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Sei ie eaneeeea Sale as JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD B.Tech. | Year - 2nd Semester MATHEMATICS - I (Course Code : MA201BS) T-1 : First Order ODE Exact, linear and Bernoulli’s equations; Applications : Newton’s law of cooling, Law of natural growth and decay; Equations not of first degree : equations solvable for p, equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x and Clairaut’s type. UNIT-II : Ordinary Differential Equations of Higher Order Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients : Non-Homogeneous terms of the type e™,sin ax,cosax, polynomials in x,e“V(x)and xV(x); method of variation of parameters; Equations reducible to linear ODE with constant coefficients: Legendre’s equation, Cauchy-Euler equation. UNIT - III : Multivariable Calculus (Integration) Evaluation of Double Integrals (Cartesian and polar coordinates); change of order of integration (only Cartesian form); Evaluation of Triple Integrals : Change of variables (Cartesian to polar) for double and (Cartesian to Spherical and Cylindrical polar coordinates) for triple integrals. ‘Applications : Areas (by double integrals) and volumes (by double integrals and triple integrals), Centre of mass and Gravity (constant and variable densities) by double and triple integrals (applications involving cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelopiped). UNIT-IV : Vector Differentiation Vector point functions and scalar point functions. Gradient, Divergence and Curl. Directional derivatives, Tangent plane and normal line. Vector Identities. Scalar potential functions. Solenoidal and Irrotational vectors. UNIT-—V: Vector Integration Line, Surface and Volume Integrals. Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes (without proofs) and their applications. 1.8 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER AND FIRST DEGREE We have considered the formation of a differential equation. We shall now consider the procedures to obtain a solution of a given ordinary differential equation. Fi irst we shall consider ordinary differential equations of first order and then differential equations of higher order. Def, An equation of the form o. ‘fls.y) is called a differential equation of frst order and first degree. In general first order differential equation can be clas (1) Variables Separable. (2) Homogeneous equations and equations reducibl (3) Exact equations and those which can be made ex (4) Linear equation and Bernoulli’s equation. _[This Topic is for Student Reference Only} sified as below : fe to homogeneous form. act by use of integrating factors, 1.9 VARIABLES SEPARABLE Ifthe differential equation can be expressed in the form B- H,9) (09 ety) d= fle) de(on fds s)H=9 CD) ble, then it is said to be of the form where fand g are continuous functions of a single varial Jrenar-J eonar = “variables separable”. Integrating the equation (1), the general solution is where c is any arbitrary constant. dy I+ y Separating the variables, f Integrating on both sides, we get J # sf ox _ ic, where cis a constant h+y? “vViex? = sinh” y+sinh“! x= ©: The general solution is sinh“! x+sinh™! y=c Example 2: Solve: a Engineering Mathematics ~ |) 1.10 HOMOGENEOUS DIFFER 1. Homogeneous Function Det. : A function f(x.