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Year 8 St.

Wilfrid’s CE Academy Form

2021 Summer
Term 1 Report
Madie Mabwati 80/RBR
Term 1 Report
Subject Current
Teacher Attitude To Learning
Quintile Performance
English Mr A. Bisset First 5+ Outstanding
French Miss R. Weaver First 5+ Outstanding
Geography Mrs G. Duerden First 5+ Outstanding
History Mrs A. Bradley First 5+ Outstanding
Mr J. Fagan First 5+ Outstanding
Mathematics Mr M. Ikin First 5+ Outstanding
PE Mrs F. Nicolson First 5- Outstanding
RE Mr G. Dunne First 5+ Outstanding
Science Miss K. Forbes First 5+ Outstanding
Miss C. Dunkley First 5+ Outstanding
Art Mrs S. Brennand First 5+ Outstanding
Music Mr R. Keeling First 5+ Outstanding

Merits 19 Demerits 4 Attendance 100%

Tutor Comment
Madie is a delightful member of the form who makes valuable contributions to her 'live' form sessions. Her
punctuality and attendance is very good. Madie has achieved an outstanding number of merits so far and
hardly any demerits. During form she has participated in creating form prayers and has put excellent effort
into her Wilfridian award activities, particularly enjoying her achievement with fundraising and learning new
skills in the sports club. She has tried very hard with her online learning. Madie has participated in several
House events and enjoyed Pictionary and online events. Although she can be shy her confidence is growing.
This showed when she helped out with an academy photo shoot. To improve, Madie needs to ask for help
when she feels she needs it. Well done Madie, be proud of your achievements, you are making good
progress, with continued hard work you can achieve your goals.
Mrs R. Brierley
Year 8 St. Wilfrid’s CE Academy Form
2021 Summer
Term 1 Report
Madie Mabwati 80/RBR
Term 1 Report

Attitude to Learning
Outstanding Students with an outstanding attitude to learning are role models for other students. They:
 are eager to learn and are fully engaged in their own learning both in lesson and at home;
 behave in a way which consistently helps themselves and others to learn.
Good Students with a good attitude to learning work hard, and are positive about their learning. They:
 respond immediately to instructions and do not disrupt lessons;
 complete work to a good standard in lesson and/or at home
Need to improve Students who need to improve their attitude to learning are working below their ability and should aim
even higher. They:
 may require frequent reminders to fully engage in their learning or to complete work in lesson
and/or at home
 may be slow to respond to instructions
Serious concern Students whose attitude to learning is causing serious concern, neglect their school work and are
falling behind. They:
 regularly behave in a way which prevents themselves and others from learning;
 often do not complete to a satisfactory standard, work in lesson and/or at home

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