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Isotopes in Economic Geology,

Metallogeny and Exploration—

Future Challenges and Opportunities

David L. Huston and Jens Gutzmer

Abstract mineralizing events, tectonic and metallogenic

setting, fluid, metal and sulfur sources, and
Although the intent of this book is to provide
alteration and fluid pathways. Despite the use-
readers with an overview on the current and fulness of this information, the application and
past usage of isotopes in the broad disciplines interpretation of isotopes in economic geology,
of economic geology, metallogenesis and
metallogenesis and exploration faces a number of
mineral exploration, some of the chapters analytical and interpretational challenges.
highlight future challenges and opportunities
for the use of both radiogenic and stable
isotopes within these disciplines and more 1.1 Radiogenic Isotopes
broadly. This concluding section identifies and the Geochronology
and then discusses how some of these chal- of Mineralizing Systems
lenges might be overcome and the opportuni-
ties that might be realized. Many recent advances in ore genesis resulted
from an improving capability to understand
1 Challenges to Isotopic Research mineral systems in the 4th dimension, time,
which, in turn, has enabled direct linkages
As described throughout this book, isotopic between mineral systems, other geological sys-
research, both on radiogenic and stable isotopes, tems such as tectonic systems, and Earth evolu-
has been essential to develop models for the tion. With the development of new analytical
genesis of many types of mineral deposits, techniques and the application of existing ana-
including information on age and duration of lytical techniques to new minerals, economic
geologists have much better insights into the
absolute ages and durations of mineralising
events. This insight enables not only a better
D. L. Huston (&) understanding of mineralizing processes but
Geocience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT allows temporal linkages of these processes to
2601, Australia other geological events that can be identified
and/or tested at scales from the global to the thin
J. Gutzmer section. Despite major advances in capability,
Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource
many challenges remain to incorporating time
Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum
Dresden-Rossendorf, Chemnitzer Str. 40, 09599 into ore genesis and metallogenic models, and
Freiberg, Germany exploration practices.

© The Author(s) 2023 465

D. Huston and J. Gutzmer (eds.), Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogenesis and Exploration,
Mineral Resource Reviews,
466 D. L. Huston and J. Gutzmer

One of the most significant challenges is to dated non-ore mineral (e.g., monazite or xeno-
develop methodologies for dating some classes time) is coeval with the ore mineral (gold). Other
of mineral deposits and criteria for assessing ages deposits can be dated using minerals in the
of others. A small proportion of deposits can be associated alteration assemblage; this requires,
robustly dated using ore minerals (i.e., those however, the assumption that the alteration
minerals extracted for metal recovery). Dateable assemblage directly relates to the mineralizing
ore minerals, however, are few, for example, event. A third method to infer mineralization
molybdenite (using the Re–Os systems: Norman ages is assuming a relationship between a dated
2023), cassiterite, tantalite and related minerals, rock and mineralization; for example, a skarn
uraninite and other uranium minerals (U–Pb: deposit can be dated by assuming that its age is
Chelle-Michou and Schaltegger 2023), sphalerite the same as the associated granite, or an (as-
(Rb–Sr: Christensen et al. 1995), scheelite (Sm– sumed) syngenetic deposit can be dated from the
Nd; Anglin et al. 1996), and the interpretation of age of the host rocks. In many (most) cases, such
age data from some of these (e.g., uraninite and assumptions are justified and the reported ages
sphalerite) can be fraught for many reasons, reflect the ages of mineralization, but in other
including post-depositional open system beha- cases, the assumption may be wrong. A chal-
viour (Chiaradia 2023). lenge to ore geochronologists and economic
A specific example of these challenges is the geologists is producing a set of criteria to assess
fact that while uraninite can produce robust geological relationships and the resulting inferred
unimodal U–Pb ages (e.g., Cross et al. 2011), it ages of mineralization.
more commonly gives a range of ages that can The greatest challenge to ore geochronology
span hundreds of millions of years (e.g., Polito is dating mineralizing events for which dateable
et al. 2005). Hence, one of the main challenges to ore, ore-related or alteration minerals are not
ore geochronology is determining the (known to be) present and that cannot be confi-
geochronological significance of isotopic data: dently related to other dateable geological events.
do the data indicate mineralizing events, subse- A good example of this challenge are Mississippi
quent isotopic disturbance events or related pro- Valley-type deposits, which commonly lack
cesses such as fluid or source mixing? For dateable minerals and have ambiguous or con-
example, Nash et al. (1981) argued that the for- troversial relationships to local and/or regional
mation of some unconformity-related uranium geological events. This challenge may be partly
deposits involved repeated introduction of ura- resolved by careful petrographic studies targeted
nium over periods of up to a billion years. More at identifying previously-unidentified but date-
recently, Ehrig et al. (2021) argued for two able minerals. Other methods of dating, such as
periods of uranium introduction at the giant paleomagnetic dating (Symons et al. 1998), may
Olympic Dam iron-oxide copper–gold deposit in offer alternative methods of determining ages.
South Australia based on laser ablation- In addition to challenges specific to mineral
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry deposit studies, geochronology more generally
(LA-ICP-MS) ages of uraninite—an early event faces continued challenges to produce more
at ca 1590 Ma, and a later event at ca 500 Ma. precise and more accurate ages, including:
A challenge to ore geochronology is to determine (1) precise determination and calibration of
if multiple ages from uraninite (and other min- decay constants across all isotopic systems used
erals) represent independent metal introduction in geochronology, (2) inter-laboratory and inter-
events, metal redistribution/recrystallization method (e.g., secondary ion mass spectrometry
events, or mixing ages. (SIMS) versus LA-ICP-MS) calibration, (3) im-
Some deposit types, for example orogenic provements in analytical precision, and (4) im-
gold (Vielreicher et al. 2015), can be dated using provements in the understanding of isotopic
non-ore minerals but an assumption must be systems. Finally, the integration of “bulk” anal-
made (or relationship demonstrated) that the yses with low spatial resolution but high
Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogeny and Exploration … 467