¥) is said to be a homogeneous function in x and y of degree n, ij F (kx, ky) = k” f(x, y) for all values of k, where 1 is a constant. Tilustrative Examples : 2,42 x+y Ex. 1: Let fen=ZZ +y ee l{xot+y k¢(@y) 34% “(525 ]+ . Now Seb) -. f (x,y) is a homogeneous function of degree — 1. 2. .2,-(x/y) Ex.2: Let fy)=~ a . Then Ry? +e Rly kx, ay te ee ty ST (ke, ky) Eb If (x,y) . -. f(x,y) is a homogeneous function of degree | ek Exact ditlerential cguakion'. *AN Adereatial Equation Mada 4i4y ro {utnene ferns) ane functions q Gayh ta sata fo be an exacd Ai{ferential Cquation if Ex Quy de tot dy <0 Given anydxt Way +0 ey Ane form J MAN+NAdY 20 Rea pa sany, Naa OM 2ax , 28 som Oy ou OM LON Lan ay on . geen ea 39 exact D-E & Solution g act ditlerembial equation Consider an exact DE Max + Ndy =o tran the gerxral Bol” exacl DE ts (- dx + § ndy 20 Lou oe Choealing 'y és Conly those dems (onty “yes Com ine fedand) ent donet 7 nly emt) conflate ) olve (ary?) ax = Oey ay So Given Gey) An + anydy, Cabeap Dene — BAYAY ES Sven e9% is In see down 1 maya ndysd a Mages NV er2ny om an == 2 Fate Br S oe OM, SR. mal °y a 7. Te fiven ef ts crack D-€ itRe So given DE *S (dnt [nvdy =o & 4 Coeaking'y’ Ceonsiter only scone ant) “y/terms) Jody rex + (-oxy dy 20 feat yd dr~ aay dy eo \atax- [yan = foryay co 4 Mole letyae ed fe agate dE | Delve (xeMay) Ay 4 yer ax ‘ ; ay Ss Yves (rea So aye 7 =e POCA PLY ‘ax on bs. 20, 3 cre sayy dy aye dx nay =0. es tg ww tre form 4 rade Mh} i : : : | | an “oy? TR yer ef fs exact DE: aK. sol” q yen cp i Jmar a fn ay Ao cary aaty sp dyso ef ts inte form 4 nada + aidy 20 prnne ME ott ary re 2xy? N sary ~aty- sy” ony 2 2 On 2 2 er, & & - 6% 2N 2 6% -6% : any “s © ‘\ ox a a om an 3Yy ou, “oH * Ua) e given eo Is Crack D-E- eo ee a a ws (radu + (mdy =? Jy ih, Cheatng ry’ Crogider Only te con short) ‘y term s) ag ef A =o, § etna ey ary ($8 apt ® - so apal, . ¢ ENS a$%) FE 8° agen por a aie Ex 12: Solve (5x44 3x2 3) dx + 22 Sytjdy = 0 ‘ ample 12: Solve (5x4 + 3x47 ~ 2xy) de + (2x'y ~ 3x°y NTU ‘Aug. 20088 (Set No. 2)1 Solution ; Comparing the given equation with M(x, y)dx + N(x, y)dy = 0, we have M = 5x* + 3x2y? — 2xy" and N = 2xy ~ 3x°¥? - Sy aM en mgd OM m= biy= By 7 Oty — Gay? and 6xy — 6x? ‘ OM _ ON c, Since =—= vag? therefore, the given equation is exact. oy Hence the general solution is [Mae + [Nd =e (y constant) (only those terms which do not contain x) J0x4 +332)? - 29°) de + Sy") dye ” Cy constant) 1 A222) or x5+ xy? — x2 — y= c, where c is a constant. Example 13: Solve 2xy dy-(x°-y? +1) de=0 — [JNTU (HH) June 2009 (Set No. 3)} ie, Solution : Comparing the given equation with M (x, y) dx+N (x, y) dy = 0, we have M=~(x?-y?+1)=-x?+y?