T Test - Dec 6 1

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• enumerate and define the types of T-test

• test a hypothesis using the T-test of independent

or uncorrelated means

• solve problems involving test of hypothesis on

independent or uncorrelated means

A z-test will compare a sample to a defined

population that is typically used for dealing with
problems relating to large samples (i.e., n≥30).
Mostly, they are very useful when the standard
deviation is known.
T - test
- is a type of inferential statistic used to
determine if there is a statistically
significant difference between the two
independent sample groups
The general rule of the thumb for when to use a
T – test is:

n < 30

unknown population standard deviation

Types of T – test

1. One-Sample t-test

- we compare the average (or mean) of one

group against the set average (or mean).
This set average can be any theoretical
value (or it can be the population mean)
Types of T – test

2. Independent Two-Sample t-test

- used to compare the means of two different

Types of T – test

3. Paired Sample t-test

- we measure one group at two different

times. We compare separate means for a
group at two different times or under two
different conditions
A researcher wishes to determine the
performance level of students with pre-school
education. Eighteen senior high school
students with pre-school education and twenty-
two senior high school students without pre-
school education were randomly selected and
the results are tabulated below. Use

with pre-school education

without pre-school education

A researcher wishes to determine the performance level of students
with pre-school education. Eighteen senior high school students with
pre-school education and twenty-two senior high school students
without pre-school education were randomly selected. Use
Step 1. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
There is no significant difference between the
performance level of senior high school students with
pre-school education and without pre-school education.
There is a significant difference between the
performance level of senior high school students with
pre-school education and without pre-school education.
Step 2. Choose the level of significance.
A researcher wishes to determine the performance level of students
with pre-school education. Eighteen senior high school students with
pre-school education and twenty-two senior high school students
without pre-school education were randomly selected. Use

Step 3. Compute the test statistic.

– two-tailed test
– sample size is less than 30 (n < 30)
– sample standard deviation is known
– population standard deviation is unknown
Step 4. Determine the p-value. 5% = 0.05

a. degrees of freedom
= ( 1 − 1) + ( 2 − 1)

The computed test statistic is

Decision Making
a. If p-value , reject
b. If p-value , do not reject

A researcher wishes to determine the performance level of students
with pre-school education. Eighteen senior high school students with
pre-school education and twenty-two senior high school students
without pre-school education were randomly selected. Use

Step 5. Draw a conclusion.

Since 0.05 is greater than 0.01, accept the null

hypothesis. Therefore, there is no significant difference
between the performance level of senior high school
students with pre-school education and without pre-school
Written Work for T-test (short bond paper)

A teacher wishes to find out if the E-learning teaching method is

more effective than the traditional lecture method. For E-learning
teaching method, 15 students of approximately equal intelligence were
selected to be part of the study while for the traditional lecture method,
14 students were chosen. After two months of conducting the two
methods to the students, a 30-item test was given to them to assess
their performance. The results are tabulated below. Test at 0.05 level of
significance that there is no significant difference between the mean
scores of the students in the two methods of teaching.


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