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Semantics 1

0:00okay so as we agreed yesterday or last time when we

0:15met today we shall talk about semantics the first item in our syllabus
for this year what is semantics semantics is the study of meaning
0:30but what is meaning meaning itself is something very problematic
because meaning is not stable
0:45and what can mean something for me it could mean something else
for you that's why semantics is one of the most difficult areas in
1:00uh simply speaking when you say for example what is the meaning
of a word like book there is a certain picture that
1:15comes to your mind the picture of a book what is the meaning of
dog a certain picture comes to your mind the picture of a dog which is an
1:30foreleg mammal but are dogs similar
1:45are books similar yes there is a certain picture as i said comes across
your mind about a certain shape of that dog a
2:00certain shape of that book but books are different there are different
sizes of books different colors of books there are different types of this
type of animal which is dog
2:15so this is actually a quick example or these are two examples to
show to you how difficult to talk about meaning
2:30these words book and dog represent something concrete they are
2:45when we go to abstract words or abstract concepts actually things
are going to be more complicated
3:00for example what is the meaning of love what is the meaning of
hope what do they mean love for you could be something totally
different from love for your
3:15friend or love for me what is hope what is happiness what is
3:30most countries say we are a democratic country where there is no
democracy actually for us
3:45all dictators of the world understand democracy in a different way in
a totally different way these are abstract words so
4:00look at this comparison between concrete words concrete objects
and abstract concepts this makes things more complicated
4:15so this is a difficulty actually a big difficulty of the study of meaning
4:30as i said semantics is the study of meaning but what type of meaning
semantics actually studies the
4:45literal meaning or in other words the dictionary meaning a meaning
that we can pick up in a dictionary we go and check it in a dictionary but
again this is not the end of the
5:00story because meanings are different with semantics we have a
pragmatics that deals with intended meaning or invisible meaning or
hidden meaning
5:15which we shall talk about later on in the next chapter but semantics
itself although it deals with literal meaning but again literal meaning is
complicated because we
5:30with literal meaning there are associations always when we speak
even in our daily life in arabic for example we say
5:45it is the connotative meaning of the word connotation
6:00this is connotation so in using any word when we speak
6:15we think of its meaning literal meaning and most of the time we
think of its connotation that's why we say for example to use this word
6:30in this situation is appropriate while to use another word in the
same situation is inappropriate appropriate word inappropriate word
appropriate situation inappropriate
6:45situation you see why we say this word is inappropriate because of
what not because of its dictionary meaning rather because of its
7:00we have two types of meaning and semantics and of course there
are different types of semantic meaning
7:15there are different types we have a chapter in in a book written by
leech lich's book list mathematics and one semantics this chapter is
called seven types of meaning so we have seven types of
7:30meaning in the domain of semantics but it is not included in our
syllabus today we shall talk about two different types of meaning lear
7:45conceptual meaning and associative meaning conceptual meaning is
the literal meaning a meaning
8:00that represents the concept of a word or the word a meaning that
we can't pick in any dictionary for example we go to the word dog i go to
the dictionary
8:15i find a definition forward as i said it is animal what kind of animal it
is a mammal m a double m a l m it has four legs etc
8:30but the word dog itself has associations association with the
meaning of word association with with the dog itself as an animal
8:45for example if you if you mention the word dog it could be
associated with fear most people are afraid of dogs
9:00especially those which are asteroid dogs no no no not pets people
are afraid of dog of dogs a word like
9:15needle this is found in your book the word needle if you look at
9:30its dictionary meaning it is an instrument steel instrument it is sharp
and thin i think you all know what is meant by needle but is but it is
associated with fear
9:45right what are you afraid of needles some of you are
10:00some of you are not so what do we know what do you understand
from this even even associations are not stable are not stable
10:15i said people are afraid of dogs all of them no of course there are
people who are not afraid of dogs let's take another another word for
example the word dark
10:30are you afraid of dark or darkness for some people it is something
terrifying for other people it is not
10:45children are expected to be afraid of dark while adult people are
not so associative meaning again is not stable it depends on as you see
for example
11:00age and we expect for example uh women are afraid of needles but
men are not afraid of needles women are afraid of dogs of course not all
of them but this
11:15is something common but men are not supposed to be afraid of
11:30so this is anyhow meaning is not stable if we go back to the word
dog we say it is associated with fear
11:45but this is or or not fear but but it is associated with dirt in our
society we believe that dogs are dirty right
12:00but for the western society dogs are friends dogs are friendly dogs
are beautiful so associative meaning you see is
12:15different from one society to another from one culture to another
from one person to another i'm afraid of dark you are not a dark i'm
afraid of needle you are not afraid of
12:30needle so things are not stable [Music] you see for example needle
could be associated with pain
12:45illness blood drug thread knitting hard all of these are associations
of the word needle of course you need to give other examples you need
13:00to think of other examples but i'm mentioning needle because it is
there in your in your book we can give
13:15different examples on how associative meanings are different from
one society to another for example a word like rose
13:30is associated with beauty right associated with love with passion
that's why people give roses to each other as a gift as a present
13:45a husband gives his wife a rose friends give or exchange roses in
certain occasions but this is very common in the western society in the
western culture
14:00in our culture unfortunately roses are not appreciated as they are
in the western society yes we sometimes give roses as a gift or
14:15present but this is very rare very rare in our society we prefer other
types of gifts why because of the associations not only roses but even
the colors of roses have
14:30associations a red rose is different from a yellow rose right a yellow
rose is different from a white rose i mean different in
14:45association look at the word bull for example you know bull i think
in our society it is associated with
15:00stupidity yes it is associated with stupidity but in the western
society it is associated with strength power
15:15right for them bulls are strong for us balls are stupid
15:30that's why they use the word bully or bullying the word bully is it
translated not to
15:45for sorry thor but translated into nimrod why because the word
bull in our society is associated with stupidity for them for the western
16:00society bull is strong power but for us it is stupidity that's why it is
translated into yet [Music]
16:15right in our society the word nimr is associated with strength with
power but not
16:30a whole world has changed its meaning from bull to tiger from
from thor of ubultu one of the most famous
16:45basketball teams in the us is called chicago bulls or chicago sorry
17:00in our is except to be addressed as being
17:15bulls huh no but in the u.s they call them chicago bulls why in our
society we do not accept this because bulls are stupid not strong okay i
think the idea is clear
17:30another area where we find associations is our proper names look
at our proper names we use them not because of their
17:45literary meaning we use them for their associations right for
example most of us nowadays use religious names
18:00why we use these names we use them for their associations and
for ladies nowadays it is very common to use why we use this these
names we use them
18:15for their associative meaning associated with something related to
our religion islam
18:30and sometimes you see a strange name for example why it is it is
used after for example a military reader a historic reader an actor or an
actress an intestinal
18:45the leader abdul karim former president
19:00of iraq or former prime minister of iraq so we use our proper
names for their associated meaning i think the idea is now clear between
concept concepts conceptual
19:15meaning and associations hopefully this lecture is is very useful and
as i said last time our my lecture are going to be very short in our in
order to be
19:30uploaded easily to your classroom or google classroom thank you
very much
Semantics 2

0:00today we shall talk about semantic features we are still in the

domain of semantics
0:15and as we know this is our second lecture on semantics by semantic
features we mean componential analysis of any given word i think you
are familiar
0:30with this uh idea or this concept in your second year in your
grammar book second year you have tackled this
0:45topic when we have a word we analyze this word into its semantic
features or we do what is called componential analysis to that word
1:00when we speak as we said last time we put words together to make