-1 and N=2xy 6M ON oS =2 o=2 y and y Since a = x , therefore, the given equation is exact. Hence the general solution is [Mae + jy dy =c (y constant) (only those terms which do not contain x) ie, JCP +) det f0.dy=e (y constant) 2 ¥ ie, wy teecsse or x" +3x(1-y*)=c where is a constant, Fou Piberrkel Guo koe PITTI, A z= ee We rnnmns 0 €97 the pen dE pong avo ashere pad @ axe mater Gostonds, finns only 3 adled a ona detesontial ema frasd oades fay Keekfag Auten ic Naekiag Rucle: 2 Jepewdend werable Moclel o:- GF Tilegrsen dt wei} @ To solve the {reas ey dy fx flag = Ac) © ete Be Tndecerading ardor Cp) ciPordc © Geveeud soludien S free by gr G@r) > faoorter pdx +e Nolel Os— ES @® Te solve the Lneay on” Fx 4 pryyx = avy) ‘ey x a depenclend Ys te j% Frdlepeveled verti ble ! E) Wade dhe Bodegenctiog fecckr (re) 2 OY & Geneswal ealuden D kven hy Xn (LF) ~f oon reydyte Seer lag ete! = yet +c 6 jet dim dangle « Pe) eels OM IN i wae0U™t~té—“‘—OSOSOSOCOCOC:C;O”COS D> Solve a-wt + HY = an Lbven thet owas + Ay = ax On x ec) on tie 47 1-H eqD ts In LDE ; Ot AN > Ty ein = \aa> an Spordn fF mes © e & Put 1 -%%2% Handnuadt x A= “J Mologt o> fy dt = Dow 278 ~Yy bt Yy eth 6 UD ubion a 2g és Souja t-F date go\ wt LFS ant 1 ' a (ey ye ars j ie. ge Oot + - af Sopot a ) = afx (saa < pet WEE ~andn=dt D> x dus -yat = “2S oP ar Given On 14a R™ , ' ew) = 2 Bl = (aa? A Ya a senies die a & ae _ glegaz C14 2~ solution k e9O 's yx iF =famrste an TE La, (14a + © ya ciawey = oon? as ingen 4 oe Baws ye O41? = on x* ¢ HE ont ie (1+«2)7 (14)? eee dee star) aa = 3. solve jayra cae e Atven thot | ann eyr4 co PH) Yo tart ena — eye tary ma-e@ _ _ 14> my 4 shan'y wy He = —© y Vay Seeye pe Sh Sremmajett Sl a ary Ply)= Tye » aly) = Vey? te JPeaey 7 saps _ ay LF = golution ot 278 fs HoH S Satyyxte dy re ory anny dary ane ae =) Taye Ke dy +e afehacre — telyet ak Ye . ang ve mpd “ 3 ony eng ARE oe oe Bian & ne gay 2 een" ij Exampids .) Sohe (x= 1)2—y =e" (x4). [INTU (Dee. 2030, June 2011 (Set No.3)] ee ax Selutivs : Given equation can be written as d (i) o.( = -| — |y=e" (x41 dx ani) ) y 1 This is of the form ® . py=Q. Mere P=-—— and Q=e*(x+1) a& x+i 1 -[a Now LF. -jP*_, x+] ae toeltx) 1 x+1 ©. The general solution is yXLF.=[QxIF. dete yt fs 1 1 : et Le. ra]? (rN dete= yo = fe ten -+e or y=) lor 4¢ \(x+1) 3 J E samp fe) Solve the differential equation * Solution ; Given equation can be written as y - 2 + veosx=e “"* cos” x+cosx dy This is linear in y. Here P =cosx,Q =e" cos? x + cosx Now LF. mele penne =e Hence the General solution is yx(LF.)= fox dryer +e + (y= loos x= sine ¢ cos? 0 [JNTU 2006 (Set No. 3) ie, yom = Jemster* cos? x-+c0sx] de +e= [cos? x +6 cosx] de + ¢ sina _ | i => yet = 2ttcor2ande+ fet cosa de+e= 3] x4 B28 or yee ‘ ae +a 46 rots ; Y oynctex,0)al Exampt 17 } Solve the differential equation * +2yze’ + x.y [INTU (K) July 2011S (Set No, 5, Solution : The given D. E. is Be ayeet ox 0)=1 This is of the form 2, Py =Q, where P=2,Q=e" +x This is a linear equation in y. Now F =? # e142 -. The general solution is given by y (LF.)=[Q (LF) dr +c ie, yet = fet enetdrre= fie sxe) dere 2x +l eta, 3 2 4 Given y=] when x=0 2 4° “nD 2y - x? de + xdy=0 [INTU (H) Dec, 2016) Solution : Given Differential equation can be written as x dy =~ (2y ~ x?) dx 4 (2). zy x re (fl) ay po. This is of the form 7 + Py = Q, which is a linear differential equation. Here pa2Q-2 x 2 Now 1. F. ght ngs” = ¢2 Bs _ glean? _ x Hence the general solution is y(1.F,) = Je (LFdv ae ? ie VN = [Prdrre => xy = fxtarre => wy ot eee flon Exact Difenenlial cyustioo wa he 5 medhods