analytical precision with in-situ analyses with parameters (i.e., age and ɛHf) from complex data
high spatial resolution but (commonly) low populations that can be used in isotopic mapping.
analytical precision is a challenge not only for The integration of “bulk” and in situ analyses
radiogenic isotopes but also for light and metallic is also a challenge to the use of lead isotopes to
stable isotopes. trace metal sources and mineralizing processes.
This challenge is particularly well illustrated by
the work of Gigon et al. (2020), who observed
1.2 Radiogenic Isotopes in Tracing variations in lead isotopic ratios of high spatial
and Mapping resolution but low precision SIMS analyses of
galena from the HYC deposit in Australia much
One of the major challenges facing radiogenic greater than the variability observed in low res-
isotopic mapping is developing consistent olution but high precision double-spiked thermal
methodologies for mapping and interpreting the ionization mass spectrometry (DS-TIMS) analy-
significance of variations in isotopic data. As ses. Gigon et al. (2020) argued that the in situ
discussed by Champion and Huston (2023), SIMS data indicate the mixing of two lead
Huston and Champion (2023) and Waltenberg sources, but these relationships are not seen in
(2023), there are many options of parameters to the DS-TIMS data. Reasons for differences in the
map, and multiple models of isotopic evolution datasets are, at this point, unclear.
complicate these options. To be comparable, Finally, like other isotopic systems, access to
isotopic maps must be constructed using similar inexpensive analyses with rapid turnaround is
isotopic growth models, for similar parameters also a challenge for radiogenic isotope analyses
and using similar interpolation methods (e.g., used age determinations, source tracing and iso-
Champion and Huston 2023). Although it is topic mapping. Analyses of most radiogenic
sometimes necessary to use locally constrained isotopic systems still occurs in University or
models to address local questions, the use of government research laboratories, although
inconsistent methods/models between different commercial geochemical laboratories are starting
regions can produce erroneous maps and inter- to offer lead isotope analyses using ICP-MS
pretations. These issues are in addition to chal- analyses.
lenges of compiling datasets from different
sources and laboratories and the challenges of
constructing maps from low-density datasets. 1.3 Light Stable Isotopes
A second challenge to isotopic mapping is to
understand and account for processes that affect The main challenges to the use and interpretation
measured isotopic ratios and derived parameters. of stable isotopes are the availability of abundant,
These processes, which most strongly affect lead, low cost and high quality analyses and recon-
include pre-mineralizing processes that can ciling differences between bulk and in situ anal-
modify the source region (e.g., high-grade yses. As indicated by Barker et al. (2013),
metamorphism) and post-mineralizing processes analyses of light stable isotopes must have a fast
that can change initial ratios (e.g., ingrowth and turn-around time, be relatively inexpensive and
isotopic disturbance). Consistent criteria must be be produced in large number before they are
developed to allow isotopic maps to account for routinely incorporated into mineral exploration
such processes, which can produce highly programs. The last point is critical, as large
anomalous isotopic signatures. A challenge populations are required to statistically assess
specific to the Lu–Hf system, in which several anomalies produced from isotopic data. The
tens of zircon spot analyses are acquired per availability of inexpensive microanalytical tools
sample (e.g., Waltenberg 2023), is developing such as LA-ICP-MS may achieve rapid produc-
consistent methods to determine meaningful tion of large numbers of rapid, inexpensive
468 D. L. Huston and J. Gutzmer