sentences but on which basis we select these words on which basis we
choose these words to be put in a sentence
1:15to be neighbors what kind of relationship or relationships they have
actually we look for the features of each word
1:30you know in grammar we have nouns verbs adverbs adjectives and
of course other clause category groups so for example when i choose a
noun in a sentence this noun
1:45could be followed by a verb so what kind of a verb that may follow a
certain noun for example
2:00a noun like chair cannot be followed by a verb like drink right why
because of the features
2:15of each one of the two cannot match they cannot be put together
their features are different while okay
2:30let me give you another idea
2:45and selecting any sentence or in having any sentence like for
example the boy kicked
3:00the ball a very good english sentence a very grammatical english
sentence always we have said this before many times always a native
speaker can
3:15produce only grammatical sentences and only meaningful sentences
not only grammatical but they have meaning so for example a native
speaker cannot make a sentence like this
3:30the ball kicked the boy why a native speaker can produce sentence
one but he or she cannot produce sentence
3:45number two look at the semantic features of these words let's come
to this sentence number one boy is a noun
4:00an is animate boy is a limit plus human plus
4:15element right of course there are some grammatical features it is a
noun plus noun a plus singular
4:30and it is followed by a verb which is dynamic which is this verb is a
transitive which means it should be followed by an object and let's look
at sentence number two
4:45we have the word ball is a subject but why can not a native speaker
produce a sentence like this one simply speaking because the semantic
5:00features of the word ball do not match with the verb kick ball is a
noun a singular but it is not a human it is minus the human
5:15that's why it cannot come with pick so
5:30the verb kick needs on a subject that is human or at least animate
because animals may can't that's why native speakers can produce
sentence one
5:45but cannot produce sentence two always there are semantic
features that we use in order to put our our words together to make full
6:00and grammatical sentence of course if you look if you look back at
sentence number two is it grammatical yes it is grammatical there is
nothing wrong about this grammar it consists of a noun phrase
6:15under verbal phrase it consists of subject verb and object subject
verb and object right so a very good uh english sentence as
6:30far as grammar is concerned but we said last time grammar alone is
not enough we need meaning we should go to the level of meaning
that's why a native speaker cannot produce a sentence like this one
6:45you see the hamburger ate the boy or the table listens
7:00to the radio or the horse is reading the newspaper or a newspaper
there's nothing wrong about their grammar but they are old sentences ill
form sentences why is this because of their
7:15meaning so when we speak we need not only to put words together
to make sentences as far as uh grammar is concerned but we need
7:30a very famous english structure is this one a very famous english
structure non-verb now or noun noun phrase verb noun phrase we can
use this structure to
7:45generate to make thousands of sentences and because of this we
can't generate a sentence like this one the hamburger ate the boy or the
boy kicked the ball
8:00but actually we as native speakers cannot do so because simply
speaking the verb ate or eat in present simple should have a subject
which is
8:15human or animate human beings animals can eat a hamburger
cannot eat and what is eaten is not
8:30boy not human not animate we eat vegetables we eat fruits we eat
cooked meat etc but not
8:45human beings that's why the sentence is looks very uh funny of
course but is it grammatical yes it is grammatical if it is measured against
the rules of grammar it is a very grammatical sentence
9:00okay look at the features of these
9:15words horse boy man girl woman if the word is animate it takes this
simple plus if it is not it takes this simple minus so we give these features
or these
9:30symbols sorry to designate features we use plus minus if the feature
exists in the word we give it
9:45plus if the feature does not exist in the word we give it minus so for
example man is minus female but it is plus adult
10:00the difference between man and boy for example man is adult
while boy is not so man takes the property of plus
10:15adult and boy takes the property of minus adult
10:30a word like horse it is a plus animate but it is minus human right a
word like women
10:45as a plus adult but it is minus it is minus or plus a female again it is
a plus adult and plus female
11:00okay so we use these features of a plus minus to designate these
features i think the idea is very clear we have features if the property or
the feature exists in the world it
11:15takes plus if it does not it takes minus we as native speakers we use
these features to arrange our words in the sentences to make our
sentences meaningful but of course the hadith is
11:30this enough law of course we need pragmatics we need to go to
pragmatics which we are going to talk about in the in the next chapter
but now remember we are at the level of semantics we are at the level
of literal
11:45meaning we are at the level of dictionary meaning we need these
componential analysis to make our sentences meaningful and acceptable
and i believe we talked about the levels
12:00of language we said we have phonology morphology syntax and
semantics semantics is very important to cover to shroud our sentences
with meaning
12:15with meaning otherwise why why we speak we speak in order to
convey meaning syntax alone is not enough the structure of the
sentence is
12:30not enough look at this sentence the followed by space is reading
the newspaper now what do you think is the kind of
12:45noun that that can fill this space it should be a noun but how many
nouns i have in english i have thousands of nouns which now can fill this
space only anon which has the property of
13:00plus a human right because only human beings can do what can
read can animals read
13:15no of course can robots read no of course only human beings the
irrespective of any other feature whether singular plural etc
13:30but it should be a plus human of course it should be singular
because we have the verb is here but it should be plus human otherwise
the noun or any noun here
13:45can not fit in the space in the blank unless it is plus human now
let's move to another topic within [Music] semantics semantic roles
14:00and by semantic roles we mean the role which is occupied by the
elements of the sentence the roles which are occupied
14:15by the elements of the sentence roles that are related to meaning
not to grammar in grammar in grammar we have
14:30nouns for example
14:45we talk about now verb right and the nouns could be subject
15:00or object but these are any grammar and grammar we use this
15:15but in semantics the terminology is different we are after the roles
played by the items of the sentence by the elements of
15:30the sentence right so the boy for example ate what an apple
15:45the boy is a noun of course but it is a subject in this sentence it is a
subject the verb 8 is a verb
16:00and apple is a noun which is object which is object but in semantics
things are different we are talking about the roles of the items of the
16:15sentence so in this case in semantics boy is a doer of an action and
since it is human we call it agent
16:30agent while aid yes it is a verb but it is a verb that shows an action
right apple is
16:45affected or recipient of an action recipient of an action or we use
the term use in your book boy is an agent
17:00while apple is theme you see boy is a human and in this case it is
agent while apple is not a human of course it could be
17:15human well boy could be human could be non-human but most of
the time it should be a human so apple is a theme you see this
terminology has to do with meaning
17:30not with the grammar even we are after the roles played by the
subject the roles played by the object
17:45so instead of thinking of words as containers of meaning we can
look at the roles they fulfill within the situation described by a sentence
18:00yani this is the idea always we look at words as having meaning but
actually they play a role and what is the meaning of boy by the way it has
meaning we go we go to the
18:15dictionary and check the meaning of boy noun singular minus uh
adult plus a human right but highly containers
18:30containers of meaning a meaning that we can't find in a dictionary
we can't check in the dictionary but but they play a role in the sentence
18:45for example the the the word boy plays the role of a doer of an
action lisa mena agent while these roles semantic roles
19:00are called thematic roles by the massager semantics they are called
cement thematic roles uniform theme so the idea is clear i think
19:15role is the role played by the items of the sentence not referring to
their grammatical roles or grammatical position in the sentence yes
sometimes they are related
19:30but we are after the role played by uh the item agents and themes
are the most common semantic rules
19:45when the subject is a human and when it does an action agent is a
human most of the time human not necessarily it could be non-human
for example the car
20:00the car hit
20:15although it is not human why because it because it does an action
it does and actually hitting but most of the time most of the time
20:30agents are human and the affected as i said could be human could
be in a human the effect it is called theme or the theme again
20:45it could be human or non-human okay the boy kicked the ball hide
until the milky tub the wind blew the ball away see the wind
21:00here it is not a human but it is agent the car run over run over yani
set you see all these verbs look at this verb quick
