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A Paper Submitted As An Assignments For English Subject

Supervising Lecturer: Zia Ul Haramein, Lc., M.Si

Abdul Kohir
Andhika Dimas Artyoga
Muh. Taisir Sa’id
Muh Ichsan Faturahman
Fathul Azis
Wahyu Rahmawan


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................i

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................ii
Chapter I: Introduction
A. Background ...................................................................................................................... 3
B. Problem Statement............................................................................................................ 3
C. Research Method .............................................................................................................. 3
Chapter II: Findings and Discussion .......................................................................................... 4
A. Pornography is More Dangerous than Drugs ................................................................... 4
B. The Gradual Effects of Pornography ................................................................................ 5
C. Factors Contributing to Addiction to Pornography .......................................................... 5
D. Signs of Addiction to Pornography .................................................................................. 6
E. The Impacts of Addiction to Pornography ........................................................................ 6
F. Preventive Measures against Pornography ...................................................................... 6
G. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 10


Studies have shown that pornography stimulates the same areas of the brain as addictive
drugs, making the brain release the same chemicals. And just like drugs, porn triggers pathways
in the brain that cause craving, leading users back for more and more extreme “hits” to get
high. Experts posit that the damage resulting from addiction to pornographic content is more
severe and challenging to rehabilitate compared to drug addiction, as pornography impacts five
brain regions, while drugs affect three.
The method used in this research is qualitative. The results of this research indicate that
impact of pornography addiction on the brain surpasses that of drug addiction. According to
Islamic principles, Allah SWT unequivocally prohibits all forms of adultery, which
encompasses the consumption of pornography. The consequences are deemed severe, as
indulging in such activities can detrimentally affect the brain's Pre Frontal Cortex, responsible
for regulating cognitive and emotional functions.


A. Background
The exposure towards pornographic contents can exert detrimental effects on the brain,
particularly targeting the Pre Frontal Cortex (PFC), a crucial control center in the frontal cortex
responsible for regulating cognitive and emotional functions. 1 Damage to the PFC may
manifest through symptoms such as diminished concentration, an impaired ability to
distinguish right from wrong, compromised decision-making capabilities, and increased
lethargy. Experts posit that the damage resulting from addiction to pornographic content is
more severe and challenging to rehabilitate compared to drug addiction, as pornography
impacts five brain regions, while drugs affect three.
Despite the potential harm, there persists a pervasive tendency to underestimate the
impact of pornography, with many individuals failing to acknowledge its potential role in
contributing to sexual crimes. The demographic most vulnerable to the dangers of pornography
comprises children and teenagers, who are predisposed to imitate what they see, read, or hear.
Exposure to pornographic material at a young age can imprint enduring images in their
memories, influencing their comprehension of right and wrong and ultimately shaping the
future of the country. It is essential to note that not everyone exposed to pornographic material
will immediately engage in sexual misconduct; rather, the influence varies among individuals.
While some may experience subtle effects, others may be significantly impacted.
Furthermore, the repercussions of pornography on children, especially those who fall
victim to sexual crimes, extend beyond immediate consequences. Such exposure can lead to
trauma, potentially fostering deviant sexual behavior in victims. Recognizing the multifaceted
impact of pornography is crucial for addressing its societal implications and promoting a
healthier, more informed approach to its consumption.

B. Problem Statement
Drawing from the background information provided, the research question formulated
for this study is: "What initiatives are in place to combat pornography from the standpoint of
Islamic guidance and counseling?"

C. Methode
The method used in this research is qualitative, research library.


A. Porography is More Dangerous than Drug

Pornography, known as "Narcolemma" or "drugs through the eyes," consists of
two components: "pornos," signifying a breach of decency or obscenity, and "graphy,"
encompassing writing, images, sculptures, or general items portraying content that
offends moral sensibilities when viewed or read. The term "pornography" finds its roots
in the Greek "pornographia," denoting writings or images related to prostitutes. 2 The
Big Indonesian Dictionary defines pornography as: 1) The portrayal of erotic behavior
through paintings or writing designed to stimulate lust. 2) Reading material
intentionally crafted to elicit sexual desire. From these definitions, it can be inferred
that pornography is intended to arouse sexual desire and can be presented through
various media.
The impact of pornography addiction on the brain surpasses that of drug
addiction. Overcoming a pornography addiction is exceptionally challenging for those
affected, and it can also adversely affect mental well-being. The subsequent explanation
outlines the effectiveness of pornography in causing brain damage: 3
1. Dr. Donald Hilton Jr., a brain surgeon from the United States, categorizes pornography
addiction as a disease due to its impact on altering brain structure and function, often
described in extreme terms as "brain damage." The area most adversely affected is the
descending prefrontal cortex (PFC), crucial for tasks such as planning, impulse control,
emotional regulation, decision-making, and various executive functions.
2. Dr. Gary Lynch, a neurologist from the University of California, explains that when the
human eye captures a pornographic scene, it triggers an automatic response, transmitting
the information to the structural layers of the brain. In as little as half a second of exposure
to pornographic content, the body naturally produces a protein called DeltaFosB. This
protein initiates gradual changes in the brain over the next five to ten minutes.