analyses, but as discussed below, interpretation 2023; Mathur and Zhao 2023), similar curves for
of the results are commonly not simple. zinc isotopes are limited (Wilkinson 2023).
In reviewing stable isotopes in shale-hosted Hence, one of the greatest challenge to inter-
zinc deposits, Williams (2023) found that sulfur preting metallic stable isotope data is the acqui-
isotope values determined using in situ analysis sition of well-calibrated experimental
were much more variable that values determined fractionation curves and understanding applica-
from bulk analyses. Hence, like radiogenic iso- tion of experimentally determined equilibration
topes, the integration of bulk and in situ analyses relationships to real world ore deposits.
also presents a challenge to the interpretation of A third challenge for metallic stable isotopes
stable isotope data. Even though sample aliquots is developing rapid and inexpensive analytical
might only be a few milligrams, bulk analyses methods, including automation. Like other iso-
homogenize variability seen in in situ analyses, topes, metallic stable isotopes will not be rou-
based on much smaller sample volumes. Conse- tinely used by the exploration industry until this
quently, the challenge remains to integrate these last challenge is met, although it is important to
two broad analytical techniques, with implica- stress that there is significant interest from
tions for interpretating the scale and process of industry to use metallic isotopes to resolve
mineralizing events. specific ore genesis problems.

2 Opportunities for Isotopic

1.4 Metallic Stable Isotopes Research

As variations in metallic stable isotopes were Like most other fields of scientific research, there
only discovered in the last two to three decades, have been important advances in the capability to
research into this field is less mature, and the determine isotopic ratios and understanding
challenges differ to other fields of isotopic processes that cause changes in isotopic ratios.
research. The main challenge for metallic stable These advances present opportunities to apply
isotopes is to acquire sufficient data to document the isotopic data to geological and, more
natural variability in isotopic ratios and deter- specifically, mineral system problems.
mine processes that cause this variation. The In many cases, opportunities in isotopic
amount of basis data varies according to metal; research have come from unorthodox research,
for zinc, there is a small, but growing, dataset for which, in some cases, were in conflict with per-
sediment-hosted deposits, but datasets for other ceived wisdom at the time—for example,
deposit types are very small, in some cases expectations that isotopic fractionation should be
constituting only a handful of analyses (Wilkin- mass dependent or that metallic isotopes should
son 2023). The datasets for iron and copper are not fractionate. Some of these unorthodox
larger (Lobato et al. 2023; Mathur and Zhao opportunities, as described in this book, have
2023), but still require additional data, particu- provided not only entirely new datasets that can
larly to understand processes that control isotopic be used to test new and existing models for
fractionation. geological systems, but entirely new ideas about
A second challenge is the experimental processes involved in mineral systems and, more
determination of temperature-dependent mineral- broadly, Earth systems.
fluid, mineral-melt and mineral–mineral frac- Like in many other fields in geoscience,
tionation curves for common Fe-, Cu- and Zn- another important opportunity (and challenge)
bearing minerals, including biologically- for isotopic research is data integration. This
mediated fractionation. Although fractionation includes integration of different isotopic systems
curves for iron and copper isotopes have been and/or different analytical techniques, integration
determined for some minerals (cf. Lobato et al. of isotopic data with other geoscience data, and
Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogeny and Exploration … 469