21:15blue or run over code they are actions they refer to actions that's
why the subject the grammatical subject is called agent on the object is
21:30a theme because if okay the theme is typically not human but can
be human the dog chased the boy now look at the sentence the dog
21:45chased the boy the boy is a human and it is theme as i said agent
could be human could win any human but most of the time it is human
the theme could be human could be
22:00non-human but most of the time it is none a human instrument
and experiencer this is or these are two other semantic rules
22:15if an agent uses another entity in order to perform an action the
other entity fills the role of instrument the sentence the boy cut the robe
with an
22:30you know these things razer crayon
22:45knife hello these are instruments we cut meat by a knife or by knife
this is or the word knife is
23:00called an instrument so the role played by knife in this sentence or
in such a sentence is the role of an instrument
23:15or if the verb story is not an action in this case
23:30the subject is called experiencer the experience kicks the ball
matalin and the boy
23:45feels sad you see is there an action in the sentence no the verb
24:00feel feels here refers to feeling or sense so verbs of feelings of
senses require a subject human animate but we don't call it agent
24:15we call it experiencer okay alettibar verb is a verb that
24:30shows feeling or sense or senses rather so we have instrument
adatyani knife razor and any pen pencil any type of instrument or or tool
24:45is used by an agent or by a doer of an action or by the subject of
the sentence itself and we have experiencer if the subject does not the
grammatical subject i mean
25:00the agent
25:15does not perform an action but it shows feeling or sense another
type is location
25:30source and goal look at this sentence i live in basra [Music]
25:45what is a noun and here it is part of a prepositional phrase
adverbial phrase in basra but the semantic role of the word basra is the
role of education what is basra is a location but it is
26:00used here of course this is a prepositional phrase the semantic role
we are talking about semantic roles today
26:15the role played by the word buster in the sentence is location latin
when i say i moved from basra to
26:30baghdad now the word basra here
26:45is not a source sorry it's not a location it is a source and the place
from which we move
27:00while baghdad is gold the place we go to from to so we move from
basra to baghdad so basra here in this sentence see in this sentence it is
a location just a location
27:15but here it refers to a place we move from so we call it a source
while baghdad is a gold hadafyan
27:30the place we move to okay so these are semantic the most
common semantic features played by semantic roles by semantics or by
uh grammatical elements or grammati the
27:45the items of the sentence of course there are other there is
another terminology there are other parts the most common and
famous semantic roles
28:00found in your book are part of your syllabus okay this is all for
today i don't want as i said i don't want to have a very long lecture
hopefully things are
28:15clear and this is the end of our lecture for today wish you all the
Semantics 3

0:15okay so oh hello everyone today we shall move to another topic in
the field of semantics
0:30i'm going to talk about lexical relations and by lexical relations we
mean relations between or among words concerning their
0:45meaning or general relations for example what is the relationship
between big and [Music] small big
1:00is the opposite of small this is a lexical relation what is the
relationship between big and large they have similar meaning and we
1:15see later on we don't have same meaning but we may have similar
meaning we may have shades of meaning
1:30so these are called lexical relations big is the opposite of small big is
similar in meaning with the word large one two three four they have a
1:45relationship of sequence for example so what is a pencil pencil is a
stationary what is chair chair is furniture
2:00chair and furniture are related chair and furniture are related so
these are called lexical relations and the first one we are going to talk
2:15is called synonymy and by synonymy we mean
2:30two words or more with similar meaning not exactly the same
meaning remember words that have similar [Music] meaning closely
related and meaning
2:45but in linguistics we don't have two words that have exactly the
same meaning in other words we have what is called partial
3:00synonymy we don't have full synonymy we have partial synonymy
but we don't have full tsunami in other words there are
3:15two words there are no two words that have exactly the same
meaning they may have similar meaning
3:30so if two words have similar meaning we say they are synonyms and
as i said they have related meaning closely related meaning similar
meaning but not exactly the same
3:45meaning for example big and large broad and wide buy on purchase
almost and nearly
4:00coach on sofa for example look look at these two words this is a very
interesting example although they are put here as synonyms that is to
say they have similar meaning
4:15but they are different sofa is used indoors in doors inside a building
inside the house inside the hotel while coach is
4:30sorry couch is i'm sorry it is couch is used outside houses or
outdoors other words are related to or other
4:45differences are related to the use what is the the difference for
example between freedom and liberty you can you can check it in in your
dictionaries you will see
5:00it is a matter of use when to use this word and when to use that
word the same thing with with for example for example a prison and
5:15jail we say they are synonyms they have similar meaning but prison
and jail are different prison is for long-term sentences while jail is for
short term sentences
5:30the difference between street and road
5:45you see even our dialect in iraq arabic we say have similar meaning
but are they are they the same no we say
6:00both are streets but what is the difference the difference lies in the
way people decide to use each of which this one but not that one
6:15okay so there are differences if there are two words that have
similar meaning still still there are differences between the two some of
the differences are very easy to
6:30to to find home and house right home and house home is abstract
while house is concrete
6:45home it is abstract wild house bricks steel windows doors etc this is
house something concrete we can't see we can't touch we can we can
7:00but home we can feel home is is abstract so there are there are
differences between any pair of words we can choose sometimes it is
difficult to tell the difference it depends on the way we use the word or
7:15native speakers use the word he is a big fan in ghoul big fan of
ronaldo for example
7:30and go large large fan sear although they have similar meaning but
we can see we cannot say he's a large fan of ronaldo he's a big fan of
ronaldo a big fan of
7:45messi atelier barcelona so big and large they have similar meaning
but each of which each one of them has got
8:00a special use it is used here but not there the second one is
8:15and autonomy refers to opposite meaning two words that have
opposite meaning for example hot and cold alive undead but
8:30we need to draw your attention to something very interesting about
these opposite words or opposite examples
8:45for example if i say t is
9:00not hot what does it mean does it mean that it is cold ah no [Music]
because these two adjectives although
9:15they have they are opposite in meaning hot and cold but actually
they have a sort of scale we can put them in a sort of
9:45this is a scale so when i say this t is not hot it means it could be put
here it could be put here it could be but here it does not mean
necessarily it is
10:00called so this is a kind of gradable adjective
10:15it is gradable you know gradable we can't put it in or on a grade but
human beings for example a human being is either dead
10:30or alive these are non-gradable words or adjectives right if
somebody is dead it means he is not alive if somebody is alive it means
he is not dead
10:45there is nothing in between between that and but there is
something in between between black and
11:00white so black and white are opposite in meaning but there is a
scale between them we can't put them on a scale we can grade them
11:15this is a sort of gradable adjectives or gradable uh meaning or
gradable scale colors or or or these black and white may range from
something black to something
11:30white and uh of course we know at least at least there is a gray in
between you know between black and white it is grey and even grey it
has so many degrees it has so many shades right
11:45so this is in a brief what is meant by antonyms or words with
opposite meaning words are usually divided into two main types
12:00gradable and none great and degradable antonyms are non-
gradable antonyms okay
12:15the next one is hypotony so when the meaning of one form is
included in the meaning of another
12:30the relationship is described as hypotony for example what is dog
12:45if i ask what is dog you say it is an animal so the meaning of dog
13:00is included in animal what is a pencil you know pencil very simple
word right pencil is stationary
13:15right so one meaning is included in another and we can have a sort
of sometimes sometimes
13:30we can have a sort of hierarchy of relationships hierarchy animated
13:45one is included in the other yani the word dog is animal but what
type of animal
14:00it is a a canine animal a mammal right so these are included one
meaning is included in
14:15another meaning if the relationship is a relationship a relationship
of inclusion we say this is hyponymy
14:30what is arose arose is a flower what is daisy daisy is a flower white
finna especially when we teach if you are teaching and your students ask
you for example what is the meaning
14:45of daisy or lily there is no need to to to have time or spend time in
