: coconut nauseated
lakas: tapon (mag, i): throw away -1ango (we'inum): lashg: drunk
lanjal: tul6y (mag, magpa, i): go on, lepohan: kalin, pug6n: stove
continue leppf: tiklbp (mag, i, in): fold up
lansa: lantsa: boat, launch lesss: pandamdiim: feeling, taste
lansag: pakb: nail lessem: maasim: sour
lanu': makinis: smooth lessu': butas: leak, leaking
Iapat: mapuna: covered lettu: tanghall': midday, noon
larak: gib5 (mag, i): pull down, Ilbut: libut (magpa): go round
demolish ligu: bilao: winnowing-tray
lareg: rnadulk: slippery Ifkung: bilbg: round
h a : ibig (pag, um, in), maha (pag, Iris: kayod (mag, urn, in): grate
ma, ka-an, mag, in): love linda: lipat (mag, i, um): move,
laya': magulang, ripe, mature transfer
Iayang: lumipad: fly Ifadem: madilim: dark
lebbak: labik, lambak: valley, Ilngm: tawag (urn, in, an): call
hollow Ungka': iwan (mag, ma): miss out,
lebbi: tirang (pagkain): leave (left) jump over
over linsungan: lusbng: mortar
lege: puna: covered, dirty hag: ora: hour, o'clock
lekkat: loho': sabiiw: soup
-kopiya (um, i, in): copy lola': lara (mag): play, joke
-palays (mag,in): release, redeem lombog: mabagal: slow
Iekkeb: takl'p, panakrp: lid, cover loroy: lunbk (um, in): swallow
leklas: link (mag, um, in): wash, lowang: butas: hole
clean lubak: pa16 (mam, um, in): beat
le'iye: luya: ginger lubid:
lele: gumapang: crawl -pis?: string
lella: lalaki: man -pill' (mag, um, in): twist
leman: mahipiin: shy. feel shy lugi': lug2 a poor bargain
lemmek: mataba": fat lugus: bunga: betel nut
lemmun: lagnit, sinat: fever Iuha: malawak: broad, extensive
lenga: linga: sesame luka: b u k b (mag. an): open
lengngan: lak6d (mag, um): walk lukban: lukban: pomelo
lengngen: bisig: arm In'a: diyan: there
lepas: nawal3: lost luma': bahay: house
lunglun: buij: whole, entirely meto'a: biyanan: parent-in-law
luntud: tulak (mag, i): push mettetto'a: magulang: parent
lunuk: malamb6t: soft metu'uhin: no6ng matagil na: long
lura': lur2 (um, i): spit ago, in old times
lutu': baon: packed lunch meyong: pus$: cat
luwd: lag? always miskin: mahirap: poor
luwas: l a b b (um): come out, go out rnital: Iata: tin can
Iuwe: mukh3: face mitsa: mitsi: wick
miya'an: iyon: that (those)
mundu: tulisin: bandit, outlaw
makanak: kabataan: children, madali! easy
young people mura: cheap
makina: makina: machine mustakero: muskitero: mosquito
ma'in ngay6n: today net
mdeta: maleta: suitcase
mdtilyu: martilyo: hammer
mamis: matamfs: sweer
manamal: masyado: very nabi: propeta: prophet
mangan See kakan nahut: maliit: small, tiny
mange': umih? urinate nakanak: bati: child, baby
mani: mani: peanut na'an: dini: here
manuk: manok: chicken nangka': nagki: jackfruit
man&-manuk: ibon: bird napas: hiningi: breath
manusiya': sangkatauhan: mankind, magnapas: humingP: breathe
human race narka: impiyerno: hell
maras: pipino: cucumber nina': mamayang gab? this evening
masa: panahon: ~ l d times nipis: manipl's: thin
mastal: maestro, rneastra: teacher niya': may, mayroon: there is, there
mata: math: eye are
mat. bessi: talim: blade niyawa: kiluluwi: soul, spirit
mata': hiliw: unripe
mellek: dag3: rat, mouse
memes: hand2 ready, get ready
pandey: saniy: clever at, skilled in,
ohat: pandi: malig6: bathe
-ohat laha': ugiit: blood vessel, pang ant in:
vein -pangantin lella: nobyo, bagong
-ohat paglessa: nerbiy6s: nerve kasal: bridegroom
olom: poste: post -pangantin dende: nobya; bagong
onot: hila (um, in): pull kasal: bride
oro': kampl't: knife pangey: sanga: branch, bough
panji: watawat: flag
pantalan, pantan: pantalan: wharf
pantalun: pantalon: pants, trousers
pagal: kuril: pen, enclosure pa nyitu: pany8: handkerchief
pagen: matibay: strong, durable papa: pisngc cheek
pages, mages: bawal (mag, ipag): papa': ngumuyg: chew
forbid papan: tabld: board, plank
pages: masipag: hard-working yzpu': ap6: grandparent
pahi$: magwali's: sweep -papu'lella: lolo: grandfather
papahid: wali's: broom -papuldende: lola: grandmother
paku: hingl" cum. an, in): ask for para: para: stop
pa'a: hita: thigh, leg paraholes: sitaw: string beans
pa'in: sabi (mag, in): say pas: samb: bad
-pa'inne: sabi niya: he [she) said pasan: pahati'd: send a message
pa'it: mapair: bitter past?: maliwanag: clear
pala: pala: shovel patey:
palanggana: palanggana: wash-bowl -matey: mamatay: die
