Law of Crime (IPC) 2022-10 (L101) (311) (8351)

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Seat Number PUKAR-47

Law of Crime
Total Pages : 4]
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Note : (1) Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.

(2) Students should note, no supplement will be provided.

(3) All questions are compulsory.

(4) In case of difference in English and Marathi version, English

version shall be treated as correct and final.





1. Define crime. What are the constituent elements of crime ? 16


Discuss in detail the concept of mens rea. What is its importance in crime ?

2. Discuss the theories of punishment. Which theory is more suitable in present

days ? 16


Discuss in detail the stages of crime.

3. Discuss in detail the various kinds of punishments provided in Indian Penal

Code. 16


Explain the provisions dealing with right of private defence in Indian Penal

4. Define theft. Discuss its ingredients. When does theft become robbery ? 16


Explain the provisions dealing with offences against state.

5. Write short notes on any four : 16

(i) Abetment

(ii) Wrongful confinement

PUKAR-47 2
(iii) Abduction

(iv) Grievous hurt

(v) Mistake of fact

(vi) Criminal trespass







6. Explain and answer of the following with reasons (any four) : 20

(a) ‘A’, a soldier fires on a mob by the order of his superior officer in
conformity with commands of law, but kill ‘B’ an innocent. What offence
‘A’ has committed ?

(b) A is at work with a hatchet, the head flies off and kills a man ‘B’ who
is standing by. What offence ‘A’ has committed ?

(c) ‘Z’ under the influence of madness attempts to kill ‘Y’, ‘Z’ is guilty of
no offence, but ‘Y’, Kills the ‘Z’. Whether ‘Y’ is liable for any offence ?

(d) ‘P’ shakes his fist at ‘Q’ intending it to be liekly that he may thereby
causes ‘Q’ to believe that ‘P’ is about to strike ‘Q’. What offence ‘P’ has
committed ?

PUKAR-47 3 P.T.O.
(e) ‘A’ in quarrel with ‘B’ hits on the eye of ‘B’, due to that, ‘B’ permanently
loss the left eye. What offence ‘A’ has committed ?

(f) ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are husband and wife. ‘X’ perform sexual intercourse without
consent with ‘Y’, ‘Y’ is of 14 years of age. Whether ‘X’ committed any
offence ?

(a) ‘A’
‘B’ ‘A’

(b) ‘A’
‘B’ ‘A’

(c) ‘Z’ ‘Y’ ‘Z’

‘Y’ ‘Z’ ‘Y’

(d) ‘P’ ‘Q’ ‘P’ ‘Q’ ‘Q’

‘P’ ‘P’

(e) ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘B’ ‘B’


(f) ‘X’ ‘Y’ ‘X’ ‘Y’

‘Y’ 14 ‘X’

PUKAR-47 4

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