defining this word on taking time
15:00but instead of this you may say a daisy is a flower a lily is a flower
and in this case you are going to save time you are going to save of effort
15:15antonyms are usually divided into two main types [Music] of
15:30divides animal [Music] for example cockroach is a hypotony of
insect and these two examples animal are
15:45inserted effect between animals and insects because animal is a
family or kingdom is mohali biology or insects the animals and insects
are called superordinate
16:00higher level higher level in general are divided into animals and
insects and their animals we have different types and under insects we
have different types
16:15highly cone below level are called core hyponyms below level are
called co hyper while the upper levels high levels are called
16:30super ordinate metal and dog and horse dog and horse are they
similar no of course but they are they are called
16:45co-hyponyms because they are both animals they are not insects
and then if the level is high i say super ordinate if the level is low i say ko
17:00they have something similar they have something in common okay
let's move to a prototype
17:15well a prototype something that we agree on agree upon as native
17:30but actually it is not necessarily true it is not necessarily acceptable
prototyping for example what is meant by this
17:45if i say what is a spider for example you are going to say spider is an
insect but is spider an insect
18:00actually no why because spider is not an insect
18:15it is a family or it belongs to a family who is spider is what was
species and why any
18:30spider is a category that is different from insects why it is not an
insect why it is not so why
18:45is it not an insect because all insects should have six legs insects
19:00should have six legs while a spider has eight legs so it is not
anesthetic okay
19:15let's take another example ostrich is it a bird
19:30huh is it a bird it has the property of wings it have wing it has wings
and it has the property of
19:45feather it has feather it has wings but does an ostrich fly or can
ostrich fly
20:00actually no so an ostrich cannot fly and we know birds should fly
listen to is it a bird no it is not a bird why why
20:15not a bird because it does not fly semantically i'm talking about
semantics and semantics it has lacked the feature of
20:30flying flying it does not fly or let's take another example but
20:45is it a bird now a bad candy fly right about kind of life and it has
21:00we call it a bird we call it a bird but is it a bird no it is not a bird why
21:15it does not it does not lay eggs my bae of toyota beef birds lay eggs
and [Music]
21:30buts do not lay eggs actually they give
21:45is it a bird it is not a bird we call it a bird similarly similarly well hoot
hoot it gives birth it does not lay eggs
22:00my bear metal smoke what does not breathe inside the sea it
breathes fresh air why doesn't it so is it a fish
22:15is it a fish no it is not why because it is different from other fish it is
22:30but it is not this is what is meant by uh a prototype
22:45the second type of relationship is homophone hormone similar
phone any sound similar sounds when two words
23:00have exactly the same pronunciation but different spelling same
pronunciation but
23:15different spelling for example see flower flower f-l-o-u-r-f-l-o-w
pale and pale right and right
23:30so and so on two and two etc two words or more that have exactly
the same pronunciation but different spellings
23:45words that have similar pronunciation but different spelling week
week right
24:00you can't give other examples so this is homophone homophone
similar pronunciation but what is homonyms
24:15if two words have the same pronunciation
24:30the same spelling but they are not related in meaning for example
the word bank in english it has two meanings right what are they what
are they bank
24:45financial institution financial
25:00institution right and we have bank of a river are they related in
25:15are these two words related meaning no the bank of the river has
nothing to do with the bank where we keep money these two words are
called homonyms
25:30if the words are not related in meaning okay so if the words are not
related in meaning but they have the same spelling the same
pronunciation we say they are homonyms unlike
25:45me when two words have the same
26:00spelling the same pronunciation on they are related in meaning for
example the word neck you know neck
26:15the neck of the body of human beings the neck of the shirt no they
are related meaning they are neck of a bottle
26:30neck of human beings shirt neck of the shirt neck of a bottle so
they are related in meaning
27:00the shoulder of the street arm you know our part of our body is
arm the arm of the chair [Music]
27:15they are related in meaning so because they are related to
meaning we call it policy this relationship is called policy okay
27:30next one is metonymy while metonymy is is based on our
27:45our relationship is related to our experience you know experience
28:00okay for example in ghoul the department of english will have
28:15a party next week
28:30department of english will have a party should also be department
of english do we mean the building huh we mean people we mean the
head of the department
28:45teachers so we mean people one ghoul iraq for example declares
29:00any what do you mean by iraq we mean people or the president of
iraq or the prime minister of iraq
29:15mr mangulan the usa the usa will do so also sorry
29:30we mean the government of the usa
29:45we mean the government of iraq we mean the the the white house
the white house the white house
30:00what do you mean by the white house the pentagon we mean the
president of the usa
30:15this meaning it depends on our experience in life we we use for
example these were department iraq usa white house pentagon the
30:30no we mean the head of the department
30:45or people in charge of the department okay this is called in
semantics we call it metonymy me autonomy relatedness of meaning
found in policymaking is essential based on
31:00similarity the head of company is similar to the head of thermo
there is another type of challenge between words you based simply on a
close connection in everyday
31:15experience our everyday our everyday experience as part of our
experience as native
31:30speakers we agree on this when i say for example the white house i
mean the president of the usa when i say the department i mean the
31:45head of department or or people of department okay i think this is
the last one collocation collocation what collocation we mean two words
32:00have a relationship of a sort of neighborhood where this
32:15is of different types words come together in language in english
and arabic there are certain words that come
32:30together even when i say black and white leishman white and black
this is collocation hadi a relationship of collocation a gold black and
white had a sequence
32:45white and black is it wrong in grammar no of course but this is the
way these words come together black and white not white and black
33:00for example in arabic [Music]
33:15from from top to bottom in english from top to bottom we say for
example fish and chips
33:30this is sequence sequence is an early a sort of
33:45a relationship of neighborhood between these words big fan a
relationship of this is collocation this is collocation words come
34:00together either of sequence or or of of use the way they are used
34:15this is collocation these are collocations
34:30they are not used in arabic or even in english sour milk but we say
rotten apple
34:45can we use another word no because these are neighbors or this
relationship of as of neighborhood okay i think this is all for today please
please this is a very interesting
35:00topic and you are asked to prepare examples on these topics
because these topics are are are nothing uh uh they are not
35:15interesting actually unless you know some examples are based on
examples how we use these examples in our
35:30daily life so please next time try to prepare some examples on this
topic this
35:45is all for today thank you very much okay
Pragmatics 1

0:00the next chapter which is the pragmatics as you know we have

almost covered all the material related to
0:15[Music] semantics so now it is time to move to the next chapter
which is pragmatics what is the pragmatics
0:30pragmatics is the study of hidden meaning the study of intended
meaning you know what is intended from intention a meaning which is
0:45invisible and by invisible we mean we cannot see right so how come
we talk about something that we cannot see so when i say hidden
1:00meaning invisible meaning intended meaning i mean a meaning that
we cannot see
1:15or by the word invisible we mean you cannot see so how can we talk
about something we cannot see actually in most cases
1:30in most cases speakers writer writers mean something they mean
1:45but they do not necessarily say it they do not necessarily say that
thing in semantics things were very straight things were very citrate
2:00okay direct dictionary meaning but here we are talking about
something else
2:15you remember in our first second lectures we talked about the levels
of language gain in order to convey meaning in order to send meaning
2:30in order to write in order to speak with meaning we actually use all
the levels of language that's to say phonology morphology syntax
2:45and the pragmatics we use these five let's say levels all together just
to convey meaning which meaning the meaning that speakers agree on
the meaning that users of language agree
3:00on [Music] we are native speakers of arabic right so we have
something in common
3:15we have something a mutual between us that makes what we say is
understood by our listeners
3:30and this is how language works this is how language words of course
when we say invisible meaning how can we talk about invisible meaning
actually there are certain factors
3:45that contribute to that meaning or that make that meaning a clear