palansa: plantsa: iron -mapatey: pumatay: kill
pal&: palda: skirt patikuwan: tasa: cup
paley: palay: rice patta': larawan, ritrato: picture
pana'ik: payam: tingin (urn, an): look at
-umakyat: climb payew: usa: deer
-pumanhili: go up, come up payung: payong: umbrella
panas: mainit: hot peddang: hampas (mang, urn, in. i):
pandak: maigs? short strike
peddi': sakFt: hurt. pain pisak: putik: mud
pegge: bat& pebble pisang: pinya: pineapple
pege': kasF because pitaka: pitaka: purse
pekkeng: pagod: tired piye: i l h : how many
pellnn: m a l u g a : greet, welcome -pipangan: il$n: how many
peloget: tumawad, manawaran: pogpog: h a m p k (um, in): hit
bargain po'on: pinagsirnulain, pinagmulin:
pene': source, beginning
-pumiE, mami!C choose pole': umuwi? go home
-bukod {mag. i): sort (of rice) polong: nabalC broken, in half
penno': pun& full -magpolong, pong: sibik (mag.
peppik: 2akpak: wing urn. in): chop
peseta: beiilte sentimos: twenty pote': putf! white
centavos powase: mag-ayuno: fast
pesong: la16 na, mas: more. powente: tul6y: bridge
especially p u g d : itl6g: egg
pessa': durog 'urn. in. ma): smash pu': pula: isla: island
pessek: bulag: blind punas: punas (mag, an, i): wipe
pessi: :agB. kawii: fish-hook pungla': punld: seedling, grow from
petekka: kung minsan: sometimes seed
pettak: tumulo: drip punglu': pungla: ammunition
peyat: mapuli: red pungtina'i:
pi: pumunti: go -pungtina'i lella: kapatid: brother
pidju: sulok: comer -pungtina9idende: kapatl'd: sister
piha: hanap (mag. in): look for punjung: tukt6k, talukt6k: top.
pikil: isip (mag, in): think, thought summit
pilak: putus: balot (mag, i): covering,
pera: money wrapping
-plata, pilak: silver puwa': huli (um, in): catch
pilma: pirma (um. an, i): sign puwas: pagkatapos ng: after
pinda: bag0 (mag, urn, ma, in): puweblo: bayan: town, city
change, move
pinggan: pinggain: dish
pinta: pintura. pinta: paint
sali': pareho: same
-salung: umagd: morning
sabab: sama: arni: father
-tungkol sa: about sambi':
-dahil sa: because -nambi': 1) utang (urn, mang, in):
sabit : borrow, get a loan 2) magpapalrt:
-bat? (mag, um, in): greet change (money)
-bali (mag, an, i): warn -magsambi': magpalit: exchange
sabet: darno: weed sambung: sagor (um, in): reply,
sabul: magulo: untidy answer
sabun: sab6n: soap sampang:
sabut: intindi' cmaka, na--an): un- -pasampang: salubong (urn, in):
derstand meet
saget: ha16 (mag, in, i): mix -magSampang: magkasalubong:
sagnat: sabit (mag, i): hang up pass
saka: sampay: hanggang: until
-saka lella: kapati'd: (elder) sanam: insekro: insect, creature
brother sandal: tiis cmaka. makapag): bear.
-saka dende: kapati'd (elder) endure
sister Sangem: gabC night
sakey: sangka. ranggap (urn. in): receive
-pasake?: sakay (mag, urn, ani: sanglag: binusa: roast
ride, get on sanglit: humanga: admire
-nakey: isakay: give a lift ro sanpawa: damft na panloob: un-
saki: saki't: sick derwear
sa'i: ina: mother sape':
sala': pagkakamali? mistake -pasape': hiwalay (um. an):
saiamin, samin: .alami'n: glass separate, part from
sali: -magsapel: maghiwa-hiwalay:
-sali lella: kapati'd: (younger) separate
brother sapew: bubong: roof
-sali dende: kapatfd: (younger) sapi': baka: cattle
sister -sapi' lella: baka: bull
-sapi' dende: baka: cow
sara': bat&: law simana: lingg6: week
sarang: hust6, tama: enough sin: pera, sentimos: money, centavo
saruk: sumbrero: hat sina : insik: Chinese
sasa': mag-away: quarrel sinapang: baril: gun
sasang: samantala: while sinduwe: i l h : some, part
sawal: p a n t a h : pantas, trousers sine: sino: who
sawan: baso: glass sine-sine: sinuman: whoever,
sawe: ahas: snake anyone
sawe': kasama: companion sing: gilid: edge
saye: taw6 (um, mag): laugh sinna: masaya: happy
sayul: gulay: vegetable sinsim: singsfng: ring
seddepan: kanlurnn: u . ~ s ~ sipilyu: sipilyo: brush
seddi: tagiluan: side siya: silya: chair
seddi, seddili: iba: different, sokal: asukil: sugar
another solon: laki' ng tubig: high tide
sekulati: tsokolate: chocolate songad: tulak (mag, i): push
selluy: umagos: flow songot: pawis (mag, an): sweat
sessep: sips+ (ilrn. in,: suck, sip songsong: mamay2 na: in a while
si: sa: to. at suba': wawa: mourh of river. estuary
si ( alen a'a): si ,'ni / kay:- subay:
-disi: sina nina ,'kina:-