aT tee Medhod ©i— led Mdx+tndy =O be nod an exacd Lifeorondsel cpuacbion AL Mdseancly=0 ante vmacle execs multi oh wth a Stileble lect an Qu pating faccbor uucdion Wy) eto. dhen Woes) & a of ndxandy =6 _fosmucleys— ai 0) doyy=xclytyd © Af'eg(4))+ oie xdy yaa rol zl xd, Oayy- J a J O Afeos ($))* a 1) see Odfoi2)- & 4 (=): adr yey @ AS hog (oy) - speed D beg (29)* sedysder © ch dog lrayey = 2d 198) IO 7 Og. eee8 e ze aby & [% a solu Ay 4 4 Olution, \e- Ae) | gi 0 } Exampia2 Solve yay v dy 4 aye on 0 ts + wy? Solution : Given equation is vey NA+ 3x2 yo o> Dividing with 1°, we get LEY xdy +e 5 3 3x7 ay =0>aq/2 \. de )=9 vi] 3 x 3 Bete ss Integrating, We get ar te" =¢, This is the required solution. dv pg a Solve x dv 4 dy== : -! a IINTU (Ay June 2010 {Set No, 2) V4 Solution : Given equation is x of vdv-vdy | ; Ot dy SE al : a x4y? } “f (vex)] > > SY tan 2 4, vhich is the required solution Integrating, we get JT tan ,te waich is the required solution, Examp Solve xdy~ vdy = xy Solution ¥ Given equation is xdy -ydx = xy’dx Dividing the given equation with y’, we get me = = xdx => xdx - me = =0 or xd + ie =0> xdx+ a(*| =0 yy vu » y ‘ xx Integrating on both sides, we get 7 +-=c., y This is the required general solution. ExampléS/ Solve y dy - x dy =a (x? + 9") dv Solution : Given y dx —x dy =a (x? + y*) dx gi ROOD og dich ta'(2] _" x+y? y [JNTU 2001S} Integrating on both sides, we get -1(x ; . tan™| — |=ax+c where c is an arbitrary constant. Jy Medhel—> Medthecl= 2 den gp nd +n dy=o § bomagencous iff eptand Nxtny-4? Men airy 3 Pode gaaring Goedoor af. Nia ey 0. working Rude -— A © Ndxtndy=0 @® LF = Ma+Ny | © Hage © De rullipying wgiveres?- Ammryt © Mada Ney =e @ se gu) ay ox @ $m dx + fry =e ! © iy dhese dent ohh dow eee re) PHO BOHOL SOMUUION OF (a fis SetEPES hy Be Example}: Soke dee (2 a= )dr=0 NTU CK) Feb. 2015 (6, 2 QS ay Solution : The given differential equation is ¥ dy +(x -xv dv =0 : This ia of the form Addr + Nay =O whore Ma y?,N =x? ~2y~y? Oa ON 6M _ ON Thins ey and Y= 2x-,y so that — * — ev ev ey ax *. The given equation is non-exact . But it is a homogeneous equation. ! Mee Ny yar =) Thus LF. = wo 1 Multiplying (1) with 3-5. we get vxt yt) + (2) Now OMG? =y = y(-2y) _ x yr 4 2y? vay ey (x? -y (2-yy yp? and NLS ie x? ~ y?)(2x~ y)~(x? - ay - y*)(2x) al) p+xy | vy? my (7 -yP yL@-yy] o?-yy , OM, _ ON ey ox So that equation (2) is exact. Hence the general solution of (2) is given by => j Max + J (terms independent of x in N,) dy=c (y constant) => j > part | dy=c>y J (y constant) * -y 7 de +log| yl=c ». ay Bhar» 1 1 Steely loge [Is 3 dr = log V2 > n(e2) +log| y|=loge V2 =(2) yoo =(x-y)y? =07(x+y) x+y » Solue ony Ai Cada y ely 2 Kydes, - cays) Ay > b. mM ~oy te 204 p> 2M. pis Be ae a A exoe* and th vs Ag He given DE Oe 6 A emogennous dorm Sonat BY + y- enya? = ~yihe celle ml JF = ney, y* musa TR oy © Grad + peal oO! 4 ‘con th) a 4 term) \(=p) a+ Ihde “3 “aN a 4 ely > 1 apy Ay = 3 . \ Cry anf Cy) dy <0 Mgieor CRY sapda- Cab agiay sg —O Me ay oy oe encta an’y om . aN . ay ty an ae amg Dt ay + 30 Given © @ fs NoMmeAck ae venta + any a aye cee Oe ay mulkdy Te Hh O atary 7 Na 4S my (as) one ( aye (Fe) De® Wau wees ney a es ae 7 oa ie exect- Yen