Ardiansyah, “Narkolema, Penyebab, akibat, dan, penanggulangan,” Kementrian Kesehatan Direktorat
Pelayanan Kesehatan, 2022, h ps:// kel/658/narkolema-penyebab-akibat-dan-
Azimah Soebagijo, Pornografi Dilarang Tapi Dicari (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2008).
Afiyah Rizka Harahap, “Pornografi Lebih Efek f Rusak Otak Ke mbang Narkoba, Simak Penjelasan Serta
Kerugiannya,” 2021, h ps:// f-rusak-
otak-ke mbang-narkoba-simak-penjelasan-serta-kerugiannya#google_vigne e.
3. Engaging with pornographic content induces a surge in dopamine production in the brain,
leading to a heightened sense of pleasure. However, this increased exposure to dopamine
carries the risk of diminishing the brain's sensitivity over time. Consequently, individuals
may find themselves seeking more extreme and intense stimuli periodically to meet the
escalating need for dopamine production.

B. The Gradual Effects of Pornography

According to Dr. Victor Cline, pornography manifests five distinct effects: 4 Firstly,
individuals typically experience a sense of shock, marked by feelings of disgust, shame, guilt,
and surprise when initially exposed to pornographic material. However, these emotions can
evolve into a curious reaction. Secondly, the development of addiction is a common
consequence, with individuals feeling compelled to continue watching pornographic media.
Thirdly, there is a tendency towards escalation, where addicts become increasingly
uncontrolled and seek more explicit and deviant forms of pornography, leading to a heightened
level of consumption. The fourth effect is desensitization, characterized by the gradual
normalization of materials considered taboo, immoral, or shocking. Pornography users may
become more insensitive to the portrayal of sexual violence, diminishing their awareness of
real-world consequences. The fifth and final effect is the "Act Out" phase, representing the
peak action. Individuals may engage in sexual activities after being exposed to pornographic
material, reflecting a progression from initial disgust to addiction and, ultimately, the
replication of actions witnessed in pornography.
In the context of accessing pornographic sites, individuals exhibit various physiological
and psychological responses. Those with positive attitudes towards pornography may not find
it objectionable, while individuals with negative attitudes may rationalize the content,
perceiving potential benefits and developing a liking for pornography. This nuanced response
underscores the complex interplay between personal beliefs, attitudes, and the impact of
pornography on individuals.

C. Factors Contributing to Addiction to Pornography

According to the Ministry of Education (2017), several factors contribute to the
exposure to pornography. These include curiosity leading individuals to attempt access to
pornographic sites, speculative thoughts about what such content entails, and susceptibility to

Cha b M, Orangtuanya Manusia (Bandung: Kaifa, 2012).
peer or environmental influences. Pornography often becomes a recurring topic of
conversation, especially in environments where individuals lack a solid foundation. In
circumstances where individuals find themselves in unfavorable environments or have
experienced inadequate parenting patterns, such as those emphasizing control or restriction,
children may become vulnerable to boredom, depression, and anger. Unfairly, these children
may then be more prone to easily accessing pornography.
Accidental exposure to pornography is also a prevalent factor, especially with the
widespread presence of advertisements on internet pages and the abundance of explicit content.
The sheer volume of material increases the likelihood of encountering pornography
unintentionally, as it may appear suddenly on web pages without any deliberate intent on the
part of the viewer.

D. Signs of Addiction to Pornography

The characteristics of someone who is a pornography addict encompass a range of
behavioral and emotional indicators. These traits may include reacting strongly when
reprimanded or restricted from using their laptop, exhibiting anger, engaging in fights, uttering
harsh or cruel words, and displaying impulsiveness. Pornography addicts may resort to lying,
adopt unhygienic habits, feel embarrassed out of place, and struggle with concentration.
Avoiding eye contact during conversations, frequently blaming others, emotionally distancing
themselves, and experiencing a decline in academic performance are also common signs.
Furthermore, individuals addicted to pornography may limit their social interactions by only
associating with specific groups, lose empathy towards others, appear nervous when asked to
communicate, become lethargic and lazy, encounter difficulties in building relationships, and
often isolate themselves from others.