integration of isotopic data with data beyond routine petrography and require systematic
geoscience disciplines. Data integration can microanalytical methods such as scanning elec-
occur from thin section to global scales and tron microscope (SEM)-based image analysis
commonly provides new insights into Earth (aka automated mineralogy: Sylvester 2012;
processes. This opportunity also extends to the Schulz 2021) or similar microprobe-based tech-
rapidly evolving fields of artificial intelligence niques for reliable identification. These tech-
and machine learning. These fields offer oppor- niques not only identify dateable minerals but
tunities for comprehensive evaluation of the also place these minerals in textural and parage-
integrated data using statistical and stochastic netic context. Personal experience indicates that
approaches that quantify relationships between SEM-based image analysis can identify dateable
isotopic and other geoscientific datasets. minerals such as phosphates (e.g., apatite, mon-
azite and xenotime) in mineral deposits previ-
ously not known to have dateable minerals. In
2.1 Radiogenic Isotopes addition, many deposits contain potentially date-
and the Geochronology able minerals such as fluorite (U–Pb of Sm–Nd),
of Mineralizing Events allanite (U–Th–Pb), rare earth element minerals
(Sm–Nd), scheelite (U–Pb) and titanite (U–Pb)
Despite the challenges described above, ore for which ages are not routinely determined.
geochronology has many opportunities, from Another opportunity for research in ore
determining the timing and duration of mineral geochronology is the integration of age data into
systems, to the dating of mineralizing events numerical models of mineral system evolution.
using new minerals and/or isotopic systems, to For example, Chelle-Michou et al. (2017) used
integrating the geochronology data into process- thermal models and Monte Carlo simulations to
oriented numerical models of mineralizing simulate the evolution of the porphyry copper
events, and to linking these events to other geo- mineral system during granite emplacement.
logical events at the district to global scales. As They combined this modelling with data on
summarized by Chiaradia (2023) and Chelle- endowment and the duration of mineralization
Michou and Schaltegger (2023), the duration of from eight porphyry copper deposits around the
individual mineralizing events in porphyry cop- world to conclude that system duration and the
per systems typically last a few tens of thousands total magma volume are the main controls on
or years, although multiple events may overprint copper endowment, and not magma enrichment
each other to produce to mineralizing systems in sulfur or copper. This illustrates the potential
that last much longer and produce much larger to combine geochronological data with mod-
metal endowments. Although well constrained elling to define the most important controls on
for porphyry mineral systems, the duration of endowment for many types of mineral systems.
mineralizing events for other systems is poorly The growing dataset of high precision and
known. Moreover, information on the duration robust ages of mineral deposits also allows
and overprinting of mineralizing events can be linkage of mineralizing events to other geological
fed into exploration questions with direct explo- events at the local to global scales. This allows
ration implications: Do highly endowed deposits not only the testing of genetic models, but also
require long durations? Or multiple events? incorporating mineralizing systems into Earth
Although dating of some deposits is a chal- evolution. As an example of the former, Phillips
lenge to ore geochronology, opportunities exist to et al. (2012) identified two gold mineralizing
resolve some of these challenges. These include events in the Victorian goldfields (southeast
recognition of dateable minerals in ore assem- Australia), an early event at ca 450–440 Ma
blages and dating of ore-related minerals not temporally associated with the Benambran Oro-
commonly dated at present. Many dateable ore- geny but not with magmatism, and a second
related minerals are not readily recognized during event at 380–370 Ma temporally associated the
470 D. L. Huston and J. Gutzmer

