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01 Introduction to biochemistry 01
02 Enzymes 07
03 Carbohydrate Metabolism 19
04 Lipid Metabolism 60
05 Biological Oxidation 84
06 Protein and amino acid metabolism 95
07 Nucleic acid metabolism 110
08 Kidney function test 133
09 Liver function test 145
10 Lipid profile test 154
11 Immunochemical techniques 161
12 Electrolytes 172
Introduction to biochemistry
Cell and its biochemical organization-



Cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms.

Two types of cells:



Do not carry well developed nucleus. Well developed nucleus
Eg: Bacteria,
Simple celled Multicellular.
Do not have sub-cellular organelles. Have sub-cellular organelles (Mitochondria, Golgi
apparatus, Ribosomes, Cytoplasma, Endoplasmic
Reticulum, Peroxyzomes.

Cell constituents are:

1. Plasma membrane.
2. Mitochondria.
3. Endoplasmic reticulum.
4. Golgi apparatus.
5. Lysozomes.
6. Peroxysomes.
7. Nucleus.
8. Cytoplasm.

Cell Constituents Explanation Function

PLASMA MEMBRANE Outer most covering of the cell. Transport of ions (ca+, Na+, K+,
Made up of proteins, lipids and Biomolecules, glucose).
carbohydrates. Carry receptors for hormones and
Lipids present in plasma membrane neurotransmitters.
is phospholipid.
Lipids are bilayered.
Phospholipid have head and tail
region. Head is hydrophilic polar
and tail is hydrophobic non-polar.
Sometimes glycolipids and
cholesterol are also present in the
plasma membrane.

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It resembles like fluid mosaic
Proteins two types, one is extrinsic-
outside of plasma membrane.
Other is intrinsic- Inside of plasma

MITOCHONDRIA Power house of the cell. ATP synthesis.

Double membrane structure. Electron transport chain occurs in
Inner membrane folded in the form inner membrane.
of cristae. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs and
Centre part is called as matrix. it is also a Part of urea cycle and heme
ENDOPLASMIC Tubular in structure. RER- Protein synthesis and secretion.
RETICULUM Two types, Rough ER and Smooth SER- Steroid hormones, Phospholipids
ER. has been synthesized.
Due to presence of Ribosomes Metabolism of various forms of
Rough ER is named so. compounds takes place.
GOLGI APPARATUS Tubular in shape. Important role in post-transcriptional
Present almost in all cells in our modification.
body (250 types of cells). Sorting of proteins.
Matured RBC do not contain Export of proteins.
mitochondria and golgi apparatus.
LYSOZOMES Vesicular organelles (mostly round Intra cellular digestion of
like). Macromolecules (Carbohydrates,
Formed from golgi apparatus. Lipids, Nucleic acids, Proteins).
Membrane of lysozomes has more Sucidal bags.
thickest membrane. Destruction of bacteria.
Carry hydrolytic (Important role in Hydrolysis of nucleic acid, protein,
destruction) enzymes. glycosaminoglycans, glycolipids,
PEROXYSOMES Resemble like lysosomes. Carry peroxidase enzyme, catalyse
Synthesized from either SER/ from enzyme etc.
pre-existing peroxysomes. These enzymes play important role in
Metabolism of peroxide and oxidation
of long chain fatty acids.
NUCLEUS Nucleolus (Site for DNA replication Storage of DNA, replication and repair
and transcription), chromatin of DNA, transcription and post-
(Thread like structure). transcriptional processing.
Germ cells reproduce somatic Nucleolus present inside the nucleus
cells= mitosis and do not helpful in synthesis of rRNA and
reproduce. formation of ribosomes.
Spherical in shape.
Covered by nuclear membrane.

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The remaining site of nucleolus is
filled in chromatin.
CYTOPLASM/ Granulated structures. Part of Gluconeogenesis.
CYTOSOL All the sub cellular organelles are Site for most of the metabolic
embedded. activities like HMP pathway, urea
cycle, glycolysis and synthesis of
purins and pyramidins.


Biological membranes are semi-permeable membrane (allow only certain into the cell).