/' -kailangan. dapar: inus:. ought
sibrryas: sibuyas: onion -pero: but
siggew: \cxklot (um, in): catch, seize, subu: madaling-araw: dawn
grab suhuk: makapal: thick
rigpit: mahirap, makip6t: tight, suhul: binata: young man, bachelor
difficult sudda: kuwenta. bale: worth, value
sigup: sigarilyo (man, mag): smoke sugley: suklay: c o m b
-sigupan: sigarilyo: cigarette sukey: bayad (mag, an): pay
siku: siko: elbow -pagsukey: bayad: fare
siit: suku: katangian, likas: nature. cha-
-sfit lella: tiyci: uncle racteristic, what belongs to it
-siit dende: tiya: aunt sukud:
silangan: silangan: east -sukat ( u m , in): measure
sili. si: sili: pepper -suwerte: luck
sukul: magpasalamat: thank
sulat: sulat (um, i, an): write, letter
suley: tikim (um, an), sub6k (urn, tnbang: tulong !um, an): help
in): try tabas: tabas (um, in): cut out
sulga': langit: heaven tabu': serado: closed in
sulig: lumaga: grow tagam: bihasa, sanay: used to
sulut: sumang-ayon: be content, taluk: biyoleta: purple, violet
agree talus, tawus: ag6d: at once, im-
sumbali', sumbayi': patay (mag, um, mediately
in): slaughter, butcher tanem: tanrm (mag, in): plant
sumiyan: kailan: when taring: iylk (um. mag, an): cry
sumping: bulaklak: flower tebba: kati: low tide
sumu: bukas: tomorrow tebbeng: put01 (urn, in): fell
sumudde: sa makalawa: day after tebbu: tub6: sugar-cane
tomorrow tebiyn': makiraln nga pa: excuse
sundalu: sundalo: soldier me
sung: tayo na: let's go tebu'an: palengke: market
sung?: dumumi': have a bowel teggel, tiggel: matagil: a long time
movement teginep: managinip, mangarap:
snpaya: upang: so that, in order that dream
suru': kursara: spoon -peteginep: panaginip: dream
snsu: suso: breast tehumpa': sapatos: shoe
-nusu: sumuso: nurse tekka: dating (urn): arrive
-magpasusu: magpasuso: nurse tekkey: buy& pepper leaf
susun: sisi (mag): repent, regret te'ed: talagi: really
sutla': sutli?. seda: silk tendewan: bintan$: window
suwala: tinig: voice tenerol: tinidor: fork
suweldo: suweldo: wages, salary tengge: taya (um): stand
tengnga': gitnl: middle
tenna': tira (urn, an): live
tenne: maginfiw: cold. chilled
tennun: habi (mag, urn, in. i): weave
tetihup: sip01 (urn, an): whistle
teuws': nasalp6k: hit
teyma': tanggap (urn, in): receive tugsuk: iniksiycin: injection
tibag: bat6 (um, in. i): throw tuhan: Div6s: God
tihu'uk: buG: whole, all tuhut:
tihup: humihip: blow -sama (urn, an): go with, ac-
tiksa': magtil's, magdusa, kahirapan: company
suffer, hardship -sun6d (um, in): follow. obey
tilam: kuts6n: mattress tu'u: dito: here
tilew: tanong (mag, in, i): ask ( a tu'un: tumpak (mag. i): right.
question) correct
tilud: tuwiil: straight tu'ut: tuhod: knee
timan: diborsiyo: divorce, get di- tulabuk: salo (um, in): catch
vorced tuli: matulog: sleep
timbak: baril (um, in): shoot tumbaga': tans& brass
timbang: timbhng (mag, um, in): tumbu': lumaki': grow, growing
weigh turnpuk: salanstin, tump6k: pile
-magtimbangan: mamagitan: tuney: tinik: thorn
mediate tungan kew: saan ka pupunta:
timbul: ligtas (mag, i, ma): save, where are you going?
rescue turul: sunod (urn), habol (um, in):
tina'i: bituka: innards, intestines follow, pursue
tinda: rinda: store tuwaliya: tuwalya: towel
tingko': up8 (um, ma): sit. sit down tuwas: matigas: hard
tipey: butones: button
tipun: tipon (mag, in): gat her
tiyanggi: palengke: market-place
toho': tuy6: dry u: puluhan: handle
to'o: toto6: true ubag: bao: coconut shell
tolang: ubas: tumakbo: run
-tolong kenna: t i n k : bone ubus: tapus: finished
-toiang a'a duk hayep: but6: bone udji': hamak (um, in): despise
to': tur6 (mag, i, an): teach ujud: bunga, kinalabasan: result
tud: balifc (mag, i): return u'an: unan: pillow, cushion
tudju: sa may bandh: towards ulan: ulap (urn): rain
tugpa': talon (um, in): jump off uling mata: hi16: dizzy
urnbu: us6k: smoke
urnew: pipi: dumb
umul: buhay: life
umus: buhangin: sand
ung: ilong: nose
untnl: mabuti, tam$: good, right
-rnagpauntul: magkumpuni:
repair, put right
untung: kita, tub6 (mag, in): profit,
sell at a profit
upa': ngumangi: chew betel
urung: bigay (mag, i, an): give
usba: kamag-anak: relative
usik: lut6 (mag, i): cook
usuy: sisiw: chick
uta': sukd (mag, um, i): vomit
utang: utang: debt
-ngutang: mangutang: borrow
utek: utak: brain
uyat: saging: banana

