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Chapter 19

19.1 GENERAL where

If the option to incorporate the effects of soil-structure interaction T = the fundamental period of the structure as determined in
is exercised, the requirements of this section are permitted to be Section 12.8.2
used in the determination of the design earthquake forces and the k̄ = the stiffness of the structure where fixed at the base, defined
corresponding displacements of the structure if the model used by the following:
for structural response analysis does not directly incorporate the  

effects of foundation flexibility (i.e., the model corresponds to a k̄ = 4π 2 (19.2-4)
fixed-based condition with no foundation springs). The provisions gT 2
in this section shall not be used if a flexible-base foundation is where
included in the structural response model.
h̄ = the effective height of the structure, which shall be taken as
The provisions for use with the equivalent lateral force proce- 0.7 times the total height (h n ), except for structures where
dure are given in Section 19.2 and those for use with the modal the gravity load is effectively concentrated at a single level,
analysis procedure are given in Section 19.3. the effective height of the structure shall be taken as the
height to that level
K y = the lateral stiffness of the foundation defined as the hor-
19.2 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE izontal force at the level of the foundation necessary to
produce a unit deflection at that level, the force and the
The following requirements are supplementary to those presented
deflection being measured in the direction in which the
in Section 12.8.
structure is analyzed
K θ = the rocking stiffness of the foundation defined as the mo-
19.2.1 Base Shear. To account for the effects of soil-structure
ment necessary to produce a unit average rotation of the
interaction, the base shear (V ) determined from Eq. 12.8-1 shall
foundation, the moment and rotation being measured in
be reduced to
the direction in which the structure is analyzed
g = the acceleration of gravity
Ṽ = V − V (19.2-1)
The foundation stiffnesses (K y and K θ ) shall be computed by
The reduction (V ) shall be computed as follows and shall not established principles of foundation mechanics using soil proper-
exceed 0.3V : ties that are compatible with the soil strain levels associated with
 the design earthquake motion. The average shear modulus (G)
0.05 0.4 for the soils beneath the foundation at large strain levels and the
V = Cs − C̃s W̄ ≤ 0.3V (19.2-2) associated shear wave velocity (vs ) needed in these computations
β̃ shall be determined from Table 19.2-1 where
where vso = the average shear wave velocity for the soils beneath the
foundation at small strain levels (10−3 percent or less)
Cs = the seismic design coefficient computed from Eqs. 12.8-2, G o = γ vso
/g = the average shear modulus for the soils beneath
12.8-3, and 12.8-4 using the fundamental natural period the foundation at small strain levels
of the fixed-base structure (T or Ta ) as specified in Section γ = the average unit weight of the soils
C̃s = the value of Cs computed from Eqs. 12.8-2, 12.8-3, and Alternatively, for structures supported on mat foundations that
12.8-4 using the fundamental natural period of the flexibly rest at or near the ground surface or are embedded in such a way
supported structure (T̃ ) defined in Section that the side wall contact with the soil is not considered to remain
β̃ = the fraction of critical damping for the structure- effective during the design ground motion, the effective period of
foundation system determined in Section the structure is permitted to be determined from
W̄ = the effective seismic weight of the structure, which shall  
be taken as 0.7W , except for structures where the effective 25α ra h̄ 1.12 ra h̄ 2
T̃ = T 1 + 1+ (19.2-5)
seismic weight is concentrated at a single level, it shall be vs2 T 2 αθ rm3
taken equal to W Effective Building Period. The effective period (T̃ )

TABLE 19.2-1 VALUES OF G/Go AND vs/vso
shall be determined as follows:
Spectral Response Acceleration, SD1

 k̄ K y h̄
2 ≤ 0.10 ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.20 ≥ 0.30

T̃ = T 1 + 1+ (19.2-3) Value of G/G o 0.81 0.64 0.49 0.42
Ky Kθ Value of vs /vso 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.65

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TABLE 19.2-2 VALUES OF αθ follows:

rm/vsT αθ 0.05
< 0.05 1.0 β̃ = βo +  3 (19.2-9)
0.15 0.85

0.35 0.7 T
0.5 0.6 where
βo = the foundation damping factor as specified in Fig. 19.2-1
For values of S2.5
between 0.10 and 0.20 the values of βo shall
where be determined by linear interpolation between the solid lines and
α = the relative weight density of the structure and the the dashed lines of Fig. 19.2-1.
soil defined by The quantity r in Fig. 19.2-1 is a characteristic foundation
W̄ length that shall be determined as follows:
α= (19.2-6)
γ Ao h̄ For

≤ 0.5, r = ra (19.2-10)
ra and rm = characteristic foundation lengths defined by:

Ao For ≥ 1, r = rm (19.2-11)
ra = (19.2-7) L0
π where
L o = the overall length of the side of the foundation in the
4 Io direction being analyzed
rm =
(19.2-8) ra and rm = characteristic foundation lengths defined in Eqs.
where 19.2-7 and 19.2-8, respectively