to the listener understood by the listener intelligible
4:00by the listener or by the reader remember when we say or when we
talk about the message we always talk about a sender and receiver okay
4:15sender on the receiver this sender could be speaker or could be a
writer a receiver could be a listener and
4:30or a reader so there are certain factors that enable me to
understand meaning or certain factors that enable me to construct
4:45meaning we are talking about the construction of the message and
the deconstruction of the message we are talking about
5:00coding and decoding the message how to make language or how to
construct language
5:15and how to deconstruct language in order to understand so there
are factors today i'm not going to talk about all the factors but i'm going
to talk later
5:30on about context but before that let me give you this example
5:45okay this is a sentence it says the following elephants fly
6:00i think you know what is meant by elephants now do elephants fly
no they do not and this is the difference between semantics
6:15and pragmatics in semantics this sentence is unacceptable why
because elephants do not fly and if we use the verb
6:30fly we need a subject which is a bird has the property of plus bird
plus wings plus feather but elephants on the fly do not
6:45collocate they do not collocate but is this sentence acceptable in
language yes it is does it have meaning yes it is
7:00and is it understood by the listener or listeners yes it is do listeners
7:15understand the sentence yes they do why because it depends on the
context [Music] it depends on the context
7:30whether physical context or by context i mean physical context
7:45or i mean context related to language
8:00what does it mean we said it is understood right what is what is
meant by pragmatics
8:15we say the sentence is understood by the listeners by the native
speakers of english or even native speakers of arabic if we say the same
sentence in arabic
8:30we need examples from english and from arabic both are acceptable
8:45now we go back to the sentence we say in semantics it is not
acceptable it has no meaning at all but it is used yes yes it is is it
understood yes it is understood
9:00imagine imagine there is a football match a football match between
iraq and brazil between iraq football team
9:15and brazil football team i think you all love football and imagine iraq
won the game
9:30could this happen yes it could yes it could but this is very
9:45very unlikely remarkable very unlikely and almost impossible almost
impossible so if it happens the next morning you see phrase your friend
and you tell him
10:00elephants fly man uh impossible things could happen impossible
things could happen so you say the sentence you say this sentence so
10:15is it understood yes it is understood does it have meaning yes it
does have but it depends on what it depends on the context in which the
sentence is said it depends
10:30on the context in which the sentence it it is said so context and
pragmatics is the magical word kerimasari
10:45as the magical word because in a pragmatics we always talk about
context siak in which the the the situation takes place in the
11:00context of situation sometimes we say context of situation now let
me give you another example let me give you another example
11:15imagine we are teaching in room number nine in our department
you know room number nine it is very small right and it is summer
11:30imagine it is summer and the room is overcrowded the room is
11:45and the teacher is teaching remember it is summer and the room is
overcrowded and one of the student raises his hand or her hand and
12:00sir addressing the teacher sir it is very hot in here
12:15sir it is very hot in here what type of sentence is this this is a
statement right it is a statement affirmative statement
12:30joomla much better we use statements to give information right we
use statements to
12:45give information little mongol we use interrogative sentences to
ask questions so we use a statement to give information now do you
think the student
13:00in room 9 is giving information actually no he or she is not giving
13:15he or she is requesting [Music] the teacher his request you know
request and he is requesting politely
13:30he is requesting the teacher to switch on
13:45the fan or open the door remember remember the situation
14:00situation room number nine it is summer and the room is
overcrowded and the student says it is hot in here actually he or she is
not giving information rather he is asking the teacher
14:15the professor to switch on the fan or the air conditioner or to open
the door now the teacher understands the message and he or she is
going to switch on the
14:30phone or open the door okay not judge situation the teacher
understands that this is a request and he or she is going to switch on the
14:45or open the door good good now does the student says open the
door no does the student says switch on the fan
15:00no does he or she say that directly no but actually he means that
he meant that he means that
15:15but he doesn't say it he does not say it at the beginning of our
lecture in most
15:30cases what we mean is not necessarily we say or what is meant
15:45is not necessarily said what is meant is not necessarily said open
the door in a polite way please open the door or please open the no he
says it is vote in here
16:00what is important is that the teacher understands the message why
he understands the message like this it is a request for opening the door
16:15or a request for switching on the fan because both the teacher and
the student are native speakers of
16:30english or arabic language and they both understand language they
both have something mutual on part of our experience is to understand
each other when we speak
16:45you see this is a very short conversation between teacher and
student and they understand each other without saying
17:00things directly so this is in a brief what is meant by pragmatics what
is meant by pragmatics so what we mean we do not necessarily say it
would love let's give another example
17:15most students all students when they ask for a leave when they
want to ask for a leave
17:30from their professor they do not say things directly they do not go
to the teacher to his office and say i want a leave or i cannot attend your
17:45this is going to be very rude you know rude in a state in a state they
are going to be indirect
18:00the student goes to the professor's office and saying sir i feel sick
18:15and i feel sick today is a statement we'll use it to give information
now is your professor a doctor yani i mean is he a physician is he a
physician physician partner
18:30is he a physician no so why are you telling him i feel sick today
18:45actually the student is asking for a leave the student is asking for a
leave and instead of saying things in a direct way i want a leave or i
cannot attend your lecture he or she is using
19:00a statement and what is important in this message the teacher the
professor is going to understand the message and he may say okay you
may not attend or okay
19:15you may not attend so either he is going to accept your request or
decline your request for a leave each other
19:30he is not the teacher the professor he or she is not interested in
the sentence as a statement and the student as well is not giving
information but he is asking so this is pragmatic
19:45no he says i feel sick i am sick i do not feel okay today actually or i
have a headache a terrible headache
20:00actually he is asking the teacher politely to give him a permission
not to attend the class he then had him guide this is pragmatism
20:15at the beginning of our lecture we say it is invisible invisible it is not
direct we cannot see it or it is hidden between the lines
20:30this is what is meant by between the lines you say something but
you mean something else
20:45and we as native speakers share the knowledge we have a common
knowledge by understanding each other i understand what you mean
and you understand what i mean because this is
21:00part of our knowledge as native speakers of arabic in many ways
pragmatics is the study of invisible meaning or how we recognize what is
meant even when it
21:15is it isn't actually said already in order for that to happen it is not
said are not happening speakers or writers must be able
21:30to depend on a lot of shared assumptions of and expectations
when they try to communicate the same situation between the teacher
and the student why they understand each other the
21:45teacher and the student because they share something you see
they share assumptions and expectations each one understands what is
going on each one of
22:00them understands the message of the other one okay by context
we said we have physical
22:15context and we have co text cortex is linguistic related to language
while physical context is related to the environment
22:30we said physical context is related to
22:45environment are you free
23:00actually this is not a question this is not a yes
23:15no question this is a request i am inviting my friend to something i
am offering my friend an invitation and he or she
23:30is going to understand this so he may accept she may accept or he
may decline your fault natalie i have an exam
23:45tomorrow you see this is a conversation between the two are you
free tonight i have an example
24:00and this in these two sentences there is context but this context is
not related to the language itself or to language itself but it is related to
the situation
24:15hadas context that is related to the situation number one speaker
number one is offering something but he is not saying this he is not
saying i am offering you to go to the club to go to the movie to go to the
coffee shop
24:30but he is just asking are you free tonight speaker b understands the
message and he knows and she knows that this is an invitation to go to
hang out tonight and he or she actually is declining the
24:45request he is declining she is declining no oh yes he is saying i have