we': ---:by
we'ey: bakit: why?
Yakan English

1 2 3 1 2
ku aku ku I me
kew ka'u nu YOU YOU
iye iye ne he /she /it him /her / i t
kite kite te

kami, kayi kami. kayi kami, kayi we

ka'am ka'am bi YOU you
siye siye de they them
kite bi kite bi te bi

1 2 3
ako akin ko si Yakan, Pilipino. Kastila
ikaw. ka iyo mo duk Inglis
siya kanya niya
issa': isb: uno: one
kami amin namin duwe: dalawh: dos: two
kayo inyo ninyo teilu: tatl6: tres: three
sila kanila nila ampat: apat: kuwatro: four
tayo atin natin lime: lima: singko: five
ennem: anim: seis: six
pitu': pito: siyete: seven
walu': wal6: otso: eight
siyam: siyam: nuwebe: nine
sempa': sampli: diyes: ten

Yakan (Arab) Pillpino duL Ingb

Muharram Enero: January

Sappal Pebrero: February
Maulud (Rabbil Awwal? Marso: March
Rabbil Ahil Abril : April
Jumaril Awwal Mayo: May
Jumaril Ahil Hunyo: June
Ladjab (Rajab) Hulyo: July
Sa'ban Agosto: August
Powase (Ramadan) Setyembre: September
Heylaya (Sawwal) Oktubre: October
Jul Ka'idda Nobyembre: November
Hadji' Disyembre: December


ahad: Linggo: Sunday

isnin: Lunes: Monday
sdua: Martes: Tuesday
daba'a: Miyerkoles: Wednesday
hammir: Huwebes: Thursday
juma'at: Biyernes: Friday
sabtu': Sabado: Saturday

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