Tabberabberan Orogeny and with granitic mag- produced the boundaries. For example, Cham-
matism (see also Wilson et al. 2020). Over the pion (2013) interpreted decreasing T2DM from
last few decades, there has been a debate over the north to south in the North Australian Craton as
role of magmatism in orogenic gold deposits and evidence for a long-lived convergent margin
the relationship of orogenic to intrusion-related along the southern margin, with implications to
gold deposits. The combination of geochrono- metallogenesis of this province.
logical (e.g., Philips et al. 2012) and structural Armistead et al. (2021), using lead isotope
(Wilson et al. 2020) syntheses allow for an data from volcanic-hosted massive sulfide
assessment of the roles of granites in orogenic (VHMS) and orogenic gold deposits, showed
gold mineral systems (not necessary, at least for that at the global scale the range in l has changed
the Benambran system in western Victoria) and with time, with the period after 1000 Ma having
between orogenic and intrusion-related gold a more restricted range that the period before.
deposits. Moreover, S Armistead (pers comm, 2022) sug-
Meyer (1981), Lambert and Groves (1981), gests that individual terranes have different lead
Lambert et al. (1992), Kerrich et al. (2005) and isotope characteristics that may be used as a
many others have shown that the distribution of dataset to provide independent tests of paleotec-
mineral deposits through time is not uniform, tonic reconstructions and tectonic models, even
with different classes of deposits having distri- back into the Paleoarchean. Hence, radiogenic
butions that can be related global tectonic events isotope data and derived maps can be used to
and environmental changes. The early observa- place constraints on tectonic models, with
tions by Meyer (1981) and by Lambert and implications to metallogenic models.
Groves (1981) have largely held up, and the Opportunities also exist to merge data from
greater availability of high precision geochrono- different isotopic systems into one map. Vervoot
logical data have refined deposit distributions et al. (1999) demonstrated that ɛHf and ɛNd
and demonstrated that the distribution of many strongly correlate for terrestrial rocks, indicating
deposits are related to global tectonic processes that the two parameters are related by a simple
such as the assembly and break-up of supercon- linear relationship. Use of this relationship raises
tinents and global environmental events such as the possibility that isotopic maps from the Sm–
the Great Oxidation Event. Continued acquisition Nd and Lu–Hf systems can be combined into one
of ore geochronology data will test current ideas map. Another opportunity is extending isotopic
on global controls on metallogenesis and gener- mapping to other isotopic systems, for example
ate new ideas. the Re–Os system.
Owing to their increasing importance in the
energy transition, rare earth elements (REEs)
2.2 Radiogenic Isotopes in Tracing have become critical to the global economy, yet
and Mapping mineral systems that form REE deposits are
poorly understood. As the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf
Radiogenic isotope mapping has shown system- isotopic systems are integral parts of REE min-
atic spatial patterns in Sm–Nd, Pb–Pb and Lu–Hf eral systems, these isotopic systems can provide
data that appear to be related to continental to direct constraints on the sources of and processes
province-scale crustal boundaries identified using that enrich REEs.
other datasets (Champion and Huston 2023; Finally, Armistead et al. (2022) developed an
Huston and Champion 2023; Waltenberg 2023). R tool to automatically calculate l and other
In many cases, the tectonic implications of these parameters from lead isotope data. Automation
boundaries are either poorly known or contro- of these calculations and isotope mapping
versial. The changes in isotopic characteristics methods will allow more widespread use of iso-
across these boundaries can provide important topic data in metallogenic and tectonic studies,
constraints on the tectonic processes that and, ultimately, exploration.
Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogeny and Exploration … 471