an exam tomorrow
25:00i i am not free tonight i cannot go with you to hang out for to do
something to to the coffee shop or whatever actually this
25:15is a refusal to an offer a refusal to on offer luckily it does not
appear in language it does not appear in the sentences it appears in the
physical context
25:30but look at these two sentences what are you a very simple english
sentence and i say like what are you i am student
25:45look at these sentences they are related are you free tonight and i
have an exam tomorrow are related but they are not related by language
26:00they can see what are you i am a student these two sentences are
related by language
26:15becomes when you becomes i where what becomes student so
these two sentences are related
26:30related by language we say this is physical context hello
26:45my friend
27:00is it understood no why luckily who is he right but if i say [Music]
john is my friend
27:30he lives in
27:45right but if i say john is my friend he lives in baghdad now is the
word he ambiguous no
28:00does it have meaning yes it belongs to john so john and he are
related they refer to the same person they are related they refer to the
same person and in this case we say we understand meaning we
understand who is john we understand who
28:15is he by the context or the cortex linguistic related to language
28:30stereo pronouns natalie to refer to to somebody to refer to places
had is related to language itself while in these two sentences the
meaning is related not to language
28:45but it is related to physical context okay
29:00you remember last time when we talked
29:15about policyme i gave you the word bank as we said it has two
meanings one is financial institution the place where we keep our money
29:30one is riverside okay now which one if i write the word here which
meaning i i mean what does it mean is it understood no it does not
29:45is it not it is not understood sorry it is not understood but when i
say i went to the bank to put my money to save
30:00my money now is it clear or not yes it is it is context it is context
30:15what similarly the word bat is it a bird or is it mother of tennis in
the ceremony tennis which one i mean of course i need to put this word
in a sentence in order to be clear
30:30and this sentence is going to work for this word as its context so
always in pragmatics we are after context we are after context and of
course there
30:45are other factors not only context and pragmatics context is just
one criteria one property one feature that makes my message
understood but there are other factors of course i'm going to talk
31:00about them later on hopefully this lecture is clear to you hopefully
you have understood what is going on hope to see
31:15you next time thank you
31:30uh i
Pragmatics 2

0:15okay hello everyone assalamu alaikum
0:30today we shall go on talking about pragmatics the second part of the
chapter and hopefully you have got the
0:45idea the main idea of pragmatics we said last time pragmatics is
about hidden meaning or invisible meaning and we said if it is hidden if it
is invisible
1:00so how come we understand what is going on how can we
understand the message actually there are certain factors that enable us
to talk about it if you remember last time we talked
1:15about context and we said context is a magical word in the field of
pragmatics put any word in a suitable context and the meaning is going
to be very clear you remember we said the word
1:30for example bank has two meanings but but if you put it in a suitable
context in a sentence i think the meaning is going to be clear there is no
need to worry
1:45which meaning the word is intended to mean today we need to refer
to something very important in the field of pragmatics and this principle
is going to be
2:00repeated to us we shall see what is meant by pragmatics later on
what is meant by certain topics in pragmatics we need to
2:15make things very clear concerning message concerning
2:30meaning we said before we speak to convey meaning we write to
convey meaning we listen to comprehend meaning we read to
comprehend meaning
2:45but let me give you a rule in linguistics or in language in general i
want you to remember this rule
3:00what is meant is not necessarily said i think we talked about this
before but this is
3:15in the backbone of our classes in pragmatics what is said what is
meant is not necessarily said so when i say for example it is hot
3:30in this room actually i am not conveying information i am not
conveying a piece of information rather i want the teacher to switch on
the light or to switch on the fan sorry to switch on the fan or to open
3:45the door not the light sorry so it is a matter of always context of
situation context of situation and as i said what is meant is not
4:00necessarily said in so many cases we mean something and we say
something else we mean something and
4:15we mean we say something and we mean something else if i ask
somebody for example could you swim i am asking for information this is
4:30no question i expect the answer is either yes or no why because this
is a yes no question but when i say for example
4:45could you show me the way to the post office
5:00now is this a yes no question can the listener say yes or no and walks
away no actually here i am requesting requesting somebody
5:15requesting somebody to give me directions i am asking for directions
i am not giving is no a question
5:30so we go back to context we said there are certain
5:45facts that are used to reveal this hidden meaning one of them is
context there are other factors there are other concepts we use to
convey meaning
6:00and before that we need to remember that language understanding
language communication is always about people how people
6:15understand the message or how people construct the message so
we have language structure
6:30phonology morphology syntax and we have another dimension that
we should add to the message how
6:45people use language how people construct language how people
understand language people agree on something and part of their
experience in life their experience
7:00in language they agree on certain things agree on using language in
this way or that way you remember we talked about
7:15a situation in the classroom and we said if it is hot the teacher or the
student would say it is hot in this room and the teacher understands that
this is
7:30a message to switch on the fan or to open the door how come that
the teacher understands this message he understands this message as
part of his
7:45experience in life and his experience about language okay one of the
8:00that we use to convey meaning or to construct meaning or to
understand meaning is called reference last time we talked about
8:15and we talked about taxes and by taxes we say we refer to people
we refer to places we refer to time so we use reference
8:30to refer to people we refer to places we refer to time okay we have
we have special
8:45temporal dioxis special from space placiani temporal time
9:00will refer to space placiani or time by language and this will add to or
we refer to people and this will add to my message this is going to
deconstruct the message or construct the
9:15message it makes me understand what is going on let me give you
this sentence
9:30now is this sentence okay is it grammatical yes it is grammatical does
it have meaning [Music]
9:45this is a big question does it have meaning oh if we go to semantics
it has meaning john is a noun singular right male and lives is a verb
10:00you know the meaning of liv lives and in london is a reference to
place a reference to place
10:15but if we go to pragmatics does it have meaning actually no if i tell
you now john lives in london what meaning does it have at the level of
pragmatics not at the
10:30level of semantics what what meaning does it have it has no
meaning right why why it has no meaning because you are going to tell
me who is john
10:45do you know john no but this sentence could have meaning only if i
presuppose that you know john
11:00only if i please suppose a position if i presuppose that you know
john but if you do not join if you do not know john and i give you the
sentence the sentence has no meaning remember we are talking about
11:15pragmatics we are now at the level of pragmatics not semantics in
semantics the sentence is acceptable totally acceptable totally okay but
at the level of pragmatics if i say john lives in london
11:30you are going to tell me who is john monken john who is a friend of
11:45lives in london now there is a reference to john by
12:00there is a reference to john by saying who is a friend of mine
12:15why because he has been identified he has been identified okay so
i think now the idea is clear we use
12:30proper names and we use reference to these names names refer to
people to places
12:45but unless they are put in context again they have no meaning so
instead of saying
13:00the writer or a writer i may i may use the word chomsky instead of
saying the writer or the author chomsky why because i use chomsky only
because chomsky is
13:15well known he is a very well known figure not only this but in so
many cases in so many cases
13:30we use proper nouns as a sort of over generalization or a sort of
analogy they ask okay
13:45sometimes among the friends among the classmates of
14:00they use certain expressions certain proper names imagine we are
we are standing we are walking uh in the corridor of our department and
14:15one of your friends come across us he passes us and one of you
says the following
14:30sentence here comes einstein well i understand who einstein in
english we say einstein
14:45here comes einstein what does he mean what does he mean he
means that this student
15:00is very smart very clever and you know einstein is a engine so we
use this proper name to take the
15:15property of being smart being injin us being very clever to be
extended to our friend instead of
15:30we don't know but we use this proper
15:45name this property to refer to somebody who is always a quick