Two types of transport process-

1. Passive transport- It is of two types Simple diffusion and Facilitated diffusion.

2. Active transport- It is of two types primary active transport and secondary active transport ( co-
transport and Counter transport)


PASSIVE TRANSPORT Lipid soluble molecules can easily transport from intracellular to
Ions are being transported without utilization of
Ions move from higher concentration to lower concentration.
SIMPLE DIFFUSION Ions move from higher concentration to lower concentration.
Lipophillic (lipid loving substances) can be transported.
FACILITATED DIFFUSION Other name is uniport and carrier medicated diffusion.
Ions itself cannot be translocated for higher concentration to
lower concentration.
It is transported through carrier which is located on the
membrane of cell.
Water soluble substances can be transported by this mechanism
because plasma membrane is made of only lipids and proteins.
ACTIVE TRANSPORT The molecules move against concentration gradient and external
energy sources required (ATP) is referred as active transport.
Eg: Ions( Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, H+), biomolecules, aminoacids are
PRIMARY ACTIVE In this energy is derived from hydrolysis of ATP.
TRANSPORT Ions ( Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, H+) are tanslocated but not
biomolecules due to large size.
Sodium-potassium pump is present.
Hydrolysis of ATP is converted into ADP and inorganic phosphate
by means of ATPase enzyme activity.
Na+ translocated to outside whereas K+ is translocated inside by
means of Na+ K+ pump.

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It has great physiological significance. The Na+K+ gradient
developed by this pump in cells controls cell volume.
SECONDARY ACTIVE It uses energy generated by electrochemical gradient.
TRANSPORT It is not directly coupled with hydrolysis of ATP.
CO-TRANSPORT Both substances moves simultaneously across the membrane in
the same direction.
Eg: Transport of sodium and glucose to intestinal mucosal cell
from gut.
Co-transport is also called as Symport.
COUNTER TRANSPORT It is also called as antiport.
Both substances move simultaneously in opposite direction.
Eg: Transport of Na+ and H+ which occurs in renal proxiamal
convoluted tubules and exchange of Cl- and HCO3- in RBC.


Certain compounds are encountered in the biological system which on hydrolysis yield
Energy rich compounds is usually applied to substances which passes sufficient free energy to
liberate at least 7 cal/mole at pH 7.
All the high energy compounds when hydrolyzed liberate more energy than that of ATP. These
includes phosphoneol pyruvate, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, phosphocreatine etc.
Most of the high energy compounds contain phosphate group (exception acetyl co-a). Hence
they are called high energy phosphate compounds.


Pyrophosphate ATP, Pyrophosphate
Acid Phosphates 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate,
Carbonyl phosphate.
Enol Phosphates Acetyl Phosphate
Phosphoenol pyruvate.
Thioesters Acetyl Co-A, Acyl Co-A.
Guanido phosphates Phosphocreatine,
(phosphogens) Phosphoarginine.

The high energy compounds posses acid anhydride bonds (mostly phosphoanhydride bonds)
which are formed by condensation of two acidic groups or related compounds. These bonds are
called high energy bonds since the free energy is liberated when these bonds are hydrolysed.
Symbol ( ) to represent high energy bond.


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It is a high energy compound due to the presence of 2-phosphoanhydride
bonds in triphosphate unit.

It serves as the energy currency of the cell.

Hydrolysis of ATP releases large amount of energy. ATP+H20--------ADP + Pi (7.3 cal).

Energy liberated is utilized for various process like muscle contraction, active transport

It acts as donar of high energy phosphate to low energy compounds to make them
energy rich.

ADP can accept high energy phosphate from coumpounds possessing higher free
energy content to form ATP.

ATP-ADP cycle- fundamental basis of energy exchange reactions in living system. They
act as link between catabolism and anabolism in biological system.




OXIDATIVE Major source of ATP in all organisms.
PHOSPHORYLATION Linked with mitochondria ETC.
Phosphocreatine or creatine phosphate stored in muscel of
brain as an energy rich compound.
SUBSTRATE LEVEL Directly synthesized during substrate oxidation.
PHOSPHORYLATION High energy compounds such as PEP, 1,3-Bisphosphate,
Glycerate, Succinyl C0-A transfer high energy phosphate to
ultimately produce ATP.

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