2.3 Light Stable Isotopes In addition to the opportunities offered by

microanalysis described above, the development
Despite being a mature discipline, light stable of effective techniques to analyze multiple iso-
isotope research has seen several analytical topes, specifically sulfur isotopes, has offered
breakthroughs this century, leading to important new insights into the sources of sulfur in mineral
new insights into process in both Earth and deposits and processes that have affected the
mineral systems (Huston et al. 2023a). These sulfur cycle through time (Farquhar et al. 2000;
analytical breakthroughs, and breakthroughs in Caruso et al. 2022; Huston et al. 2023a,b).
data integration, have and will continue to pro- Application of multiple sulfur isotope analyses to
duce opportunities to apply isotope data to min- other mineral systems will continue to provide
eral system problems. new constraints on sulfur sources and mineral-
A feature of the four chapters on the use of izing processes.
stable isotopes in specific mineral systems is data Unlike multiple sulfur isotopes, clumped iso-
integration. Huston et al. (2023b) integrate topes, that is combined variations of isotopes in
oxygen-hydrogen and sulfur isotope data with molecules (isotopologues), have not as yet been
temporal data to infer that the fluid temperature used extensively in mineral system studies.
and sulfur source in VHMS mineral systems Clumped isotope analyses, mostly of CO2
have broadly changed with geological time. extracted from carbonate minerals, provides
Quesnel et al. (2023) integrate a range of isotopic information about the temperature of mineral
data from orogenic gold deposits with temporal formation that is independent of the isotopic
data to show how fluid sources have (and have composition of the fluid (Ghosh et al. 2006).
not) evolved through time, and Hagemann et al. Mering et al. (2018) have shown the potential of
(2023) integrate data from Australia, Brazil and clumped isotopes for a number of geothermal
South Africa to show the complexities and sim- systems and mineral deposits to indicate miner-
ilarities of ore fluids that upgraded iron formation alization temperatures and infer d18O of the
to form high-grade iron ore deposits. Finally, mineralizing fluids. Because the fractionation of
Williams (2023) integrates isotopic data with clumped isotopes increases with decreasing
paragenetic observations from major shale- temperatures, clumped isotopes will be particu-
hosted zinc deposits from the North Australian larly useful in low temperature mineral systems,
Zinc Belt and the Northern Cordillera in North for example many basin-hosted systems. As
America to assess differing hypotheses of ore temperature calibrations are developed for min-
formation and the sources of sulfur and carbon. erals with higher temperature of closure to iso-
All four studies illustrate the opportunity of the tope reordering, this new tool will have more
integration of isotopic data with other data at the widespread application (Quesnel et al. 2022).
global scale to provide insights into mineral The potential of clumped isotopes is enhanced by
system processes not available through the study the development of new, rapid analytical tech-
of individual deposits. niques for very small samples (Sakai et al. 2017).
Opportunities for data integration extend to Tunable mid-infrared laser absorption spectrom-
the microscopic scale as analytical capabilities etry (TILDAS), as developed by Sakai et al.
now allow collection of a wide range of isotopic (2017), differs from virtually all other methods of
(and other) data from the same thin section and isotopic analysis in that it uses infrared spec-
even the same analytical spot. Collection of troscopy rather than mass spectrometry to
comprehensive data from the same sample determine mass ratios.
enables a much clearer and more complete view Finally, recent analytical developments also
of stable isotopes and the processes that cause allow for determination of boron isotopes from
their fractionation. minerals in which boron is a minor constituent;
472 D. L. Huston and J. Gutzmer