Ao = the area of the load-carrying foundation For intermediate values of L0
, the value of r shall be determined
Io = the static moment of inertia of the load-carrying foundation by linear interpolation.
about a horizontal centroidal axis normal to the direction in EXCEPTION: For structures supported on point-bearing piles and in all
which the structure is analyzed other cases where the foundation soil consists of a soft stratum of rea-
αθ = dynamic foundation stiffness modifier for rocking as deter- sonably uniform properties underlain by a much stiffer, rock-like deposit
mined from Table 19.2-2 with an abrupt increase in stiffness, the factor β o in Eq. 19.2-9 shall be

replaced by β0 if 4Ds
vs T̃
< 1 where Ds is the total depth of the stratum. β0
where shall be determined as follows:
rm = characteristic foundation length as determined by Eq. 19.2-8  2
vs = shear wave velocity βo = βo (19.2-12)
vs T̃
T = fundamental period as determined in Section 12.8.2 Effective Damping. The effective damping factor for The value of β̃ computed from Eq. 19.2-9, both with or without
the structure-foundation system (β̃) shall be computed as the adjustment represented by Eq. 19.2-12, shall in no case be
taken as less than β̃ = 0.05 or greater than β̃ = 0.20.
19.2.2 Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces. The distribu-
tion over the height of the structure of the reduced total seismic
force (Ṽ ) shall be considered to be the same as for the structure
without interaction.
19.2.3 Other Effects. The modified story shears, overturning
moments, and torsional effects about a vertical axis shall be de-
termined as for structures without interaction using the reduced
lateral forces.
The modified deflections (δ̃) shall be determined as follows:
Ṽ Mo h x
δ˜x = + δx (19.2-13)
V Kθ
Mo = the overturning moment at the base using the unmodified
seismic forces and not including the reduction permitted in
the design of the foundation
h x = the height above the base to the level under consideration
δx = the deflections of the fixed-base structure as determined in
Section 12.8.6 using the unmodified seismic forces
The modified story drifts and P-delta effects shall be evaluated
in accordance with the provisions of Sections 12.8.6 and 12.8.7
using the modified story shears and deflections determined in this

202 ASCE 7-05

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19.3 MODAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE contributed by the higher modes of vibration. The reduced base
shear (Ṽ1 ) shall in no case be taken less than 0.7V1 .
The following provisions are supplementary to those presented in
Section 12.9. 19.3.2 Other Modal Effects. The modified modal seismic
forces, story shears, and overturning moments shall be determined
19.3.1 Modal Base Shears. To account for the effects of soil- as for structures without interaction using the modified base shear
structure interaction, the base shear corresponding to the funda- (Ṽ1 ) instead of V1 . The modified modal deflections (δ̃xm ) shall be
mental mode of vibration (V1 ) shall be reduced to: determined as follows:
Ṽ1 = V1 − V1 (19.3-1) Ṽ1 Mo1 h x
δ̃x1 = + δx1 (19.3-3)
The reduction (V1 ) shall be computed in accordance with V1 Kθ
Eq. 19.2-2 with W̄ taken as equal to the effective seismic weight and
of the fundamental period of vibration, W̄1 , and Cs computed δ̃xm = δxm for m = 2, 3, . . . (19.3-4)
in accordance with Eq. 12.8-1, except that S DS shall be re-
placed by design spectral response acceleration of the design where
response spectra at the fundamental period of the fixed-base Mo1 = the overturning base moment for the fundamental mode of
structure (T1 ). the fixed-base structure using the unmodified modal base
The period T̃ shall be determined from Eq. 19.2-3, or from shear V1
Eq. 19.2-5 where applicable, taking T = T1 , evaluating k̄ from δxm = the modal deflections at Level x of the fixed-base structure
Eq. 19.2-4 with W̄ = W̄1 , and computing h̄ as follows: using the unmodified modal shears, Vm

n The modified modal drift in a story ( ˜ m ) shall be computed as
wi ϕi 1 h i the difference of the deflections (δ̃xm ) at the top and bottom of the
h̄ = (19.3-2) story under consideration.
wi ϕi 1 19.3.3 Design Values. The design values of the modified shears,
moments, deflections, and story drifts shall be determined as for
where structures without interaction by taking the square root of the sum
of the squares (SRSS) of the respective modal contributions. In the
wi = the portion of the total gravity load of the structure at design of the foundation, it is permitted to reduce the overturning
Level i moment at the foundation-soil interface determined in this manner
ϕi1 = the displacement amplitude at the i th level of the structure by 10 percent as for structures without interaction.
when vibrating in its fundamental mode
h i = the height above the base Level i The effects of torsion about a vertical axis shall be evalu-
ated in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.8.4 and the
The preceding designated values of W̄ , h̄, T , and T̃ also shall be P-delta effects shall be evaluated in accordance with the provi-
used to evaluate the factor α from Eq. 19.2-6 and factor βo from sions of Section 12.8.7 using the story shears and drifts determined
Fig. 19.2-1. No reduction shall be made in the shear components in Section 19.3.2.

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