who is hasty
16:00who does everything in a very quick manner so we use these
proper names to refer to people i think the idea now is clear we can also
refer to things when we are
16:15not sure what to call them we can use expressions such as the blue
16:30in our again we go back to our iraqi arabic again now we can use
examples from english from standard arabic and from iraqi arabic
16:45sometimes we don't know we are not sure what to call it the
example of mr kawasaki kawasaki is a
17:00motorcycle which is very fast which is very fast so this gentleman is
riding this motorcycle and he goes through the neighborhood
17:15very fast and they refer to him as mr kawasaki which is very fast
why mercies because
17:30he used to run very fast so we use these things to refer to a certain
property we use the proper names to refer to certain properties and this
is in this case reference
17:45reference is used to refer to people in order to solve the problem
of a hidden meaning or [Music] invisible meaning
18:00another topic is inference inference it is something similar to
reference as in the mr kawasaki example a successful act of
18:15reference depends more on the listeners ability to recognize
18:30what we mean then on the listener's dictionary what have you
done we when i say something when i say a
18:45sentence i take into consideration my listener at the beginning of
our lecture understanding meaning depends on
19:00people not only language structure but how people understand the
message so when i say for example the following sentence where is
19:15romeo and juliet juliet where is romeo and juliet
19:30what do i mean i don't mean the characters of the play the famous
play written by shakespeare famous lovers most famous lovers in the
19:45what do i mean when i say where is romeo and juliet i mean the
20:00the book and where is the book which is entitled
20:15when i ask the question i do not mean the people the characters i
mean the book written by william shakespeare the player written by
shakespe by william shakespeare so you can't tell
20:30me it is on the desk it is on the disc not they are we know we have
no uh familiarity with or acquaintance with romeo and juliet i
20:45am not asking about the characters they are not available now they
are dead i am asking about the book similarly i say for example give me
21:00chomsky give me your chomsky huh i mean give me your book
written by chomsky or about chomsky we use the the names of the
21:15authors to refer to books we use authors we use authors to refer
21:30to books so instead of saying give me your grammar book i say give
me your chomsky give me romeo and juliet
21:45give me thomas hardy give me charles dickens okay give me tips
22:00merchant of venice so this is an inference we use inference depend
depending on the way people understand the message not the way they
have their own dictionary
22:15another factor that we use to refer to solve the problem of invisible
invisible meaning
22:30we usually make a distinction between introducing a new reference
sorry a new referent a puppy for example and referring back to them the
puppy it
22:45we say a funny home video about a boy washing a puppy in a small
bath the puppy started struggling and shaking and the boy got really wet
when he let go it jumped
23:00so this is an incident this is an
23:15can be defined as subsequent reference to an already introduced
entity mostly we use anaphora and text to maintain
23:30reference regina reference the connection between an antecedent
and an anaphoric expression is created by use of a pronoun
23:45and then what is
24:00in a sentence or in a text you know text nasiani we have new
information new information the information that comes at the
beginning and we have old information
24:15information that comes later on even at the two types of
information information that comes at the beginning or information that
24:30later on the new information is called antecedent antecedent while
the old information is
24:45called anna for any something we have talked about something we
have talked about yeah and if i have if you remember we talked about
john john lives in london
25:00john is my friend when i refer to john john is my friend
25:15okay john is a friend of mine he lives in london
25:30he lives in london is it clear huh yes in semantics it is acceptable
and semantics is it it is very clear but who is he who are you talking
25:45is a new information
26:00and he is old information because it is a reference to john so we
use yes it is because it is an old
26:15piece of information it refers to something that we have already
talked about that we have already mentioned before and for
26:30because he is not clear who am i talking
26:45about lacking if there is something before if there is something
before the idea is
27:00going to be very clear the other factor
27:15that we use in order to solve meaning whoa presupposition pre
27:30please support me after most part i presuppose
27:45you know what i am going to talk about so there is no need to for
example elaborate there is no need to love my message is going to be
28:00economic economic method how is
28:15your brother how is your brother i presuppose that you have a
brother i do not have a brother when i tell you
28:30this sentence i presuppose that you have a brother and if i say for
example how are your brothers
28:45i presuppose that you have more than one brother okay so this is a
29:00you want to postpone an exam you know and you want to
postpone the one of your exams
29:15where you send your representative to the head of the department
you send your representative to the head of the department to negotiate
you know negotiate it
29:30follow on postponement of your exam one of one of you sees your
29:45in the corridor one of you is going to see this representative in the
corridor arabic
30:00the headmaster agrees the head sorry head of the department
agrees to
30:15postpone the exam or he does not accept to postpone the exam he
accepts he does not accept
30:30allah it is very condensed it is very economic does not elaborate
does not use full sentences
30:45he uses only one single word huh what is up what is going on the
speaker is asking about what is asking about the postponement of the
31:00manga said by this by this word by saying what do you want what
do you mean no why because both of them have a background
31:15both of them share the same background knowledge they know
31:30they know the problem they know there was an exam and they
want to postpone the exam so they both share the same background
knowledge so we use our background
31:45knowledge we use our piece of position to construct the message
to understand the message so these are the main factors that are used
32:00[Music] to contribute they are used to contribute to the message to
the construction of
32:15the message to the deconstruction of the message to
understanding the message for today and we shall go on tomorrow later
on maybe next tuesday or wednesday i'm not
32:30sure hopefully things are clear hope to see you next time and have
a nice day
Speech acts

0:00okay good morning everyone

0:15today we shall talk about the third part of our chapter pragmatics
which is speech acts and in order to know what is meant by speech
0:30acts we need to make a distinction between form and function
0:45or form and meaning for example if i ask somebody the following
question could you swim
1:00the expected answer is either yes or no right because this is a yes no
question the aim of this question
1:15is to ask for information but if i tell somebody could you show me
the way
1:30to the post office now is the answer going to be yes or no sorry
1:45so when i say the following question could you show me the way to
the post office the expected answer
2:00is not yes or no because actually this is not a yes no question this is a
2:15the the speaker is asking the listener to give him and he or she is
asking politely in a polite way to give him the directions to the post office
this is not a yes no
2:30question but you see both of them are constructed like uh questions
and actually we need to make
2:45a distinction as i said between form and function or structure and
function look at these examples look at these examples for example did
you eat the pizza the structure is interrogative the
3:00structure is an interrogative the function is question why because
we are asking for information yanil function is related to meaning
3:15while structure is related to form and look at this example eat the
pizza please the structure is imperative like in the function is
3:30a command a command like in if we add please request this is a
request you see the same sentence could be command could be
3:45request depending on the word please whether we add please or
not and if i say you ate the pizza the sentence is the structure is
4:00declarative and the function is a statement to give information and
sentence number one we are asking for information in sentence number
three we are giving information and if we give
4:15information the sentence is called a statement the function is a
statement while the structure is [Music] a declarative sentence in
structure we have three main structures the sentence is either
4:30interrogative imperative or declarative but the functions are so
many the functions and by the way this list
4:45is not exclusive that is to say we can add other functions to these
speech acts you know communication in general has always been a
necessity in human life
5:00so we use language to communicate and in the pragmatics
5:15we are concerned with if you remember the study of meaning which
meaning a hidden meaning a hidden meaning invisible meaning
5:30and we say somebody ask could you show me the way to the post
office in this case the listener is not
5:45seeking is not after a yes no and you walk away as a listener but the
listener is after directions because why the listener says
6:00the question like this we shall talk about this when we talk about
[Music] politeness because it is related to politeness so speech acts