OE Soho d (3) vs ( " dom + (ridy « 0 ty. const) Ceontidar only *y terms) \4-e)a-((Sa4 3 = Feplrdx- (Rane [% ap=0 = pom steqy = 4 5 Og yo 1a” ® c 2 Haw (%A) * Medhod = 3 2} the ey Naa dy =o Ya dhe pou 3 Sxy)dx ang Cxyylyeo uk Nx- NY 40 then coy 4 aw Bodespatin fasten a Mdoct nay =o. © LF = Mx-dy) woerking Ruste! O yh ta dx +X gODAt=o © BF smlbyifeg te FAY @ mda ndy = O @® md + nidy = 0 4 dM _ aN © Sto © 35° ox Gi) frida, nd =G @ nx-w4° _ _ ™ ANU Sea = golue yr YY de (a M + (1-*4 an — Gwen 4 2. a mos —Hm IY Sots f mM = Y -2 ‘ a om ze | 2 | ; : an a 2 Oa. oH Civen BE TY ts ron cuoel pane SY = ye 4) + may (yay) ary \ _ TF roe BY - any, caulkiply Tek win © (2D) aa (EED) ay 2 Ray (he Dae ss -® Vat metc- 5. act eM 4 ea et ay 7“ a” Bolukion 4 ® 1 1 Mx-Ny 3x33 LF = Mattiplying (1) with +375 =) we get ey w (2) This is of the form Mydx + Njdy = We 6M, _ ON, yi can prove —— = —— so that (2) is exact. P ae x fF Hence the general solution is given by M, ar+ [ (terms independent of xin Ny) dy=e (y constant) 2. pl J tar [au x By x (y constant) Bocq [= 9) #0 Examy(@4 : folve the DLE. 9 (vty + yy" + ayydy + x(xtyt = xy? +xy)dy =0 \ [JNTU (K) Dec. 2017 (Set No. 2] Solution : Comparing the given D.E. with M(x, y)dx + N(x, yay =0, we have 4 2,2 2 2 M=y(¥ yt +x7 Vy" +xy) =x +x y +x 2 2,2 and N= x(xtyt - xy? +xy)= xyt = vy? +x7y OM 2.2 5 5 Sa dxtyt 43x7y? +27 [Here x is constant] and ON 554 yt-3x7y?+2xy — [Herey is constant] ox ( > + ( So the given differential equation is not exact. ( Now we have to find I. F, (Integrating Factor) to reduce the given Equation in The given equation is of the form y.f(9)4" +xg(ay)dy=0 ' 1 1 . LF =———s Mx-Ny 23°53 1 ‘, Multiplying the given equation by my it becomes a(t of ea (Mee “2 }o-0 2 vy 2 ey 1 1 1 1 ot if 44-5 aad #y-t+ tayo 2 x xy g yx» 1d > [»" ti de sy lee(Pe-de a =0 x x’y yow This is in the form M,dx + N,dy =0 and it is an exact equation. -. The solution is [Mia + Jcterms of N, not containing x) dy =c (y constant) . 2,1 1 -! 2.2 ie, ie yt }ei(S ae or 7 +logx- Es logy ) x [Mec hodl— 4. °F dhene exisds 4 Concdnucus single Vaart be fos ex) suck Vad ag ax = $ay-then eftod s ah Pochesaaig usd Ndr Neg WN wea Pule:— : vdervdy. 0 © a. F nucktpljing in H2B> jinenceg ot aN : BI MAX +N hy £0 Oy F 9x. &) OM aah . (3 dy” dx © [ag alee ® frrdoct frrdly ec y @ Se. Fe ob OOM Example 5: Solve Gy" + 4ay —x)dy + vox 4 2y)dv = 0 [NTU (K) Feb. 2014 (Set No. 4 Solution : The given D.E. is (By? +4xy—-x)de + x(x +2y)dy =0 a) of the form Md + Ndy =Owhere M =3y? +4xy-x and N=x? +2xy eM zs =6y+4x and N= 2x42y &x 6M | éN - Since “G* Gy + the D. E. isnot exact aM _ EN Consider, 2:+2y) 22 xray) 2"? nk Multiplying (1) with x7 , we get (Gy? #4ay—)x2de + (a4 2y) dy = 0 2) This is of the form, Mydx+ Nydy =0 Here My =3x2y? +4x3y-2° and Ny = x82 y 6x7 +4x° and eM, _ éN : since Yt = + the D. E. is exact. oe Hence the general solution is Mydr+ f (the terms independent of x in Ny) dy=¢ (y constant) => foes? saxty-x) det f0.dy=e ) solve Cade ye Dae + x (aay) dy =o Given (ows 40) da a eer apay eg TA ae yh i ae a aay om | os ; . By "79 ba TRH 2Y, or) ON oY # led awer oe te nol exact” om _ ons sf + ( oY om | aap) 2% roy?) = 40%) 3% Ca 34) me nigyating