E. The Impacts of Addiction to Pornography

Mark B. Kastleman contends that pornography addiction surpasses the dangers of drug
addiction due to its irreversible nature—the effects of cocaine can be mitigated over time,
whereas the impact of pornography remains permanent once imprinted in the brain. 5 Drawing
parallels between the chemical processes triggered by pornographic images and those induced
by cocaine, Kastleman identifies five specific points in the brain where damage occurs in
pornography addicts. These include the frontal orbit, mid frontal, temporal hippocampus insula,

Kastleman M.B, The Drug of the New Millenium (Bekasi: Yayasan Kita dan Buah Ha , 2015).
cingulate, nucleus accumbens, and cerebellum. The lasting consequences of pornography
addiction extend beyond potential brain damage, encompassing a reduction in intelligence and
an increased susceptibility to moral crises. .

F. Preventive Measures against Pornography

Efforts to prevent the consumption of pornography involve fostering open
communication about sexual discussions and promoting the concept of sacred sexual intimacy.
Recognizing the sanctity of sexuality, as a precious gift from the Creator, emphasizes
the need for control and safeguarding it for the appropriate time, place, and person. Kastleman
suggests that if children or teenagers encounter pornographic content, they would be wise to
refrain from accessing such sites.
Ensuring the well-being of the family is essential, addressing inner needs, expressing
love, and maintaining harmony to create a positive atmosphere. This fosters an environment
where family gatherings are eagerly anticipated. Sustaining productivity through a balanced
lifestyle enables individuals to focus on exploring their potential, deterring engagement in futile
activities such as accessing pornography.
Individuals with deep religious values inherently understand the boundaries they should
respect. Regardless of religious affiliation, people strive to adhere to their faith, norms, and
values, steering clear of prohibited actions. Educating children's personalities involves
instilling faith, worship, and moral values. Sex education plays a crucial role in preventing
pornography. Providing comprehensive sex education equips children to protect themselves,
preventing unwanted situations. When children receive proper sex education from their parents,
they are better equipped to avoid deviant sexual behavior.
Building open communication within the family serves as a gateway to educating
children about various aspects, including sex. Parents who maintain open communication
create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about sex, fostering
trust within the family. An assertive attitude is essential in preventing exposure to inappropriate
media content. Cultivating assertiveness in children encourages them to critically evaluate and
reject harmful information, empowering them to speak out against pornography and sexual

Soebagijo, Pornografi Dilarang Tapi Dicari.
Islamic Counseling Guidance aims to address issues, guiding individuals to develop
their faith, reason, and abilities based on the teachings of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Preventive
efforts are emphasized to maintain the nature bestowed by Allah SWT.

Qur’an Sura An Nur: 30:

٣٠ ‫ص َنعُو َن‬ ٌ ۢ ‫وا فُ ُرو َج ُه ْم ۚ ٰذَلِكَ أَ ْزك َٰى لَ ُه ْم ۗ ِإ ﱠن ٱ ﱠ َ َخ ِب‬
ْ ‫ير ِب َما َي‬ ۟ ‫ظ‬ ۟ ‫قُل لّ ِْل ُمؤْ مِ نِينَ َيغُض‬
َ ‫ﱡوا مِ ْن أ َ ْب‬
ُ ‫ص ٰـ ِر ِه ْم َو َيحْ َف‬
“Tell the believing men to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts. That is
purer for them. Indeed, Allah is (fully) aware of what they do” 7

Qur’an Sura An Nur: 31:

