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The vital energy emitter of Joseph Hellebroeck

This small device was designed by Joseph Hellebroeck, and appears in the Servranx brothers
book "Ondes bénéfiques". It is intended to send vitality at a distance through a witness. Its
simple construction and use can make some experimenters dismiss it, but in the field of energies
and waves it forms, often the simplest, the most effective.

It consists of a bar magnet, supported by a plastic or wood base, which has a spiral of red copper
wire connected at its beginning to the positive side and its end on the negative side. The spiral is
3 cm in diameter which has been given 12 turns, it rests on the negative side of the magnet. The
whole set is oriented on its negative side to the magnetic North. Inside the spiral is the witness,
which, according to the creator of the device can be a drop of blood, a piece of hair, a photo or a
signature. We have been told by some who have proven that the best witness for this device is a
signature made with a graphite pencil or conductive carbon, since at least the drop of blood on a
blotter can eventually cause problems. To make it work, according to Hellebroeck, just place the
witness inside the spiral and let it act indefinitely.

1 - Plastic or wood base. 2. - Magnet. 3. - 12 spiral solenoid. 4. - Spirals of 3 cm in diameter.

It is recommended for situations where low vitality causes insomnia, continuous tiredness or
general inapetence. It is based on the fact that the union of the witness with the individual to
which he belongs is established through the North-South line of the Earth, so the device is
oriented in that direction. This ingenuity tries to balance the negative and positive energies found
in the individual and that an excess of one or the other produce alterations in well-being, this
done at a distance through the connection produced by the witness.

We have described this simple instrument because in psionic and radionic the use of magnets is
widely used in their devices to generate well-being or as a therapeutic element; as well as at the
request of some people who have experienced it.

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