6:15as we said or yes speech acts actually the speech acts theory
represents a sort of a distinction
6:30a sort of a distinction between form and meaning between structure
and function
6:45you know our book or the author of our book jojoul says that
pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning pragmatics is the study of
contextual meaning
7:00a pragmatics is the study of how to get more communicated than it
is said pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance
7:15and this relative distance makes us aware of how to use the
appropriate sentence in an appropriate situation
7:30so if you see your friend you don't need to use this type of sentence
could you show me the way to the post office because this is a very
polite way you may say simply speaking where is the
7:45post office or do you know where the post office is why you are so
direct because you are talking to your friend you are not talking to
8:00a stranger and this is related to social distance or related to relative
distance as george you'll call it
8:15and speech acts in this case is a topic or a sub division of pragmatics
it often takes place in verbal
8:30and non-verbal communication speech acts are the study of how the
speakers and hearers use language
8:45because the action itself in verbal communication has message in
9:00so when we speak it is not a matter of communicating by using
language but through actions through actions that's why
9:15that's why speech acts can be divided can be divided or can be put
in three types let's say
9:30there are three types of speech acts or the they have three
subdivisions actually because the types are different
9:45there are about six types of speeches first we have locutionary acts
10:00we have locutionary axe locutionary act is roughly equivalent to
10:15certain utterances with certain sense and reference which again is
roughly equivalent to meaning
10:30in traditional sense that is to say we take the sentence meaning as
it is so if i say any sentence for example it is hot in this room i
10:45mean it is hot i mean it is hot the other type is locationary act
11:00the elocutionary act is performed via the communicative force of
an utterance such as a promising
11:15apologizing offering is found in your chapter so if you promise
somebody this is an illusionary act why
11:30because you say something and there is an effect or consequence
or there is an act related to that sentence or to that meaning which is
the act of promising or apologizing or offering
11:45the third type of as i said the third type is per locutionary act
12:00per locutionary act
12:15and predictionary act is the act that is carried out by a speaker
when making an utterance in certain effect
12:30on the hearer and others so you have an effect on the hearer or
the reader and this effect of your sentence of your utterance is called
pictionary act
12:45period act is or can be also defined as the act offering
13:00someone these acts refer to the effect the utterance has on the
thoughts or actions of the other person predictionary act is specific to
13:15circumstances of issues is therefore not conventionally achieved
just by entering that particular
13:30utterance and includes all those effects intended or unintended
13:45uh this is in a brief what is meant by speech acts or direct and
indirect speech acts or these three types of what is meant by
14:00the effect the word effect and this part now have if a couple
14:15a couple a man and woman go to a judge they are not married
14:30but once the judge says i announce you as a husband are and wife
they become a married couple huddle had the fossil between before
14:45they get married really and they become married as what as an
utterance said by the judge
15:00clergyman clergyman he says i announce you a husband and wife
of pronouncing this sentence this utterance makes this kabul lawfully
15:15by the force of law or by the effect of that sentence i think now the
idea is clear
15:30let's move to the other part of the lecture today we shall talk about
pragmatics and politeness
15:45politeness you know what is meant by politeness right but
politeness might differ from one culture to another
16:00why other hacking can argue politeness is not the same around the
world around languages it might differ from one culture to another and
the ways it is understood are different
16:15and the con concepts or conceptualization of linguistic politeness is
rather vague especially when the technical term of politeness is used
16:30in the pragmatic on sociolinguistic study of sociocommunicative
verbal interaction so politeness is different from one culture to another
and the way by which we express this
16:45politeness again is going to be different from one culture to
another and from one language to another because we know
17:00each culture is represented by its own language so there are
different ways to express politeness for example you you use certain
words when we talk to somebody hadar tech this
17:15is in standard arabic cia tech and in english we have the same thing
your excellency
17:30your highness your majesty these are expressions used to to to
show politeness linguistic politeness across cultures may not be
expressed by a unique lexical term
17:45but there are specific ways of expressing such a context it is not
necessary to use a linguistic term to show politeness right
18:00where is politeness in this sentence
18:15this is politeness in this sentence there is no single word right but if
you look at this structure all
18:30together the whole structure expresses politeness so this structure
is put in a suitable context
18:45it shows politeness it shows politeness when you when you need a
leave or a permission not to and not to attend
19:00a lecture you go to you to your professor in his or her office and
you say sir i have a headache i have a terrible headache or i feel sick
19:30at the beginning of the lecture indian foreign what is the structure
of this sentence it is a declarative sentence right this is a declarative
19:45if it is a direct speech act the the direct meaning of this sentence is
to give
20:00information it could statement like is this sentence a statement no
actual yes it is a declarative sentence
20:15but it is not a statement why if it is said to a doctor normally one
shoot to adhere the context
20:30if it is said by a patient to a doctor it is a statement why because it
gives information and in this case this is a
20:45very direct speech act but if it is said by a student to his teacher or
her teacher is this a statement is the aim is to give
21:00information no actually the aim is to ask for permission not to
attend the class instead of saying i won't leave
21:15very direct the student is going to be considered as rude or the
student is threatening
21:30the face of his teacher the student is a native speaker of the
language of course and he or she is very aware of
21:45faith half of my watch if you are direct you are going you are you
are going to be very rude you are threatening the the face of your
listener instead of
22:00that you have to be indirect in order to save face of the listener so
instead of saying i want a leave or i
22:15cannot attend your lecture or i need a permission not to attend
your lecture you are going to use a very indirect speech act to show
22:30politeness the context
22:45context if it is said by a student a sorry by patient to a doctor it
shows information it gives information it is a direct speech act
23:00but if it is said by a student to teacher his or her teacher now the
context is different on the meaning is different because your
23:15teacher is not a doctor but actually you need a leave or permission
not to attend the lecture so you are as a native speaker very aware of the
politeness strategies
23:30you know how to be or how to use politeness strategies one of
these strategies is to be in indirect the more you are indirect the more
you are polite
23:45okay this is the strategy the more you are indirect the more you are
very polite so you say i have a headache in order to be
24:00highly appreciated by teacher and not only this but in order to save
the face of your teacher and face
24:15is a fundamental muhammad in in politeness face is a fundamental
concept in sociolinguistics and in a pragmatic pragmatic story [Music]
24:30according to goffman and the kitab and social linguistics he says
that face is a mask face
24:45is a mask you know mask right good that changes depending on
the audience and the variety of social interaction
25:00people strive to maintain the face they have created in social
situations they are emotionally attached
25:15to their face so they feel good when their faces are maintained loss
or face results and emotional pain so in social interactions
25:30people cooperate by using politeness strategies to maintain each
other's face face is an important cultural
25:45concept in social life it is the social standing of a person that refers
to the identity or image each person wants to claim
26:00in interaction and fairs face work includes that sorry it includes the
set of actions that are taken by persons to maintain face
26:15i think now the idea is clear the idea of politeness the idea of
26:30speech acts the idea of mask or face we said face is a mask so your
face in pragmatics is your public self-image
26:45and we don't want this image to be harmed to be attacked so
negative face is the need
27:00to be independent and free from imposition positive phase is the
need to be connected to belong
27:15to be a member of the group so a face saving act that emphasizes a
person's negative face will show concern about imposition
27:30i think the idea is clear now about faith on face saving or face
threatening well these are slides that you may have a look at
27:45to give you the main idea of the topic in addition to my lecture and
in addition to my presentation and if you have any questions please
28:00go to the classroom and feel free to ask
28:15okay hope to see you next time

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