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EHT exam SS 2022

Hi, this should give an overview about the questions being asked in the exam which was given in the
summer semester 2022. It is based on what some students remember from the exam, so no

guarantee that everything is 100 % correct 😊

1) Explain the principle behind the guarded parallel plate instrument

 See Article Rausch 2013 Guarded Parallel Plate Instrument Principle
2) Write down the DTF and explain the different terms
 Differential equation for the temperature field (DTF) H. D. Baehr und K. Stephan, Wärme-
und Stoffübertragung, S. 121
3) Define two different fin efficiencies

 Lecture 3 Slide 38
4) Equation for Nu number and its dependencies and 2 different meanings

 Lecture 4, Slide 8
5) Draw the graph of boiling and name the different parts and important points
 Lecture 6, Slide 51

6) Two enhancement techniques (to start nucleate boiling at lower superheating) for boiling
when surface is still smooth afterwards
 Forced convection  higher heat transfer
7) Why is alpha higher in dropwise than filmwise condensation
8) Explain Radiation technical surfaces
9) Finned tube condensation heat transfer (two efficiency aspects and what to consider for tube
10) Contact resistance (what are the contributions, equation balance, how to improve)
11) Temp profile for co-current flow i) C1 = C2 and ii) C1 >> C2
12) Derive NTU tube and shell heat exchanger cross current flow
13) 4 different aspects of efficiency when designing heat exchangers
14) How is exergy and energy related
15) Reversible and irreversible contributions to pressure loss
16) What do we have to consider if we increase the flow velocity and give powers
17) Balances (heat exchanger, energy, exergy loss, entropy)

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