declor = gre da. eae se ze cp ageon PD ng ey multiply Dee wth &, ee a &) an (- me \ dy = zo -@) ete > » ae vet eis y me ve2e. ow % am. 28 an _ 23 ay ae ' ax 7 KP Sm _ BH “sy Be { man + | ndy Sag » 4, Cyicont) — (considers {teams f (rade lat) su Jar 4m) dy +90 oe BN ‘ Se gat dE Ss oe MN AB gia ORY TY RO ®D aolve Ca ay lars 24 TY Oo Gwen (42 oy any a mY ay 20 =D woe oe aye Peay OM aay . aN 28 34 3 Se J am 40h aiven pe 1 oot exact WBF HE) ag ay 2 ay it sad -< Se ae = a 4) a th 24(y) Stoo aK Big Ae ae I-pere _) 2 9% = OF Lye arn, 5 uty abn ue Py oP a 1. fen. . an Jey 2 at pe OD Cuwack Soluken frrdn+ Indy a + fy ton st) Ceonrida’y terred) \(- 20% ue | 98, dy 0, ae ee to ® x ~ et on 4. Medhock—= 2; hese evista 2 Godin ol and) Ae sigle vasiable fu guy) rebel gp ere! sand S5e eee peeing fle @® PE- ely ne Orr nollie a pe & rd reid od : &) Set oth re oi =gty) Os er “ ( Jee fod =e Example 3:5 Solve the differential equation (2xy+e')dx—e'dy = 0), UNTE 4 20, 06 Solution : Given equation is y (2xy + e') dx —e* dy=0 => (2xy +e") d&k- (< “aye 0 (1) ~et This is of the form Max +Ndy=0, where M = (2xy +e") and N=~e" y ON ne oM Now ——=2x and oy ne y OM _ aN : : a Since ey ¥* ee therefore, the given equation is not exact differential equation We have 2 ~%4. ! [== Yl Qxy+e) eile ai Y(2xy +e*) LF, =el80 _ J-uy a =ebgy Multiplying (1) with i + We get y 1 .] = (2x7 +6") de d=0 ye y > daw se dt Bi x -e 1 This is of the form M, dx + N, dy = 0, where My = —(2xy+e*) and Ny =—- ¥ OM, Now —— eM L cx and éM, _ éN Oo Ox , Which is exact. Hence the general solution is given by Jmac + J(terms independent of x in N,) dy=c (y constant) ie., Jey +e dre [Ody =c > Jox+ Sar +0=c (ay consiant) (y constant) Note : This problem can be solved as a Bernoulli’s equation also. Example 4 : Solve the differential equation y (xy + e* )dx —e'dy = 0 Example 6: Solve the D. E.2xy*e" + yt yodr +(x? ye! yy? -3r)dy =0 JINTU (K) Dec. 2017 (Set No. 4)] Solution : The given differential equation is in the form Mak + Ndy = 0, where M= 2ayte” + 2xy? +yand N= xyte” -x?y? -3x OM , ON ; Now == 2xte” + 4y%e ) + 6xy? +1 and a 2xy*e” - 2Qxy? -3 cy 6M _ ON Clearly —-*—. Yay & So the given equation is not exact. ‘ 7 Now we have to determine I. F. (Integrating Factor) to reduce the given equation into exact. éN _ OM consider 2 -Bxy3e” -8xy" -4 ider =—7> 5 LL ons M 2xyte” + yr +y = er 241) -4 == More’ +29" +) =" fopissy y(2xyre” + xy" + ly 1 ares ; ey “LE = {0 ce I; ae Hoey = gloay “nn 1 ¢ exact differential equatiy, On multiplying the given equation by ~ , we get the exact diffe dia ¥ s)a=0 | 2re! +28 a }ee[e \ y which is in the form Mdx + N,dy = 0 and it is an exact D. E. The general solution is given by M, dx+ Joerms of N, not containing x) dy =c (y constant) ie, (2072S Jars fo.arne Vee, (y constant) 2 2 aye ie wae (S)+Sncorte ss tne which is the required so) ie, fz lersd 2) Wa)" ¥ yy Solve: ) Wty) detxydy=0 @) (=) dee G2y2ay2y 240, , (3) Gy? ty) de+2x7y? +24 y4) ay a0 (4) YO+ Yd + x04 3y 4 2)dy 0 (5) Bx’y* + 2uy)de + (23 — s2hqy = IINTU 20025) (6) (xe* te) de+ (ye ~ xe") dy =0 a) Wx y+ 6 \de (08 +P)d=0 8) (2x4 $293 + yy ae (x?yfe¥ = x22 -3x)dy=0 Pe

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