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Dexter Beyers

Blog Update #4
My goal for the end of the week is to help improve the players’ batting in more
different aspects, which has been the main goal of this winter season. One of these
aspects that they must get better at is bunting. This week I will focus on improving
their bunting by doing bunting drills and fixing their bad bunting habits if
necessary. Doing this will not only make them better bunters but also better hitters
because of the ball tracking skills they’ll gain. I don’t have any needs besides
needing a ride to the practice, but my mom always drives me and I’m not in need
of anything else. The only obstacle I anticipate is that I’ve not been feeling that
well and if the kids don’t listen to what I say and give me a hard time, I will
probably get a bad headache and won’t have a good time at all. So far, I have
helped improve the kids’ hitting, hand-eye coordination, gave them a great warmup
they can use for the rest of their baseball careers, and learned what it’s like to be a
leader, not only coaching them in baseball, but I’ve learned to know my title and
make sure I’m being a good role model to them as I’m quite a bit older than them
and since I’m not at the same maturity level as them and what not, I had to learn
how to be a higher title than them rather than just being their friends. I’ve
continued learning and improving my leadership skills as well as confidence skills.
A challenge that came up was when one of the players started goofing off and that
led to the rest of the players not listening to me, so I had to raise my voice and get
them to stop disrespecting me as the coach, which worked out fine, so I learned
that as a coach I really do have the authority, who would have thought? Anyway,
that adversity and pushing through it taught me that lesson and improved my
confidence for if situations like that come up in the future.

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