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ªâ¡‡ãŠãè - 030


L - 104
Law of Contract
P. Pages : 4
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks :100

Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Answer sheet should be written with blue ink only. Graph or diagram
should be drawn with the same pen being used for writing paper or black
HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.

1. Define contract. Explain the statement "All agreements are not 16

contracts but all contracts are agreements"


Define Consideration. Explain the statement "an agreement without

consideration is void" along with exceptions if any.

2. Define the nature of minor's agreement. State the effects of minor's 16

agreement in England & India with special reference to the case of
Mohori Bibee Vs. Dharmodas Ghose.


What is consent & free consent. Explain whether threat to commit

suicide amounts to coercion with the help of case - laws.

3. Explain the law relating to quasi contract under Indian contract Act. 16

Discuss the remedies for breach of contract. Also state the
provisions relating to compensation for rightful rescission of

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4. Explain the provisions of recovery of possession of movable & 16
immovable property.


What is Injunction? Explain the kinds of injunction under the specific

Relief Act, 1963.

5. State which contracts cannot be specifically enforced. 16


State the provisions relating to rectification, rescission &

Cancellation of instruments under the Specific Relief Act, 1963.

6. Write short note any four. 20

a) Standard form of Contract.

b) Frustration of Contract.

c) General offer.

d) Agreement in restraint of Trade.

e) Discharge of contract by Novation.

f) Lawful object & Lawful consideration.


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Time : Three Hours Max. Marks :100

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