previously boron isotope analyses have largely All three metallic isotope systems discussed in
been restricted to tourmaline. For example, this book have potential as vectors to ore. Lobato
Codeço et al. (2019) determined hydrothermal et al. (2023) indicate that decreases in d56Fe (and
temperatures and d11B of ore fluids at the d18O) may vector toward shear zones that have
Panasquiera W-Sn deposit in Portugal using acted as fluid conduits during the upgrading of
coeval tourmaline and white mica. iron formation to iron ore. Similarly, Mathur and
Zhao (2023) show d65Cu zonation in a number of
deposit types (porphyry copper, epithermal,
2.4 Metallic Stable Isotopes skarn and layered mafic intrusion), indicating
that d65Cu may be a useful tool to distinguish ore
Being a relatively new discipline, metallic types and test linkages between deposit types in
stable isotopes offer a number of opportunities the same district (e.g., between porphyry copper
to counterbalance the challenges described and epithermal deposits), and assess gossanous
above. As both copper and iron occur naturally exposures. Wilkinson (2023) also notes zonation
in multiple valence states, one of the greatest in d66Zn in several sediment-hosted zinc depos-
opportunities for the using isotopes of both its. These variations may have the potential for
metals is to understand reactions, in particular use as deposit-scale vectors, but more case
redox reactions, involved in hypogene miner- studies are clearly required.
alization and supergene enrichment (Lobato Finally, based upon current data, metallic
et al. 2023; Mathur and Zhao 2023). The major stable isotopes have limited opportunity as a tool
cause of iron isotope fractionation are redox to identify metal sources. Mathur and Zhao
reactions that convert ferric to ferrous iron (or (2023) indicate that variability of d65Cu in
vice versa). These reactions occur in many common rock types is limited, and most vari-
geological environments and can include both ability present in mineral deposits relates to
biologically mediated and abiological reactions chemical reactions during hypogene mineraliza-
(Johnson et al. 2008; Lobato et al. 2023). tion or supergene upgrading. Similarly, although
Hence, iron isotopes can be used to better based on a much smaller dataset, Wilkinson
understand processes involved in formation of (2023) indicates that the variability in d66Zn in
not only iron ore deposits, but also other common rock types is also small. With the
deposits in which iron is a major component of exceptions of Precambrian shales and iron for-
the ores. mation, d56Fe of sedimentary and igneous rocks
As discussed by Mathur and Zhao (2023), overlap each other and bulk silicate Earth
much of the variability in d65Cu in deposits (Dauphas and Rouxel 2006), limiting the utility
stems from redox and other reactions, either of iron isotopes to determine iron sources in
during hypogene ore formation or supergene most ore deposits.
overprinting. Although d65Cu variations occur in
high temperature systems such as orthomagmatic
mafic-hosted Ni–Cu deposits (Zhao et al. 2017), 3 Conclusions
the greatest fractionations are associated with
low temperature systems. Variations in d65Cu The syntheses of isotopic research related to
can track redox reactions and reflect fluid path- mineral system science presented in this book
ways in sediment-hosted copper deposits (Haest highlight the importance of isotopes to develop
et al. 2009), whereas d65Cu data can be used to knowledge of geological processes important to
assess the degree of weathering in leached caps ore formation. Moreover, each chapter has
that have developed over porphyry copper identified important challenges and opportuni-
deposits and distinguish between hypogene ver- ties for continued contributions of isotopes to
sus supergene origins for copper minerals such as ore formation at all scales and to mineral
chalcocite (Mathur and Zhao 2023). exploration.
Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogeny and Exploration … 473

Many of the challenges to isotopic science in References

economic geology, metallogenesis and explo-
ration relate to the availability and quality of data. Anglin CD, Jonasson IR, Franklin JM (1996) Sm-Nd
For a number isotopic systems that have only dating of scheelite and tourmaline: implications for the
recently become viable due to analytical devel- genesis of Archean gold deposits, Val d’Or, Canada.
Econ Geol 91:1372–1382
opments, the amount of data available is relatively
Armistead S, Eglington B, Pehrsson S, Huston D (2021)
small and gathering sufficient data to determine Pb isotope variability in the Archean: insights from the
natural variations in isotopic ratios is a funda- Superior Province, Canada. Geosci Can 48:153
mental challenge, but also a major opportunity for Armistead S, Eglington B, Pehrsson S (2022) Pbiso: an R
package and web app for calculating and plotting Pb
further research. For other, more mature isotopic isotope data.
systems, improving analytical quality through 2841/.
inter-laboratory and inter-method calibration is a Barker SL, Dipple GM, Hickey KA, Lepore WA,
major challenge. A related challenge is the inte- Vaughan JR (2013) Applying stable isotopes to
mineral exploration: teaching an old dog new tricks.
gration of bulk and in situ analyses. For most Econ Geol 108:1–9
isotopic systems, the development of rapid and Caruso S, Fiorentini ML, Champion DC, Lu Y, Ueno Y,
inexpensive analyses is essential to enable the use Smithies RH (2022) Sulfur isotope systematics of
of isotopic data in routine mineral exploration, granitoids from the Yilgarn Craton sheds new light on
the fluid reservoirs of Neoarchean orogenic gold
although it must be stressed that the data are used deposits. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 326:199–213
by industry to resolve specific ore genesis ques- Champion DC (2013) Neodymium depleted mantle model
tions. New analytical methods, such as TILDAS age map of Australia: explanatory notes and user
(Sakai et al. 2017) may offer the opportunity for guide. Geosci Austr Rec 2013/44
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