‫ظ َه َر مِ ْن َها ۖ َو ْليَض ِْربْنَ بِ ُخ ُم ِر ِه ﱠن‬ ْ ‫ص ٰــ ِره ﱠِن َويَ ْحف‬
َ ‫َظ َن فُ ُرو َج ُه ﱠن َو َﻻ يُ ْبدِينَ ِزينَتَ ُه ﱠن إِ ﱠﻻ َما‬ َ ‫ضضْنَ مِ ْن أ َ ْب‬ ِ ‫َوقُل لّ ِْل ُمؤْ مِ ن َٰــ‬
ُ ‫ت يَ ْغ‬
ٓ ‫ﻋلَ ٰى ُجيُوبِ ِه ﱠن ۖ َو َﻻ يُبـْ دِينَ ِزينَتَ ُه ﱠن إِ ﱠﻻ ِلبُعُولَتِ ِه ﱠن أَ ْو َء َابـآئِ ِه ﱠن أ َ ْو َء َابـآءِ بُعُولَتِ ِه ﱠن أَ ْو أَبْنـَ آئِ ِه ﱠن أ َ ْو أَبْنـَ ا ٓ ِء بُعُولَتِ ِه ﱠن أ َ ْو إِ ْخ ٰ َونِ ِه ﱠن أ َ ْو بَن‬
‫ِى‬ َ
۟ ‫ظ َه ُر‬
‫وا‬ ْ ‫لﻄ ْف ِل ٱلﱠذِينَ لَ ْم َي‬ ّ ِ ‫لر َجا ِل أَ ِو ٱ‬ ّ ِ ‫غي ِْر أ ُ ۟ولِى ٱ ْ ِﻹ ْر َب ِة ِم َن ٱ‬ َ َ‫سا ٓ ِئ ِهنﱠ أ َ ْو َما َملَكَتْ أَ ْي َم ٰـــنُ ُهنﱠ أَ ِو ٱلتﱠ ٰـــ ِبعِين‬
َ ‫ِى أَخ ٰ ََو ِت ِهنﱠ أَ ْو ِن‬
ٓ ‫ِإ ْخ ٰ َو ِن ِهنﱠ أ َ ْو َبن‬
٣١ ‫سآءِ ۖ َو َﻻ َيض ِْر ْب َن ِبأ َ ْر ُج ِل ِه ﱠن ِليُ ْعلَ َم َما يُ ْخفِينَ مِ ن ِزينَتِ ِه ﱠن ۚ َوتُوب ُٓو ۟ا إِلَى ٱ ﱠ ِ َجمِ ي ًعا أَيﱡ َه ٱ ْل ُمؤْ مِ نُونَ لَعَلﱠ ُك ْم تُ ْف ِل ُحو َن‬ َ ‫َﻋلَ ٰى‬
ِ ‫ﻋ ْو ٰ َر‬
َ ِّ‫ت ٱلن‬
“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to
reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their
chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments3 except to their husbands, their fathers, their
fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons,
their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or
children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing
attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so
that you may be successful.”8

Qur’an Sura Al Isra: 32:

ً ۭ ‫س ِب‬
٣٢ ‫يﻼ‬ َ ‫لﺰن ٰ َٓى ۖ إِنﱠهۥُ َكانَ فَ ٰـحِ َش ۭةً َو‬
َ ‫سا ٓ َء‬ ۟ ‫َو َﻻ تَ ْق َرب‬
ّ ِ ‫ُوا ٱ‬
“Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way.” 9

The purpose of Islamic Guidance and Counseling is to enable individuals to develop

and function in accordance with the nature given by Allah SWT, adhering to His commands,
including staying away from adultery and pornography, ensuring safety in this world and the

“Al Qur’an,” n.d., h ps://
“Al Qur’an.”
“Al Qur’an.”
G. Conclusions
Every individual is born in a state of purity and inherent goodness, with a natural
inclination towards virtue. When deviations occur, indicating a diminished connection to one's
inherent nature, it becomes imperative to restore that connection through the empowerment of
faith and reason. Islam underscores the concept that all creatures, created by Allah SWT, are
obligated to submit and adhere to His rules. In the Islamic perspective, pornography is regarded
as an act of adultery.
Religion plays a pivotal role in resisting temptations and immorality, necessitating strict
adherence to achieve the overarching goal of preventing pornography. According to Islamic
principles, Allah SWT unequivocally prohibits all forms of adultery, which encompasses the
consumption of pornography. The consequences are deemed severe, as indulging in such
activities can detrimentally affect the brain's Pre Frontal Cortex, responsible for regulating
cognitive and emotional functions.


“Al Qur’an.” n.d.

Ardiansyah. “Narkolema, Penyebab, akibat, dan, penanggulangan.” Kementrian Kesehatan
Direktorat Pelayanan Kesehatan, 2022.
M, Chatib. Orangtuanya Manusia. Bandung: Kaifa, 2012.
M.B, Kastleman. The Drug of the New Millenium. Bekasi: Yayasan Kita dan Buah Hati,
Rizka Harahap, Afiyah. “Pornografi Lebih Efektif Rusak Otak Ketimbang Narkoba, Simak
Penjelasan Serta Kerugiannya,” 2021.
Soebagijo, Azimah. Pornografi Dilarang Tapi Dicari. Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2008.


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